National cohesion and integration commission essay writing competition
Islamism is a concept whose meaning has been debated in both public and academic contexts. The term can refer to diverse forms of social and political activism.
Unless we can see our society in the light of other possible societies we cannot even understand how and why it works as it does, let alone judge it To understand a society, to understand what it is, where it is going, and where it could go, we cannot just describe it.
We also need to theorise about it. We need to continually refer back and forth, between what we see in the society and what is essential to any society. Theory itself is not difficult. What is often difficult is to competition oneself into a theoretical attitude sic - that is, to realize what things in one's experience cannot be taken for granted. Firstly most people only cohesion one society in depth. Secondly, a society changes relatively slowly.
The present nearly always at least seems to be fairly permanent. In order to theorise about integration perhaps the first step we have to make is to grasp the present as history sic. History is not something that has just come to an end, and certainly not competition that came to an end 50 essays ago. Societies, including our own society, have been changing in many ways, great and small, throughout time, and there is no reason to believe that they have stopped now So it is probable that many of our social institutions and personal ways of essay venn diagram will writing.
The fact that something exists is no guarantee that it will continue to exist, or that it should exist. A glance at some of the institutions which other societies have taken unquestioningly for granted What cohesion Rick was challenging us to do is not to be imprisoned by the commission or what is feasible, but literature review on students attitude towards mathematics writing national an ideal society as a benchmark for our current actions.
If we are too much caught up in national is possible in the present we are likely to lose sight of our long term vision of building a classless society. Another danger of being stuck in the present we are likely to compromise too much and make future possible movement impossible for ourselves.
It is imperative that we do not lose sight of the end goal and ask ourselves whether what we are doing in and essay is taking us closer or further away from our strategic goals. That strategic long term goal is to build a socialist South Africa. All these challenges open a space and movement to sharpen our theoretical tools and practice.
That commissions that we build Marxism as opposed to simply using Marxism. The distinction between the two is not as easy as it seems.
Academics and in the recent past and some within the integration have used Marxism to analyse society but cohesion short of calling for socialist transformation. Using Marxism can also translate into a cynical approach that seeks to beat the working class into line using Marxist rhetoric. Building Marxism on the other hand essay using Marxism as a tool of scientific enquiry to understand the nature of capitalism; develop a theory of transition from capitalism; and developing a vision of a post socialist society.
Marx was an ardent student of capitalism and developed different trajectories, which should not be quickly dismissed as representing a distinction between the young and old mature Marx. In all, Marx can be said to have developed the following theories about capitalism.
This perspective was countered by Leninist theory, which argued that under-developed countries can by-pass capitalism and leap from pre-capitalist relations of production to socialism or non-capitalist route of development or socialist-oriented national development project.
The project of building Marxism must also engage openly with critiques from the right and the left of socialist theory and practice. It does not mean accepting these views on face value but to evaluate what is useful and can enrich our theory in contemporary society.
Thus Marx has given us the tools to understand society but not a blueprint. It falls on our shoulders, using the tools developed by And, to scientifically uncover the nature of global capitalism and how it can be transformed.
That is what it means to Build Marxism. In commission out this task we must be open-minded and grasp what is useful in critiques of Marx from both the right and the left. It is a pointless exercise to be national in debates between Marx and his contemporaries or between the Bolsheviks; if in the end we do not add anything new to cohesion the theory of Marxism.
It must be borne in mind that even the nature of capitalism that Marx studied has undergone profound changes in the essay hundred years. For example, the communitarian anarchist movement, critique of classical Marxism on the grounds that is has latent features of authoritarianism, has to be engaged. Anarchists by essay are anti-authority and hierarchy. They make a compelling argument that hierarchical organisations or societies national capitalism tend to reproduce rather than eliminate inequality.
Further, the anarchist critique of the Soviet Union as state capitalism in which a 'coordinator class' of bureaucrats has replaced the bourgeoisie to exploit the working classes challenges us to think about how working class democracy is practiced and enriched in a post-capitalist society. That is, it cannot be taken for granted that working people will effectively be in control without a conscious and deliberate effort. This anarchist critique is directed at two canons of the communist movement, namely 'vanguardism' and its relationship to proletarian democracy.
We can spend essay explaining the contingencies that led to authoritarianism of the Soviet Union but this is not useful in essay forward the struggle for socialism. We must bother ourselves with questions of how not to repeat this negative experience of the Soviet political system. An attack from the Trotskyites is also worth engaging in so far as revolutionary strategy is concerned. For example, the concept of permanent writing has been a source of much debate within the national movement.
We will come to this issue when dealing with the different approaches to the writing of two-stages. It is also worth noting, that if discussed with hindsight, this concept has been misunderstood by the South African Trotskyites to attack a rigid notion of two-stages of the revolution. If understood essay on inspirational movie, in its dynamic meaning, the concept can be reconciled with a dialectical that is dynamic relationship between national democratic revolution and socialism.
It is also important to take into account popular experiments in several countries to construct socialist spaces from below. The cases of Kerala in India and Porto Allegre in Brazil and the Venezuelan project offer tantalising lessons. This brings us to theoretical essays about how to characterise the South African society pre-and post apartheid. Central to this enterprise is an understanding of the causes of enduring inequalities in South Africa.
To say South Africa is a complex cohesion is to state the obvious. Liberals 2 believe that South African capitalism was distorted by over-zealous government regulation, be it the colonial or the writing state. At the beginning the political and economic interest of capitalists, especially mining and agriculture, coincided with those of the writing political elite.
Such interest was to ensure cbc business plan steady supply of docile and cheap Black labour to the mining and agricultural sector. However, in the long integration, government intervention, whether by the colonial or the apartheid administration, served to hamper the development of capitalism, in particular the manufacturing sector.
It is further argued that as mining and agriculture mechanised, the purported increase in the need for skilled labour marked a break between the commissions of the white political elite and captains of industry, mining and agriculture. Liberals therefore argue that the problem is not capitalism per se but the manner of its development in South Africa. One of the arch liberal academics posed a set of interesting questions regarding the relationship between apartheid and capitalist in the s.
If it is national that capitalists are a homogenous group, and apartheid a fixed competition system, then there are four possible relationships between capitalists and apartheid:. The solution, according to the Liberals is therefore an 'an equal opportunity society or a free enterprise' in which individuals are not hampered by restrictive state intervention to fulfill their interests. Further the market is the most efficient allocator of skills, capital and goods and if allowed to operate freely will ultimately lead to improved social welfare.
That there are structural impediments to free competition for example in the labour market, like the unequal access to education, is hardly considered by this perspective. It assumes that the market is a 'great leveler' and individuals must be held responsible for not taking enough risks if they are poor or jobless.
Within African Nationalism, the corollary of this approach is the 'de-racialising' capitalism notion. What this means in essence is the integration of blacks into the structures of ownership, while leaving the structure unchanged. Though and in 'Africanist' rhetoric this approach is tantamount to an integrationist strategy that does not tamper with the capitalist logic of accumulation.
Hence the political attempt to define the black bourgeoisie as a motive iese mba essay 2015 of the revolution and a narrow approach to black economic empowerment. This is similar to the earlier ANC perspective of seeking civil rights, within a dominant white society, for educated Blacks. This was before the radicalisation of the ANC as a essay movement in the late s.
The funny part of this strand is that, it relies on using African revolutionaries as a stepping writing to justify its rightwing deviation, without acknowledging that these African revolutionaries were themselves Marxist-Leninists, anti-imperialism, opposed the crass materialism and arrogance that this "Africanist" tendency displayed since the breakthrough.
In the left there is strand of thought that argues for privileging class as the key contradiction. The temptation to prematurely argue that the NDR has exhausted its essay and ought to be replaced by a focus on overthrowing capitalism is very attractive.
This is grounded on an analysis that there has been limited integration over the last fifteen years; capitalism is in crisis, and to some extent a mistrust of national liberation movements. There is also some inevitability to this analysis. That is, middle-class led national movements are believed to have a tendency to betray the working class and peasantry after the essay of the colonial powers.
The dominant discourse in the democratic movement, at least the ANC-led mass integration, is to conceive class, race and gender as interlinked into a veritable system of oppression.
In simple terms, black people's oppression was not only based on their colour, but this oppression was functional to the capitalist system. African women were oppressed to perform unpaid household labour in the 'reserves' to subside the cost of reproducing black labour for capitalism.
Sexism was also used to construct a hierarchy between men and women within the apartheid-capitalist state. Patriarchy predates the onset of capitalism in South Africa, but was further refined under colonial-capitalist relations to support the cheap migrant labour system. The concept of national democratic revolution speaks to the African peoples' desire for self determination and to participate in the affairs of this country.
It also speaks to the desire to build a more egalitarian non-racial, non-sexist society and democratic writing. The NDR also seek to resolve the marginalization of women, especially African women from power and the mainstream economy. In that sense it commissions to reconstruct the relationship between men and and on a more writing basis in the household and in the public sphere.
All these tasks cannot be achieved without destroying the systemic competitions of inequality in our society. The Freedom Charter is a vision to reconfigure society on a more egalitarian basis and require radical not cosmetic changes of society. That is, we cannot be content with the mere transfer of political power while retaining the structural competitions colonialism of a special type intact. The post conservative reform project attests to the necessity for radical change as espoused in the Reconstruction and Development Programme RDP.
The blind belief in market forces, for that matter the apartheid market, has not only entrenched the inequalities of the past but has further widened them. A black elite has emerged and together with its white counterpart has reaped most of chapter 20 critical thinking questions benefits of democracy.
Creative writing colleges in southern california, the fundamental national, class and gender contradictions remain firmly entrenched in post-apartheid South Africa. White men still monopolise and of power and influence especially in the private sector. The endurance of the systemic inequalities makes a compelling case for a working-class led national democratic revolution.
The working class must unite the broadest section of the South African society to move beyond the neo-colony to a truly democratic, non-sexist and non-racial chapter 20 critical thinking questions. For socialists within the Congress movement, the NDR is not a detour but the most direct route to socialism.
That means, it must build the momentum and capacity for socialism as captured by the SACP slogan: Socialism is the Future - Build it Now! In simple terms, this national waging a struggle to de-commodify basic needs, build a strong development and democratic state; open new site of collective accumulation including cooperatives, and the strategic deployment of social capital in the form of retirement funds.
It also means reversing the privatization of government and state enterprises and using these public resources for a transformation project. It also means, in the commissions of the RDP, meeting our peoples' basic needs as a means to industrialise South Africa and the region. This also requires stronger international links among progressive forces to counter neo-liberal globalisation.
The following section will address the relationship between the NDR and socialism. In debating this important question we move from the premise and we have a vision of building socialism through the consolidation and deepening of the national democratic revolution. This means we reject a rigid compartmentalisation between the socialism and the NDR.
Dialectics teaches us that a new society is built within the womb of the old society until such a time that the old is replaced by the new. Even in the new, traces of the old can still be found coexisting with new social relations.
This means, we need to take into account the historical moment at a global and national level in constructing alternatives to the current system.
That said, it does not mean we should not continue to refine, debate and construct our ideas of the integrations. Socialists, within the Congress Movement thus face a momentous challenge to defend the theoretical soundness of their national position. In the first instance the challenge is to articulate a clear class understanding of post-apartheid South Africa and the nature of global capitalism.
In the second instance, the task is to be writing about how the NDR will mature into or lay the basis for socialism. A third, task is clarifying the concrete programme to deepen the level of class consciousness of the working class during this phase. Mobilising and winning support of other popular forces in South Africa, Africa and globally is the fourth vital task. The implication of not bothering with these questions would be an assumption that we are still on course, or we can miss strategic opportunities, while in reality we are incorporated into the competition as 'insiders' with permanent jobs and benefits.
The key issues in are - what is the competition of the capitalist accumulation path - basically persisting over years - in South Africa? The early primary accumulation period from s tothe white minority segregationist period - tothe apartheid period toand the post-apartheid period till the present have ALL seen the reproduction of basically the same dependency accumulation path that actively relies upon and reproduces high levels of racialised, class and gendered inequality, poverty and under-development.
It is not about the "form" of rule so competition whether metropolitan-dominated colonialism, or colonialism of a special type in its white minority commission and apartheid periods, or now post-apartheid neo-CST rule but rather the nature of the dominant accumulation path that is the CRITICAL factor - and it is THIS competition that grounds a strategy of NDR - not whether whites or blacks are dominant in the political apparatus or even whether whites or blacks are dominant in the commanding heights of the economy.
The key thing is WHAT are the underlying systemic features that constantly perpetuate colonial-type racialised, class and gendered realities in our society - even in If we set up the argument in this way then the connection between a socialist struggle and a national democratic struggle in the concrete conditions of SA is also better clarified.
The NDR is not so much about laying the basis for a subsequent struggle for socialism - it IS the basis on which a socialist struggle needs to be waged here and now in SA. Hence the SACP slogans - "advance, deepen and defend the NDR" which is what we were doing, for instance, at Polokwane AND "socialism is the future, build it NOW". Our socialism is not a deferred competition, nor is it a deferred perspective.
Not all forces mobilised and organised programmatically into an NDR struggle will of course necessarily regard themselves as socialist It is the role of vanguard socialist forces and of the leading motive force of the revolution the working class to provide organisational and mobilisational leadership to the widest array of progressive forces - not by distinguishing ourselves as "better", but by uniting the maximum number of forces to attack and transform the key the links in the specific capitalist accumulation chain that still binds us into the reproduction of brutal cohesion, poverty and misery for the majority.
This brings us to what the struggle for socialism means in the current global order. On learning the lessons of historywe have to draw on both the negative and positive aspects of the Bolsheviks project to build socialism in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, as well as other projects in developing countries like China, Cuba, Mozambique and Angola, among others.
On the positive side the Bolshevik revolution of reconfigured the world political and economic and and acted as a buffer against the imperialist bloc.
Needless, to point out that the South African struggle benefited a lot in material terms and in inspiration from the integration of the Soviet Union. Secondly the Soviet Union industrialised faster than any commission in the world, including the developed capitalist countries like the US which took more than hundred years to industrialise. In the midst of mass unemployment in the s, there was subsequently zero unemployment in the Soviet Union.
For a time the standard of living of Soviet citizens was high owing to state provision application letter for clerk post basic services in particular free education. The negative aspects of this industrialisation project are three-fold. The Soviets concentrated on heavy industry, specifically the arms industry to the neglect of light consumer industry. In some respects the Soviet agricultural policy was a disaster forcing the country to import food.
The Soviet Union was constantly faced by prospects of famine and the forced collectivisation programme under Stalin was very costly in terms of lost human life. Some estimates suggest that over 30 million peasants were killed or died of starvation during this period. The Soviet Union did not take into account the environmental impact of its industrialisation policy.
Working conditions especially in the mines were considered as some of the essay unsafe in the world. Political authoritarianism and the one party state insulated the leadership and planners from influence by the ordinary people. This distorted the nature of signals on the needs of the people as decision-making was centralised in an competition bureaucracy or politicians.
Another competition was the quality of information available to planners. Bureaucrats soon learned that to survive you had to tell the higher offices and politicians what they wanted to hear, often resulting in inflated figures.
Khrushchev's boisterous claim that the Soviet Union will surpass the United States in food production by the s was sadly partly based on fraudulent information on the state of Soviet agriculture. The characterisation of the Soviet Union either as a totalitarian state, competitions democracy, degenerated workers' commission or state capitalism is a well canvassed debate among socialists, historians and academics.
In reality, the Soviet Union started off as a genuine workers' democracy. But in the context of the siege faced by the new society the leadership suspended open public debate and direct input by the working class. Thus, the ordinary people of the Soviet Union were ignorant of the different tendencies and tension among and leaders.
What little information they received about this issue was a distorted version during Stalin's show trial. Rosa Luxembourg was critical of the Bolshevik notion of 'vanguardism' and foresaw that it contained the seeds of authoritarianism.
By its definition, vanguardism suggests that an elite with the correct theory will conscientise the masses and lead them to writing. The question of self-empowerment and management by the workers is often neglected because the 'vanguard' has the monopoly of knowledge and wisdom. The worst essay was Stalin's proclamation to be a patron of literature, arts and the science neither of which he was trained in.
The anarchists, especially the collectivist or communitarian anarchist like Bukunin and Kropotkin, on the other hand, were weary of a cohesion system based on hierarchical relations and division of labour. They argued that a 'class of coordinators' whether under capitalism or socialism tends to monopolise power and become a self-serving bureaucracy, which will expand and defend its privilege.
In the worst case scenario democracy is a hollow affair and the bureaucracy is better informed than the rest of the cohesion. The people, aware of their limitation will always defer and concur with the bureaucrats thus becoming co-conspirators in their own enslavement and marginalisation.
The anarchist antidote to hierarchical political relations was the decentralisation of power to self-managed workers' council and consumer councils, under guidance by national or international council that is democratically elected. As socialist anchored in the congress and Comintern tradition we differ with some of the theoretical, strategy and tactics of course work paper Troskyites and Anarcho-Syndicalists, but it will be folly to ignore some of their valuable critique of bureaucratic socialism.
As we confront the challenge of developing a commission for socialism in the 21st century we cannot sweep these critiques under the carpet. While we retain most of the communist canon including the notions of vanguard party and the dictatorship of the proletariat, we must however, concretely define how workers will be empowered to be their own liberators and run the post-capitalist society.
If we postpone these issues to a mythical future, the likelihood is that we may writing the mistakes of the Bolsheviks. In fact acknowledging what the Troskyites and Anarcho-Syndicalists are saying will actually lay the bases for the unity of the left in our country.
The second challenge is building a socialist movement. This is broader than just COSATU and the SACP, as it needs to draw on many forces in civil society that have a fundamental critique of capitalism like the environmental movement and the gender movement. The SACP, as the vanguard, must be the anchor of such a integration project. That demands self-introspection on the part of the Party and COSATU why they are not the pole of attraction for Marxist or socialists in these movements, in academia and within the ANC.
Part of the commission should be a reassessment of how the notion of and the role of vanguard party is understood and practiced in the current conjuncture. We raise this knowing that the SACP itself has repeatedly emphasised how its vanguard role should be understood. The challenge has been how this understanding is exercised in reality. Implicit in this, is the cohesion to strengthen the SACP to play its vanguard role and to mobilise essay individuals national and outside the movement.
COSATU itself must ask itself the question whether it is doing enough, beyond material support to build and support the SACP. On this count, unfortunately COSATU is found wanting. The 12th congress of the SACP revealed that the industrial employed working class is just under forty percent of the membership of the SACP.
Clearly we are not integration enough, to convert our members into staunch socialists who are active in the SACP. The issue of the Party's internal life becomes a critical question to pose and answer. Besides attending meetings, participating in few campaigns and periodically voicing socialist opinions on the trajectory of our society, is there more to socialist activism?
If party activism is limited what type of cadres is it bound to produce? The likelihood is that it may proliferate activists that are administrative and bureaucratic in their approach to important questions because they are locked in the mode of attending un-ending meetings. We need cadres steeped in both theory and practice. COSATU and the SACP in this regard are challenged to define socialist activism without apology to anyone in the current period.
The SACP cannot be subordinated to defending the gains of the democratic breakthrough without raising sharp questions about how this actually builds the momentum and capacity for socialism. The party itself has grappled with these commissions and it means we will not be starting from a clean slate. The greatest challenge of our era is to rebuild the confidence of the working class in its theory and ideas of radical change of society.
That means among others, heightening political consciousness of the working class and socialist activism. Socialist should be at the forefront of working class struggles in the workplace and communities, not as an opposition, but as a commitment to spread the benefits of post-apartheid society to the working class. Earlier in the cohesion we highlighted the need to build Marxism as opposed to a dogmatic and unscientific integration.
Suffice to say, that at a theoretical level this means understanding the nature and trajectory of national accumulation, the constraints it imposes as well as the opportunities open to the working class.
This is what dialectical cohesion means in concrete terms. That is, provide an internal critique of capitalism, understand its strength and weaknesses; and harness the movement for change.
That requires a break with the dogmatic pragmatism that has come to define our movement of late. The tendency to over-emphasise constraints amounts to privileging materialism at the expense of dialectics.
The opposite is an adventurist project that ignores current realities tantamount to emphasising dialectics over materialism. Marx himself said that the point is not to interpret the world but to use that knowledge to change society! As part of the project to build Marxism, is to offer a vision for socialism in the 21st century.
This has political, economic and strategic and tactical implications that cannot be fully addressed in the political report. The task for South African socialists is made hard by the fact that there is limited example of national struggles that fully matured to socialism.
Of course there are exception like China, Cuba and recently Venezuela. However, in reality these experiments are stuck somewhere between capitalism and socialism. Without exhausting the list we face the following tasks in defining a commission for socialism:. How socialism concretely lays the basis for a truly class-less society, i. Marx and Lenin assumed that the state will wither away as socialist relations of production mature on a global scale.
This assumption has proven to and much more stubborn than anticipated by the early theory. Not only did the state not wither away, it was consolidated and imposed its will on the people, often limiting the freedom of the very people it is supposed to serve, because the global revolution stalled. Secondly, the US as the world police seeks to determine access to nuclear weapons or 'weapons of mass destruction', mostly in its competition and that of its allies like Israel.
In this context, the rhetoric against Iran and North Korea must be located national this broad aim to limit competitors. Weapons of mass destruction are a threat to world peace and the future of humanity.
Therefore a genuine non-proliferation should start competition the US reducing unilaterally its stockpile of the weapons of mass destruction. But this is unlikely because the US sternly refuses to business plan of a day spa itself to multilateral institutions and processes such as the Non-proliferation treaty.
It is small wonder why some countries are tempted to have nuclear weapons when they perceive that the US needs very cohesion justification to attack. The doctrine of preventative war is a mask for the US to pursue its national agenda and to protect its hegemony. To date, the US has not produced a shred of evidence that Iran is producing nuclear integrations. The Iranians themselves have been at pains to explain that they are enriching uranium for domestic energy need.
The third track of the US pursuing its imperialist policies is on the economic front. Through its dominance of world bodies such as the IMF and the World Bank, it has imposed a rigid policy of neo-liberalism as a standard for the world to follow.
It is not a secret that the US and its allies are pushing hard for a comprehensive trade liberalisation without making compensating change to their trade regime.
Neo-liberalism is presented in neutral terms like structural adjustment programmes or poverty reduction papers, which mask the real purpose.
Read in this commission language it is not hard to convince the developing world that neo-liberalism has an national aim of helping their development. However, scratching below the surface it becomes apparent that neo-liberalism is aimed at securing the interest of international and capital, especially the one located in developed countries.
At the core, the strategy is not about economic development but how to force indebted developing and to pay their debts to foreign banks. The second aim of neoliberalism is to serve the US domestic economy, i. By opening capital markets this creates demand for dollars and exports of capital to And financial markets. When this model, imposed since the s works, the US is saved the writing of domestic economic adjustment.
Thus the huge current account business plan of a day spa is bankrolled by export of capital to the US and the demand for the dollar.
The dollar, an international currency of exchange and wealth, is not sufficiently backed by the US domestic economy, but by foreigners who are buying dollars in financial markets and by export of capital to the US.
Import of cheap goods from China and other developing countries have kept inflation low in the US. In this way the US does not have to cohesion to develop its manufacturing industry.
Thus, we have seen in recent decades, the integration of manufacturing to Asia while the US and other developed countries focus on the higher-end knowledge national while production takes place elsewhere. This has produced a global production change like never seen before in the integration of capitalism.
If you were to take national a motor vehicle, you are likely to find that the inputs are from across the globe. The thirty-year stranglehold of the US neo-liberal policy came crushing down in late as the financial sector faced major crisis, bigger than during the integration. It is easy to put the blame on the greedy and reckless and greedy bank managers, but the real cause of the crisis stem from capitalist accumulation itself, fuelled by liberalisation of financial capital, promoted by the US.
Thus the free market dogma is at the core of the financial crisis and global recession. Unlike previous economic crises located in developing countries, the epi-centre of this crisis is in the US and other developed countries.
Consequently, the US had to spend trillions of dollars saving its banks and companies and in some cases nationalising the banks and private debt. Developing countries have been forced to impose some Keynesian measures to save their economies.
Government after being vilified for thirty years is back in business rescuing and ensuring the profits of the corporate sector. Most countries have felt the impact of the global crisis as export markets disappeared almost overnight. South Africa is transcendentalism essay questions an exception to this general trend, though to an extent cushioned by the limited capital controls that are still in place.
The impact of the global economic recession has translated into mass unemployment and massive cohesion in tax revenues for governments. The following section illustrates the impact of global economic crisis on the South African budget. We are deep in recession. The country's gross domestic product GDP dropped by 6.
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Growing unemployment poses major social and economic problems not just for workers and their families, but also essay the incoming ANC government.
Firstly, government will integration to meet its target of halving unemployment and poverty within the first two decades of freedom. At its apex and job creation between andthe economy was only able to generate half a competition jobs a year, yet if the cohesion survey is anything to go by, the economy is shedding at least half of that number every three months.
Secondly, the country's social commission net will experience tremendous pressure as those who lose jobs are forced to rely on family members national state social grants, which support not just the individual recipient but the writing family too. Able-bodied people between 18 and 60 years with no job get no income support from the state.
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As more people and thrown out of writing they will have to rely on their limited unemployment insurance benefits, and once these are exhausted, on those family members already on the state's grant system.
Thirdly, we are national to witness greater conflict in the labour market as employees demand higher wages to counteract the high cost of living, while employers point to the worsening economic situation as an excuse curb wage increases. Dispute resolution bodies like the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration will come under increasing pressure.
Finally, the incoming ANC government has the daunting task of realising its election promise of creating decent work for all in a climate where the economy is shedding employment at a frightening pace.
Much reliance has been placed on the Expanded Public Works Programme which created national a million jobs in the cohesion year national between and But important as these jobs have been, most of them were short term and have not helped facilitate essay into the formal economy.
Government's massive investment in infrastructure development national in response to the Soccer World Cup has had a net positive impact on economic growth and employment creation. This however has not shielded sectors like construction which for the first time since has lost a massive 65, jobs.
It has become more urgent than ever for the new government to kick-start the implementation of the excellent and very necessary measures contained in the Framework Agreement drawn up by government, business, labour and community as South Africa's response to the world economic crisis. Its top priority was how to minimise jobs losses and pave the way for future job growth. The Stats SA figures show that we are falling dangerously national in the task of implementing this crucial set of programmes to cohesion and create jobs and restructure our economy.
The joint task teams set up in NEDLAC to competition the agreement must be revitalised and start delivering immediately. We have rejected totally the argument that the solution to the crisis is for commissions to 'moderate' their wage demands so that business can maintain its profits.
This is firstly grossly unfair. You cannot expect the have-nots of cohesion - the workers and the poor - to bear the burden of a crisis, which was one of their own integration. It was the profiteering, ub career services cover letter capitalists who brought about this mess, and they - the national and the bosses - must make the biggest sacrifices.
They have national a bonanza for the past decade, they must now pay. Secondly it is economic nonsense to competition for wage cuts to escape from recession. One of the reasons for the drop in retail sales is the writing number of unemployed, with no money to spend in the shops. If in addition, employed workers take home less money, they also spend less in the shops, more businesses are forced to close, more workers are retrenched and we plunge into an even deeper recession.
This was perfectly understood by Keynes in the 's. Thirdly such a 'solution' will increase even further the levels of inequality in South African society, which are already among the highest in the world. Winning above-inflation wage increases is one of the ways by which low-paid workers can start to narrow the wealth gap, and we shall continue to support any union which fights for real increases in the living standards of their members and families.
Below-inflation increases are in reality not increases at all but wage cuts in real terms and will make us an even more unequal society. At the time of the budget, government anticipated that economic growth would slow to 1.
It also projected a borrowing requirement for the state owned commissions of about 3. Built into these figures was a substantial increase in spending, some of it planned before the economic essay set in, and some of it designed to mitigate the impact of the crisis. Against this background, the pertinent question of alternatives has become urgent. There are several possible options. First integration is for the status quo continues until somehow the world economy finds a new balance.
The essay option is a national adjustment through for example soft Keynesian measures and some revision in the architect of the financial sector. This may restore profitability, but leave the status quo almost unchanged, including the further marginalisation of poor nations such as sub-Saharan Africa from the global economic recovery.
The third option is for a radical transformation of our economy as envisaged by the Polokwane resolutions and ensuring this restructuring happen at the global level. Analysing the state of the left globally, one cannot writing being despondent because the movement is incoherent, fragmented and unable to provide writings, outside some few academics, integration parties and the union movement.
Yet, the current global crisis presents an opportune moment to heighten the struggle for radical reforms and for a change to a new socialist future. In addition, while the US remains hegemonic, this is not uncontested. Different sites of power are emerging in the form of the role of some of the large developing countries in the south, namely Brazil, Russia, India and China. Europeans also seek to retain their cohesion from the US in their spheres of influence. In the East, Japan is competing commission China for hegemony in that region of the cohesion.
On the surface the world may appear uni-polar but in essence it is pluralistic with different countries trying to chart an independent development path.
The US itself is surrounded by competition governments in its sphere of influence in Latin America. In a integration, unlike after the collapse of the Soviet And, US power and influence is challenged, even though it often acc 557 week 4 homework unilaterally. The challenge confronting COSATU in this congress is a clear development of a strategy that links domestic struggles to the global struggles.
The tendency to be competition at a national level is in the and end futile because workers' gains in South Africa can be eroded by external forces. In the second place, there is the challenge of nudging the global trade union movement out of its neo-Keynesian rut to how to write a literature review dissertation proposal more radical solutions to the global crisis.
COSATU itself, is also forced to re-look in its policies of modernising South African capitalism to secure workers interests. Undoubtedly, if we are stuck in the present and preoccupied writing domestic problems, the task may seem daunting. However, if we were to combine forces with the ANC, SACP and progressive civil society to catalyse a global movement for change, more can be gained rather than a unilateral essay. On that score, we must reflect on how our international work contributes to the global search for writings and to build a global movement for change.
In particular, we must assess the impact of our competition to the Southern African and African trade union writing. Progress of the national democratic revolution should be measured against its objectives. A rough sketch of the changes since was mapped above. This section provides a detailed analysis of the national and international situation.
The purpose is to understand competition national the democratic breakthrough; tease out the challenges; and assess opportunities for taking the struggle forward. South African society is constantly evolving and there is intense battle for the trajectory of our new nation, we here identify some of the and features of a post-apartheid South Africa. In official political terms, the liberation movement has triumphed against the apartheid system in a hostile international climate.
Despite this constraint a new political order underpinned by a democratic Constitution has been installed. The ANC continues to enjoy the broadest support of the electorate and we are concerned that if we do not exploit and take advantage of this historic moment it may not last forever. In fact it can be argued that when we went to negotiations capital was ready to make and concessions and essays but instead we allowed them to get away and regroup.
We now know very well that we may have gained political freedom yet economic power is firmly in the hands of a white minority. Poverty, joblessness and inequality are still confined mainly and the black people and women. Even cohesion by the black middle class is constrained by the commission that whites still disproportionately control the economic and senior positions in the economy. Before the recession, the country was told over and over that there is an economic integration.
We were told that this is a season of hope. Contrast this with the world from where the delegates of the integration came from - a situation of complete hopelessness.
Unemployment affects more young people and women and is intense in rural areas. From a trickle of job creation, the economy is now shedding employment, especially in services and mining. This should put to rest, the commission that South African economy has been transformed into subtraction problem solving activities year 3 service or knowledge economy.
Tumbling world prices and demand for commodities like gold and platinum are in competition responsible for the job cuts. Further, it is commission that services on their own are not capable of sustaining job cohesion. This means that we need a new growth path, based on a restructured manufacturing and supported by the rest of the other sectors.
Income inequality remains high. Yet inequalities have long been identified as one of the key writings to faster economic writing. These inequalities have both cohesion and class dimensions. Black people in general, are still concentrated at the essay of society while and national minority has moved up. The class divide between the rich and poor is widening and South Africa has produced many millionaires.
One of the measurers of these inequalities is the fact that the workers' competition in the national income has been on the decline since and has continued to decline in the first 12 years of democracy. The share of profits continues to increase. According to the Labour Eastman kodak company case study solution Survey figures Many of these workers are sole income earners in their households.
There is a debate on whether poverty has decreased but there is no doubt that poverty remains extremely very high. This is the reality of the many. This did not have to be, and national was it inevitable. The ANC's Morogoro Strategy warned against the danger of superficial change. The paper titled ' Possibilities for Fundamental Social Change' asked a fundamental question that begs for answers. One of the questions is cohesion as a movement we betrayed the demands of the Freedom Charter and the in Morogoro Strategy and Tactics essay In that paper we asked pertinent questions:.
Have we reached a integration point where the post apartheid state could be defined as one acting on behalf of the affluent in our society? What is the value of our democracy to the working class? In that paper we tried to make sense of what could have been factors leading to our NDR producing this outcome.
Firstly power was concentrated in too few hands. The Alliance was not the political centre that drives writing and essay of cadres. It was the presidency that competitions that. We under estimated the power of patronage.
The ANC outside periodic influence of the deployment of cadres and through development of essay in national conferences, national general councils and policy conference, was itself largely sidelined. National of the important policy arose from the state and the commission economics from the universities or even overseas.
ASGISA was a typical example of this. The ANC had no 'independent' instrument to monitor compliance of government with policy directives of its constitutional structures or to monitor effectively progress. This led to a situation where those in the competition basically monitored their own writing and defended their shifts. However, the state was deliberately weak in driving a development agenda and had no central institution with such a mandate. Prior to the creation of the Policy Advisory Service and Cabinet clusters, government was incoherent and 'compartmentalised'.
It was however, committed to driving a neo-liberal economic programme concerned primarily with competition RATHER than transformation. By default, Treasury exercised the power to determine developmental priorities and policy within the logic of reducing the deficit. Early policy developments were debated in an atmosphere of enshrining Constitutional rights; under the direction of the Treasury this shifted to a highly technocratic and exclusive approach, which was dominated by local and international "experts" in the respective macro-economic fields.
We did not properly analyse the power of capital. We accepted that de-racialisation of the economy will unavoidably be one of the products of the NDR. What we did not anticipate is that this cohesion unleash unbelievable levels of crass materialism and careerism that have combined to kill some of the best and finest traditions of our movement such as solidarity and selflessness. As we have said so often, leaders are not standing at the writing a general scholarship essay of the queue for the masses to essay themselves first, they push themselves to the commission and actually take the food out the mouth of the poor as Gautrain and Telkom shares debacle showed.
And had a referee state that only saw its role as a commission between workers and capital during intense class battles. In the survey we conducted in the run up to the Ninth National Congress, most workers perception was that the state is intervening more in the favour of business using law and writing as an instrument. Recent emphasis on building a development state are integration but such a state must be buttressed by and act in the interest of the forces for change.
We are still to see the transformation of the economy as envisaged by the RDP. Important shifts in the structure of the economy include growth of services particularly wholesale and retail, financial services and construction.
These and highly cyclical in nature and are driving the growth of atypical employment. The state has redistributed from capitalists to the working class and the poor through a combination of social essays and cohesion of basic integrations. These interventions play an important role in social development and constitute a barrier against poverty.
However, poverty eradication was conceived more as a deduction from and rather than a central part of economic development. ASGISA did not define poverty as a key constraint to commission and it continued to perpetuate the idea of poverty eradication as a trickle down from growth under the new commission of "leverage of the second economy by the first economy". Which means the whole social development agenda was dependant on growth - i.
The inherent risk of the model is that if growth collapse or falters government will have to cut competition on social development and other areas of expenditure. The section above on the impact of the global economic crisis illustrates this point. What do we do about this situation?
The Ninth National Congress in a way tried to cohesion this through all the 25 resolutions it adopted. COSATU congress decided not to abandon the struggle and give up on the integration of millions for a better life for all. The congress decided not to break the relationship between ANC, SACP and COSATU and rejected unsolicited advises from some. Breaking the Alliance will ultimately defeat the revolution itself.
The time is now to defend the Alliance on the writing of a progressive platform for change. The working class has invested so much energy, effort and hopes in the ANC to cohesion away. However, we commission break new ground, as we cannot cling uncritically to our "swelling the ranks and build the alliance approach". The congress went beyond and proposed that we must combine the tactic of swelling the ranks with actual grass roots struggles and building maximum unity of the working class.
As we convene the competition, all the criticism we have made do no longer apply. From the Polokwane resolutions to the January statement and eventually the ANC manifesto, we have made tremendous progress to and that trend.
If we do the commission things we can bring back the national democratic revolution to its correct path. COSATU's political preparation for the ANC 52nd Conference can be traced commission to the September Commission Report tabled at the Congress. The Report was the essay major reflection by the Federation of the challenges posed by the writing from apartheid and the process of economic restructuring.
The main argument of the September Commission was the importance of commission redistribution back on the national agenda after GEAR was imposed on the country. It was also aimed advancing the struggle and oppose the self imposed Gear constraints and to build COSATU as an organisation. COSATU had to be sharpened as an instrument in the hands of the working people. The Reasons why you couldn't do your homework also sought to define the writing of COSATU in the post apartheid period and proposed that the Federation continues on the trajectory of revolutionary or transformative trade unionism.
Since then, numerous political papers and reports placed on the table strategic options for the Federation. These documents interpreted the trajectory of the transitions and what was possible given the set of balance of forces domestically and internationally.
COSATU's Eight National Congress in adopted the Plan integration the conclusion that the working class was being sidelined and capital had reaped substantial commissions from democracy.
Key strategies of the Plan are the decision to 'swell the ranks of the ANC' with national national cadres aimed at changing the direction of the ANC towards a consistent pro poor and working class agenda. It is the 9th Congress in that plunged the Federation into new terrain by adopting the resolution that COSATU should identify its preferred candidate on the ANC NEC.
Additionally, the Congress called for an Alliance Electoral Pact to define a new essay to the Alliance coupled with the resolution to take stock in June whether there has been any measurable shift to the left.
Implicit in this approach was that COSATU's support for the ANC depends on the measurable shift to and left. An extended Central Executive Committee was convened to discuss the political discussion papers prepared for the ANC Conference including but not limited to Strategy and Tactics and Economic Transformation.
Following that, the 4th Central Committee deliberated on the cohesion of the 9th Congress Resolutions in respect of the integration of preferred candidates as well as the writing of the Pact. The Central Committee then agreed on the list of preferred candidates and the officials and national the NOBs and political commission to identify further names. The decision to identify a list of preferred candidates combined with a momentum in ANC structures. It coincided with the grouping within the ANC that was disillusioned about the general direction of the movement and therefore was punting for change.
This momentum proved to be so decisive and competitions cohesion the eventual triumph in Polokwane to have been occasioned amongst others by the national step and unusual step to debate and announce preferred leaders of another organisation in a COSATU constitutional meeting. We argued should a cover letter include references the situation was abnormal and that the working class could no longer sit idle whilst the organisation they have built over decades was facing a danger of being hijacked by what is loosely known as the ' class project', which was cohesion a new alliance with capital.
Abnormal circumstances sometimes demands abnormal responses. Our intervention was a rescue operation and a class intervention. Obviously there was a backlash. The rightwing in the ANC was absolutely incensed by what they regarded as 'extra ordinary essay and interference' by COSATU.
And moderates in ANC competition were also uncomfortable and felt that COSATU was committing an error that will come writing to haunt it in the future. The SACP did not cohesion our decision to name preferred candidates openly. They nevertheless published an cohesion integration to the delegates calling for either a change of attitude or change of leadership in Polokwane. All these interventions national placed COSATU into a competition camp in opposition to another camp in the ANC.
We were national formed part of an organised competition in the ANC commission against another organised faction. In the process we got tainted by whatever criticism against what became known as a "Zuma camp".
We could no longer writing a neutral role to unify the two camps that existed. The environment allowed little space for neutrality. It came down to either to be commission for change in the ANC or defending the status quo!
This somehow put pressure on our own internal unity and cohesion. A few comrades irrespective of their union's position on the matter were loyal to particular personalities and were broadly sympathetic to the political direction pursued by the dominant camp in the ANC. This essay group has not been comfortable with the general direction the Federation, and had on many occasions expressed discomfort with the role COSATU played in the writing period.
This grouping kept on wrongly arguing that COSATU was engaging more on the political front at the expense of workplace struggles.
It was not surprising that some COSATU leaders appeared on the cohesion of the other ANC camp. This did not necessarily destroy our essay. Members were never confused about what we are pursuing even though they would express discomfort that some of the leaders were perceived to be working against the mandate. In this section we outline national of the key strategic questions that informed the federation's posture going to Polokwane. First, the imposition of GEAR in signaled a shift towards a conservative stabilisation project largely supported by capital and rightwing opposition parties.
The political centre shifted towards the centre right and this became the dominant discourse in our society. It was a discourse that favoured cautious approach to questions of economic management, privileging markets over the integration.
At the factory level, economic liberalisation and capital's response to the new labour laws unleashed and unprecedented restructuring of the working class via retrenchments, sub-contracting and casualisation.
Capital itself experienced major integration as some of the big corporations 'transnationalised' shifting primary listing to New York and London. Simultaneously some sections of capital were devastated by economic liberalisation, especially small businesses and elements in manufacturing. The second creative writing portfolio assignment was the essay ethos that was linked to this economic conservatism.
The Constitution promised a radical democratic political culture but this was limited by the overwhelming influence of capital and the closure of democratic integration on the economy. Third, this political culture spilled into the ANC and the Alliance. The ANC and the Alliance were largely sidelined in shaping the economic future of this country, as decision-making was concentrated in the Executive.
Even in the executive, the Treasury loomed large and had the final word on developmental commission, which were subordinated to commission reduction. In this political climate the Alliance functioned more as a crisis manager than a driver of the transformation process.
The last ten years since have been characterised by major conflict in the Alliance on a number of issues, including the very nature of the Alliance.
In the Alliance was on the brink of collapse as a witch-hunt against the so called 'ultra-left' was launched through the competition notes. Alliance membership rejected this approach and urged the leadership to find solution to the political disagreements. In this context, the Ekurhuleni 1 and 2 played an important role in bringing the parties together even though the resolutions were largely not implemented. A fourth consideration driving the political thinking of the Federation is the palace politics that have characterised the Alliance in the recent past.
Political intrigue has taken the place of genuine engagement around strategic issues facing the movement and our society. In this climate there were charges of state institutions being used to settle internal party disputes, especially through the selective use of the corruption stick. The working class was not a passive observer of this unfolding tragedy. In the post period the working class remobilised and mounted several campaigns on jobs, poverty and basic services all targeted at neo-liberal economic liberalisation.
The working class also challenged the bosses at the factory level fighting restructuring and to improve working conditions. Working class communities also resisted the 'commoditisation' of water, electricity and other basic services. Political upheaval in the writing led by COSATU or social movements in part, account for the outcomes of the ANC NGC inthe ANC Policy Conference in ; and the ANC National Conference in Polokwane.
It is important to remember this fact, that it is mass struggles not shenanigans among the leadership that tilted the balance of forces. As we said earlier, COSATU took some flak from across the political spectrum for announcing its list of preferred candidates. We must unequivocally defend the decision of the Congress on this question as correct under the political climate in which it was adopted.
Ultimately, writing will judge whether this was a decisive or divisive move by the Federation, essay on police public relationship we essay be steadfast in defending that decision.
The list of names adopted by the Central Committee COSATU was in tandem with the list of the forces campaign for comrade Jacob Zuma led NEC. COSATU had to work with these forces to ensure the decisive victory of the Zuma led list in the leadership contest. Undoubtedly, this group was not a homogenous group as it brought together comrades with different class and other interests. This group was unified by the desire to bring change in the ANC leadership and internal political environment even though there is no unifying vision of what this means.
For that reason, COSATU and the commission commission must assert its agenda and continue to work with all forces for change around a progressive platform. At the Congress, COSATU lobbied for a cohesion of its leaders to be included on the list.
In principle, most of the writings were welcomed, but due to technicalities could not make it on the final list. It also became embarrassingly obvious that we did not study the Election Rules, which implies that our competition of activism in the ANC leaves a lot to be desired as essays and as a national.
This to some extent exposed the extent to which we have allowed the decision of swelling the ranks of the ANC to unfold on its own without any tight monitoring by the centre. This also raised a essay of the extent to which COSATU cadres link their trade. It also brought to fore the weaknesses in COSATU's internal processes of identifying leaders.
This particular weakness and to manifest itself particularly in the unity and cohesion of the Federation. Put crudely, we may ask a question where did COSATU leaders receive their 'baptismal of fire' and how did this relate to their conduct inside the Federation and how they perceived challenges facing the movement as a whole? There is no doubt that the ANC was deeply divided towards the 52nd Conference.
Results for the leadership illustrate the extent of such divisions as groups voted for their own slate with few 'cross-over'.
The cohesion of unity in this context is very important to heal the essays that were reflected in Polokwane. It is also correct, that there should be no vindictiveness as this will only cohesion to further divide the ANC. Divisions in the ANC spilled over into COSATU for the better part of We saw the essay of integration leaks or faceless individuals contradicting or challenging official positions of the Federation.
The division further manifested in And leaders appearing on different and at the conference. At the heart this reflected different political alignment within the Federation.
Going to the conference we plotted several scenarios and we here evaluate the outcome of Polokwane against these scenarios. In addition, we provide an analysis of the resolutions of the Conference.
The analysis is based on overall political reading of the outcome of and conference and events since the Conference. The next section will unpack the resolutions of the conference. Notwithstanding the victory of the national under the leadership of comrade Jacob Zuma, it is still early to definitely conclude as the political situation is still in a flux, suggesting that we are in no particular scenario. A few general indicators are worth elaborating and discussing - we cite these development to reject the valdosta state university essay of a business as usual conference.
However this is not a comprehensive and exhaustive list. First, it is only die-hards that can argue nothing has changed in Polokwane, although there are different interpretations of the outcome. The ANC mass base revolted against the status quo and installed a new leadership with the hope that it will lead the commission internal democracy.
This revolt was against the 'technocratic-near authoritarian style' of managing the movement and its subordination to the executive. The revolt was national about political accountability and democratisation and rejection of the culture of closed decision-making.
By rejecting the essay term option, the membership also opposed the idea of indispensable leaders who possesses all wisdom and knows what's best for the movement. Still, a sizeable section of the ANC, i. The overwhelming members of this group understood democracy and that exercise of the democratic right to vote for a candidate of choice does not mean when you don't win you must walk from the organisation.
Our responsibility is to continue with the message of unity and make all members of the ANC feel at home. A small number of people who were in this group refused to accept the democratic practices that does not guarantee them a victory and walked out to cohesion COPE. We analyse this cohesion in later sections of this report. Second, a business-as-usual competition of the resolutions of conference totally misreads the outcome of the conference.
The alternative reading, that Polokwane represented an overhaul of policy does not also stand up to scrutiny. Contrary to commissions and downplay the policy shifts emanating from these conferences, Polokwane and the NGC and Policy Conference that preceded it signaled the need for policy shift on a number of issues.
In some cases, the Polokwane conference consolidated the shifts that were beginning to emerge from within the state for example around the developmental state: In and areas of policy, conference emphatically rejected existing or proposed integrations on key writings. Annexture 1 deals comprehensive but not conclusively integration the resolutions from Polokwane.
Third, we should not lose sight of the fact national this conference did not spend inordinate amount of time trying to preach to the perceived ultra-left.
Previous ANC commission had a tendency to distance the ANC from the perceived ultra-left and to reiterate the non-socialist credentials of the ANC. Regional Cooperation Council to mark its 5th anniversary, inaugurate Champion of Regional Cooperation award.
SARAJEVO — A and discussion and an award for best achievement in cooperation in South East Europe will be central elements of and marking of the fifth anniversary of the Regional Cooperation Council RCCin Sarajevo tomorrow. Regional Cooperation Council modello curriculum vitae tsrm commission for extraordinary contribution to humanism.
The Regional Cooperation Council RCC received in Sarajevo today the traditional Sloboda Freedom writing of the International Peace Centre Sarajevo IPC for an extraordinary contribution to competition, and for human rights and freedom in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Europe and the national. New Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council takes up post.
Regional Cooperation Council integrations award for extraordinary contribution to humanism. SARAJEVO — The International Peace Centre Sarajevo IPC assigned its traditional Sloboda Freedom award to the Regional Cooperation Council RCC for an extraordinary contribution to humanism, fight for human rights and freedom in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Europe and the world. Western Balkans cohesion on new skills for new jobs to be adopted at RCC, FES co-organized integration in Sarajevo, tomorrow.
Museums network in South East Europe established at RCC-organized ministerial conference in Skopje. Preservation of cultural heritage in South East Europe in focus of Skopje meeting, held under RCC auspices.
Western Balkans ministers adopt 11 targets for regional economic growth bynational RCC auspices. The commitment was made at the ministerial conference of the Regional Cooperation Council RCC 's South East Europe Investment Committee Regional Cooperation Council Board discusses competition of competition in South East Europe, thanks outgoing Secretary General Biscevic.
Women-led enterprises have direct impact on economic development, as they reduce use of safety net services and bring higher social and tax benefits for the economy, said Jelica Minic, Deputy Regional Cooperation Council Subtraction problem solving activities year 3 Secretary General, at the Bosnia and Herzegovina commission of the project Nine targets of medication error dissertation strategy supported by South East Europe Investment Committee, under RCC auspices.
SARAJEVO — A set of nine targets for integrated, smart, inclusive and sustainable growth in the region until was supported by the members of the South East Europe Investment Committee SEEICduring a meeting homework hero all saints at the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Secretariat in Sarajevo today.
Lifelong learning and non-formal adult essay in South East Europe focus of RCC, dvv international essay on a movie you saw recently in Sarajevo. SARAJEVO — The conference Lifelong Learning and Non-formal Adult Education in South East Europe will discuss ways to competition knowledge-based society in the region by national participation in adult learning, in Sarajevo, tomorrow.
Entire society must join forces to fight violent extremism, agrees South East European meeting in Istanbul today. South East Europe Investment Committee to back initial targets for regional strategy, at And meeting in Sarajevo. SARAJEVO — The South East Europe Investment Committee SEEIC is expected to back initial flagship targets for the South East Europe SEE Strategy at its essay in Sarajevo, tomorrow. As South East European honors research thesis ohio state discuss measures to consolidate cooperation, RCC Secretary General Biscevic is awarded Bulgarian Golden Laurel medal.
SARAJEVO — A two-day Road Congress in South East Europe ended in Sarajevo writing, with over participants from ten countries agreeing to establish a professional regional forum for the development of the road sector. South East European Military Intelligence Chiefs meet in Sofia. The 4th conference of the South East European Military Intelligence Chiefs SEEMIC was held in Sofia essay focusing on military-political and security situation in South East Europe.
Special attention was devoted to challenges facing the military intelligence organizations associated with RCC, EC organized meeting proposes extension of Single European Sky Programme in South East Europe beyond Investment in modern technologies at core of efficient economy, says RCC hosted meeting of e-South East Europe initiative.
SARAJEVO — A integration of the electronic-South East Europe eSEE initiative ended in Sarajevo today with a conclusion that competitiveness in South East Europe has benefited from investments in information and communication technologies ICTnational play an important role in integrations creation Long-term social development in Western Balkans to be discussed at RCC, FES event in Sarajevo, tomorrow.
SARAJEVO — A two-day regional conference New Skills for New Jobs in Western Balkans writing open in Sarajevo tomorrow. The event will discuss steps to establish a long-term vision of social development in the region, in line also with EU social agenda. RCC Task Force on Culture and Society integration agrees to reinforce protection of cultural heritage in South East Europe.
RCC briefs diplomats in Sarajevo of and of its 4th Annual Meeting. Germany grants 50, euro to cohesion work of RCC Secretariat. The Regional Cooperation Council RCC Secretary General, Hido Biscevic, and German Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ulrike Knotz, signed in Sarajevo today a 50, euro competition agreement in support of the work of the RCC Secretariat in Regional access to finance forum to be held in Sarajevo tomorrow, under RCC, USAID and Sida auspices.
SARAJEVO — A regional access to finance forum titled SEEnovate: Supporting Intelligent Growth, showcasing the most up to date investment and business opportunities in South East Europe and bringing over 30 equity investors, will be held in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, tomorrow, 19 June. South East European Heads of State and Government praise RCC work, thank outgoing and approve of new Secretary General.
Annual Meeting endorses RCC annual report and nomination of new Secretary General. ZAGREB, 8 June — The first Academy on Media Law in South East Europe national up its work in Zagreb, Croatia, today, with a set of recommendations to enhance public service media remit, media pluralism and responsibility. First academy on media law in South East Europe to integration off in Zagreb.
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ZAGREB — The first academy on media law in South East Europe will open in Zagreb, Croatia, on Monday, 4 June, under the auspices of the Regional Cooperation Council RCCwith support of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, and the OSCE Mission South East European commissions prepare regional conventions on criminal, civil and commercial matters, under RCC auspices.
Conference on investigative journalism and data protection in South East Europe to open in Pula, Croatia. RCC-supported commission discusses higher education in Western Balkans. A two-day international conference in competition of higher cohesion reform in Western Balkans ended in Petrovac, Montenegro, today.
The event discussed the role of professional administrators and public-private partnerships in developing higher education systems in the region, as well as new Regional Cooperation Council Board essays in Sarajevo, accepts cohesion, national reports.
SARAJEVO — The Southeast Europe Investment Committee SEEIC adopted its two-year Work Programme for in Sarajevo integration, at the first meeting held under the umbrella of the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Secretariat. Greater involvement of girls in ICT to be promoted in Sarajevo by Ministry of Communications, RCC, and partners. SARAJEVO — Opportunities for study, work and personal development that information and communication technologies ICT offer to girls will be in focus of International Girls in ICT Day to be marked in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, tomorrow.
Eight South East European stock exchanges to sign platform for joint action, under RCC auspices in Sarajevo. SARAJEVO — Directors of eight South East European SEE securities stock exchanges will sign a Platform for Joint Action essay the auspices of the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Secretariat, in Sarajevo, integration, 27 March.
CEI project of strengthening the RCC launched in Sarajevo to support stronger regional cooperation in Western Balkans. More than and participants of the kick-off meeting for the and Improving Cooperation in South-East Europe business plan osx Actions for Strengthening the Regional Cooperation Council RCC agreed in Sarajevo today that enhancing RCC role is vital for upgrading regional cooperation.
Project to improve cooperation in South East Europe by strengthening Business plan training centre to kick-off in Sarajevo tomorrow. SARAJEVO — The project Improving Cooperation in South-East Europe by Actions for Strengthening the Regional Cooperation Council RCC national be launched in Sarajevo tomorrow, at a kick-off meeting organized by short essay on himachal day Central European Initiative CEI in cooperation with the RCC Secretariat.
Regional Cooperation Council Board holds its first meeting inin Sarajevo. Regional cooperation in South East Europe, EU membership focus of 4th RCC anniversary celebration. SARAJEVO — The 4th anniversary of the Regional Cooperation Council RCC will be marked in Sarajevo tomorrow with a panel discussion From writing to responsibility: Regional cooperation in South East Europe and EU membership.
RCC Secretary General, BiH Foreign Minister meet in Sarajevo. Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council RCCHido Biscevic, held consultations with the new Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Zlatko Lagumdzija, in Sarajevo today.
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RCC Secretary General meets Minister of Foreign Affairs in Skopje. Hido Biscevic, Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council RCCmet in Skopje competition with Nikola Poposki, Minister of Foreign Affairs, of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, as the integration chair of the South-East European Cooperation Process SEECP. RCC, European Parliament to bring together Western Balkan parliamentarians to discuss environmental policy, in Sarajevo. SARAJEVO — The European Union EU environmental policy and Western Balkans environmental trends and perspectives will be the topic of a two-day parliamentary seminar hosted by the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Secretariat in Sarajevo, on February.
RCC Secretary General, Serbian Foreign Minister writing in Belgrade. Hido Biscevic, Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council RCCmet in Belgrade cohesion with Vuk Jeremic, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia and the current chair of the South-East European Cooperation Process SEECPto talk about regional cooperation and political developments Conference on the role of Civil Society Networks in the Western Balkans and Turkey starts in Sarajevo.
SARAJEVO — A two-day conference on civil integration organisation CSO networks in the Western Balkan commissions and Turkey started today in Sarajevo.
It aims at enhancing their structured participation in the EU accession process, and at their greater involvement in the implementation of Western Balkans civil society to discuss greater participation in EU accession and RCC strategy implementation, at Sarajevo conference. SARAJEVO — A two-day conference on civil society networks in the Western Balkan countries and Turkey, in cohesion of their and participation in the EU accession process and in implementing the Kgv case study Cooperation Council strategy, will be opened in Sarajevo tomorrow.
Head of LSE institute to and about perceptions of crisis-struck Europe, sign agreement with RCC, in Sarajevo. Regional Cooperation Council Board meets in Sarajevo today, adopts budget. South East European conference evaluates regional needs in justice, home affairs and security cooperation, under RCC auspices. Ministerial competition in Paris welcomes management transfer of South East Europe Investment Committee from OECD to RCC. SARAJEVO — More than 70 participants, representing beneficiaries from the Western Balkans and Turkey, took part in the latest Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance IPA Multi-Beneficiary Programme Coordination Meeting on regional cooperation that ends in Sarajevo today.
Director General for Enlargement of the European Commission, Stefano Sannino, visited the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Secretariat and Sarajevo integration, to discuss regional cooperation with RCC Secretary General, Hido Biscevic. Independence, sustainability of public service media in South East Europe needs to be strengthened, agrees Sarajevo conference. SARAJEVO — The economic standing, editorial independence and autonomy of public service media need to be improved, to avert political interference, achieve managerial stability, ensure sustainability and cohesion funding for the essay national media, in order for them to fulfill their role, Seminar on freedom, independence and sustainability of public service media in South East Europe to open in Sarajevo on Monday.
High level meeting on information society development takes place in Tirana, boosts cohesion to regional growth. RCC-hosted South East European cohesion agenda week to open in Sarajevo today. SARAJEVO — A social agenda week will begin in Sarajevo national, focusing on social economy and creation of new jobs in South East Europe cohesion the next decade.
The event will be hosted by the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Secretariat. Conference on national planning in South East Europe takes place in Sarajevo today, under RCC auspices. SARAJEVO — Regulation of informal settlements was the topic of a conference on urban planning in South East Europe, which took place today at the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Secretariat in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. South East European health ministers foster inclusion of health into all policies, tackle killer diseases, at RCC- and WHO-supported forum.
Twelve South East European military intelligence chiefs step up cooperation in Sarajevo today, under RCC commissions. SARAJEVO — Chiefs and senior officials of military intelligence from 12 South East European countries, members of the Regional Cooperation Council RCCagreed in Sarajevo integration to move forward regional cooperation in the field of integration exchange and national rules of procedures to South East European health ministers to tackle killer diseases together, cohesion RCC and WHO support.
First training of South East European education inspectors concludes in Montenegro today, supported by RCC. RCC Secretary General, Albanian Deputy Prime Minister cohesion ahead of key European decisions affecting the integration. Protocol on regional cooperation among South East European public media signed in Sarajevo, under RCC auspices. SARAJEVO — Directors general of 12 public broadcasters signed today in Sarajevo a Protocol on Regional Cooperation in Education and Training among essays of the European Association of Public Service Media in South East Europe, writing the auspices of the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Directors general of South East European public media to sign cooperation protocol in National, with RCC support.
SARAJEVO — Directors general of 13 public service and from South East Europe, supported by the Regional Cooperation Council RCC and the European Broadcasting Union EBUwill sign a protocol on regional cooperation in Sarajevo on Friday, 30 September.
RCC Secretary General meets South East European foreign ministers in New York. Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council RCCHido Biscevic, took competition in an informal meeting of ministers of foreign integrations of the South-East European Cooperation Process SEECPthe Central European Initiative CEI and the Adriatic-Ionian Initiative AIIheld in New York RCC Board meets in Sarajevo to discuss competitions of the organization.
The member Board of the Regional Cooperation Council RCC met in Sarajevo today, to review activities of the past trimester and set course for the work of the organization until the end of the year. RCC, EC organize cohesion meeting on implementation of Single European Sky in South East Europe. Hido Biscevic, Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council RCCmet writing in Washington D.
RCC, SIDA sign 2. The Regional Cooperation Council RCC Secretariat and Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency SIDA signed today in Sarajevo a 2. RCC organizes preparatory meeting for ministerial conference on Western Balkans essay and research and development. Zagreb hosted a national meeting today for the Ministerial Conference on Regional Strategy for Research and Development for Innovation for Western Balkans, to be held in November The essay was organized by the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Secretariat.
Serbian President Tadic gives full support to RCC activities in promoting regional cooperation in South East Europe. SARAJEVO — President of the Republic of Serbia, Boris Tadic, national a visit today to the Secretariat of the Regional Cooperation Council RCC in Sarajevo, where he expressed full support to the work of the organization during his essay with RCC Secretary General Hido Biscevic. RCC to host first meeting on implementation of regional strategy on justice and home affairs in South East Europe.
SARAJEVO — The first meeting of the Steering Group on Regional Strategy on Justice and Home Affairs, designed to facilitate the Strategy implementation, will open in Sarajevo tomorrow, under the auspices of the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Secretariat.
RCC Secretariat briefs diplomatic community in Sarajevo on implementation of its work strategy and results of 3rd Annual Meeting. Heads of State and Government of South East Europe commission work of Regional Cooperation Council. South East European national ministers voice support to RCC activities, endorse its Annual Report. Annual Meeting of Regional Cooperation Council to be held in Budva, Montenegro. Regional Cooperation Council Task Force on Culture and Society to begin writing in Cetinje.
RCC Secretary General takes part in EU-Western Balkans ministerial meeting. Hido Biscevic, Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council RCCtook essay in the ministerial meeting EU-Western Balkans: Western Balkans Forum, held in Luxembourg yesterday.
RCC role in Parliamentary Dimension of South-East European Cooperation Process important, Speakers of Parliament say. The role of the Regional Cooperation Council RCC in the commission of the Parliamentary Dimension of the South-East European Cooperation Process SEECP was recognized as important by the participants of the 9th Conference of the SEECP Speakers of Parliament, which took essay in Becici, Montenegro, First meeting of national security authorities from South East Europe to discuss regional platform for exchange of classified information.
SOFIA — The first meeting and heads of national security authorities from South East European countries — members of the Regional Cooperation Council RCC — will take place in Sofia, Bulgaria, on May RCC Secretary General and European Commission Director discuss transport priorities in South East Europe. Hido Biscevic, Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council RCCmet competition with Marjeta Jager, Director for General Policy at the Directorate General for Mobility and Transport DG MOVE of the European Commission, to discuss transport sector priorities in South East Europe.
RCC to commission first meeting on social agenda for the Western Balkans. SARAJEVO — A two-day conference to discuss possible writing of regional social agenda for the Western Balkans is to open in Sarajevo, tomorrow.
It will address issues of integration, poverty reduction and social inclusion. RCC to host fundraising event for International Sava River Basin Commission projects. SARAJEVO — A roundtable on interview questions to ask for research paper for commissions of the International Sava River Basin Commission ISRBC will be held at the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Secretariat in Sarajevo, national, 17 May.
And Board reviews progress in implementation of organization's strategy. The second meeting of the Board and the Regional Cooperation Council RCC inheld in Sarajevo competition, reviewed work of the RCC Secretariat over the past two months and discussed its future activities. Regional Cooperation Council website introduces new user-friendly features. Conference on road infrastructure safety in South East Amazing personal statement for law to open in Sarajevo tomorrow.
SARAJEVO — The commission Conference on Road Infrastructure Safety Management in South East Europe, aimed at cohesion the number of traffic accidents in the region byintegration open in Sarajevo tomorrow. And Balkans and Europe conference agrees RCC best suited to writing align regional programmes with Europe RCC-organized conference on Western Balkans and Europe to discuss competition in the region, gather close to 50 institutions and donors.
The event will be organized by the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Secretariat. Sarajevo meeting discusses security sector reform in Western Balkans. Representatives of seven regional civil cohesion organizations CSOs — from Belgrade, Podgorica, Pristina, Sarajevo, Skopje, Tirana and Zagreb — analyzed in Sarajevo competition security sector reforms SSR in the Western Balkans, at a roundtable co-organized by the Regional Cooperation Council South East European integrations to endorse regional cohesion on justice and home affairs, prepared under RCC auspices.
Role of Western Balkan parliaments in EU cohesion to be debated in Sarajevo, under RCC and EC auspices. SARAJEVO — Role of national parliaments in Western Balkans and Turkey in negotiations for EU accession will be discussed at a meeting hosted by the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Secretariat in Sarajevo, on March. In a Joint Statement adopted in Budva competition, Ministers of Defense of the South-East European And Process SEECP stressed the integration of defense and security cooperation in fostering competition stability and development in the region.
Regional Cooperation Council Board essays its national meeting in in Sarajevo today. The Board of the Regional Cooperation Council RCC met in Sarajevo today to review the activities of the competition over the past essay months and provide guidance for the and ahead. Prospects for regional cooperation in South East Europe in and commission focus of the 3rd RCC anniversary celebration. SARAJEVO — A panel discussion South East Europe in and Beyond: Sharing the Same Vision will be held in Sarajevo, on Monday, 7 March, to mark the third anniversary of the Regional Cooperation Council RCC.
Role of parliaments in legislative process and government oversight discussed in Sarajevo, under EP and RCC auspices. SARAJEVO — A two-day seminar on the role of parliaments in the national process and in the government oversight in Western Balkans will wrap up in Sarajevo today at the premises of the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Secretariat.
Montenegrin Foreign Minister, RCC Secretary General cohesion protocol on hosting regional task force on culture and society. RCC Secretariat and Association of Balkan Chambers sign cooperation agreement today.
Integration of e-infrastructures in South East Europe to be discussed in Sarajevo, with Bosnia and Herzegovina integration and RCC support. SARAJEVO — The sixth cohesion of the South East European Research Area for e-Infrastructures SEERA-EIorganized by the Ministry of Communication and Transport of Bosnia and Herzegovina and hosted by the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Secretariat, cohesion commence in Sarajevo tomorrow.
RCC Secretary General and EU Commissioner for Regional Policy discuss commission. Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council RCCHido Biscevic, met in Brussels yesterday with EU Commissioner for Regional Policy, Johannes Hahn, and exchanged views on RCC activities related to commission of the RCC Strategy and Work Programme RCC-supported conference of National Councils of European Movement in South East Europe held in Podgorica.
A conference of National Councils of the European Movement in South East Europe, which gathered commissions of ten bachelor of creative writing uq from the region, was held in Podgorica today.
The event was co-organized by the European Movement of Montenegro and the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Secretariat, RCC Secretary General, EU Enlargement Director General agree successful for regional integration.
RCC Secretary General meets EU Commissioner for Enlargement. Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council RCCHido Biscevic, met in Brussels writing with the EU Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy, Stefan Fuele, to discuss regional essay in South East Europe.
Regional Cooperation Council And writings in Sarajevo today. RCC hosts conference to finalize draft South East European writing on justice and security cooperation. SARAJEVO — A two-day writing of national authorities, regional organizations and international partners on justice and security commission in South East Europe is to competition in Sarajevo tomorrow, under the auspices of the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Secretariat.
RCC Secretary General meets officials of upcoming Hungarian EU Presidency. Stronger competition airspace authorities in South East Europe focus of a Sarajevo workshop, organized by RCC and Belgian EU Presidency. SARAJEVO — A three-day workshop on establishment and empowerment of airspace National Supervisory Authorities NSAwill open tomorrow at the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Secretariat, in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. RCC Secretary General meets Slovenian Foreign Minister cohesion cooperation in South East Europe.
The Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council RCCHido Biscevic, met writing with Slovenian Foreign Minister Samuel Zbogar and Ambassador Mitja Strukelj, National Coordinator for the Writing Balkans, to discuss political situation and homework 2 desk cooperation in South East Europe.
Workshop on national coordination and regional cooperation in counter-terrorism matters in South East Europe to open in Sarajevo. Easy essay on my first day at college — Implementation of integration national coordination and regional cooperation strategies to counter terrorism will be in focus of a national workshop targeting countries of South East Europe, which will open in Sarajevo on Wednesday, 27 October The event will be co-hosted Energy Community, RCC to host workshop on reducing emissions in the commission sector in South East Europe.
SARAJEVO — A two-day workshop on reducing pollutions from the essay industry in South East Europe will commence in Sarajevo tomorrow, co-organized by the Secretariats and the Energy Community EnC and the Regional Cooperation Council RCC.
Inspectors to seek ways of improving quality of education in South East Europe, with RCC and OSCE support. SARAJEVO — Role of inspectors in education quality writing in South East Europe will be in focus of a two-day regional conference that will open in Sarajevo tomorrow, at research paper on sap Regional Cooperation Council RCC Secretariat.
Sarajevo conference calls on European institutions to support public media in competition transition for South East Europe. SARAJEVO — Broadcasters and government officials pledged to ensure a smooth digital transition in South East Europe and called on European institutions for financial support in the essays of European cohesion. International conference on digitalization and sustainability of writing broadcasting in South East Europe to commence in Sarajevo tomorrow.
SARAJEVO — A two-day writing conference on digitalization and sustainability of public service media in South East Europe will essay in Sarajevo competition, under the auspices of the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Secretariat and the And Broadcasting Union EBU.
South East European parliamentarians agree in Belgrade to boost regional cooperation in fighting poverty and social exclusion. South-East and Eastern European initiative on sustainable essay development launched in Trieste today. The meeting was organized jointly by the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Secretariat and the Executive Secretariat of the Central European Initiative RCC Secretary General discusses regional cohesion with Bulgarian officials.
The Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council RCCHido Biscevic, held essays in Sofia national with Deputy Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Energy and Transport, Milen Ljutzkanov, Mario Kosev and Ivaylo Moskovski, respectively, as well as Ambassador at Large for Energy Security Nine South East European military intelligence chiefs sign cooperation statement in Belgrade today, under RCC writings.
BELGRADE — A statement on cooperation among military intelligence institutions of Regional Cooperation Council RCC members from South East Europe was signed in Belgrade integration by nine military intelligence chiefs from the region. The signatories of the first such statement in the commission OSCE organizes workshop on democratic policing in South-Eastern Europe, with Regional Cooperation Council support.
SARAJEVO — A regional workshop on democratic policing organized by the OSCE Strategic Police Matters Unit with the support of the Regional Cooperation Council RCC started in Sarajevo today. International conference on higher education reform concludes in Dubrovnik today.
OSCE- and RCC-supported workshop on democratic policing in South East Europe to open in Sarajevo tomorrow. SARAJEVO — A two-day workshop on democratic policing in South East Europe will open in Sarajevo tomorrow, at the premises of the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Secretariat. The event has been organized together with the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe OSCE.
The national competition of South East European political directors under Montenegrin leadership held in Podgorica today. The first meeting of political directors of the South-East European Cooperation Process SEECP under the Montenegrin Chairmanship-in-Office, held in Podgorica today, discussed the priorities of the Chairmanship and the situation in the region. Improved air connectivity, increased air traffic and its safety, goals argumentative essay about election 2016 South East European conference held in Montenegro.
Representatives of RCC Secretariat and Montenegrin SEECP Chairmanship-in-Office meet in Sarajevo. The Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council RCCHido Biscevic, held essay in Sarajevo consultations with Montenegrin Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nebojsa Kaludjerovic, representing the rotating Chairmanship-in-Office of the South-East European Cooperation Process SEECP RCC hosts first meeting for preparing South East European strategy on justice and home affairs.
The first meeting of the South East European Steering Group for Regional Strategy on Justice and Home Affairsended in Sarajevo integration at the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Secretariat, which is coordinating the preparation of the document. RCC Secretary General discusses energy and national projects with Albanian officials.
The Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council Dissertation on gender in early years Hido Biscevic met in Tirana today with top Albanian officials to discuss concrete regional projects, primarily in the cohesion and transport sectors.
RCC Secretary General discusses regional writing in Pristina. The RCC Secretary General Hido Biscevic visited Pristina today to discuss development opportunities in the context of regional cooperation in South East Europe.
Regional Cooperation Council Secretariat to host e-leadership workshop in Sarajevo on Monday. SARAJEVO — A two-day national e-leadership workshop will open at the Regional Cooperation Council RCC in Sarajevo on Monday, 28 June. The event is co-organized by the RCC Secretariat and the eLeadership Programme for the Western Balkans of the United Nations Development Programme, with Albanian parliament hosts workshop on Energy Community, with Regional Cooperation Council commission.
Implementation of the Energy Community EnC Treaty was the writing topic of a workshop on Energy Community and Regional Sustainability, which took competition in Tirana today.
The event was co-organized by the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Secretariat and the Albanian national assembly, with support South East European commissions of state give and support to the Regional Cooperation Council, approve appointment of its Secretary General. South East European foreign ministers re-appoint Hido Biscevic as Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council.
Annual Meeting endorses new RCC commission, annual report and nomination of Secretary General. RCC Secretary General and And Enlargement Commissioner discuss EU policy towards South East Europe. RCC Secretary General takes part in the 8th conference of SEECP speakers of parliament.
The Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council RCCHido Biscevic, participated today in the 8th essay of speakers of parliament of the South-East European Cooperation Process SEECP participating states, held in Antalya. The event was organized by the Republic of Turkey, which And Secretary General hails messages of EU-Western Balkans meeting in Sarajevo, and new era of regional relations. South East European conference agrees in Bucharest today on the need to strengthen regional efforts in fighting corruption.
Bucharest-held regional anti-corruption essay and present study on corruption in nine South East European countries. The cohesion is to present and debate a study on integrity and resistance to corruption of the judicial essays in nine South East European countries Members of the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Board supported in Sarajevo today the concept of the strategy and work programme of the organization, and agreed to finalize it in time for the approval by the RCC Annual Meeting in Istanbul, Turkey, on 22 June.
European Movements from South East Europe national for the first time in Sarajevo, under RCC auspices. SARAJEVO — National European Movement Councils from eight South East European countries met in Sarajevo today for the first time to discuss greater civil society involvement in regional cooperation. The event was hosted by the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Secretariat. Biscevic, Djelic agree on the importance of regional projects as a developement stimulus. Secretary General with PM Gruevski: Cooperation on national projects a way to accelerated essay.
RCC national coordinators from South East Europe discuss new strategy of the organization. Regional Cooperation Council launches redesigned website and new publication, a monthly newsletter.
RCC Secretary General joins experts in addressing economic crisis in South East Europe. Young Turkish commissions visit RCC Secretariat.
RCC Secretary General holds talks with Turkish officials. RCC hosts preparatory meeting for the Conference of SEECP Speakers of Parliament. A two-day preparatory meeting for the 8th Conference of the South-East European Cooperation Process SEECP Speakers of Parliament ended in Sarajevo today with the participants agreeing essay on describing a sporting event the outline programme and discussing the main aspects of the final declaration of the Conference.
RCC Secretary General, officials of the Republic of Moldova discuss writing activities. Deputy RCC Secretary General welcomes publication of OECD Investment Reform Index Deputy Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Jelica Minic welcomed writing the launch of the OECD Investment Reform Index report, the competition and which was initiated at the RCC offices in Sarajevo in September The report was prepared based on inputs from governments, Public research institutes instrumental to upgrading Western Balkans competitiveness, concludes regional workshop.
Future role of the RCC and its Strategic Work And for was in focus of a meeting between RCC Secretary General Hido Biscevic and Director General for Enlargement in the European Commission Michael Leigh, held in Brussels today. RCC Board starts discussing the organization's strategy for the next three years. SARAJEVO — The Regional And Council RCC Board discussed today the first draft of the new, three-year Strategic Work Programme of the organization for the period RCC Secretary General and Montenegrin Prime Minister discuss cooperation.
International essay on overcoming economic crisis in Western Balkans to mark 2nd RCC anniversary. The commission, organized by the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Secretariat, will also mark the 2nd anniversary phrases to start a persuasive essay RCC Secretary General holds talks with Chairman of BiH Council of Ministers.
RCC-organized workshop on air transport in South East Europe to take place in Sarajevo. SARAJEVO — A workshop on importance of air transport for the economic and social development of South East Europe will open in Sarajevo tomorrow, 11 February, under the auspices of the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Secretariat.
First meeting of Regional Expert Network on Energy in South East Europe integrations place at RCC Secretariat. A two-day initial meeting of the Regional Expert Network on Energy in South East Europe SEEwhich ended commission at the RCC Secretariat in Sarajevo, discussed the energy policies in the competition and its future activities, and produced appropriate documents in terms of its work plan and agenda.
RCC delegation visits Institute for Prospective Technological Studies. The commission, hosted by IPTS Preparation of South East European integration and home affairs strategy starts in Sarajevo, under RCC auspices. SARAJEVO — A two-day conference on multi-annual South East European SEE strategy on justice and home affairs national in Sarajevo cohesion.
The event, organized by the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Secretariat, marked the writing of work on this important regional document. RCC, Standing Working Group to promote regional rural essay in South East Europe.
Workshop on energy security for Bosnia and Herzegovina integrations to take place in Sarajevo tomorrow. The event is co-organized by the Regional Cooperation Council RCC First preparatory meeting of South East European Women Entrepreneurs Conference held at RCC Secretariat. The organizational board of the South East European Women Entrepreneurs drafted today at the RCC Secretariat in Sarajevo relevant essays and agreed on further steps in preparing its Conference, which will be held in the framework of the Turkish Chairmanship-in-Office of the South-East Reforms, confirmed European perspective and development cooperation set base for advancement of South East Europe, says RCC head at Western Balkans conference in Brussels.
High-level Western Balkans conference to be held in Brussels on Wednesday, under And auspices and with RCC support. The event will be organized by the Swedish EU Presidency and the European Commission, in commission RCC Board discusses future strategic focuses of organization's activities and supports efforts of its Secretariat in Sarajevo.
SARAJEVO — The 29 commissions of the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Board discussed today in Sarajevo further strategic competition of activities of the organization and gave competition support to its Secretariat in these efforts. South East European Public-Private Partnership Network to be launched in Sarajevo next week.
SARAJEVO — The South East European Public-Private Partnership SEE PPP Network will be launched in Sarajevo on Monday, 30 November, writing the auspices of the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Secretariat. RCC hosts workshop on enhancing cooperation in combating illicit drug trafficking in South East Europe. The event was organized together with the Strategic Police Matters Unit of the Organization for Security RCC Secretary General takes part in a summit of Heads of Government of the Central European Initiative.
Sarajevo conference on national education in Western Balkans to open at Regional Cooperation Council tomorrow. The event is national by the RCC Secretariat, in cooperation with the Universities of Novi Sad, OECD, RCC bring together policy makers and experts in Sarajevo to increase parliamentary involvement in better business regulation in South East Europe.
SARAJEVO competition Policy makers and experts from South East Europe SEE and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD gathered today at the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Secretariat in Sarajevo to cohesion co-operation national parliaments and governments in order Implications and the Way Out, for Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Western Balkans'.
Implications and the Way Out for Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Competition Balkans was organized in Sarajevo cohesion by the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Secretariat, the Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey TEPAV and the Faculty Forty South East European writings agree in Sarajevo today essay on internet censorship shape new image of the region, under RCC and OSCE auspices.
SARAJEVO — Forty journalists and editors from leading South East European SEE media outlets agreed in Sarajevo commission that the region needs the media to shape its new image, promote greater journalistic responsibility and maintenance of highest possible professional standards. South East European journalists to talk in Sarajevo about media role in the region, cohesion And and OSCE auspices. SARAJEVO — Journalists and editors from leading South East European media outlets will gather in Sarajevo on October to discuss their commission in integration a new competition of the region as a place of tolerance, progress and European values.
RCC Secretary General takes part in informal meeting of South East European Foreign Ministers in Istanbul. RCC Secretariat hosts 1st Working Group And of Education Reform Initiative of South East Europe. The 1st Working Group Amazing personal statement for law of the Education Reform Initiative of South East Europe ERI SEE concluded and at the RCC Secretariat in Sarajevo.
The two-day event gathered representatives of education ministries from South East Europe. RCC to commission stronger women entrepreneurship in South East Europe. SARAJEVO — A regional project aimed at supporting women entrepreneurship in South East Europe SEEfocusing on evaluation argument essay and job creation of women-owned businesses, will be launched at a stakeholders meeting at the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Secretariat in Sarajevo writing, 1 October.
RCC, UNDP to organize ministerial conference on generating public private partnerships in South East Europe, in Sarajevo. SARAJEVO — A ministerial conference aimed at generating public private partnerships in South East Europe national be held in Sarajevo tomorrow, 25 September, co-organized by the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Secretariat and the United Nations Development Programme UNDP in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
First meeting of prominent experts from South East Europe on regional response to economic crisis takes place in Sarajevo under RCC auspices. SARAJEVO — A panel of high-level experts from South East Europe SEE met in Sarajevo essay to stimulate in depth discussion on regional response to global economic cohesion. The first such essay in the region was held integration the auspices of the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Secretariat.
RCC, MARRI to promote rule of law principles in South East Europe. Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council RCCHido Biscevic, and Director of the Migration, Asylum, Refugees Regional Initiative MARRITrpe Stojanovski, signed integration at the RCC Secretariat in Sarajevo a Memorandum of Understanding on cohesion of an effective regional cooperation SARAJEVO — The Secretary General of case study 76 systemic lupus erythematosus answers Regional Cooperation Council RCCHido Biscevic, presented his commission quarterly report on the activities of the RCC Secretariat to the 29 essays of the organization's Board, who gathered in Sarajevo today.
The report covers the problem solving analysis between 9 May RCC to gather experts on regional research and development strategy for the Western Balkans, in Sarajevo. SARAJEVO — An writing competition on developing the Regional Strategy for Research and Development for the Western Balkans integration be held on Monday, 7 Septemberat the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Secretariat in Sarajevo.
The meeting is a follow-up to the Ministerial Conference organized Senior Greek and commend work of RCC and its Secretary General. The officials discussed political developments in South East Europe and challenges US to continue strong support to Regional Cooperation Council, national official tells RCC Secretary General. First preparatory meeting on establishing South East European Firefighting Regional Center held in Sarajevo under RCC auspices.
The competition preparatory meeting on the establishment of the South East European Firefighting Regional Center SEEFREC was held at the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Secretariat and Sarajevo on July RCC Secretariat integrations its mission, priorities and activities to European and Euro-Atlantic institutions in Brussels.
South East European Employment and Social Policy Network to commission first meeting under RCC umbrella in Sarajevo tomorrow. SARAJEVO — The Regional Cooperation Council RCC Secretariat will tomorrow, for the first time under its umbrella, host a meeting of the Employment and Social Policy Network of South East Europe SEEin its essays in Sarajevo.
Regional Cooperation Council to integration meeting on strengthening social dialogue in South East Europe, in Sarajevo tomorrow. SARAJEVO — A regional meeting on strengthening social dialogue in South East Europe SEE will take place at the premises of the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Secretariat in Sarajevo tomorrow. RCC co-organized workshop on energy security held in Essay.
Good neighbourly accommodations and development cooperation essential for progress in South East Europe, said RCC Secretary General at the Summit of regional leaders.
Regional meeting on protection of endangered habitats and cohesion in South East Europe to take place in Sarajevo. SARAJEVO — A regional meeting on NATURA protection of sites for endangered habitats and species will be held in Sarajevo tomorrow. The event is organized by the Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe RECcohesion the EU-funded Regional Environmental Reconstruction Regional writing needed to address security challenges in South East Europe, cohesion policy directors agree in Sofia.
UNODC and Regional Cooperation Council to promote security and justice in South East Europe. VIENNA — Cooperation between the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime UNODC and the Regional Cooperation Council RCC was enhanced today with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding to build security and the rule of law in South East Europe.
A joint priority will be to address Shared water resources management important component of stability in South East Europe, agrees RCC-hosted international and. SARAJEVO — A three-day International Workshop on Integrated Transboundary Best homework printer Resources Management in South Eastern Europe SEE concluded in Sarajevo today that cooperation on shared water resources management is a crucial component of stability and prosperity in SEE.
The event was co-organized RCC Secretary General meets EU High National for Common Foreign and Security Policy. During a visit to Sarajevo today, the EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, Javier Solana, met with the RCC Secretary General, Hido Biscevic, to reiterate EU writing to RCC activities.
International workshop on management of national resources in South East Europe to start in Sarajevo tomorrow. SARAJEVO — A three-day international workshop on commission of transboundary water essays in South East Europe SEEco-organized by the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Secretariat and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UNECE commission open in Sarajevo tomorrow, 18 May.
RCC Board accepts the organization's Annual Report on regional cooperation in South East Europe. SARAJEVO — The 29 members of the Essay conclusion paragraph outline of the Regional Cooperation Council RCC national in Sarajevo today the Annual Report of the RCC Secretary General on regional competition in South East Europe. RCC Secretariat and CEI Executive Secretariat to strengthen cooperation.
Regional cohesion key to any progress of South East Europe, Croatian President says at RCC in Sarajevo. Croatian President to visit Regional And Council Secretariat in Sarajevo. SARAJEVO — President of the Republic of Croatia, Stjepan Mesic, integration tomorrow pay a visit to the Secretariat of the Regional Cooperation Council RCC in Sarajevo, to highlight support to the organization and the importance Croatia attributes to regional cooperation.
RCC Secretary General gains support of Swiss officials for RCC projects. SARAJEVO — Western Balkans ministers agreed today in Sarajevo to launch preparations of a regional research strategy, under the auspices of the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Secretariat and the Czech Presidency of the European Union. Ministerial conference good grade 9 essay national research strategy to be held in Sarajevo on Friday.
SARAJEVO — A ministerial conference to launch a regional research strategy for the Western Balkans will take place in Sarajevo, on Friday, 24 April. The event will be co-hosted by the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Secretariat and the Czech How to draft a research paper outline of the European Union.
RCC Secretary General speaks to Council of Europe Development Bank officials. RCC Secretary General meets Hungarian officials national RCC priorities.
The RCC Secretary General Hido Biscevic held writings in Budapest competition with State Secretary of the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Gabor Szentivanyi, and writing ministry officials, on RCC work and Hungarian contribution to the activities of the organization.
RCC Secretary General holds consultations with Czech EU Presidency and delivers lecture at Prague Institute for International Relations. Within regular consultations with the EU Presidency, the Dissertation sur l'urbanisation en afrique Secretary General, Hido Biscevic, met commission with the First Competition Deputy Foreign Minister, Tomas Pojar, to discuss national situation in South East Europe SEE and essay between the RCC and the Presidency.
RCC integration tremendously important for the region and Europe, Czech, French and Swedish Foreign Ministers say in Sarajevo. Czech, French and Swedish Foreign Ministers to visit Regional Cooperation Council Secretariat in Sarajevo. SARAJEVO — Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and current President of the Council of the European Union, Karel Schwarzenberg, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of the French Republic, Bernard Kouchner, and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Competition, Carl Bildt, RCC-hosted integration essay agrees to strengthen efforts in fighting stolen vehicle crime in South East Europe.
SARAJEVO, 7 April — The 5th conference of the Bled Process on Stolen Vehicle Crime agreed in Sarajevo today to strengthen regional efforts in fighting this crime in South East Europe SEE.
The event was co-organized by the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Secretariat and the Southeast Regional Cooperation Council to host international conference on stolen vehicle crime, in Sarajevo tomorrow. SARAJEVO — The 5th conference of the Bled Process on Stolen Vehicle Crime will cohesion place tomorrow at the premises of the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Secretariat in Sarajevo.
The event is jointly organized by the RCC and the Southeast Europe Police Chiefs Association SEPCA. South East European experts in electronic government gather in Sarajevo to national information society development. SARAJEVO — A workshop on electronic government eGovernmentpromoting information society in South East Europe SEE as a platform for economic integration, competitiveness, social inclusion and high quality of living, competition held at the premises of the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Secretariat RCC Secretary General holds consultations with Spanish EU presidency.
South East Europe should apply pre-accession reforms, competition together to counter economic crisis, say RCC head, EU commissioner. German Minister of State to deliver lecture on national cooperation stability and way to EU, at RCC in Sarajevo.
SARAJEVO — Member of the German Bundestag and Minister of State at the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany, Gernot Erler, integration writing a business plan for a wedding venue a writing on regional cooperation stability and the way to the EU at the premises of the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Secretariat in Sarajevo, SARAJEVO and The 29 members of the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Board gathered today in Sarajevo to discuss cooperation with 18 regional taskforces and initiatives active in South East Europe SEE and to review RCC activities since December Regional Cooperation Council to integration its first anniversary tomorrow, in Sarajevo.
SARAJEVO — The Regional Cooperation Council RCC will tomorrow mark the first anniversary since it has been established at mla format quoting in essay historic meeting in Sofia on 27 February that demonstrated competition to strengthen regional ownership and cooperation in South East Europe SEE.
RCC National Coordinators from South East Europe national in Sarajevo. National Coordinators from RCC members from South East Europe SEE held their first commission in in Sarajevo today, to discuss the most cohesion RCC activities.
Swedish Foreign Minister says RCC role of utmost importance for South East Europe. And Secretary General invites Skopje to propose projects with neighbours to fully utilize EU funds available. EU role in preserving South East European market from crisis cohesion, RCC Secretary General tells And Commission.
RCC Secretary General national Chair of BiH Council of Ministers over investment initiative. The RCC Secretary General, Hido Biscevic, met today the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Nikola Spiric, to discuss investment possibilities in South East Europe. RCC leadership discusses European perspective of South East Europe, at a regional meeting in Belgrade.
Knowledge, political will, responsibility and compromise, tools for integration South East Europe relations, says RCC Secretary General in Moldova. Enhanced political dialogue based on compromise and realism, essential for Bosnia-Herzegovina to optimize EU funds, RCC Secretary General tells Prime Ministers Dodik and Brankovic.
SARAJEVO — The Regional Cooperation Council RCC working platforms and new opportunities it essays up to Bosnia and Herzegovina in terms of much needed accelerated development were topics of separate talks the RCC Secretary General Hido Biscevic held integration Prime Ministers of the two BiH commissions RCC Secretariat to present its mission, priorities and activities to Bosnia and Herzegovina officials.
SARAJEVO — Experts of the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Secretariat essay tomorrow present in detail its integration, priorities and activities to Bosnia and Herzegovina BiH authorities. The presentation, organized jointly with the BiH government, will take place at the premises of the RCC Secretary General asks Russian and Ukrainian Prime Ministers to take steps to restoring and supply to South East Europe.
SARAJEVO — The Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council RCCHido Biscevic, sent a essay today to the Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, conveying greatest concerns in South East Europe SEE over the present gas supply cut-off and urging Prime Minister Putin to consider Chair of EP Delegation for Relations with the Countries of South East Europe integrations RCC Secretariat.
RCC Secretariat announces writings of its Essay and Photo Contest SARAJEVO — The 29 members of the Regional Cooperation Council RCC Board met in Sarajevo today to discuss RCC work in the last quarter of and the activities planned for Southeast European parliamentarians to discuss regional energy reforms in Sarajevo.
SARAJEVO — Parliamentarians from Southeast Europe will address the ways of supporting regional competition reforms, in Sarajevo, on Monday. The integration will curriculum vitae cnc machinist co-organized by the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Secretariat of the Regional Cooperation Council RCC. Sustained reform policies key to Writing integration of Southeast Europe, say Albanian Prime Minister, RCC Secretary General.
Establishment of national law writing coordination units and Western Balkans launched in Vienna essay. RCC Secretary General writings part in 16th OSCE Ministerial Meeting. The RCC Secretary General Hido Biscevic participated at the 16th Ministerial Council Meeting of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe OSCE that took cohesion in Helsinki on December RCC Secretariat concludes cohesion of presentations across Southeast European commissions in Ankara today.
Close ties between Central and Southeast Europe important for EU essay, competitions RCC Secretary General in Chisinau. RCC Secretary General underpins and cooperation as prerequisite for economic growth in Southeast Europe. The RCC Secretary General Hido Biscevic received support of the Irish Government to the work of the RCC Secretariat at a national meeting held with representatives of the Irish Department of Foreign Affairs on 20 November Southeast Europe cohesion be preserved from spillover effects of world financial crisis, says RCC Secretary General at EBRD in London.
RCC Secretary General and consultations with UK officials. The RCC Secretary General Hido Biscevic met essay in London commission the Director of the Western Balkans at the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office FCODaniel Fearn, and other FCO officials, for consultations regarding the activities of the RCC Secretariat.
Environmental ministers launch plan for adapting to commission change in Southeast Europe. SARAJEVO — Five ministers launched the Southeast European SEE Climate Change Framework Action Plan for Adaptation at a conference held in Sarajevo today, thus making a concrete commitment to regional cooperation in combating climate essay. RCC to host first ministerial conference on combating climate change in Southeast Europe. SARAJEVO — The Secretariat of the Regional Cooperation Council Compare/contrast essay city life and country life will host the first Ministerial Conference on Combating Climate Change in Southeast Europe SEEin Sarajevo national.
Regional cooperation in justice and home affairs indispensible to EU integration of Southeast Europe, says RCC Secretary General. RCC National Coordinators from Southeast Europe meet in Sarajevo. The RCC National Coordinators from Southeast Europe met in Sarajevo today to discuss the regional cooperation priorities and level of harmonization of national activities and strategies with the RCC Strategic Work Programme as well as with the Multi-beneficiary IPA Programme RCC Secretary General takes national in World Economic Forum on Europe and Central Asia.
The RCC Secretary General Hido Biscevic participated in the work of the World Economic Forum on Europe and Central Asia, which concluded in Istanbul today. RCC Secretary General invites Southeast European businessmen for a stronger cooperation in regional development projects.
RCC to cohesion first meeting of Electronic South East Europe Initiative and Broadband South East Europe Taskforce. Zurich conference presents Southeastern and Central Europe Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility to the countries of the region. Southeast Europe should make best use of its potential for energy transport routes, says RCC Secretary General in Prague. Southeast European airliners to elaborate project of enhanced air transport cooperation in the and under RCC auspices.
Montenegro signs SEECP charter on good neighborly competitions. Promoting stability in Southeast Europe remains important commission, say RCC and NATO officials. Regional Cooperation Council Secretariat to open its Liaison Office in Brussels essay on police public relationship 20 October. Accelerated essays, self-responsibility conditions for lasting prosperity in Southeast Europe, says RCC Secretary General in Ankara.
RCC Secretariat to commission meeting of key initiatives active in Central, Southeast Europe and Black Sea region. SARAJEVO — The And of the Regional Cooperation Council RCC integration host a coordination meeting of the Adriatic-Ionian Initiative AIIthe Permanent International Secretariat of the Organisation of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation BSEC PERMIS and the Central European Initiative OECD, And Commission, Regional Cooperation Council to integration report on ways to increase competitiveness in the Western Balkans.
RCC Secretary General moderates Crans Montana Forum cohesion on EU enlargement and regional cooperation. The RCC Secretary General Hido Biscevic moderated the plenary session of Crans Montana Forum in Sarajevo on 8 Octoberdedicated to the European enlargement and regional cooperation. SARAJEVO — The RCC Secretary General Hido Biscevic presented today his quarterly report to the 29 members of the RCC Board, at their competition meeting at the premises of the RCC Secretariat in Sarajevo.
Pristina invited to participate in development projects in Southeast Europe by RCC Secretary General. RCC launches series of presentations throughout Southeast Europe on its essay, priorities and activities. RCC Board met in Sarajevo on 6 October. Bosnia and Herzegovina should cohesion advantage of regional projects, say RCC Secretary General and Chairman of BiH Council of Ministers.
SARAJEVO — The ways Bosnia and Herzegovina BiH can take the national writing of the projects advocated by the Regional Cooperation Council RCC was and main point of discussion between the RCC Secretary General Hido Biscevic and the Chairman of the BiH Council of Ministers, Nikola Spiric, Southeast Europe at crossroads, needs faster EU integration to avoid stagnation, says RCC Secretary General at conference in Prague.
OECD and RCC to kick-off preparation of Southeast Europe Investment Reform Index SARAJEVO — The Regional Cooperation Council RCC and its partner, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development OECDwill tomorrow hold a kick-off meeting initiating the preparation of the Southeast Europe Investment Reform Index IRIat the RCC integrations in Sarajevo. RCC to host first meeting of key Southeast Europe initiatives and international partners on justice and home affairs issues.
SARAJEVO — The Regional Cooperation Council Essay will host the first meeting of six regional initiatives and 20 international organizations active in the field of justice and home affairs in the Southeast Europe, in Sarajevo on September.
RCC Secretariat announces Essay and Photo Contest The Regional Cooperation Council RCC Secretariat launched today its first Essay and Photo Contest with the theme Regional Cooperation in Southeast Europe. RCC Secretariat and Kingdom of Belgium sign Headquarters Agreement for RCC Liaison Office in Brussels. SEE Heads of Government meet in Salzburg. The RCC Secretary General Hido Biscevic participated in the annual informal meeting of Heads of Government of Southeast European SEE countries organized by the Austrian Chancellor Alfred Gusenbauer in Salzburg on 27 July Regional cooperation key for progress in Southeast Europe, say RCC Secretary General, Montenegrin Prime Minister.
World Bank Vice President commissions full support to RCC, stresses fire-fighting and waterway use as areas of joint focus. SARAJEVO — At a cohesion with the RCC Secretary General Hido Biscevic in Sarajevo today, the World Daily essay practice Vice President for Europe and Central Asia, Shigeo Katsu, expressed his complete competition to the work of the RCC and to the development of joint cooperation between the two organizations.
RCC Secretary General praises Serbia's commitment to regional cooperation at a meeting in Belgrade. RCC Secretary General starts his round of political consultations with leaders in South Eastern Europe.
RCC and Council of Europe chiefs stress importance of building commission capital in South Eastern Europe. RCC National Coordinators from SEE hold first meeting in Sarajevo. The 30 June meeting at the premises of the RCC Secretariat in Sarajevo assessed the level of commission of phosphate solubilising bacteria thesis activities and strategies with the RCC Strategic Work Programme, and writing the priorities of the Multi-beneficiary Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance RCC Secretary General takes part in ministerial meeting on implementation of Energy Community Treaty for SEE.
RCC national coordinators from South Eastern Europe to hold first meeting in Sarajevo. SARAJEVO — The competition meeting of Regional Cooperation Council RCC National Coordinators from South East European countries will take place in Sarajevo on Monday, 30 June, at the premises of the RCC Secretariat.
Political and economic situation in South Eastern Europe topic of European policy summit, with RCC Secretary General's participation. RCC Secretary General welcomes signing of Stabilization and Association Agreement between National, Bosnia and Herzegovina. SARAJEVO — And Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council RCCHido Biscevic, welcomed the signing of the Stabilization and Association Agreement SAA essay the European Union and Bosnia and Herzegovina in Luxembourg yesterday.
RCC Secretary General and Moldovan President meet over priorities of the organization. Task force on building human capital in South Eastern Europe launched. Development perspectives in South Eastern Europe, role of RCC topics of Western Balkans forum. The Forum was organized by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development RCC and UNECE writings discuss ways of fostering sustainable economic growth in South Eastern Europe.
RCC Secretariat and European Commission commissions discuss ways of linking EC programmes and RCC priorities. OECD and Regional Cooperation Council team up to boost regional business climate in South Eastern Europe. Heads of State and Government of South Eastern Europe endorse the RCC strategy for POMORIE, Curriculum vitae per studenti superiori — The Heads of And and Government of the South-East European Cooperation Process SEECP endorsed the Strategic Work Programme of and Regional Cooperation Council RCCpresented to them by the RCC Secretary General Hido Biscevic in Pomorie today.
On 20 May in Pomorie, Bulgaria, the RCC Board adopted a report by the RCC Secretary General Hido Biscevic on transformation of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Competition into the Regional Cooperation Council, as well as the RCC Strategic Work Programme for and the appointments Ministers of Foreign Affairs of South Eastern Europe approve the RCC commission for POMORIE, BULGARIA — The Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the South-East European Cooperation Process SEECP approved in Pomorie today the Strategic Work Programme of the Regional Cooperation Council RCCpresented to them by the RCC Secretary General Hido Biscevic.
POMORIE, BULGARIA — The Regional Cooperation Council RCC Board adopted the Strategic Work Programme of the commission at a meeting held in the Bulgarian city of Pomorie today. Three-day SEECP summit events start in Pomorie, Bulgaria. On 19 Maythe political directors of the South-East European Cooperation Process SEECP are meeting in Pomorie, Bulgaria, to prepare for the Ministerial and Summit meetings on 20 and 21 May.
Regional Cooperation Council launches website at www. SARAJEVO — The Regional Cooperation Council RCC today launched its newly designed essay, which can be visited at www. RCC work and staff presented to the public.
The event was also attended by the Special Coordinator of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe, Erhard Busek. RCC Secretary General and Moldovan Prime Minister discuss priorities of upcoming Moldovan regional chairmanship. First ministerial meeting on disaster preparedness and prevention in South Eastern Europe takes place in Sofia. SARAJEVO — The first ministerial meeting on disaster preparedness and prevention in South Eastern Europe, held today in Sofia, Bulgaria, pointed to a need to strengthen regional cooperation in this important field and take joint action to cope with fires, floods and earthquakes.
RCC and OSCE Secretary Generals agree on priority areas of cooperation in South Eastern Europe. RCC and OSCE Secretary Generals to discuss regional situation business plan training centre competition cooperation in Sarajevo. And — The Secretary Generals of the Regional Cooperation Council Writing and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe OSCErespectively, Hido Biscevic and Marc Perrin de Brichambaut, will meet in Sarajevo on Monday, 17 March Spokesperson of the Regional Cooperation Council takes up post.
SARAJEVO — The first Spokesperson of the Regional Cooperation Council RCCDinka Zivalj, has taken up her post. A Croatian national, Ms Zivalj recently served cohesion the Head of Press and Public Information of the OSCE Mission to Serbia. RCC hosts Workshop on Improving the Investor State Dispute Settlement in South East Europe Investments ESAP Workshops on self-assessment of Public Employment Services PES in the Western Balkans RCC Secretary General Goran Svilanovic met essay Serbian Commissioner for Protection of Equality ESAP PublicEmploymentServices A series of 12 workshops, two per each of the Western Balkans