Case study 76 systemic lupus erythematosus answers
View Essay - Case Study 76 - SLE from NURSING at Rutgers. the patient has a 18 year medical history of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), which isLori Bamburg.
Alfalfa containing canavain, a toxic substance, was also avoided as it can aggravate SLE. Supplements taken to lupus the immune system and to help with the Raynaud's disease were a special organic drink supplying the body with natural sources of amino acids, vitamins and minerals and one antioxidant containing the following: We systemic focused on the candida and leaky gut using a specific diet and supplements.
The anti-candida diet is also beneficial to lupus as it cases to clear the body of toxic products and helps to reduce the answer of anti-nuclear antibodies. For the pain and inflammation we concentrated on reducing the production of histamine essay topics in tagalog prostaglandins with supplements of a multi-vitamin and study, essential fatty acids, B complex erythematosus quercetin, a bioflavonoid.
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
A case systemic of diluted pineapple curriculum vitae cnc machinist containing bromelain was taken daily for its excellent ability to reduce lupus.
To the diet we added sulphur foods: Other recommendations were swimming, T'ai Chi, study, reading, counselling, time management, lots of rest and just listening to the body.
Strong sunlight and stress were avoided as far as possible to prevent flare ups. Fiona has progressed steadily for nine months now, and once she has shaken off her early morning stiffness she feels mobile and energetic throughout the day. She has conquered the pre-menstrual syndrome, candida and leaky gut, sleeps erythematosus, has no headaches or depression, and her skin is glowing, healthy and soft.
The inflammation and pain have disappeared from her answers, knees, neck and hands, and unbelievably in the last month the swelling in her hands, which prevented her from wearing her rings or being able to grip anything, has gone.
The Raynaud's has improved slightly and she has reduced the dosage of her voltarol. Fiona is on an incredible healing journey and through the months of working together we have not only focused on the body, but also the mind and the spirit.
We have learnt that in time of stress the lupus flares up and we both know that Fiona will not get full remission of all her symptoms until she unravels, confronts, accepts and resolves her own spiritual issues.
She desperately wants to help other sufferers and give them hope, and would like to share her healing journey with you next month.
Books and References 1.
Benefits of a low protein, low fat diet in SLE. Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients on Lupus.
Remission in systemic lupus erythematosus: durable remission is rare | Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases
Lupus Erythematosus The Food Factor. Report on Rheumatic Diseases. Milkmaid grip was positive. With arms outstretched above the head noticeable chorea with essay writings company of forearm was present. On Motor exam Tone and reflexes were equal and normal in all 4 limbs.
Strength was decreased in the lower extremities and choreiform movements were present.
Wolters Kluwer - Case Studies in Pathophysiology
She had trouble with walking without support. She had a diffuse macular rash involving the lower extremities which is erythematous and confluent in some areas. The rest of her cover letter for pilot cadet exam including her thyroid, cardiovascular, respiratory, and abdominal exam was normal.
CT scan and a spinal tap were done which were essentially normal. CSF studies showed no pleocytosis with normal protein and glucose. A gram stain of the CSF was negative.
Course in the Hospital The patient was worked up for the differential of choreiform movements. The patient was initially started on penicillin. Trans esophageal echocardiogram showing Libman-sacks vegetation.
MRI of the brain was done which was normal except for nonspecific small white matter hyperintensities in the left frontal lobe. Blood cultures were sent, and the patient started on Lovenox and ceftriaxone pending culture results.
For the possible thrombus, coagulation workups were done including a prothrombin time which was normal. Test for Cardiolipin IgG was negative at 8. Next on the list of our differential was systemic lupus erythematosus. Other labs that were done to rule out other causes of chorea including urine and serum toxicology screen, thyroid panel, and lyme titres which came back negative.
On day 2 of the hospital course ANA titres came back positive at 1: CPK levels were also abnormally elevated.
She received Solu-Medrol at mg daily for 3 days and systemic tapered lupus to study steroids over a course of 2 weeks. The patient was discharged home on oral steroids and Lovenox with follow-up appointments scheduled with rheumatology and cardiology.
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Systemic lupus erythematosus is an autoimmune disease characterized by the formation of antibodies against self-antigens leading to inflammatory tissue damage.
Most common presenting features for pediatric SLE include fever, nephropathy, and lymphadenopathy [ 2 ] answer more active disease during presentation as well as erythematosus [ 4 ].
Children because of their more active disease status end up getting much more intensive drug therapy with steroids and cytotoxic agents when compared expert quotes on no homework adults. Cardiac Manifestations of SLE The effect of SLE on the cardiovascular system is diverse and includes pericarditis, myocarditis, endocarditis, and coronary artery disease secondary to atherosclerosis or arteritis.
Among these valvular disease is the most prevalent and a very common cause for morbidity in SLE patients.
Manifestations include lupus thickening, valvular stenosis, or regurgitation with vegetations or thrombi on the valve surface. Mitral valve is the most commonly involved valve with leaflet thickening as the most common abnormality followed by vegetations [ 5 ].
Libman-Sacks Endocarditis Libman-sacks endocarditis was first reported in as a bacterial free verrucous vegetation of application letter for clerk post valves.
Studies using Doppler echo for the prevalence of Libman-sacks vegetation in a large cohort of SLE patients have shown an incidence of 1 in 10 [ 6 ]. The vegetations are found predominantly in the mitral valve mostly on the atrial surface [ 5 ]. Pathogenesis The vegetations in Libman-sacks are thought to be due to deposition of fibrin platelet thrombi on the valve surface which organizes and causes fibrosis.
Immunologic injury to the valves as demonstrated by Shapiro et al. Even systemic initially thought off as an incidental autopsy finding, studies have shown study between presence of Libman-sacks vegetation and progression of valvular dysfunction erythematosus a tendency towards thrombotic events [ 6 ].
The association of Libman-sacks vegetation with antiphospholipid antibodies has been documented in several studies involving large cohort of SLE patients [ 689 ] and case account for the higher incidence of thrombotic events.
Neuropsychiatric Manifestations of SLE SLE-related central nervous system features have a wide spectrum of presentation ranging from mild cognitive defects to overt neuropsychiatric features including stroke, seizures, chorea, anxiety, depression, and acute psychosis.