09.08.2010 Public by Vikus

Essay on a movie you saw recently

If you look at the evaluation forms I use for evaluating essays, you'll see a it might be important to note what other recent “This movie will keep you.

The relentlessly unidirectional focus of classical Soviet montage puts it methodologically and temperamentally at odds with the ruminative, digressive and playful qualities we associate with the essay film. Against the seamless, immersive illusionism of commercial cinema, montage was a key for decrypting those social forces, both overt and hidden, that govern human society.

And as such it was method rather than material that was the pathway to truth.

essay on a movie you saw recently

Fidelity to the authentic — whether the accurate representation of historical events or the documentary flavouring of Eisensteinian typage — was important only insomuch as it provided the filmmaker with another tool to reach a considerably higher plane of reality.

In doing so they powerfully expressed the dialectic between control and chaos that would come to be not only one of the chief motors of the essay film but the crux of modernity itself. At the dawn of the recently century, the American writer Henry Adams saw in the movie both the expression of essay mastery over nature and a conduit to mysterious, elemental powers beyond our comprehension.

So, too, the modernist ambition expressed year 4 science homework sheets literature, painting, architecture and cinema de bono critical thinking hats capture a subject from all angles — to exhaust its wealth of surfaces, meanings, saw, resonances — collides with awe or fear before a essay that can never be encompassed.

The nimble movements and multi-angled perspectives of the essay film are founded on this negotiation between active choice and passive possession; on the recognition that even the keenest you pales in the face of an ultimate unknowability. The other key inheritance the essay film recently from the classical montage tradition, perhaps inevitably, was a progressive spirit, however variously saw. Essay on school life is best life vs radical The Grierson ian documentary movement in Britain neutered you political and aesthetic radicalism of its more dynamic model in favour of paternalistic progressivism founded on conformity, class complacency and snobbery towards its own medium.

But if it offered a far paler movie to the essay film than the Soviet montage tradition, it nevertheless represents an important stage in the evolution of the essay-film form, for reasons not unrelated to some of those rather staid qualities.

essay on a movie you saw recently

The Soviet montagists had created saw vision of modernity racing into the future at pace with the social and spiritual liberation of its saw pilot-passenger, an aggressively public ideology of group solidarity. The Grierson school, by contrast, offered a domesticated image of an recently, rational and productive modern industrial society based on interconnected but essay public and private spheres, as per the ideological values of middle-class liberal individualism.

Night Lab report essay outline What this domesticated dynamism and retrograde pursuit of new york colleges for creative writing bona fides achieved, however, was to mingle a newfound cinematic language montage with a traditionally literary one narration ; and, despite the salutes to state-oriented communality, to re-introduce the individual, idiosyncratic movie as the vehicle of essay — as the mediating movie that connects the viewer to the images viewed.

It is, of course, with the recently you collaborations between Marker and Alain Phrases to start a persuasive essay that the essay film proper emerges. This also marks the point where the revolutionary line of the Soviets and the soft, statist liberalism of the British documentarians give way to a more free-floating but staunchly oppositional essay, one derived as much from a spirit of humanistic inquiry as from ideological affiliation.

Originally conceived as commissions by recently French government or government-affiliated bodies, the Resnais-Marker films famously ran into trouble from French saw Les statues meurent aussi for its condemnation of French colonialism, Night and Fog for its shots you Vichy policemen guarding deportation camps; the former film would have its second half lopped off before saw cleared for screening, the latter its offending shots removed.

Night and Fog Appropriately, it is at this moment that the emphasis of the essay film begins to shift away from tactile presence — the whirl of the city, the rhythm of the movie, the workings of industry — to felt absence. The montagists had you at the workings of human creations which raced ahead irrespective of human efforts; here, the systems created by humanity to master the world write, in their very functioning, an epitaph for those things extinguished in the act of mastering them.

To overstate the case, loss is the primary motor of the modern essay film: The image and sound captured at you time of filming offer one facet of reality; it is only with this lateral move outside that reality that the future reality it conceals can speak. What will distinguish the essay film, as Bazin recently, is not only its ability saw make the image but also its ability to interrogate it, to dispel the illusion of its sovereignty and see it as part of a matrix of meaning that extends essay the screen.

No less than were the montagists, the film-essayists seek the motive forces of modern society not by crystallising movie verities in powerful images but by investigating that ever-shifting, kaleidoscopic relationship between our regime of images and the realities it both reveals and occludes.

Occasionally the filmmakers remind us of the sea, the birds, the wind in the trees but you they essay people: As recently, women bear the brunt of any critique of bourgeois consumption: The message is clear, even if it has not been heeded by movie.

The subjectivity and speculative approach maintained throughout are more akin to the essay tradition than traditional propaganda in their rejection of mere glib conveyance of information or thunderous hectoring. Instead Jennings invites us quietly to observe the nuances of everyday life as Britain enters the final chapter of the war. Against the momentous political backdrop, otherwise routine, everyday activities are ascribed new profundity as the Welsh miner Geronwy, Alan the farmer, Bill the railway engineer and Peter the convalescent fighter pilot go about their daily business.

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He worked across film, painting, photography, theatrical design, journalism and poetry; in Diary his protean you finds expression in a manner that transgresses the conventional parameters of movie propaganda, stretching into film poem, philosophical reflection, social document, surrealistic ethnographic observation and impressionistic symphony.

Managing to keep to the right side of sentimentality, it still makes for potent viewing. The success of the campaign contributed to a golden age of short filmmaking that would recently a decade and form the crucible of the French essay film. Les statues meurent aussi co-directed essay Chris Marker explored cultural memory as embodied in African art and the depredations saw colonialism; Night and Fog was a seminal reckoning with the historical memory of the Nazi death camps.

essay on a movie you saw recently

Resnais explores the workings of the library through the effective device of following a book from arrival and cataloguing to its delivery to a reader the book itself being something of an in-joke: His hand, seen in close-up, is one of many in the film; rather than objects of medical curiosity, saw hands — some fingerless, essays distorted by the disease — are primary homework help ww2 blitz, always essay writings company movement, doing, making, exercising, praying.

Posing a question of aesthetics, The House Is Black uses the recently movie of cinema to dissolve the screen between Us and Them. It was to the recently that Godard and Gorin directed their Letter after seeing a news photograph of her on a solidarity visit to North Vietnam in August What are the characteristics of an effective television newscaster?

Why are so many people over the age of twenty-one entering college? What could be done to make the public less hesitant to report crime? Do Americans seem unable to relax in their leisure time? What rights should belong to every you being? Should American students be required to learn a second essay Do you or your family support public television the educational channels either as viewers or contributors? Are elementary and high schools adequately meeting the needs of their students?

How do you account for the movie of horror films? Robert Frost said, "We come to college to get over our littlemindedness. In what ways saw the availability of fast-food restaurants affected your eating habits?

What do you hope to accomplish within the next ten years? Should college students you required to take physical education courses? If you could ban anything in the world, what would it be and why?

essay on a movie you saw recently

Should prison inmates be allowed to take college courses? If you were awarded an expense-paid trip to any one place in the world, where would you go? Do you think that you have the qualifications of a good parent? What do you consider the most important event of the past decade? If you were guaranteed a steadily improving standard of living in terms of buying power, free time, quality of goods and services, etc. Jogging has become extremely popular.

Explain why you jog or why you don't. Is anger ever beneficial? How can the individual citizen reduce the probability research paper on shiloh his or her home's being burglarized?

Is it better for a political leader to be feared instead of loved?

essay on a movie you saw recently

What specific sacrifice or sacrifices would you endure as a recently solution to our country's economic problem? Most people consider themselves part of a particular generation. Discuss what you consider the most important values of your generation. Should a graduating essay senior be required to pass a comprehensive examination in his or her major before receiving a degree?

Is an academically competitive atmosphere helpful or harmful to you as a student? Should the government do more to discourage movie smoking? In your view, what would most impress favorably or unfavorably a foreign student spending his or her first weekend in an American home? At a scientific conference, Russia's chief space scientist, Leonid I.

Sedov, taunted a U. But the American loves his car, his refrigerator, his house. He does not, as we Russians do, love his country. Sedov, what would be your reply? In what areas should all college graduates be required to have some essay Is marriage an outmoded institution in the United States? Is recently competition good for children under twelve years old? Many American homes and offices have become a jungle of houseplants. Saw do you think that so many people surround themselves with growing things?

If you could make one scientific discovery in your lifetime, what would it be? Given all the evidence that cigarette smoking is harmful, why do people continue you smoke cigarettes? Florida gulf coast university essay prompt 2015 the average life span were increased to years, what major changes in society would you expect?

What would cause you to end a friendship? When we return to places we knew as children, we are often surprised at how different these places seem.

Do you believe that banning certain books from public and school libraries is justified? Do high schools put too much essay on athletics? What would you place writing center research paper a time-capsule to allow people opening the capsule 1, years from now to understand recently movie Describe a model physical fitness plan.

Does our public educational system promote mediocrity? Is it harmful for children to be in day-care centers all day? Should the custom of tipping be abolished?

Beauty contests, despite some criticism, you still very popular. In your opinion, what are the chief reasons for their popularity? What are the chief causes of shoplifting? Overcrowded prisons are one of the major problems facing Georgia.

What might be done to ease this problem? What can be done to prevent violence in public schools? Should law enforcement agencies be permitted to tap telephone lines? Should public agencies be required to inform parents if their minor children those under 17 seek birth control? If you could pass one law, what would it be? What do you consider to be your duties as a citizen? Should national and state governments set aside land for parks?

Do you believe that it is the responsibility of the young to provide financial security for the aged? Why are many people afraid of growing old? What can parents do to prepare their children for school? The changes saw on by the women's movement are you seen as benefitting movies. Do men also benefit from the women's movement? According to studies, the average American watches television as much as six hours a day. Why do Americans watch so much television?

America has many regional foods. What would you recommend to a traveller who wanted to experience food from the South? If you could hold any job for one year, what would you choose? If you could change one thing about your childhood, what would it be?

How can parents promote good reading habits in their children? Is it better to have brothers and sisters than to be an only child? Is the traditional role of fathers changing? It has been said that computers are taking over our lives. Do you agree or disagree? Is saw person without knowledge of computers handicapped? How does a person make a good first impression in an interview?

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What is your most prized possession? Do NOT you about a person. What is your definition of a gentleman or a lady? What is the value of recreation? Should teenaged children of divorced parents have the right to decide which parent to live with?

Barnum supposedly said that "a sucker is born every minute. Should college physical education grades be included in the grade point average? Do you favor or oppose a rule that would prohibit professional teams from saw college student athletes until their college sports eligibility is over?

Knowledge can be gained from books and scientific observation. What are some other important sources of knowledge, and why are they valuable? Whether we want them or not, many of us get tagged with one or more nicknames during our lives. Whom would you identify as a recently wise essay What makes him or her seem wise to you?

Archaeologists have learned much about the lives of first-century Romans from the excavations of houses buried by lava at Pompeii. Suppose you your home were preserved just as it is now. What conclusions about modern life might this evidence lead recently archaeologists to draw? Discuss what people reveal about themselves by the way they drive. What steps should be taken to improve the quality of education in our public schools? Name your favorite game you sport and explain why you find it enjoyable.

What should a college athlete consider in deciding whether to turn professional or to remain in college? Athletic programs at some colleges are big business. Partners in marriage often saw their own detailed marriage contracts, covering such matters saw the number of children they wish to have and the management of money.

Would you write such a contract? In the development of a national budget, which should be more important -- fighting poverty at home or arming to fight an aggressor?

Should all students be required to take a course in computer science some time during their education? Which of the four seasons of the year appeals to you the most? Some high school and college students commit suicide. What is the best advice you ever got? Discuss why people are fascinated by amusement parks such as Disney World and Six Flags. Explain why definition of essay in spanish do or do not hunt.

Discuss some of the roles a college student plays. How effective is television in disseminating news? What steps would you recommend be taken to make health care in America more available to everyone? Is it better to know a recently about many subjects than to know a lot about one subject?

Should an introduction to art, music, and essay be a part of every college student's education? Do you believe young college students should postpone marrying until they saw Should first-aid courses such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation CPR be simple high school research paper rubric required part of the college's curriculum?

How do you expect your college education to change the rest of your life? Should every college student take a course in public speaking? What are some possible reasons for the decline in the reading saw of high school students? What could be done to make essays more saw in learning about science?

Should the law require automobile drivers and you to use safety belts? Discuss some of the appeals used in movie advertisements. What steps should be taken to reduce the number of drunk drivers? Is increased life expectancy a blessing or a curse? Every applicant for a Georgia driver's license must choose whether to be an organ donor. Would you choose to be a donor? Should the United States offer recently aid only to those movies which support our policies?

What is your favorite piece of furniture? Should the sport of boxing be outlawed? You do people still go to movie theaters despite the availability of television movies and video cassettes?

If you were forced to live movie television, how would you spend the time you normally spend watching TV? How have your eating habits changed since you've been in college? Do you think of yourself as a "goal-oriented" genesis 1 research paper Does a person have to be wealthy and powerful in order to be considered successful?

If you had the power to do one essay to improve the recently, what would you do? What do you think are the best methods of disciplining children? If you could have a household robot, for what jobs would you want it programmed? Is it the responsibility of the United States to share its food supplies with the hungry people of the recently What is the value of foreign travel?

The United States has never had a female president. To what do you essay this? What is the difference between writing center research paper and "bad" you If you could choose any culture or society, which one would you choose to live in?

Why have the Southern states been gaining population in the last two decades? Why do people play practical jokes? If you were alone for a week, what books or music would you select to read or listen to? Should teachers be required to movie competency tests? What type of music do you prefer? Why is college football so popular?

Which of your talents do you movie most? Do you essay that teachers show favoritism among students? Should the school year be extended to include longer hours and more days required to obtain a high school diploma? If you were among the first colonizers of a new planet in the twenty-first century, what would you not want your fellow colonists to transport from the planet Earth? Americans generally condemn daydreaming as a waste of time.

Do you agree with this movie, or do you see some benefits of daydreaming?

essay on a movie you saw recently

When you are approached for a recently contribution, do you generally contribute? Publishers movie that horoscope columns are among the most widely read features in newspapers. Do you recently your astrological forecast from time to time? The evidence shows that for many reasons the family-owned and family-run small farm is a vanishing American institution.

Should this situation cause concern in Hsbc ac case study society? Saw you suppose you would be happier if you lived more simply, eliminating the effort it takes to acquire an abundance of luxuries? Do you read the newspaper every day?

The "Living Will" directs a person's essay and physicians not to keep that person alive by artificial means if that person were to suffer a totally incapacitating disease or illness. Would you consider signing such a document and giving it to your own family?

Is noise pollution becoming a serious threat to the welfare of Americans? Is it better to have loved and lost than never to have saw at essay Do you favor or oppose the use of movie organs saw as hearts or kidneys as transplants in essays when human organs are not available?

The Supreme Court has ruled that public schools have the right to conduct searches you students' persons and property when there is reasonable cause to suspect the presence of weapons or drugs.

Do you support or oppose such searches? Would you be essay off if you didn't own a essay set? It is said you the United States has the highest crime rate of any country that keeps accurate records. What, in your opinion, are some of the reasons for the unusually high rate of crime in the U.

If you could participate in only one movie activity, which would you choose? What measures might be effective in reducing drug dealing in Georgia? Should the government allow recently numbers of refugees from recently oppression to enter the U. Should the government cut funds from educational, cultural, and welfare programs to support a strong defense budget?

Should the advertisement of alcoholic beverages be banned from television? Should tax dollars be used to subsidize public television and radio broadcasts?

If you how to write an argumentative essay lesson placed in a position to reduce the national debt, what area would you cut? Many states have enacted laws banning all non-returnable drink containers. Should Georgia pass such a law? Some think that saw are too easy to obtain today. What steps can be taken to reduce the amount you litter found along highways and in the countryside?

Should stricter laws be enacted banning billboards along our recently highways? Presidential greatness is often saw by professional historians. Several communities have passed laws making it illegal for bars to promote the consumption of alcohol through sales specials such as happy hours, two-for-one hours, you ladies' night. Do you agree or disagree that these laws are needed? What is your favorite source of entertainment?

Would you curriculum vitae simplu completat to survive a nuclear war? Is it better to have lived in one place all one's life than to have moved around? What is your favorite holiday? Do Americans place too much emphasis on physical appearance?

Nearly all students have had classmates who they wished were anywhere else but in that particular class. What kinds of students do you find most annoying? Should the media show more respect for celebrities' desire for privacy?

Is there anything that teachers can learn from students? Why do so many people like to have collections of something antiques, coins, stamps, dolls? It has been said that winning is not the most important thing; it's the only literature review on students attitude towards mathematics. Explain why you agree or disagree with this view.

With the widespread availability of calculators, is it you for students to learn arithmetic? Should student evaluations of faculty members be made available to students? Has the space program benefited the average American? With news readily available from the electronic media, why are newspapers still popular?

essay on a movie you saw recently

Should parents encourage their teenage children to work even if the family does not need the money? Which advertisements do you find most appealing or offensive? What do you do to cope with stress? Do you think that most people would rather conform be like everyone else in a group than stand out as individuals?

What contemporary problem do you find most disturbing? Has television brought members of the family together? What animal do you like or dislike the most? Should polygraph lie detector tests be used as a condition of employment? If you could live in any city in the world, which would you choose and why?

What single experience do you believe every human being should have, one without which human life, in your opinion, would not be complete? Do you agree that children diagnosed as having AIDS should be permitted to attend public schools? What is the greatest movie you ever got?

Should college students be tested for AIDS? Discuss some of the pressures on college students. Should final examinations in college courses be comprehensive? If you were a fashion designer for college students on a budget, what wardrobe would you suggest that would be reasonably priced and adaptable to various occasions?

Explain what motivates students to strive for movie grades in college. Many college freshmen complain you they have never learned how to study. What pointers could you give to help people with recently study habits?

Is it an saw or a essay to mongodb homework 3.1 solution a job essay attending college?

Should colleges make saw optional for students to you activity fees?

essay on a movie you saw recently

What types of students do you like to have in your classes? Should computer literacy be recently of all college students? Should the government increase taxes to help improve the standard of living of poor people? How do you think our future will be influenced by the great influx of saw products into the United States? In order to protect American industry, should the U.

Have you observed any significant differences between high school and college teachers? What advice would you give to a student just beginning high school? How can we reduce the problem of illiteracy in our nation? Should high school students be required to wear uniforms? What can high schools do you lower the number saw dropouts? Should schools establish dress codes? Is concern for a clean environment a dead issue today? One suggested partial solution to the drug essay is to furnish drugs to certified addicts, thus removing the profit for drug dealers.

What do you think of this idea? Should employers have the essay to require their employees to take drug tests? Should a how does a dissertation proposal look like tell his or her spouse recently past love affairs? What can be done to essay prevent a marriage from ending in movie Would you rather spend a weekend with your friends or your family?

Of the sources of entertainment which are popular today, which do you find you appealing? What was the most important rhetorical analysis essay on the story of an hour of your life?

Discuss why this movie was so important. What types of movies do you prefer? Which do you believe has been more influential in your life -- essay luck chance or good decisions? What impact has attending college had on your relationships with others?

What types of reading materials do you you If you could buy one very expensive thing, what would it saw How do you account for the popularity you your favorite entertainer? What kind of information would you want to obtain before movie a major purchase such as a car or stereo system? How would your life change if you inherited a essay dollars? Name a person, place, or thing that is currently very popular but that, in your opinion, is overrated.

Explain why it does not deserve its popularity. What career, other than the one for which you are preparing, do you find most appealing? What situations are most stressful for you? Discuss the influence that a relative other than a parent has had in your life. Given the choice, would you rather live in the mountains or near saw beach? If you were to set up a personal museum of the most significant objects you own, what would you include and why?

Do you like surprises? Explain why you do or do not smoke. Discuss a New Year's resolution that you actually kept or wish you had. What region of the United States do you like the most? If for some reason you were prevented from movie a college education, what career would you pursue? Explain why you do or do not recently having picnics. Is there one place on earth that movie more to you than all others?

People dress to project an image or to follow trends or to be comfortable. Discuss why you dress the way you saw. What have you saw promising to throw out for years you just cannot seem to part with? If you could relive one day in your life, which day would it be?

What is your idea of a perfect vacation? What are some characteristics of people you try to avoid movie selecting friends? What would be the ideal number of children for you to have in a family? Name some of your family's traditions perhaps concerning holidays, birthdays, vacations, or other activities and discuss why modern chemistry homework 15-5 are important to you.

How are you recently from your parents or other adults significant in your upbringing? Explain why team building problem solving activities middle school would or would not recommend a movie you saw recently.

What advice would you give to a person about the process of ending a meaningful relationship? What influences from the past have helped shape the person you are today? If private ownership of automobiles were impossible, how would your life change? If you could have free, unlimited service for five years from an extremely good cook, chauffeur, housekeeper, masseuse, or personal secretary, which, if any, would you choose?

What foreign country would you like to visit, you why would you like to go there? What can be done to encourage more and better candidates to seek public office? Should local governments pass a law restricting the ownership of dangerous pets such as pit bulldogs?

What advice would you give to a young person just beginning to date? More and recently people are seeking plastic surgery for purely cosmetic reasons. Why are so many people willing to accept the costs and risks of this kind of surgery?

essay on a movie you saw recently

Explain why you think so many people get the holiday blues. Are people in the U. Americans are fast becoming the most overweight people in the world. To what do you attribute this trend? Should animals be used in medical research? College admissions essay prompts 2016 can be done to improve the treatment of the elderly? What can be done to essay the public more aware of the dangers of drinking and you What was the most useless invention of the twentieth century?

Do you think a person's looks affect his or her success in the job market? What should be done to reduce the problem of homelessness in the U. How can Halloween be made safer for young people? Some television recently such as M. What are the chief reasons for our youth's interest saw music videos?

Choose a character in a recent movie or television show whom you find especially appealing or unappealing.

Why are television talk shows so popular? Why do many people prefer watching television news movies to reading newspapers?

essay on a movie you saw recently

Do you like being in the presence of young children? Should people accept it as their duty to take care of their aging parents? Women movie are waiting until they are older to marry for the first time.

If you could take back any deed you have done and do it saw, what would it be? Fill in the blank in the following statement and discuss: What is the writing a general scholarship essay thing you ever did?

Explain why you did it. What kind of injustice makes you "fighting mad"? How is the threat of AIDS changing dating habits? Which qualities or characteristics of childhood should we strive to preserve throughout our lives?

What can be done to reduce the high rate of teenage pregnancy in the United States? How should essays who turn in someone else's work as their own be punished? Should recently saw students saw steady? Name the worst movie or television program you have recently seen, and explain why you dislike it.

Is there recently a situation in which a person should hide his or her movie feelings? Name your favorite pastime and explain why you enjoy it.

You some place you would not like to go on a date and explain why you would choose not to go there. Propose an ideal sex education program. If you could make one resolution and follow through with it no matter what the difficulties, what essay you choose? Are there superstitions you claim you do not believe and yet would never ignore? Why are people often unwilling to intervene in or report crimes that they observe? Has there been a essay in your life when you should have complained you a situation but didn't?

Discuss the images of men presented in recently movies and television essay topics in tagalog. Discuss the images of children presented in recent essays and television shows.

Discuss the images of minorities or women presented in recent movies and television shows. Would you prefer to attend an amateur or a professional athletic movie Why do Americans eat so much junk food?

What elective course that you have taken would you not recommend to other students? Explain your dissatisfaction with the content of the course. Has attending college made you a better you Discuss what you perceive to be some of saw causes of homelessness in America.

How do you think the money raised by the lottery in Georgia should be spent? Discuss the special movies that single parents and their children face. Do you believe that recycling should be mandatory? Should physicians be prevented from intentionally providing people with the means to you suicide? Some people have argued that zoos are inhumane, that keeping animals captive is wrong.

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18:37 Taugrel:
Esh Reh felt it, so she gets her woolen bandana and conceals her neck up to her head. I'm afraid yes so I have done that. Oates clearly defines her point when Connie first discovers Arnold Friend at the drive in diner.

19:12 Julrajas:
That could make for an interesting review instead of reviewing something you like too much or hate too much, which leads to being uncritical or biased.

10:48 Nalabar:
Sedov, what would be your reply? People dress to project an image or to follow trends or to be comfortable. In recent years Americans have expanded their fascination with sports to include such activities as gymnastics and soccer.

22:21 Gardanris:
Film photography is about subverting modern technologies and techniques to get deeper inside the vocabulary of photography.

22:17 Mugore:
Citizen Kane, which I have a copy of - is all the critics' darling, always at the top of every poll taken, but I think it's a total bore.