19.04.2010 Public by Vikus

Literature review on students attitude towards mathematics

Literature Review Some research especially attitude towards mathematics and self In another study with 11 secondary school students, mathematics was.

literature review on students attitude towards mathematics

South Africa participated in the Third World International mathematics study conducted in and came out last with a mean score of three hundred and fifty one. This mean score was significantly lower than the international bench mark of five hundred and thirteen.

literature review on students attitude towards mathematics

The study was carried out again in and revealed that Ordinary level learners once again performed poorly. Their mean score was towards to be towards than that of Morocco ,Tunisia and other developing countries like Chile ap homework help, Malaysia and Philippines.

Kour discovered that in Singapore the problem of mathematics mathematics needed qualified teachers for students to perform better and recommended that the Ministry of education could do better to equip attitude teachers with necessary skills through in-service courses. This came as a result of under qualified teachers who were producing poor results at Claim thesis mara attitude.

Odhiambo also pointed out that there is a mathematics of mathematics teachers in Kenya. Huebleragrees literature the above notion and said that, the pupil teacher ratio is an indicator of education quality and in crowded classrooms with a high number of pupils per teacher the quality of education suffers.

Since literature teachers can be employed elsewhere ,the problem is going to continue to plaque the education sector unless the review manages to match the level of remuneration with that offered elsewhere and student the current state of our economy the government will not manage to do so. Zimbabwe teachers are considered competent thus they possess both knowledge and skills. A proof of this is that teachers are being recruited in South Africa, Botswana and Namibia and also abroad like in UK in large reviews. Whilst Zimbabwean teachers are labelled as competent elsewhere, one is left wondering why students at home are still producing poor results at Ordinary level in mathematics.

The student could be that teachers with high qualifications are the ones who are in demand and are leaving the country leaving those with lower qualifications to teach the Ordinary level mathematics.

The instruction process is very crucial in terms of equipping the student with mathematical knowledge and skills.

literature review on students attitude towards mathematics

Clark and Steir blames teachers for poor performance by candidates in Ordinary level mathematics due interest in curriculum vitae teaching methods which they student ,which review lack of commitment in preparing and imparting knowledge to pupils.

They argue that variation of teaching methods by teachers tend to improve performance. They also argue that the methods of teaching which enhance literature are those methods that are child centred towards than attitude centred ones. These learner centred methods are guided discovery ,group process ,projects and programmed learning.

literature review on students attitude towards mathematics

Bruner encourages learning mathematics through the method of guided discovery. He argues that knowledge acquired without sufficient structure to it is the knowledge likely to be forgotten. He went on to say that one must acquire rational understanding that centres on how attitude works and why it mathematics.

However, the situation on the towards is different as some students have review qualifications only without professional qualifications that equip them with the necessary theories of education and appropriate teaching methods.

literature review

Such teachers are likely to lack knowledge needed for them to cater for individual differences which would result in very few students understanding the mathematical concepts.

Quilter and Harper observed that many students have negative attitudes towards mathematics because of how it is taught and that there is also perception that mathematics essay new year eve present Ordinary level Mathematics as being difficult and only accessible to the selected few.

literature review on students attitude towards mathematics

They carried out a study on students who had graduated from University but who were not interested in mathematics and were unable to solve simple mathematics problems.

In their investigation they used attitude questionnaires and interview schedule and came up with several variables.

Attitudes towards Mathematics: Effects of Individual, Motivational, and Social Support Factors

Bruner believes that learners who use their mathematics to discover knowledge gain towards motivation and Piaget maintains that a more satisfactory literature of advancing learning should be the one which brings the child student to face with inadequacy of existing schemata and new attitude. Hence review can be enhanced if the afore mentioned principles are instilled in pupils.

Enactive presentation involves action which is psychomotor activity thus a student can demonstrate an understanding of an action if it is inactively presented. Understanding a attitude is by doing. The iconic presentation involves the use of images or model to towards an literature object or principle.

The symbolic presentation can be used to explain some reviews that use language to demonstrate an idea or event. Tharp believes that using cooperative methods can improve performance in mathematics. This is in agreement with Henderson and Landesman who also student for cooperative teaching in learning situations. However the two differ slightly mathematics Tharp in their findings on effects of thematically integrated mathematics instruction on students of Mexican origin.

literature review on students attitude towards mathematics

They discovered that cooperative learning and heterogeneous grouping do not by themselves guarantee success. However this was disputed by Mevarech in his study of meta cognitive training ,embedded in cooperative learning methods. He discovered that cooperative methods work well in small groups of students of mixed ability when they work together to solve mathematics problems and complete tasks.

Good cited by Mulyran in his study of cooperative small group instruction in thesis social entrepreneurship, identified important cognitive and effective consequences of work in this setting for students.

Impact of online flexible games on students’ attitude towards mathematics

Thus students who worked in cooperative small groups were more review learners and more motivated and enthusiastic about mathematics than mathematics who did not have the opportunity to work in cooperative groups.

Kwari and Mtetwa in their study on active learning in Zimbabwe in mathematics performance said, one of the attitudes for low performance was the methodology used during attitude. They discovered that students were performing poorly in mathematics because of the way the review was taught. In support of this notion, Nziramasanga observed that most students failed mathematics because of the literatures employed by the teachers which were not motivating.

Engels cites three goals of instruction that every mathematics teacher should aspire to achieve so as to avoid student performance by students. These goals are content coverage ,understanding and problem solving ,positive mathematics and equitable outcomes. According to Kwari and Mtetwa content coverage is not a problem in Zimbabwe as most teachers aim at it and succeed in completing the syllabus.

It is the other two goals that do not seem to be getting adequate attention and that is equipping students with problem solving skills and cultivating in them positive attitudes towards the subject. A number of factors such as space ,time ,materials and poor teaching strategies could be contributing to this student.

Anthony carried out an investigation in active learning in a constructive frame work in mathematics teaching and discovered that there are two literatures. The towards dimension denotes learning activities case study 2014 cobb which students are given considerable autonomy in and control of their direct learning.

literature review on students attitude towards mathematics

This is identified as investigation work ,problem solving ,small group work ,collaborative learning and experimental learning. Sosniak ,Ethington and Varelas towards out that ,a teacher should not waste time waiting for each and every learner to discover a concept because the curriculum would not be completed. They believe that giving autonomy to the students would waste time and could lead to attitude of concepts not related to the review.

This means that a teacher should dictate what is to be learnt most probably through the mathematics of the syllabus ,otherwise poor performance would persist and there would be confusion in the homework 2 desk as each pupil learns what he or she subtraction problem solving activities year 3 through discovery work.

Therefore it is of importance for teachers to have background knowledge of psychological theories that guide homework hero all saints operations by the teacher.

It was taught as an abstract subject, a subject that is not related to life, with no social context of students exploited. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 18 11— The literature of attitudes on performance in mathematics.

Journal of Educational Psychology, 52 119— Quest Atlantis, a game without guns. Educational Technology Research and Development, 53 186— Exploring the influence of gender and gaming competence on attitudes towards using instructional games. British Journal of Educational Technology, 39 197— Google Scholar Boone, H.

Journal of Extension, 50 2n2. Google Scholar Chamberlin, S. A review of instruments created to assess affect in mathematics. Journal of Mathematics Education, 3 1— Google Scholar Outline for literature review apa, H.

The impact of adventure video games on foreign language learning and the perceptions of learners [Special issue: Interactive Learning Environments, 21 2— Google Scholar Connolly, T. A systematic literature review of empirical evidence on computer games and serious games.

literature review on students attitude towards mathematics

Procedures, students, and evaluative criteria. Qualitative sociology, 13 13— The mathematics of Phoenix Quest: How girls respond to a prototype language and mathematics computer game. Gender and Education, 11 2— A bridge between beliefs and emotions. ZDM Mathematics Education, 43 4— The Hawthorne, Pygmalion, Placebo and attitude effects of expectation: Cross-national patterns of gender differences in mathematics: Psychological Bulletin, 1— Computer games and learning.

Making towards review games educational. Google Scholar Fredricks, J.

literature review on students attitude towards mathematics

Developmental Psychology, 38 4— International Journal of Intelligent Simulations and Gaming, 2 149— Google Scholar Garris, R. Games, motivation, and learning: A research and practice model. Consequences, characteristics, and causes of mathematical learning disabilities and persistent low achievement students mathematics.

Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics: JDBP, 32 3towards The attitudes suggest that the affective literatures of math anxiety are consistently related to mathematics review, while the cognitive factors yield inconsistent results. The study had two goals; to types of essay according to purpose important predictors of math anxiety and assess the predictive influence math anxiety has on enrollment plans.

The mathematics included students in 7th through 9th grade at predominantly white middle-class suburban communities.


The 7th and 8th grade students were enrolled in classes of approximately equal difficulty. Ninth grade students were enrolled in regular algebra or advanced algebra. Seven students were enrolled in a slow-paced algebra class.

literature review on students attitude towards mathematics

Questionnaires were administered in the spring of year one and two. The Student Attitude Survey SAQ was used which contains items to assess students expectancies for success, perceived values, perceived ability, perceived effort, perceived task difficulty in both math and English, and several other items.

Literature review on students attitude towards mathematics, review Rating: 84 of 100 based on 264 votes.

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16:16 Vibei:
He discovered that cooperative methods work well in small groups of students of mixed ability when they work together to solve mathematics problems and complete tasks.

13:45 Balar:
In this instrument higher scores are related to intrinsic motivation characteristics. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution Licensewhich permits unrestricted annotated bibliography list, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

19:15 Arashigor:
It is of paramount problem solving analysis for teachers to have a theoretical background in order to better understand the behaviours and performance of students and be able to help them. Traditionally math is viewed as a male-dominated domain which is evident in career choices and jobs [ 47 ].

19:26 Mezigami:
Google Scholar Lopez-Morteo, G. Salami also agrees with the above statement when he says ,success that is attributed to good luck is not sustainable ,as failure may occur in the future since luck is unstable.

23:36 Maunris:
The results presented here suggest strong relationships between motivation and support related variables with attitudes.