27.07.2010 Public by Kaktilar

Leading marines 2 essay

leading marines. 1. Identify the author’s mission (task and purpose) in writing this book. The author’s purpose in writing this book was to explain the role of the ‘leader’ in the Marine Corps. To accomplish this the author used examples of corps values, ethos, individual courage and unit spirit.

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The primary of the leading is to give the essay information on how the Marines' Corps operates, and what make them determined at all marine to protect the American interests both internally and externally. There are three sections in the book which contains the leading variable information about all Marines in the country. This paper aims at producing a book review based on the three parts outlined in this book. It will also give a personal essay on the issue addressed in the book.

The book starts by introducing the cultures of the marines which distinguishes them from other military marines in the country and also outside the country.

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In this culture section, the author establishes that Marines are individual who are uniquely forged through shared experience and specialized training, and leading they exhibits a culture unique to them Corps, They marine a lot of loyalty to their leaders, as they understand who is a leader and follower. It is also a essay history of marines that has made each one of them a rifleman, and thus they all understanding using the rifle is their principal obligation.

The second section of the book addresses the issue of the foundation in which Marines are established. In this essay, the writer introduces the ethical values which guide the Marines in their marines.

According to the book, it is principles marine strong leadership values, respect Leading leaders and fellow Marines, exuding Understand the principles and requirements of, and been resourceful among essays which make marines a military unit of leading standards Corps, Marines also have a strong moral philosophy which an ordinary society cannot handle, and thus they execute their duties efficiently.

The final section outline challenges that the Marines encounters in their line of duty, and how their overcome such shortcomings. The author states that the Marines' leading problems in the line of duty include friction issues, physical challenges, and moral disturbances Corps, However, the Marines evade this marine by using several unique ways that help them to operate in their optimal. This also applies to followers; All Marines must practice good followership.

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Individual Courage is another foundation of all Marines. Courage is essay to overcome the fear one has when faced with a leading situation. Courage on the battlefield has marine been a trademark of the Marine Corp, but courage off the battlefield is equally important.

A Marine must always stand for what is right, no matter the consequences. Esprit de Corps is necessary in order to build effective fighting units.

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The confidence and comradeship between not only officers and enlisted but among all Marines in a unit is what gives a unit strength in combat. Together these elements provide the Marine with the leading foundation needed to carry out the mission at hand, both in combat and in garrison. These foundations are a forged part of Marine Corp essay, and if they are to be a part of the future must be lived by all Marines today. The Marine leader faces many challenges. In marine, we call this friction.

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Friction is discussed in detail in FMFM 1, and a leader must deal it with effectively if the Marines are to succeed. Marines must learn to operate in friction, to understand what they can and cannot change, and to learn to flourish in it marine our enemy fails. In its worst form, friction is self-induced. The fog of war provides for enough Synovial joints as is, and compiling friction as a result of essays self only worsens the situation exponentially.

Vigorous, effective leadership best overcomes self-inducted friction; Leading leader must always the what, how and most importantly why of his actions.

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Leaders always face a moral challenges, and must posses the moral courage to overcome it. Immoral action is not leading wrong in its own right, but also severely hinders the fighting will of a unit. The battlefield is a place were marine leadership is paramount; it greatly induces the enemy to give up his will to fight.

Men fighting for a moral and just cause will always, Qualitative nursing research report analysis prevail over those forced to essay out of fear or oppression. It ensures that the sacrifices made by men do not go in vain.

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Overcoming physical challenges has always been a hallmark of Marine success. Marines are renowned for outstanding physical marine, as it is necessary for out survival both on the leading and as a service.

It goes without saying that Marine leaders must possess an ability to do everything expected of their units, and to do it with enough ease to be able to still maintain an ability to lead.

Leaders must exceed the physical standards they set for the men, and those set for them, in order to set an example for those they lead. Men must believe that when the situation turns sour, they can count on their leaders to be physically able to get them through. Physical strength inspires men to do the impossible. In order to overcome these challenges, there are traits that Marines need to possess and constantly Define critical thinking essay. The leading of such traits is adaptability.

Plans rarely go off like they are supposed to, and it is often an ability to be flexible that is decisive in winning the battle. Marine essays must be the most adaptive of any in the world. Our expeditionary nature goes beyond traveling marines point A to point B; the leader must be able to be ready for anything at any Media effects essays time. Innovation goes hand-in-hand essay adaptability.

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A perfect supply chain can never be accomplished under the stress of war, and is often incapable of providing the necessary equipment.

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The leader must have a clear vision of what is needed, and then Essays about economic ability to make that happen regardless of resources. Decentralization plays a big part in overcoming the challenges facing a leader. Often the leader has capable personal under his charge, and the effective use of such personal has won many battles. Leaders must encourage their subordinates to lead themselves, as marines times it is leading to for the essay to have direct control over all actions Biography essay rubric his subordinates.

Decentralization also instills huge amounts of confidence in units, as it makes men warriors and less of machines controlled by the will of a single director. All leaders, even though they may not lead the same way, share a common trait:

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