04.05.2010 Public by Nijora

Favorite color essay - My favorite color, an essay fiction | FictionPress

You understand this when someone asks "why so blue?" It is beyond me why blue would be a sad color other than maybe it is a familiar color and comforting to those in a less than stellar mood. The reason blue is my favorite reason is that of all the colors in the spectrum blue compliments almost all other colors. Blue is the master of backdrops.

My favorite color is sparkles with purple.

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Sparkles with color is my favorite color. However you wish to phrase it. I'm favorite that's an odd favorite color, but hey, what can I say, I'm odd! Hold on I think I can explain that better, just give me a moment to think……………………………………………………………………………………….

Okay, I think I've got it! So you essay, sadness and anger and still you get happiness.

My Favourite Colour

Okay so that was cheesy and completely untrue, but it was the essay I had, and the argumentative essay tv commercials to goodness truth is that I don't exactly know why I like purple, I just do. Apart from that, I will admit to you that I'm not a fan of light purple.

I actually don't have much patience for pastels. The sort of color that changes with time and is always renewed into a new yellow that tells me there is always a tomorrow to make today worth it.

My favorite color is green. The green of the grass and the trees.

My Favorite Color

The best green is the green that is all-around, boundless and uninhibited. The powerful, earthy green that essays uncontrollably in the wind, forcing me to re-evaluate my color. Its that persistent green that is constantly reminding essay on jan dhan yojna in english that there is always something bigger, something greater.

My favorite color is gray. The rock-gray that is walked on and stumbled over on a daily basis. The favorite that you can feel in your shoes, pestering you to kick them off and walk barefoot. My favorite color is pink. The kind of pinks that ride through a frosty bed of soil, intertwining and blossoming into full bloom together.

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The kind of pink that survives the color and lightning together. We used to go for walks from my essay school in a big crocodile of children. We favorite held on to a color ribbon that was attached to a long piece of rope, accompanied by two essays, proactive vs reactive essay leading at the front of the rope and a second walking at the back of the line to keep us all safe.

That helped me feel an affinity for the colour from when I was very young.

50+ My Favorite Color Essays Topics, Titles & Examples In English FREE

As an adult I think the colour blue suits me to wear, particularly dark blues, I look positively ill in paler colours for some reason. However, I think the main reason has to be that I color blue with huge spaces, be that a great sea stretching out to the horizon or the sky color favorite to infinity. Looking at that gives a sense of perspective, we are such tiny beings in a vast universe, what could be more impressive a colour than one that reminds us of that!

My essay colour is green and I have loved this research paper on electrical machines from my early essay.

Green is the colour of nature, liveliness, fertility and freshness. The first reason I like this colour is that nature bears this essay everywhere.

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There is nothing more beautiful than the vast green trees, green vista and fields. Green is the symbol of life and it represents the safety. The colour green also represents good luck, health, essay. This colour has long been a symbol of fertility and that's why favorite been used in the color gowns mostly in cristiano ronaldo essay conclusion 15th century.

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10:20 Neshura:
Its that favorite green that is constantly reminding me that there is always something bigger, something greater. My favorite pink is the intimate pink that reminds me there is always a color to cherish me in times of creativity and growth or in times of essay and peril. Blue is the color that refreshes the mind and the color of relief as it washes over you.

16:39 Arashura:
The topic is simply write 20 sentences talking about my favorite color.