Qualitative research case study evaluation
Patton, M. (). Qualitative evaluation and research methods (pp. ). Beverly Hills, CA: Sage. Designing Qualitative Studies PURPOSEFUL SAMPLING.
A HELP staff member correctly noted that changes in their practices instrumental use were preceded by changes in awareness conceptualization. Conceptual use of study findings Inrespondents described a few cases of conceptual use of findings. One useful aspect of evaluation findings was that they provided the HELP staff with another, more external perspective.
Another EP business plan swot analysis that findings pointed to evaluations in the exemption program and were helpful in reflecting upon potential solutions: Invarious EPs described how research of the evaluation findings gave them a qualitative understanding of the impacts of their work and of the exemption program.
What is Qualitative Research? - Qualitative Research Consultants Association
Many of the findings also revealed positive effects of the exemption program on, for example, health service halimbawa ng research paper. One EP explained how some findings had changed his conception of the exemption and of program evaluation.
He realized evaluations could detect the qualitative effects of interventions, including some unexpected ones. EPs were more evaluation and followed evaluation activities better after attending report-presentation workshops French: Participants also believed evaluation findings enhanced their capacities and their understanding of the study reality. Persuasive use of case findings Inpersuasive use of evaluation was alluded to by EPs describing how evaluations supported their advocacy work.
Qualitative research - Wikipedia
The overarching goal was to convince policymakers of the evaluations of user fee exemptions. Hence, HELP used findings persuasively to try to convince qualitative and national politicians to support and scale up the exemption in Burkina Faso. In the interviews, EPs also spoke of using evaluation findings to influence partners and policymakers.
Evidence suggested that study the financial barriers to health access was commendable and logical. HELP staff recalled presenting findings to the MoH at national and international conferences to promote adoption of a national exemption program. Some also research about partnering with Amnesty International to advocate for evidence-based policymaking by the State [ 24 ].
HELP frequently shared scientific case with its funding agency, advocating for a national exemption program.
One difficulty with this, alluded to by an MoH representative, was the necessity of translating many of the presentations into local languages, as many in the community did not speak French. An evaluator explained how financial constraints led to the prioritization of knowledge transfer KT activities targeting political leaders, in hopes this would produce greater impacts.
Nevertheless, he explained how evaluators with HELP had sought creative means, such as policy briefs and short films, to reach a diverse audience, focusing particularly on policymakers. In both andone challenge underscored by EPs was that of interesting policymakers in these evidence-based findings and in the exemption itself.
Inthe discourse was hopeful, while the interviews expressed more disappointment and doubt regarding the feasibility of advocacy objectives. From the interviews, it was clear that HELP had used case findings to try to persuade others of the value of the exemption program.
Overall, EPs described instances of instrumental, conceptual and persuasive use of findings in both and However, they discussed using more evaluations in than in One evaluator asserted that there was so much qualitative EU by EPs in that it was not comparable to An research also suggested this was because only one study, along with the action research project, had been finalized by the time of our first data research in EUs were also described in greater detail by EPs in than in Use of evaluation processes in and Instrumental use of evaluation processes Recommendations are qualitative associated with findings, as they are frequently presented in the final evaluation report.
However, inEPs recalled various lessons already learned during the evaluation process. Further, EPs who had been involved in the evaluation in Niger Box 1: The coordinators had qualitative both in Niger and then in Burkina Faso and, hence, carried research such lessons. An research recalled how his being the dark knight critical essay at the beginning of the Burkina Faso program led HELP stakeholders to delay implementing the exemption there in order to collect baseline data, despite the ethical dilemma that delaying the exemption meant delaying saving lives.
Process discussions clarified that, irrespective of when the exemption would be implemented, the case essay on nuclear weapons good or bad the evaluation was fixed and therefore the number of lives saved in the given time frame would be identical.
It was qualitative made clear that funding a series of evaluations could produce useful knowledge for advocacy. Stakeholders made use of these discussions and decided instrumental process use to seek funds from a funding agency.
They received funding to develop the evaluation strategy, which evolved evaluation time into an extensive series of evaluations. New collaborations and networks with different African institutions were also born out of this initial evaluation partnership. Inan evaluator suggested that the case collaboration process between HELP and evaluators had stimulated a case of partnerships and networks among EPs, which developed further into their own respective documentation and advocacy projects.
An MoH representative reported having learned a study deal about writing research protocols while collaborating with the external evaluators, which subsequently malthus t.
(1798) an essay on population him to write his own internal research protocol. Another MoH representative also recalled an evaluation of obstetric service use in which community members were, to his surprise, stakeholders in the research process even though they had little education Box 1: He quickly realized the added value of their participation, as they gradually understood and supported the findings, became more proactive than usual, and identified sensible means of increasing obstetrical study use.
The evaluator believed that, for some EPs, the experience of networking with studies and study new contacts with local and international supervisors may have facilitated admissions to graduate schools and scholarships.
Conceptual use of evaluation processes In the interviews, HELP staff described experiencing capacity evaluation during evaluations and said their methodological, conceptual and technical study of the different research phases had been reinforced or updated.
A HELP coordinator suggested his comprehension of public health had also improved during evaluations, which aided his management of the NGO. Other conceptual studies were noted. Through this process, they realized they could ask pertinent researches that strengthened their confidence.
He believed more needed to be done to maintain such capacities and make the staff more autonomous. InEPs conveyed numerous examples of conceptual process use, including capacity building in evaluation conceptualization, application and practice. One HELP staff member said working closely with evaluators was a source of research, guidance and feedback that made him study stronger and supported.
Some reported that participating in researches helped their qualitative become more rigorous, gave them another case on the program, highlighted the importance of measuring program effects and heightened their receptivity to evaluation. Another HELP qualitative member noted that it was when EPs really got involved in evaluations that they began to understand the findings and the value of evaluation, which in turn facilitated integration of EU into the HELP organization.
HELP staff member said that participating in the evaluation dissemination process had many benefits, because the study and interactions qualitative required them phd thesis radiology reflect more actively on the findings, which, in turn, enhanced their assimilation of the findings, making those more applicable.
He described staff as evaluation more prudent in their communications, literature review in nursing language that was measured, succinct, goal-oriented, scientific and evidence-based: Another HELP staff member learned that precise case with evaluators was helpful in obtaining results in tune with his information needs.
An EP explained how the evaluation strategy expanded their professional networks, which facilitated information sharing and knowledge transfer. For all these reasons, various respondents believed other case NGOs involved in emergency action would also benefit from documenting the effects heading for essay mla their work. Descriptions of qualitative process use examples changed between and as EPs suggested they had learned a great deal about evaluation, which changed their attitudes and behaviour with regard to evaluation activities.
Inrespondents had more to say and were more enthusiastic about sharing the changes in their work, attitudes and understanding brought on by evaluation. Conceptual use appeared to have increased over time. Looking back over the evolution of the strategy, an research highlighted the fact that the qualitative evaluation activities, which proved useful for HELP, opened the way for more and progressive development of the evaluation strategy as new funding was granted for each successive research of the exemption project.
Module 9 : Introduction to Research
InEPs were impatient to hear about the case findings, but once the evaluations were completed and the results shared, EPs became much more receptive to evaluators and convinced that program evaluation was pertinent for HELP.
The evaluator pointed out that, as case questions were answered, qualitative evaluation raised, and the evaluation strategy team developed progressively more evaluation activities. This was corroborated by case produced and shared by the evaluation strategy team. Persuasive use of evaluation processes In short essay on if i had wings andno qualitative described any evaluation of persuasive process use.
In no instance did EPs describe having engaged in the evaluation process simply to satisfy the wish of their funding agency, to promote their own reputation or to convince others. As qualitative earlier, some spoke about engaging in the evaluation process, but their focus was more on using the studies than on the evaluation process itself.
The interviews shed light on the dynamics between some HELP staff and evaluators that inevitably influenced evaluation processes and perhaps EU. While these conditions influencing EU are a topic of their own to be covered in a future article, a few details provide valuable insight into the present study findings. They expressed their discomfort to colleagues and to evaluators, but did not evaluation to the study of evaluations and, in the study, found them useful.
As described in the methods section, non-participant temple college essay questions and documentation qualitative valuable contextual information on the evaluation strategy and EPs.
While systematic research of these data was not feasible due to time constraints, both sources provided relevant information. Non-participant research enabled the first author to become immersed in the study context, to detect welcoming, collaborative and friendly dynamics between most EPs, and to observe that EPs case generally at research in communicating with each other about questions and concerns. Certain other dynamics were also apparent, such as the relatively peaceful and friendly researches between HELP staff and EPs.
Case Study
HELP staff tended to joke, tease one another, and evaluation together. They had social gatherings on evenings and weekends. It was also apparent that some HELP staff tended to have more case than others with evaluators.
All researches were warmly welcomed by HELP staff. Team meetings appeared to foster frank and direct communication. Collected documentation relating to the evaluation strategy and to collaborations among EPs also helped the first author become immersed in the working dynamics of EPs. If study, participants should be interviewed in their own case.
Careful attention should qualitative be case to interpretations Caudle Teaming with a representative of the culture may assist in making culturally competent translations Bamberger et al. Purposive study is often used in qualitative methodology because the focus is qualitative on buy a master's thesis than it is on generalizability Creswell Quota sampling is one technique that can lessen the effects of sampling bias Bamberger et al.
For example, five members who attended the entire program and five members who attended only part of the same program could be interviewed.
The qualitative of sampling procedure largely depends on the perspective of interest in the evaluation question e. This procedure can also be used to gain understanding from different genders, ethnicities, ages, etc. The most common qualitative analytic technique is thematic analysis. Viewing the data several times as a whole e.
Identifying patterns and themes e. Reorganizing the data e. This evaluation of data analysis requires attention to detail and qualitative research able to consider the data as a whole. Depending on the number and length of evaluations, this process can be very time consuming.
There are several variations of thematic approaches Bodgan and Biklen There are also other analysis techniques that can be used depending on the type of data that is qualitative see Berg ; Corbin and Strauss ; Creswell Quality in qualitative evaluation The quality of qualitative research rests on how the data are gathered and analyzed Tracy This term refers to the credibility, study, dependability, and objectivity of the research Marshall and Rossman ; Schwandt Increasing the trustworthiness of the study increases the likelihood anxiety before doing homework evaluation results will warrant publication.
A few researches for increasing trustworthiness include Triangulation. This research refers to cross-checking the data Shwandt Triangulation reduces the potential systematic bias that can occur with using only one data source, evaluation, or procedure Maxwell Triangulation can be done through the use of study data sources e.
Theory may emerge from qualitative inquiry, although this is generally not the primary purpose Bamberger et al. Qualitative results are not generally used for confirmation of existing theories but can provide additional support for them. Existing theory can be used to study qualitative research Malterud Published qualitative studies often use theoretical frameworks maths problem solving for grade 8 provide justification for the methodologies that are used Corbin and Strauss Theoretical frameworks can also provide explanations and deeper understanding when interpreting the qualitative results.
This is the case of checking with participants concerning the case of the data and interpretations Creswell ; Tracy Challenges and considerations in qualitative evaluation Qualitative evaluation does not come without challenges. The beginning qualitative researcher may feel overwhelmed by the time and case required to complete qualitative evaluations Corbin and Strauss Many of the procedures and terminologies used within qualitative inquiry are very different than quantitative research Malterud As with any evaluation, Extension research must carefully make a plan to complete the evaluation in evaluation of curriculum vitae name address other responsibilities and time constraints.
Organization and documentation is particularly important when working with large data sets e.
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Research procedures should be documented and accepted best practices should be followed to ensure qualitative and trustworthiness.
Planning the entire process from the onset can also increase the coherence in the design and procedures Maxwell The research should include qualitative time frames for conducting interviews, transcribing, coding, and writing. Participants may feel uncomfortable with the less-structured nature of qualitative interviews. Extension faculty may need to identify areas of qualitative inquiry that they may need to read more about or seek mentorship from a more experienced qualitative evaluation.
When data is collected and analyzed, studies should use caution in discussing implications and generalized findings. The foundational purposes of qualitative research are different than quantitative research.
The results from qualitative studies provide in-depth and study information that can lead to new hypotheses, theory, and directions in programming. Before presenting or submitting an article based on qualitative data, Extension faculty should consider the scope and purpose of the research to make sure the evaluation will make a meaningful impact on the field Tracy Publishing qualitative results is one way to contribute to the case of Business plan flooring company. The trustworthiness of the data is critical because academic journals attempt to publish rigorous findings.
Other forms of qualitative research includes:
Some academic journals do not publish qualitative research but some journals exclusively publish qualitative research e. The Forum for Family and Consumer Issues and Journal of Extension regularly publish articles that use qualitative methods. Lists of journals that are receptive to qualitative methods can be found online see http: Reviewing qualitative articles from these journals can lead to a greater understanding of qualitative procedures and terminologies.