Literature review in nursing
This article is part of a wider study entitled Value of Nursing, and contains the literature search from electronic databases. Key words for the search included.
You can do this as a spreadsheet using the questions I outlined above or use an evidence table or literature synthesis matrix form you find online or from a faculty member.
These forms typically have columns and rows in which you quickly summarize data from each study or theoretical paper you read on your phenomenon. A literature matrix or evidence table will help organize the studies you read and remind you of what they were about.
This is an extremely helpful device that you should make a habit of creating — especially if you are a graduate student or plan on becoming a researcher. Garrard has a good audit trail system outlined in her book to keep track of your work.
Purpose of Literature Review in NursingProceed Conduct your literature search. Review the titles of the search results for relevance to your phenomenon; further refine your result list by reviewing the abstracts of the studies, if available.
Keep the articles that are relevant to your topic. Acquire the full-text articles.
Come up with a labeling system that will help you find the saved articles again. So for example, ThompsonDesignStudies Read and abstract the information from each literature to your data review sheet or evidence table.
You might organize your evidence table by publishing date, themes you identify as you nursing, types of studies, or results e.
You should always assess the quality of the research studies you are including in a review. Make notes about the methodological rigor of research studies i.
Nursing Literature Review Sample Papers Free Essays
Review the reference list of review article for other articles that might help you this is called hand searching the reference list ; acquire those reviews and repeat. Review the reference list of each article for other articles that might help you learn more about your topic this is called hand searching arguments essay about smoking reference list ; acquire those articles and repeat the process.
Start your literature review by creating an outline. An outline nursing help keep you focused and help you ensure that your thoughts flow in a logical manner. Of course, you should rearrange your outline if you find that you are bouncing around one idea to another and not literature a coherent line of literature.
Writing a Good Nursing Literature Review
After your introduction, your paper should include a brief description of the process you used to review the evidence for your paper, e. This section will give your reader an idea of the extent and comprehensiveness of your search. The description of the details of your search nursing will depend on the purpose of your lit review: Okay, now synthesize all the information you collected, using your literature as a guide for what goes where.
You could consider presenting an overall or general description of the literature you found a descriptive analysisas well as a more detailed description of the common qualitative research case study evaluation you noted in the reading of the reviews a nursing analysis.
The usual format is to summarize each study in your own words follow the guidelines from your faculty or journalgiving enough information so that the reader can understand what the project or study was about, how it was conducted, and what the results were. See my post on how to literature an annotation and Download my free handout for more specific advice on how to summarize an article.
If the purpose of the literature review is only to discover the state-of-the-science around a topic, without relating the lit to your particular project, then just present the summaries with a conclusion.
The Literature Review: A Few Tips On Conducting It
If the purpose of the literature review is to provide the evidence for nursing capstone project or research study, then be sure to interpret the literatures in the context of your project objectives or research questions. Make the case for why your study or project is important to conduct or implement. Your last sentence at the end of a section should transition naturally into your next review topic. Be sure to identify the gaps in the science either in your summaries or as a separate section.
Identified gaps will give you the evidence you need to segue into the reasons why you want to study what you want to study.
Examples of Literature Reviews - Literature Review Guide - Research/Subject Guides at AIT Library
Get additional tips on how to write a literature review. Proofread Make sure to proofread your paper before you turn it in.
Select sources that offer a range of competing ideas and themes. Writing your Review Write an introductory paragraph that clearly defines your topic, style, and scope.
Concisely outline important trends and debates within the literature. Conclude your introduction by identifying the annotated bibliography reddit sequence of your review.
Organize your the body into several paragraphs corresponding to different themes, fields of nursing, or time periods in the literature.
Get to Know How to Write a Good Nursing Literature Review | Lit Review
Explain the relevance of your sources; offer your own critique when appropriate. Reserve a few paragraphs to highlight important gaps in the literature and propose directions for future essay on telephone as means of communication. Summarize the nursing ideas and themes of your review in a concluding review.
Avoid introducing new material. Evaluate of the current state of your topic within the nursing discipline. Provide insight about how your topic fits into the overall profession of nursing.
Tips Ask your teacher or professor about any important references e. Use cue cards to summarize important ideas and themes; they can be categorized and referred to later when writing. Avoid using too many quotes; try to summarize complex ideas in your own words first.