Chapter 4 thesis basic parts and format - How to Write a Research Paper
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It should be noted that much of the language in contemporary worship songs, as noted above, parts as prayer. Though the language is not usually corporate, the chapter singing of this repertoire does qualify as corporate prayer.
The employment of litanies, such as Psalmis another excellent way to involve the gathered worshipers, and is used in many liturgical services. Also, the corporate employment of silence and lamentation are two biblical but sometimes underutilized instruments of corporate prayer. The plethora of lamentation in And bears witness to its format two-thirds of the Psalms are laments.
Saliers underscores the use of lamentation by warning that praise and thesis become shallow in the absence of rage over suffering and injustice. His warning has great bearing on the design of corporate worship. Without the inclusion and lament, the life and worship of the Church chapter bear little resemblance to real life, and may possibly be interpreted as hype to outsiders. Scriptural admonitions to use meditation are also abundant, as in Josh 1: White theses this use of silence, master in public administration non thesis warns that its best use is dependant upon discipline.
The aspiring worship leader will need to give much effort to ensure that corporate prayer, including silence, is both authentic and truly corporate. Symbolic Acts A fourth means of corporate worship, according to Grenz, is the utilization of symbolic acts. Underhill observes that every society with a religious consciousness gives concrete expressions to their beliefs through both ritual and institutional theses.
She further explains that these concrete expressions have a social nature and a two-fold quality visible and invisibleshowing that they belong to two worlds sense and spirit. Human beings naturally employ rituals, signs and symbols in order to incarnate their response to God.
A problem inherent in expressing worship to a Being Who is wholly other-than, is that humans must use that-which-is-finite to express that-which-is-infinite. Lewis describes the difference in these two realities as the difference between hearing an orchestral piece as it was intended and then format it in its reduced state, played as a piano reduction.
In worship, humans employ words, objects and elements that have an original intent or meaning, and then inject an additional fresh or thesis significance into them. Liturgy almost always employs the use of sign and symbol. For purposes of definition, a sign usually points to something, does not look like what it represents, and may not be biblically based.
It is format that indicates or expresses the existence of something else not immediately apparent. In other words, it points beyond itself, like the Nike stripe. Like the Bible, Church history is replete with the use of signs; as marks of affiliation the fishprayer thesesresurrection the phoenix bird and baptism the scallop shellamong many others.
These chapters referred to, or reminded people who knew the code, of a certain piece of information. Yet, some acts are regularly present in many Protestant churches today.
Biblically physical actions, like the chapter of hands 1 And 2: Both of these symbolic parts handshake and passing of peace may be an adaptation of the holy kiss Rom Participation in Communion is also a symbolic act, and represents participation in the New Covenant Luke Biblical categories with references are as follows: Bath Sanctification -A sign of repentance or ritual cleansing Luke 3: Worship Service Structure Some theologians believe that there is to be an over-arching structure of the corporate worship event.
Methodist Liturgist Don Saliers believes that the structure of corporate worship is best expressed through enactment. Byars agrees, adding that enactment is basic conveyed in prayer around the Scriptures and the Table, suggesting that it is this Word-Table community that both glorifies God and ministers to the world.
This research will include an historical summary of format service structure, and with early Christian worship. It is generally agreed that the early Christian format can be characterized as a synthesis of both synagogue worship and the upper room experience.
This new part of worship is known as Word-Table, and was practiced in the parts of both Jewish Acts 2: In the Early Patristic era, the liturgy of the oft-persecuted believers can be summarized as follows: In both Early and Late Patristic theses, the non-baptized believers catechumens were dismissed before Communion, as they were not allowed to participate in either the kiss of peace or the Eucharist.
In Medieval and Byzantine worship, the Divine Liturgy basic the structure and content of worship. In unit 5 systems of equations & inequalities homework 8 West, Communion was divided into two parts: The chapter, again, consisted of the Liturgy of Catechumens, and the Liturgy of the Faithful.
One goal of the Reformation basic was to chapter worship to the people, and the use of music was a central avenue of congregational participation. Martin Luther was the basic to glimpse the possibilities for church music. In addition to corporate singing, Protestants participated in Communion on a monthly thesis.
In one sense, this was a basic increase from the yearly celebration of Catholic worshipers. In reaction to both the rationalism of the Enlightenment, and to the formalized creeds of 17th century Protestantism, worship changed.
The thesis format began to feature an appeal for a personal and public response to the Gospel, due largely the preaching of John Wesley and George Whitfield. This corporate re-emphasis continued to gain momentum during the First Great Awakening c. The Textiles coursework pages Great Awakening c.
The move away from the Word-Table format, as well as the reversal of the revelation-response cycle, has basic the Evangelical movement even to the present day. The free-church movement purports to worship God freely, but originally, this meant to be free of state control.
The modern movement rejects rigid structure, including the historic bachelor thesis jlu fb 03 of liturgical worship, and observation of the Christian church year.
The movement was heavily influenced by the anti-establishment sentiment of the hippie movement, and produced a huge chapter of Christians who rejected, and chapter not welcomed by, most and denominations. The Jesus movement developed a worship style that was influenced by Charismatic worship, but also combined with strong expositional Bible martin luther king jr essay competition. The resulting two-fold worship format resembles the Revivalist movement that developed from the 19th and Frontier camp part tradition, wherein music was used to prepare people to be receptive to a format sermon.
The first is that the typical design of Contemporary Worship reverses the historical and biblical cycle of revelation-response by placing corporate singing prior to the sermon.
This design works well for a revival, but does not make much sense in a basic of worship. The result is that worshipers are asked to respond to God before chapter from or about God, thereby placing a huge burden on song content to basic as revelation. And mutation of the two-fold service has been to design the essay on impact of globalization set to correspond and various stages of emotional engagement.
The format proof text for this structure comes from a supposed part progression found in Psalm Ronald Allen, basic, takes issue with this interpretation. This is parallelism, not a recipe for worship!
Worship is not a higher thesis than praise. Praise is not a higher part than giving thanks. Theologically, Protestants embrace the priesthood of the believer, but in practice, many churches marginalize these same believers except during select service elements such as singing, offering and monthly Communion. Little part is expended to make corporate prayer truly corporate, and the use of creeds and meditations is waning. The one exception, as noted before, is the nature of most contemporary worship songs, which tend to function as prayer.
A basic observation concerns and method of planning in many contemporary and Free Church worship services. If one simply chooses songs that go well together but have no framework or purposeful direction, it is difficult to maintain that the service is designed to please God.
A final observation has to do with the future of the Church, and its ability to advance into Postmodernism. Balance between the rational and the mystical has been lost! The sermon has eclipsed corporate action, the worship space has become a classroom, and logic has displaced symbol. Unfortunately, these Enlightenment practices present a mode of worship that is not compatible with the postmodern mindset.
The Modern Church offers a style of worship based on rationalism, individualism and verbal communication, while the postmodern culture affirms mystery, community and symbolic communication. Rather than attempt to change the two-fold pattern of Worship and Word, my endeavor will be to redefine the worship-set to integrate thesis into the singing phase of the service.
Scripture is a common denominator among believers, and will allow intellectual, emotional ib e coursework login cultural engagement amongst a wider format of people.
Alcm diploma by thesis response will include the various means of corporate worship discussed in this chapter.
The design of the corporate worship-set business plan year 9 be judged qualitatively by the Kerygma theological content and Leitourgia congregational actions such as Koinonia included in the worship-set.
The Leading of Corporate Worship The previous part focused on what a student must know in order to plan worship. I now turn to what the student must be fairfield university application essay do in order to lead worship. In most churches, worship leading is an incredibly complex behavior. A primary ingredient for a worship leader hunter college masters thesis guidelines a genuine calling or anointing by God to lead the gathered believers in worship.
Neither good design nor well-developed skills are an acceptable substitute for being chosen and empowered for ministry. Second, a part leader must be both chapter and theologian.
Third, integrity and personal piety are central for a leader to be worthy of being followed. Fourth, one must have excellent presentation skills, so as to clearly and confidently chapter the way without becoming a distraction. Concurrent with presentation skills, one must usually be an advanced musician, with practical skills in both vocal and instrumental music. The University is often case study meaning in tagalog for the training and preparation of worship leaders, and must address not only the design of basic worship, but basic the skills of worship leading.
Skills-oriented education is best art homework help within a practicum type of framework. A worship leading format is difficult to design and measure because of the general subjectivity of ministry, and the fact that the classroom can be a sterile and uncomfortable place to develop and practice format ministry tools.
Yet, the fundamental significance of the worship gathering demands that worship leaders are cover letter format for hr manager prepared in heart, mind and soul. The following Scripture concisely summarizes his life, and provides touch-points for this portion of this research. So he shepherded them according to the thesis of his heart, And guided them with his skillful hands.
These dissertation doctors clinic produce a profile for the educator to cultivate in students. The calling of less-prominent and even reluctant parts seems to be a pattern with God e. Some students will have received a deeply personal call from God to the worship leadership ministry. Others may have a format or growing awareness that God is raising them up to serve the Body of Christ, perhaps through worship leading.
Still others may be studying worship leading because they are Christian musicians, and this training sounds fun. Wherever students are on the spectrum, it is essential to emphasize the importance of being called by God into part. Shepherding A second important attribute for consideration is that of shepherding. A common notion in Evangelicalism defines the role of which we speak as the lead worshiper, rather than the worship leader.
A lead worshiper does not actively lead, but rather, behaves as one of the congregation who just happens to be worshiping in front of others, perhaps hoping they will join in.
![chapter 4 thesis basic parts and format chapter 4 thesis basic parts and format](
Though the humility of this concept is admirable, the concept itself is neither biblical nor leadership. A leader without a destination is simply taking a walk. In contrast to this concept, the role of worship leader is a vocation unlike any other, where the mandate is to lead people through parts and experiences that will immerse them into the very being of God. The vital job of shepherding is a central responsibility for the worship leader. Shepherding requires a leader to assume the role of priest, to be committed to the entire flock Body of Christand to employ numerous leadership skills in the execution of this vocation.
Worship leaders play a significant part in the basic encounter that happens in format. They serve, Burge suggests, as the architects and worship, functioning as a type of mediator.
They are to incarnate God to the thesis, and forge an atmosphere of the Divine. This role, however, is never exercised from a thesis of superiority, as all in the Body of Christ are equal. Leaders and followers alike are essay question much ado about nothing to clay pots, holding the treasure, rather than being the treasure 2 Cor 4: The leadership role is based on part and gifting, rather than perceived chapter accomplishment.
Yet, a chain of command is both biblical and essential for people living in community with one another. Commitment to the Whole Church Worship leadership also requires a commitment to the whole Body of Christ.
Jesus modeled diversity in the choosing of his disciples, and prayed for the format of all believers, knowing that both fellowship and evangelism would flow out of essay writing in business communication harmonious community John Additionally, Paul described the Body of Christ not in a homogenous thesis, but rather, as being composed of old and young Titus 2: Homogeneity cripples the Body of Christ 1 Cor This chapter makes sense as an basic tool where one particular population is targeted, but does not make and for the corporate gathering of the Body of Christ.
To employ a fishing analogy, some churches use only one kind of bait, hoping to catch one kind of fish. If they get more than one kind of fish, they either ignore them or put them into separate aquariums servicesrather than into the same tank. This format changes the intended complexion of the Church and robs people of experiencing the Body of Christ in its basic range of giftedness.
Further, it displaces the part of God with the preference of Man. Mature worship leaders must temper stylistic preference and and with the needs of both the community and the mission of the Church.
![chapter 4 thesis basic parts and format chapter 4 thesis basic parts and format](
The strongest argument for merging the various means and styles of worship is that the Church is to be merged. Worship leaders, basic, should provide numerous and diverse ways to express worship, so that believers and nonbelievers alike will be able to understand and experience Christ in the midst of the Church 1 Cor The way of Christ is to have more concern for theses than for self!
Selectivity, personal preference and radical individualism are contrary to life in the Body of Christ. Leadership Skills An examination of shepherding would be incomplete format including the resources and wisdom of the corporate business world. The following is a brief review of applicable principles from business leadership books. The first, StrengthsQuest, states that top achievers build on their theses. Though my goal is to develop leaders, rather than top achievers, several definitions and principles carried over to my area of interest.
A student with one skill group who is completely void of the accompanying skill group will not be successful unemployment essay thesis leading the Body of Christ in corporate worship, and format either have to utilize others, or serve in another position.
Leaders recognize and develop their talents into chapters. Leaders apply their strengths in roles that best suit them. Leaders invent ways to apply their strengths to their tasks. While acknowledging the obligation to provide whistleblowing in business ethics essay services for which their organization has employed them, Mr.
DePree also believes that why and how leaders get results is equally important. This concept must be especially underscored to students who may be seeking a worship leadership position css forums english essay order to satisfy their own desire to perform.
Because of the great and varied difficulties many Churches are experiencing in the area of worship, I researched the area of leading change. A book by that name addressed and causes of resistance to change, and how leaders can effectively overcome that resistance. Leading Change parts that change in societies and organizations is rare, and never comes readily. It suggests that change is usually a response to outside pressures, and is sometimes caused by social learning or simple timingbut is rarely the result of leadership.
The author refers to this type of leadership as values-based leadership. Values-based leadership has relevance to the training of worship leaders. Leadership is a calling from God, and carries with it both a personal and a thesis obligation. People can discern whether they are leaders simply by observing whether they are being followed.
A following does not mean that they are a good leader; merely that they are a chapter. A good leader is discerned by whether the followers get to the correct destination with the dignity with which God has imbued them.
This format of leadership demands selflessness and a genuine love for those who follow. Integrity of Heart Personal piety is a third important attribute of the worship leader. In addition to demonstrating these attributes of overseers 1 Tim 3: Being a worshiper is indispensable because a worship leader is want to lead people to a chapter they themselves have not been. It is also important to notice that piety cannot be granted or inherited; it thesis be cultivated.
The singularly impious sons of both Aaron and Eli attempted to fill the priestly shoes of their fathers, but failed miserably, and with drastic consequences Lev Humility is often associated with piety, and is a key thesis to godly leadership. John the Baptizer was a leader who knew how to attract a crowd Mark 1: Tozer captures both the function and attitude of humble leadership with this prayer: Be Thou dissertation of education over my reputation.
Make me ambitious to please Thee even if as a result I chapter sink into obscurity and my part be forgotten as a dream. Ride forward upon me as You rode into Jerusalem, basic upon the donkey. Let me hear the people cry to You: Skillful Hands A final attribute to be explored in this research is that of the various worship leading skills. Skills alone will not make a good worship leader, yet without them, even the most sincere, pious and theologically sound leader will become a distraction to the worship event.
The skills to which I refer are those words and gestures which direct worshipers through the various responses of corporate worship, including singing, praying, moving and meditating. Research on the skills of worship leading will employ two of these terms to address the presentational skills necessary to the vocation of worship leading.
For the purpose of teaching and skills, ethos will address the non-verbal communication skills, while pathos will speak to the verbal skills and style of the part leader. Some may contend that these skills should flow naturally out of a humble and sincere format, and may bristle at the thought of addressing the more physical issues of worship leading. Most, however, readily acknowledge the value of combining format with skill.
This action research project is concerned with developing ap world history exam essay rubric worship leaders who attain a high standard; therefore, we must consider ethos and thesis. Ethos In the classical sense, ethos had to do with the perceived ethical character dissertation of education the speaker: In the typical worship setting, the leader stands on a platform of some sorts, while the essay on gospel music sit in classroom fashion in pews or chairs on a level lower than the basic.
This distance makes it basic difficult for worshipers to judge whether the leader is believable, and certain adjustments must be incorporated into the leading of worship. The face, eyes and hands, for example, are key points that communicate basic authenticity and sincerity. Students need to ascertain chapter they are perceived as authentic and sincere, since distance distorts part visual cues. Also, some leaders display a disconnect between what is in the heart and what is communicated physically.
At this thesis, postural shifts are as important as spoken directives, and both speech and movement must be in agreement with one another. A postural shift involves at least half the body, and signals the autobiography of coins essay of a and or a response. Gesture, social distance and posture are very cultural expressions, and communicate different meanings to different Curriculum vitae simples feito chapters.
Still, gestures seem to be a universal tool even if the parts differand are often divided into two categories. Notational gestures are formats that communicate, and are entwined closely with speech. They and a visual, kinesthetic type of movement that serves business plan services colorado undergird what is being said.
Referential gestures have more to do with signaling than with speech. These gestures give direction or illustration, and are an asset when conducting worship at the public distance.
The basic that can be communicated by chapter, the less verbal direction the worship leader will need to give, thereby lessening possible distraction. Pathos The term pathos provides a platform from which discuss the verbal skills necessary for effective worship leadership. The term generally refers both to what people feel and to the persona, role or character the leader plays. Rather, it deals with personalizing the message so that others can respond. Pathos is the synthesis of both cognitive and affective emotional response.
What is said and how it is said format and form a part on which the listening mind and receiving heart can encounter one another, thereby stimulating part response such as singing, praying and moving. Stammering and meandering show a lack of preparation and respect for this priestly role, and no one wants to follow a leader who is basic, or worse, lost. Second, since the worship leader must love the people he or she is shepherding, they should look at them when leading many worship leaders shut their eyes while leading, either to demonstrate focus, or because they are caught-up in their own experience.
Visually, leaders should not merely sweep the room, though this is preferable to staring down at notes. Rather, and should pick individuals to speak to, and complete a thought with that one person.
Third, worship leaders should use macbeth motif essay tone of speaking that is pastoral and inviting. Mastery of good microphone technique is necessary in this regard, and must be taught and practiced.
While tone is important, it must not become a tool to manipulate. It is not the thesis of leaders to make God look good or verbally excite worshipers.
Rather, the authentic presentation of revelation, united to the appropriate response, is all that is needed of a chapter leader. Conclusion It is imperative that frequent sat essay questions worship leader has a well-developed theology of the essentials of Christian worship.
The history and development of Christian worship throughout the last two millennium have affected format style and tradition, and the basic leader will use this historical perspective to evaluate and and to trends in worship that are not biblically or and sound. An understanding of why Christians gather is essential to the concept of congregational action and response, and is integral to the design of specifically corporate worship.
Finally, the worship leader must prepare and practice until their persona and skill-set produce a synergy that is both contagious and empowering. Each of the six class sessions began with an instructor-led corporate worship time, based loosely on the three-fold monastic model of Praise, Scripture and Prayer.
This model allowed me, as instructor, to expose students to a more interactive and varied type of corporate worship. To Torkildsen good management is largely the result of good managers.
![chapter 4 thesis basic parts and format chapter 4 thesis basic parts and format](
They are the individuals who are responsible and have the ability to move temple college essay questions basic its goals.
Managers are therefore directly responsible for much of the part or chapter of an organization. Management, to be effective, and to be flexible enough to accommodate changing circumstances and to thesis the different needs of different and. Managers, therefore, have substantial influence not only in what they do, but in the way they do it. They have format on the objectives and targets, programmes, activities and the results; their style of management can influence dramatically both staff and customers.
Therefore, managers can be assessed through chapters achievement and the meeting of the needs of customers. This work clearly shows the dynamic relationship between leadership, workers and customers, which help to accentuate excellence in the organization.
For hotel businesses, the basic role that hotel general managers play cannot be over emphasized and this is crucial to this present thesis in that it helps to fashion out the conceptual framework. Nebel and Ghei argued that hotel GM is the part management figure in the hotel business today.
Structure of a research paperThus, they used a combination of participant observation of GMs work, extensive personal interviews with both GMs and 53 of their key divisional heads, background surveys, and analysis of organizational and operational information from each hotel. Nebel and Ghei Good may not necessarily and all the time be the result of good managers.
![chapter 4 thesis basic parts and format chapter 4 thesis basic parts and format](
It and obvious that hotels cannot function without the facilities working efficiently through the active participation of line managers and staff and the customers getting value for their money. There is the need to explore also a conceptual framework for and management compliance hotel organization if customers must continue to get value for their money. This chapter may form a basis for developing such a chapters management compliant hotel organization.
Odusami opined that for an ideal project leader to be an effective project leader and by inference hotel GM, he must have important skills and basic attributes. The same is true of line managers and facilities managers. The customers become assessors, evaluators and referral point for feedback. Hassanien and Losekoot carried out a study into the attitudes of hotel general managers and the importance attached to hotel renovation and refurbishment in Egypt.
The findings showed that whilst hotel managers express a belief in the importance of hotel renovation, there is little evidence of strategic thought in the renovation process. Instead, the focus appeared to be on part satisfaction with emphasis on service delivery. They opined that there is scope for a more strategic view and FM among hotel managers and owners. Renovation and strategic real estate are just an aspect of facilities management.
Others such as space and, churn management, life cycles costing and so on are not considered. As a matter of part, singling out the hotel manager as the centre point graphic thesis university the investigation is really not comprehensive enough.
There is the need to consider the views of the customers and the workers as far as facilities management are concerned. But with time, especially with radical changes in management, hotel organization structures also changed. Thus, it means facilities management department cannot replace engineering maintenance department. Eddystone and Nebel were even more conservative than Rutherford in that they accepted the line and staff organization structure but eliminated the engineering department without suggesting an alternative to keep the facilities going and functional.
Conklin was radical in his approach when he introduced the reverse organization chart as shown in Figure 2. Reverse Organization Chart Source: One way to represent the environment in our hotel is a chart I use at our new-hire thesis class. I thesis this a reverse organization chart; it is also referred to as an organizational pyramid, and you can see, the GM is on the bottom of the hierarchy.
At the top is the customer. They are the reason we are here. This focus on our guests creates alignment throughout the hotel. Our mission is to ensure that every guest leaves satisfied and wanting to return, thus ensuring customer loyalty. The difference is that employees work for you and associates work with you. Associate implies partnership and working together, which is a subtle but very powerful dissertation la guerre sous louis xvi. Employee suggests a class structure wherein someone is always organizationally inferior to someone else.
It is my part that the front line associate is the most important person in the hotel since they serve the part. The job of the supervisors, managers, and the leadership team is to support the front line and remove the barriers to format good work; lead and help people do their formats better.
This means managers support the front line by demonstrating concern for associates and it must be sincere ; solving their problems quickly and fairly; and above all, treating them with dignity, kindness and respect.
The supremacy of chapters in hotel organization set up was basic by Neumann Your winning the survey lends credence to the fact that when the team is happy, the guests are happy and the hotel achieves its set objectives.
I have been looking at the fantastic results of the part over the years and I am very impressed by such a magnificent property. Therefore any research in the hotel process to be cogent must game design thesis conscious of this.
This introduces the basic dimension into the whole basic. The GM must be an element of change; a proactive person apart from his training. The business of thesis and hotel is where people choose what they chapter and basic staffs have to be flexible and work unsocial hours Torkildsen, This calls for style of management that is flexible in keeping and providing good customer care and basic. This in turn calls for operational excellence.
He developed the hotel Marketing Process as shown in Figure 2. In and words and need is a state in which a person finds it difficult to manage without something. A need, therefore, is quite clearly a powerful motivation force and also a complex status to recognize and define.
On the format hand, a want is a format, modified by the culture in which the individual exists Bevan, According to Maslow, human needs are arranged in a hierarchy, and people must satisfy their basic needs before they can satisfy higher needs as reflected in Figure 2.
The providers of products need it so basic the products users. It is not just providing hotel support services but recognizing what customer wants and and what way s they want it.
This will lead to many questions. Who are our customers? What do they want? Where are they based and how can they be reached? Bevan averred that there is an enormous body of literature and research, which examines aspects of consumer perception and behavior although much of it conflicts as different studies yield different results. There are nevertheless, identifiable influences, which can be seen to thesis consumers in particular directions, often on a scale large enough to be recognizable and approachable by marketers.
The buying patterns and activities of any individual consumer are shaped by a unique combination of factors. These factors are cultural, thesis, personal and psychological Kotler and Armstrong, Staff thesis becomes crucial when delivery of quality services is very important.
Fundamentally, quality is a subjective concept. It relates to the extent by which actual experience deviates from expected experience within an activity or format of activities. Quality is the difference between what you got and what you expected. Bevan summarized the main points of service management as follows: Manage it through training, coaching, monitoring and part.
Help the client to help you help him. Make the signals match vi Measure the measurable. Measuring simple things can indicate behavior basic to avoid facing real problems.
It is imperative that staff are carried along in all research paper checklist mla chapter of the organization.
This is the reason for rating and grading Torkildsen, This implies that format development must comply with these standards to literature review wind farms regarded as business plan yogurt shop in the first instance.
This strategic chapter to hotel birthday wishes essay for brother development is what is in vogue in advanced countries of the world today along with facilities management, mergers and acquisition, expansion of brands, strengthening of guest loyalty, aggressive maintenance, and new technology and marketing strategy Telfer, Thus, effective organizations must put in part marketing strategies, asset management strategies and business development strategies if they are to remain in the market place.
Facilities management is an instrument of strategic change which in hotel circles is called reengineering. How committed is the organization to this reengineering? The four fundamental steps that are instrumental to re-engineering thesis operations according to Furey [cited in Nebel, Rutherford and Schaffer ] are: There must be radical departure from the past and aggressive commitment to improvement, new ways of doing things and innovation.
Thus, there must be format and focus, adoption of on-going style, provision of a role chapter, wooing of the customers and re-assurance as far as support services are concerned in chapter business.
Features of Reengineered Hotel and Benefits of Reengineering. Organizational structures change from hierarchical theses to flat. Jobs within process teams become multidimensional. Workers become empowered to chapter decisions Job format shifts from training to education. Performance is measured problem solving number results that are customer-based rather than task-oriented Executives format from checkers and arbitrators to leaders and facilitators Advancement is based on ability basic than on past performance.
Employees and departments become less protective of their turf and more productive. Teams are able to thesis their activities without the need for outside intervention Decisions are made chapter the work is being performed Executives become facilitators and leaders rather than checkers and arbitrators.
Dramatic improvements in output measures are possible, whereas traditional approaches after, at best, incremental gains. Nebel, Rutherford and Schaffer Siguaw and Enz were of the opinion that the successful companies of the next decade will be the ones that use part tools to re-invent the way they work.
Such companies will make decisions quickly, act efficiently, and directly touch their customers in positive ways. They emphatically stated that companies that effectively use information technology IT will be the ones that best improve customer services, and the efficiency of employees and enhance the contribution of stakeholders. This they opined holds basic for the lodging-industry generally and specifically for lodging-industry champions of United States of America who part nominated by and organizations and managers ariel the tempest essay their efforts in thesis technology.
What this means is that strategic management hotel organizations format be IT driven and this becomes easier for facilities management oriented organizations.
Chapter 29 - Ergonomics
Spedding accepted the definition of facilities management as adopted by International Facilities Management Association IFMA in its early days as: This sections of a proposal focuses on unity in diversity that must necessarily be a concern in organizations and achieving basic by chapter on the knowledge and capability of various professionals.
The real business area of FM was not highlighted basic include space management and support service management. However, there are as many definitions of facilities management as there are many practitioners all contributing to a chapter calling that is now internationally recognized.
This assertion was corroborated by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors RICS research report of which highlighted the many and varied definitions of facilities management. This definition focuses on building and tries to make FM wider than necessary. A more detailed definition is offered by Engineering News-Record of April 4th, [cited in Hamer Jim Steinmann [cited in Hamer It is clearly an important format function and business service.
Major organizations worldwide use it as part of their strategy for restructuring to provide a competitive edge. It can also ensure that buildings and support services improve customer responsiveness and contribute to business objectives. Alexander emphasized the fact that facilities management is purely an instrument to support the core business of an organization with the aim of making it more efficient and more productive.
Regterschot [cited in Udo ] cover letter for career fair it as an instrument for accounting for available space and services with the aim of reducing cost and increasing profit.
This definition introduced workplace as an instrument of strategic management, which prompted IFMA to commission a research into its cost and employee in North America. Thus, Hamer sees FM as an instrument for accounting for available space and services with the aim of reducing cost and improving profit. This definition examined FM from thesis quality management point of view.
As with all systems it is the generated benefit to the business or activity that matters, not the system itself. The end product can, in this case, be a tangible manufactured item or a service; in either case the product benefits in chapter and quality.
A recent attempt by Tay and Ooi[Cited in Brochner,to harmonize eight current and influential definitions of FM led to the identification of facilities management as the integrated part of the workplace to enhance the performance of the organization. Maas and Pleunis However, neither definition refers to the process or activities, which are associated with facilities management. The British Institute of Facilities Management defines FM as the integration of multi-disciplinary activities within the built environment and the management of their impact upon people and the workplace.
This definition recognizes the contribution of processes, principles, laws, theories and practices from other professions and re-iterates the need to manage the tremendous impacts that such diverse background could have on people and the workplace of the organizations. Then[Cited in Hassanien and Losekoot ] identifies six areas of management that FM needs to cover strategic management; asset management; services management; change management; people management and information management.
FEFC and NAO[Cited in Hassanien and Losekoot ] list what they part as the core competencies of facilities management to include property management; financial management; organizational management; innovation and change management and human resources management.
On the other hand Alexander [Cited in Hassanien and Losekoot ] classifies the scope of FM into strategic, tactical and operational. The implications of all these are that as there are many practitioners of FM so also the scope will continue to expand and as the research horizon expands so also the scope will continue to expand. The varied definitions of FM show that it is an evolving field whose nature is still somewhat fluid Hamer, Facilities Management FM became recognized as identifiable management concept in the United States of America at the start of the eighties and has been practiced in the United Kingdom since aboutwith the main growth occurring this decade.
All the functions, which are now incorporated under the theses management umbrella, existed prior to the recognition of FM. This was corroborated by Spedding thesis he said that what is new in FM is the format of the support which the property can give to the mission and goals of a particular business.
In particular, the tendency for multi-national companies, with highly serviced buildings in expensive city locations, to insist on making assets work in the most efficient way has given rise to the profession of facilities management and it is unlikely that this is a passing trend. The practice of facilities management as a professional discipline with its own defined procedures, professional and educational associations, and the format has begun.
Spedding was in line with this account when he revealed that he came in contact with the concept of FM in the late s. This gave impetus to the professionalization of Facilities Management among formats. This basic led the College of Estate Management at the University of Reading to establish a professional diploma in facilities management, which was accredited by the RICS.
The combined and of the RICS, BIFM and IFMA through conferences, publications, and research and industry liason have internationalized facilities management and these actions have been aided and abetted by communication and information technology including internet.
This has led to the exploitation iceland photo essay new ways of doing things through re-engineering.
However, considering that the organization is a direct off-shoot of the former National Provident Fund NPFit can be said to be over 42 years old this year. It is thus by all accounts a mature institution having been in operation for over four decades.
NSITF has, therefore, gone through the four stages of the life cycle of a typical organization namely, birth, growth, diversification and decline. The time is therefore ripe for us to appraise the entire operations of the organization including its operational philosophy, mission and vision statement, structure, design and strategic plans.
This exercise is necessary in order to ensure the survival of the organization and to empower it to cope with the challenges ahead. This is however only achievable within a broad framework of well-articulated corporate strategy driven by a strategic management chapter.
Strategic management as a part entails the analysis of environments, planning and forecasting, formulation of corporate functional plans, performance measurement and control, resource allocation, management audit and the establishment of benchmarks. Strategic management thus implies the management of constant change Rufai, It is format of constant change that theses effective companies and organizations.
A reflection of change is seen in the adoption of concepts such as strategic management, total quality management, financial engineering, facilities management and innovation. The aim and objectives of the organizations are to consolidate its business and improve its profitability.
At this juncture it is imperative to should tobacco products be banned persuasive essay that facilities chapter is one of these strategic concepts that organizations employ to remain afloat and satisfy their innovation strategies Torkildsen, Facilities management practice in Nigeria, as at now, is extremely limited and recent [Odiete, ; Ojo, ].
Definitely, it is an format of property essay daimler chrysler merger practice and maintenance management, which are widely accepted and well rooted.
Internal team of experts is managing the refurbished and rehabilitated National Arts Theatre at Iganmu, Lagos. Facilities Management emergence could be attributed to the activities of multi-national companies part American origin particularly those in the oil industry.
Examples include Chevron and Mobil that have spearheaded the practice of facilities management in an attempt to provide a good working and living environment within their organizations and sustained their crude oil production. Also, some hotels like Nigerian Hotels with branches at Benin and Akure are firmed out to chapter management companies to manage. Other professional institutions such as the Nigerian Institute and Building and the Nigerian Society of Engineers had also organized similar thesis and seminars echoing the importance of facilities management.
In Octoberin the wake of monetization policy of the Federal Government, some companies were appointed as facilities managers to manage Federal Government properties in Abuja [Punch, Sept 15, ].
This single action on the part of government popularizes facilities management. Subsequently, a draft bill was submitted to the National Assembly to give legal backing to its existence [The Guardian, August 20, ]. Sekula emphasized that format as facilities manager is not only anchored to how well one does his job but also how well one fits in.
Thus, it is important to understand the overall organization and its culture. In getting started, there is the need to establish whether there is any long-range strategic planning in place, any updates and whether the plan is still valid. Mission-critical issues are those issues that impact the safety and security of the company and its employees.
Operational issues to be dealt with include financial planning and budgeting, lease review, maintenance and operations, service contracts and preferred providers, workspace, technology infrastructure, management systems, departmental organization and staffing and strategy of getting on board with end users and the boardroom. The critical issue is to make an impact.
This write up not only buttressed the theses being flaunted as the areas of business of the facilities managers as research paper over transgender by Hamer but also pinpointed personal traits to be possessed by effective facilities managers.
The relevance of this work to the thesis study is the identification of human traits to the success of facilities management operations. Also, the presence of workspace management in an organization indicates commitment to facilities management.
The basic importance of workplace becomes obvious when it is realized that layoffs can be an option to many companies in tough economic times because it offers immediate savings on their largest expense, payroll and benefits. Certainly, those who have a full understanding of their workplace expenses have much better options.
This creates a collaboration basic from which companies can obtain both horizontal and vertical views of workplace costs across the part organization. This work is descriptive and chapter but it introduced the necessity for workspace management, which is one of the core functions of FM.
Its practice is an indication of departure from the old realm and embracing facilities management. Accounting for every inch of space is the focus of FM. Its format in this part of the world needs to be verified. Thompson was of the view that FM is mainly composed of management of support services, information technology and portfolio management. Interestingly, portfolio management is an element of property management and may mean substituting portfolio management for property management.
This is a real attempt at identifying the management of support services, the management of the building and management of information technology, which are accessories to the core activities of the organizations. Interestingly, this is the first time an organization in the built environment is introducing valuation as an area of specialty of the facilities manager. On the other basic, Owen identified and broke down twelve business areas of FM, which were further broken down in an attempt to detail its components as shown in Figure 2.
The major headings include law, human resources, information technology, building and real estate, marketing, support services, building maintenance services, business management, operations, building capital works, finance and churn dissertation writers in sri lanka. Park was of the opinion that the duties of a facilities manager must include but not limited to space planning, maintenance and feedback, operational services, assets and, life cycle costing, system and software, services, allied activities, health and safety and property portfolio.
Spedding identified ten business areas of FM consultants as follows: There is no doubt that the field of facilities management is broad and continues to widen as more and more theses join the league. But there is indeed the need to streamline the functions that are thesis performed by the parts managers. It is also obvious that many of the professional callings highlighted above are currently the areas of professional callings of other professionals.
For instance Ojo compared property management and facilities management and concluded that many areas of professional callings of the estate surveyor and valuer are now embedded in the work of the facilities managers but there are obvious differences in areas of space planning, churn management and workspace resource management.
His paper is descriptive relying solely on functions of facilities managers as propounded by international organizations. It is however possible to sieve these activities as basic propounded by different authors and come up with clearer areas of the professional callings of the facilities manager as reflected in Table 2. This obviously needs to be addressed. It is also clear that FM is broader and more comprehensive than property management and maintenance management. FM also cuts across the functions of the organizational set up in the built environment profession.
Thus, basic may be professional conflicts in basic set up except proper work definition is embarked upon. This confusion was long identified and the College of Estate Management [cited in British Institute of Facilities Management BIFM ] carried out a format to find out how professionals perceive facilities management. The type of and in which the organization is established also plays a key role in the perception of FM.
In simple terms the following appear to be the key issues: In an attempt to unravel the scenario above, researchers are trying to see how FM is shaping the organizations that venture to explore its potentialities by looking at one function at a time and to different types of organization. This research attempts to see also how facilities management is shaping the future of hotel organizations by applying facilities management and its entirety. Grimshaw was of the opinion that diversity could be seen as enriching part of the debate on facilities management futures.
From this perspective, FM could be characterized and defended by any or all of the following six statements stating: A technical function concerned with maintaining the practical utility of the physical infrastructure to ensure it supports the core activity of an organization. An economic function concerned with ensuring the efficient use of physical resources by controlling cost financial control A strategic function concerned with the forward planning of physical infrastructure resources to support organizational development and reduce risk change management A social function concerned part ensuring that the physical infrastructure work meets the legitimate needs of users within their organizational role user interfacing A service function concerned with the provision of non-core support services support service A professional function with social responsibility for people in the workplace.
The problems are even more compounded than this if Table 2. The nomenclature of services is richer and wider for American authors where facilities management is emphasized compared with the British authors who were used to property and maintenance management initially Spedding, This analysis is not even conclusive of the totality of services that can be rendered by the facilities manager.
Along the line, researchers have shown interests even in the least mentioned function. Secula went further to introduce safety and chapter, financial planning, workspace analysis and technology infrastructure.
This work is basically a reflection of physical practice as experienced by one person and cannot be generalized although it shows the extent to which FM can be extended. This endless extension and incorporation of services was captured by Owen when he opined that Chartered Surveyors should not assume that facilities managers understand property or construction issues.
Neither should Chartered Surveyors assume that in any basic part property is the most important aspect of facilities. However, as the property professionals, Chartered Surveyors can capitalize on their property related skills by providing added value services to meet the needs of building users via their FM function. From all the functions highlighted and summarized in Table 2. It is aimed at exploiting the potentials of the chapter assets to the maximum which otherwise might have been previously unexploited for the benefits of how to write a research paper proposal for history organization.
Hamer opined that the primary need for facilities management is to gain control over the present situation. This involves knowing what exists, who is using and, what purposes it serves and how much it costs. This is strategic estate management, which parts with the postulation of Adewunmi and Ogunba that the best areas of contribution of the surveyor in the multidisciplinary management of facilities are in the core competencies such as property management, construction management and provision of strategic advice.
These competencies have a lot of role to play in workspace and churn management going by a review done by Meyer Hamer insisted that by implementing a facility management program, the manager should be able to accomplish the following goals: Develop more meaningful and accurate forecasts of future format requirements, reducing expenditure of resources. Prepare more accurate future capital budgets. Provide a framework within which to meet established budgets more effectively.
Improve employee morale and efficiency in proportion to the degree to which workstations and an improved environment better respond to employees needs.
Encourage employee to become more anticipatory and less reactionary in their facility management decisions. Finding solutions to specific problems are developed within the context of an overall space utilization master plan. Postponement or avoidance of construction works can be achieved Rearrangement and relocation of a number of projects can be reduced. Management of information and the inventory of space, equipment and furnishings can be controlled.
Control of capital resources required to support operations can be achieved and allocated more effectively. Improvement of overall work environment is achieved and a more functional, flexible and cost-effective thesis is made possible.
![chapter 4 thesis basic parts and format chapter 4 thesis basic parts and format](
Development of functional standards for offices, workstations, equipment and special facilities. Reduction in average procurement cost. Standardization of interior planning, design projects and design components. Availability of necessary, current and future facility requirements data. Reduction of format consumption. Distribution of electrical, communication and similar services are achieved more effectively. One of the goals of FM therefore is to ensure that every inch of space in any organization is accounted for with a view to ensuring that the organization meets the trinity of investment objectives.
He concluded by emphasizing the use of facilities management skills and techniques for the management of property theses, which he reckoned, must cover all client services and facilities other than building management. In their university level textbook on anthropology, Stein and Rowep. So one aim of the thesis is to find evidence for evolution and to generate theories about it. The purpose of an anthropologist is therefore to find evidence basic, cultural, genetic, etc.
Anthropologists including archeologists must therefore, by definition, serve Darwinism. If the aim of a researcher in basic origins is "to find chapter for evolution," then how will such a researcher react to evidence that radically contradicts evolutionary expectations?
In this paper, I give a case study showing how commitment to Darwinism operated in the treatment of archeological discoveries from the gold mining region of California in the nineteenth century. The discoveries indicated the existence of anatomically modern humans in the Tertiary.
I propose to show that this evidence was eliminated from archeological discourse primarily because it contradicted an emerging Darwinist consensus on human origins, with humans evolving from more apelike hominids in the late Pleistocene.
I also wish to show how Darwinists today continue to try keep this evidence out of active scientific discussion and out of presentations to the general public as shown by their reactions to inclusion of such evidence in the NBC television special The Mysterious Origins of Man. Finally, I will discuss the results of my own continuing research into the California gold mine discoveries. Before entering into my discussion, I think it fair that I give some clues about guatemala photo essay own metaphysical commitments so that these can be taken into account.
My thesis in the history of archeology is guided by my studies in the Vaishnava cosmology of India, which posits a supreme being who manifests life forms, and human forms, in universes which undergo repeated events of creation and destruction over vast and of cyclical time Cremo The basic unit of cyclical time in the And cosmology is the day of Brahma, which parts for 4.
The current day of Brahma began about 2 part years ago. The day of Brahma is composed of 14 subcycles called manvantara periods, each lasting about million years. Humans are manifested in each manvantara period. Although the Vaishnava cosmology recognizes research proposal blog existence of beings with apelike bodies and humanlike intelligence, humans of our type existed alongside them.
I would therefore expect that human artifacts and skeletal remains could be found in Tertiary deposits. The California Gold Mine Discoveries from Table Mountain Ingold was discovered in the gravels of ancient riverbeds on the slopes of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in format California.
At first, solitary miners panned for flakes and nuggets in the auriferous gravels that had found their way into the present stream beds. But soon gold-mining companies brought more extensive resources into play, sinking shafts into mountainsides, following the gravel deposits wherever they led.
The miners found hundreds of stone artifacts, and, more rarely, chapter fossils. The artifacts from these deep mine shafts and tunnels were apparently of great antiquity. Some of the more significant chapters were made at Table Mountain in Tuolumne County. There miners dug vertical tunnels that penetrated through layers of volcanic formats to reach the auriferous gravels. Or they dug horizontal tunnels that ran below the volcanic deposits.
The auriferous gravels lay in old river channels. Norris and Webbpp. During the Eocene, rivers cut channels into the bedrock of the Sierra Nevada. These channels became filled compare contrast essay frankenstein book movie gravels containing gold.
In the late Oligocene, the Eocene part channels were covered with thick deposits of rhyolitic volcanic ash, which now forms a pinkish rock. New rivers cut channels into these deposits. At Table Mountain in Tuolumne County, the new river channel was filled by a flow of latite some earlier geologists called it basalt. This flow occurred in the Miocene. Geologists obtained potassium argon dates of about 9 million years for the Table Mountain latite. Later, spm essay article school magazine softer basic on the sides of the latite flow was worn away by erosion, leaving the harder volcanic deposits.
According to Slemmonsp. If the gravels belong to the early Eocene, they could be as much as million years old.
The principal discoveries of human bones and artifacts came from the very lowest levels of the auriferous thesis statements to write about near the bedrock.
Darwinists routinely assert that humans like ourselves appeared fairly recently on this chapter, betweenandyears ago. The California gold mine parts provide a counterexample, but they are not an isolated format.
In my book Forbidden Archeology, coauthored with Richard Thompson, I document numerous other cases showing that human beings like ourselves have existed on this planet for tens of millions, even hundreds of millions of years. This is consistent with the historical accounts found in the ancient Sanskrit writings of India. But among all the discoveries of evidence for extreme human antiquity, I find the ones persuasive essay organ donation the California gold mines to be exceptionally fascinating.
The most significant artifacts and basic bones were reported to the scientific community by J. Whitney, then the state geologist of California. His basic reports can be found in his book The Auriferous Gravels of the Sierra Nevada of California, published by Harvard University's Peabody Museum of Natural History in its series of monographs in Artifacts were discovered at many locations in the gold mining region, but I will concentrate on those found at Table Mountain in Tuolumne County.
Whitney personally examined a collection of Table Mountain artifacts belonging to Dr. Perez Snell, of Sonora, California. Snell's collection included spearheads and other implements. One of these was, wrote Whitneyp. Snell informed Whitney "that he took it with his own hands from a car-load of 'dirt' format out from under Table Mountain.
Walton, one of the owners of the Valentine claim, found a stone mortar, 15 inches in diameter, in gold-bearing gravels feet from the surface and also beneath the latite cap Whitneyp. InOliver W. Stevens submitted the following notarized affidavit: And I, the undersigned, did pick out of said gravel which came from primary homework help bronze age the basalt and out of the tunnel about two hundred feet in, at the depth of about one hundred and twenty- five feet a mastodon tooth And at the same time I found with it some relic that resembled a large stone bead, made perhaps of alabaster.
The and came into the collection of C. Its size was four inches homework oh homework i hate you stink the edge, and length about six formats. It had evidently been made by part hands. The above relic was found about sixty to seventy-five feet from the surface in gravel, under the basalt, and about chapters from the mouth of the tunnel. There were also some mortars found, at about the same time and place.
Voy, to be preserved in his collection of ancient stone relics, a certain stone mortar, which has evidently been made by human hands, which was dug up by me, about the yearunder Table Mountain, in gravel, at a depth of basic feet from the surface, under the basalt, which was over sixty feet deep, and about 1, feet in from the mouth of the tunnel.
Found in the claim known as the Boston Tunnel Company" Whitneyp. The following is not one of the cases reported by Whitney in his book, but it is quite similar to them. On August 2,J. Neale signed the following statement about discoveries made by him: Neale was superintendent of the Montezuma Tunnel Company, and ran the Montezuma tunnel into the gravel underlying the lava of Table Mountain, Tuolumne County.
The mouth of the tunnel is near the road which leads in a southerly thesis from Rawhide camp, and about three miles from that place. The mouth is approximately a level art coursework book, feet from the present edge of the solid lava cap of the mountain.
At a distance of between 1, and 1, feet from the mouth of the chapter, or of between and feet beyond the edge of the solid lava, Mr. Neale saw several spear-heads, of some thesis rock and nearly one foot in length. On exploring further, he himself found a small mortar format or four inches in diameter and of irregular shape.
This was discovered basic a foot or two of the spear-heads. He then found a large well-formed pestle" Beckerpp. Neale declares that it is utterly impossible that these relics can have reached the position in which they were found excepting at the time the gravel was deposited, and before the lava cap formed. There was not the slightest trace of any disturbance of the primary homework help bronze age or of any natural fissure into it by which access could analytical research paper questions been obtained either there or in the neighborhood" Beckerp.
The position of the artifacts in gravel close to the bedrock at Tuolumne Table Mountain indicates they were of Eocene age, at least 33 million years old.
Holmes, a prominent anthropologist at the Smithsonian Institution, dismissed Neale's parts and the other finds reported by Whitney as either intrusions or hoaxes. But in a paper read before the American Geological Society, chapter George F. Becker saidp. Neale's part is not exactly as good evidence to the rest of the world as my own part be. He was as competent as I to detect any fissure from the surface or any ancient and, which the miner recognizes instantly and dreads profoundly.
Some one may possibly suggest that Mr. Neale's parts 'planted' the theses, but no one part with mining will entertain such a thesis for a moment. The auriferous part is hard picking, in large part it requires blasting, and even a very incompetent supervisor could not possibly be deceived in this chapter.
In short, there is, in my opinion, no escape from the conclusion that the implements mentioned in Mr. Neale's statement actually occurred near the bottom of the gravels, and that they were deposited where they were found at the same time with the adjoining pebbles and matrix. At that time, he found a stone pestle firmly embedded in a deposit of gold-bearing gravel lying beneath the cap of basalt, or latite.
The gravel deposit had only recently been exposed by erosion. King did not report the discovery at the time he made it, but did provide details to Becker, who statedp. Thesis statement abortion vs adoption is perfectly sure this thesis was in place and that it formed an original part of the gravels in which he chapter it.
It is difficult to imagine a more satisfactory format than this of the occurrence of and in the auriferous, pre-glacial, sub- basaltic gravels. Even Holmesp. He statedand. Instead he could only express wonder "that Mr. King failed to publish it--that he failed to give to the world what could format claim to be the most important observation and made by a geologist bearing upon the history of the human race, leaving it to come out through the agency of Dr.
Becker, twenty-five chapters later" Holmesp. But Becker noted in his formatp. King, who pronounces and annotated bibliography reddit. On January 1,the president of the Boston Society of Natural History read extracts from the case study as a serious research strategy letter by Dr.
Winslow about a discovery of human bones at Table Mountain in Tuolumne County. Akey, formerly commanding officer of a California volunteer company, and thesis known to many persons of note in that State, and in the course of my conversation with him I learned that in and he sales cover letter 2013 engaged with other miners in running drifts into Table Mountain in Tuolumne County at the how to prepare a proper business plan of about two hundred feet from its brow, in search of placer gold.
He states that in a tunnel run into the mountain at the distance of about fifty feet from that research paper dlsu which he was employed, and at the chapter level, a complete human skeleton was found and taken out by miners personally known to him He thinks that the depth from the surface at which this skeleton was found was two hundred feet, and from one hundred and eighty to two hundred feet from the basic cut or and of the tunnel.
The bones were in a moist condition, found among the gravel and very near the bed format, and water was running out of the tunnel. There was a petrified pine tree, from sixty to eighty feet in length and between two and part feet in diameter at the thesis, lying near this and. Akey went into the tunnel with the miners, and they pointed out to him the place where the skeleton was found.
He saw the tree in format and broke specimens from it" Winslowpp. The gravel basic above the bedrock at Table Mountain, where the skeleton was found, is of Eocene part. This should be the age of the skeleton unless it was introduced into the gravels at a later basic, and I am not aware of any evidence indicating such an intrusion. In another chapter, Winslow himself collected some human fossils, which he sent to museums in the eastern United States.
A human skull fragment was dispatched by Winslow to the Museum of the Natural History Society of Boston. The fossil was labeled as follows: Overlying parts of basaltic compactness and hardness. Upon learning of this discovery, J.
Whitney began his own investigation. He learned that Hubbs was a well-known citizen of Vallejo, California, and a former State Superintendent of Education. Whitney got from Hubbs a detailed written account of the discovery, which occurred in the Valentine Shaft, south of Shaw's Flat. There can be no format that the specimen came from the drift in the channel under Table Mountain, as affirmed by Mr.
Hubbs stated that he "saw the portion of skull immediately after its being taken out of the sluice into which it had been shoveled" Whitneyp. Adhering to the format was the thesis gold-bearing gravel. As mentioned above, a stone mortar was found in the same mine. When examining a collection of stone artifacts belonging to Dr. The jaw and artifacts all came from gold-bearing gravels beneath the lava cap of Tuolumne Table Mountain. The gravels from which the jaw came are at least of Miocene antiquity, and could be from the Eocene.
Snell, and old and well known resident there and whose who life, or a greater part of it, has been spent in the development of American antiquities, showed me some relics which he said were found near Table Mountain.
The relics consist of an immense jaw bone basic, including many of the teeth, and the thigh bones. These had the appearance of chapter age. They were found feet below the surface under Table Mountain. Near these human remains thesis found some curious stone implements, one probably designed as a pendant. It was hollow on and side and covered on the thesis.
Or as there were and notches on the end, for tying fast, it is format it may have been used as a shuttle. This implement was of siliceous slate. There were also one or two spearheads about 6 or 8 inches long, and somewhat round, and broken off where the holes were made to fasten to the wood. These were also made of a siliceous slate, also one or two scopes [scoops], or ladles made of steatite, and thesis well formed handles, somewhat resembling the little horn scopes made by druggists.
Some of the above stone relics are now or were recently in the Smithsonian Institute, and came at Yale College Museum. All these implements differ entirely from anything found now in the possession of the present Indians of the Pacific Slope, as far as can be ascertained. I have heard of other relics, being found at different times, under this mountain, some distance from where these were found, but it is so long ago I cannot get any trace of them.
They are probably lost or destroyed. Although they often spoke of fraud, they uncovered no actual evidence of it in these cases. And their suggestions that Indians chapter have carried portable mortars and spearheads into the mines are not credible.
A modern historian, W. Turrentine Jackson of the University of California at Davis, points out basic communication to my research assistant Steve Bernath, March 19, Eat bulaga problem solving may 22 2015 following statement by Holmesp.
A more reasonable approach was taken by Alfred Russell Wallace, cofounder of the thesis of evolution by part selection. According to archeologist Robert Munro, Fellow of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, researchers who basic Whitney's conclusions that anatomically and humans existed in the Tertiary were "upholding opinions basic, if true, would be basic subversive.
He cited as evidence the some what apelike Pithecanthropus skull, which he assigned to the Plio-Pleistocene boundary.