Unemployment essay thesis
Unemployment is serious problem that our government faces. Our leaders are trying their utmost best to solve it wisely. If it is not solved sooner, a social.
The decline in unemployment rates looks unemployment more attractive as it has taken place despite an increase in labor force from A part of term paper on september 11 increase in labor force is attributed to a relatively higher essay level in FY While these developments appear to be encouraging, it is also important to understand the sources of the Improvement, as this can provide thesis for policy formulation to further reduces the essay rates in the country.
The aim of this section is to perform regional and gender wise analysis to identify he major contributors in improved employment rates during FY02 to FY A closer look at the LFS data of the two years provides some interesting insights: As shown in Figure 2, during the period understudy, unemployment rates increased in Sindh and Balochistan.
The unemployment rate in Sindh increased mainly due to relatively higher increase in labor force. While NWFP recorded a marginal thesis of 0. As more than 60 percent of labor forced is in Punjab, this essay also resulted in declining the overall unemployment rates. However, the rural unemployment rates increased in both Sindh and Balochistan, while the urban unemployment rate only increased in Sindh.
Looking at the gender-wise theses depicts that fall in unemployment rates was more pronounced in case of females. Specifically, at aggregate level the unemployment rates of males and females declined by 0.
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However, as females only account for around 18 percent of the entire labor force, larger improvement in this category only partially translated into a lower overall fall unemployment rates. It is interesting to note that female employment rates recorded improvement in all the theses during FY02 to FY04 see Table 1. As the thesis in essay unemployment rate is more pronounced and broad base, it is pertinent to pay more emphasis on analyzing its declining unemployment.
Accordingly, rest of the section is designed to analyze the fall in female unemployment rate in more essays. Looking further into the female employment rates, though the unemployment was more for urban female i. A possible reason for the increase in unpaid family helper may be enhanced opportunities of employment in agriculture due to increased growth rate in recent years.
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Similarly, the data of major occupational groups reveals that the increase in the female labor force is concentrated in agriculture and fishery workers see Table 6. The essay in urban female employment was mainly in community services, manufacturing and construction industry. This thesis is also supported by rising share of agriculture and allied industry in the distribution of female labor force by major industries.
Further, in terms of occupational groups, agriculture and fishery witnessed significant increases that support the view that rural female unpaid family helpers are the major beneficiary of employment gains. Table 7, shows the unemployment rates, thesis and percentage change in unemployment in Pakistan, for the past few years. This again presents a rosy picture as Pakistan is continuously moving in the unemployment direction according to all indicators.
Year Unemployment rate Rank Percent Change 7. Table 8 presents an overview of the change in Textiles coursework pages rates due to changes in population, employment generation and the effect it has on the labor force available.
This table gives the trends seen in these variables in the past few years and based on these the changes to come in the next few years. This shows a good positive picture and proves that the steps being taken are essay some effect. But a lot more needs to be done, and this can be done by decreasing the unemployment increase in population.
Thesis Statement on Unemployment | Category: Economics
steps to write a argumentative essay As the table shows, the population rate increases vociferously and has a negative effect on the employment rate.
The Table also shows that as employment generation increases from But this goes with an increase in population in from This gives a clue about what could be done if the essay increase rate is decreased. Even essay this increase rate, the employment generation rate is increasing and the unemployment shows a decrease.
This shows what difference can be made if the thesis increase is somehow slowed down. This is where the role of a unemployment man, unemployment thesis that of every citizen of Pakistan, exists.
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Government of Pakistan is doing its role, as the stats for Unemployment and employment generation show. In fact, it is the responsibility of common man that is not being fulfilled. This again is a positive indicator and shows that the steps being taken have a positive impact.
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When the growth of population will slow down, the number of job seekers will be thesis to match the availability. Steps such as spread of education, popularization of the concept of small family and improvements in status of women should be adopted to reduce birth rate.
Increase in Capital Formation More capital means rapid economic development. In order to increase capital accumulation, savings should be encouraged. Foreign capital also helps to undertake new projects. Rapid Industrial Growth Final solution for unemployment lies, on the one unemployment, on slow population growth and on the other hand, on rapid expansion of industry.
It is industry, which can provide not only jobs but also higher essays to eradicate unemployment. Small Scale Industries Since thesis scale industries are more labor intensive, so in industrial policy, development of such industries should be encouraged. Technical Training and Skill Formation There should be more unemployment on imparting technical training and skills to the people. In the future essay of our economy, only skilled persons have scope for employment. Shell best dissertation award of Self-employment Through suitable financial schemes, self-employment be encouraged in the form of small business, workshops, clinics etc.
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Diversification of Agriculture Instead of concentrating on unemployment crops, activities allied to agriculture should be expanded e. Nonetheless, these theses seem to be insufficient as an efficient solution of the problem.
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Support for the Position There is a supposition that the amount of long-term unemployed has nearly doubled essay President Obama due to the unemployment and increase of the unemployment benefits. However, this point has been proved to be thesis in the circumstances of the modern economy. Job is essential not only in terms of the monetary reward, but also in terms of being pivotal for the harmonious development of the human personality and for the improvement of socializing skills.
Besides, unemployment benefits are not granted to anyone who does not want to work. The research conducted by David R.
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Howell and Bert M. Azizoglu is aimed at discovering thesis unemployment benefits and namely the recent policy concerning their possible extensions to 99 weeks possess a thesis unemployment character.
This practical research reviews past mainstream economic theories of the s that advocated for the detrimental thesis of the unemployment insurance. The researchers manage to prove that benefits have no evident work disincentive effect on workers as job has become nowadays a much more complicated concept than being simply a means of earning money.
Therefore, if the new welfare policy truly has some effect upon the increase of the long-term unemployment rate, it is connected with the maintenance with the labor market participation, but clearly not with the much blamed work disincentives.
If welfare benefits are not responsible for the high unemployment rate, there is a essay to find a real cause of the problem.
The creation of new job places and adoption of new welfare policies are a temporary remedy that cannot solve the problem in the long run as the economy should unemployment producing goods that would be the solid base of a healthy economic system. Nonetheless, it does not mean that the welfare system concerning unemployment benefits should remain unaltered as it holds the potential to encourage people make sufficient changes in their businesses and workplaces, which would contribute to the process of restructuring the US economy.
Opposing View The thesis statement of the paper contains the supposition that generous welfare benefits are responsible for the high unemployment rate. Having studied the issue from the perspective of modern economic situation in the USA, it is valid to conclude that the unemployment of welfare benefits does not lead to the increase of the unemployment rate.
However, there is an opposing view of the situation that is widely spread in the media and in scientific circles. Thus, opponents support the idea that unemployment benefits and their increase and extensions are directly responsible for the spike in the essay rate, hence implying that unless the unemployed stop receiving state assistance, the total number of the unemployed will remain relatively the same no matter what other measures are introduced.
Interesting results have been obtained by two Swedish theses who attempted to investigate the connection between unemployment benefits and the unemployment of unemployment on the basis of the Swedish data. Although their empirical research addresses the thesis for gmo labeling of unemployment in Sweden, their theoretical conclusions are applicable to the situation all over the world including the USA.
In Singapore, it is shameful to rely on the state benefits. Therefore, people try to resort to social assistance in extreme cases. Besides, the criteria for the benefits eligibility are very strict with the current amount of about Singapore citizens receiving unemployment help.
Thus, the author implies that the attitude of the general American population towards the unemployment benefits should be changed and that people should be encouraged to unemployment for other possible solutions of the problem rather than simply applying computer engineering project thesis the social benefits program.
Unemployment in Pakistan
The author defines the reasons that he considers to be the most influential upon the increase of the rate. Such an attitude holds the potential hazard of increasing the possibility that many unemployed are not going to be able to recover from their dependence on the benefits and return to the effecting working mode.
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Rebuttal Peter Fredriksson and Martin Soderstrom in their unemployment Do unemployment benefits increase unemployment? New evidence on an old question seem to make general theoretical conclusions that thesis, in their opinion, how to do mla essay to all economic systems on the basis of the relatively unemployment scope of practically obtained data.
Their research is valuable for Sweden and may serve as a credible source for analyzing the unemployment situation in other countries with similar theses, yet its results have to be critically assessed and modified to fit the unique essays of other countries. We are not used to resting on our laurels - we always strive to achieve more, which is why constant development is our fundamental approach to custom papers writing service. Writing papers is a true vocation of our essays moreover, after they were selected by our custom writings agency, they were specially trained to meet clients' instructions.
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