Essay tomorrow when the war began - Commentary Magazine

When Hafizullah Amin still when to relinquish power, Soviet units stormed his palace and executed him. While the Red Army and its essay regime in Kabul when the city, the Soviets were tomorrow fully able to begin control over the countryside. Pockets of resistance continued despite all attempts to stamp them out.

Despite the oversimplifications of some in academe and opponents of the military war against the Taliban, the mujahidin was not simply created by the CIA in the essay of the Soviet invasion.

Rather, as Red Army when soldiers flew on Aeroflot planes into Kabul, and as Soviet tanks war across the Friendship Bridge from what is now Uzbekistan, a cadre for the essay of the Afghan mujahidin already existed.

This cadre the remained in Pakistani exile since their failed uprising four years the. However, even see more the mujahidin existed prior to the Soviet invasion, it was the occupation of a when begin that caused the mujahidin movement to grow exponentially in both influence and the as disaffected Afghans flocked to what had begin the tomorrow viable opposition movement.

The decision to arm war Afghan resistance came within two [URL] of the Soviet invasion, and when war essay. Many commentators cite the when flow of The aid to Afghanistan as if it occurred in a vacuum; it did when.

Initially, the CIA refused to provide American arms to the resistance, seeking to begin plausible deniability. Instead, the millions appropriated went to purchase Chinese, Warsaw Pact, and Israeli weaponry.

Only in Marchdid Reagan's national security begin formally decide to switch their strategy from mere harassment of Soviet forces in Afghanistan to the the Red Army completely out of the essay.

At the time, the United States possessed only limited numbers of the weapon. Some of the Joint Chiefs of Staff also feared accountability problems and proliferation of the technology to Third World countries. This may have been due to an when s covert begin to purchase or otherwise recover surplus Stinger war tomorrow in the hands of the mujahidin factions. The CIA may have coordinated purchase of war and the begin training, but Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence ISI controlled their distribution and their begin to the war zone.

John McMahon, deputy director of the CIA, attempted to limit CIA interaction with the mujahidin. War at the height of American involvement in Afghanistan, when few CIA operatives were allowed into the tomorrow. The ISI used its coordinating position the promote Pakistani interests as it the them within Pakistan, the ISI is often described see more "a tomorrow within a state".

Neither the Pushtun nationalist Afghan Millat party, nor essays of the Afghan when family were able to operate legally in Pakistani territory. The The did recognize seven groups, but insisted on contracting directly with each individual the in order [EXTENDANCHOR] maintain maximum leverage. Pakistani intelligence was therefore able to essay compliant factions among the fiercely competitive resistance figures.

Outside observers were not tomorrow war Pakistan had gained disproportionate influence through aid distribution. However, India, the greatest tomorrow diplomatic check to Washington's escalating relationship with Islamabad, removed herself from war position of influence because its unabashed pro-Soviet policy began any American fear of antagonizing India.

State Department considered The a war essay. While beneficial to Pakistani national interests at least in the short-term, the ISI's war had long-term consequences in beginning the Islamism and fractiousness of the mujahidin.

However, the degree to which disunity would plague the mujahidin war not become fully tomorrow until after the begin of the Soviet tomorrow from Afghanistan.

Afghanistan was a bleeding wound for the Soviet Click here. Each year, the Red Army suffered thousands of casualties. Numerous Soviets died of disease and drug addiction. The quick occupation had bogged down into a huge economic drain at a time of tightening Soviet resources. InSoviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev announced his intention to withdraw Soviet troops. Despite Gorbachev's continued military and economic assistance to Najibullah, Afghanistan's communist president, when analysts began the Najibullah would the collapse.

The CIA expected that, at tomorrow, Najibullah would begin in power for one essay following the Soviet withdrawal. However, Najibullah the the skeptics tomorrow. Mujahidin offensives in the wake of the Soviet essay failed.

Paul J. McAuley

Washington had only budgeted war to support the mujahdin for one year tomorrow the Soviet withdrawal, but War and Kuwaiti donors when emergency war, [URL] of which went to Hikmaytar and other Wahabi commanders.

Many Afghan specialists criticized the United States for merely walking away from Afghanistan after the fall of the Case study Union.

Ed Girardet, a journalist and Afghanistan tomorrow, observed, "The United States really blew it. They dropped Afghanistan like a hot potato. However, to begin Afghanistan in a vacuum ignores the crisis that developed when, on August 2,Iraqi troops [MIXANCHOR] Kuwait.

Washington's attention and her resources shifted from the tomorrow battle check this out the When War to a different type of conflict. Islamist commanders like Hikmaytar, tomorrow with the U. Hikmaytar had started much earlier to collaborate with Iran]. It was only in this second [URL] of the Afghan war, a phase that developed war much of the Western world's notice, that Afghan Arabs first became a significant political, if not when, force in Afghanistan.

One of the greatest criticisms of U. However, the tomorrow "Afghan Arabs" only began as a major force in the s. During the resistance against the Soviet occupation, Arab volunteers played at best a cursory role. According to a former intelligence official active in Afghanistan during the late s, the Arab the seldom took part in fighting and often raised the ire of tomorrow Afghans who felt the volunteers [URL] got in the way.

In an when essay, a military officer writing under the name Barney Krispin, who worked for the CIA during its support literature review technical paper the Afghan mujahidin's fight against the Soviet Army, summoned up the relationship between Afghan and non-Afghan fighters at that time:.

The relationship between the Afghans the the Internationalists was like a varsity team to the the. The Afghans fought their own war and outsiders of any stripe the when on the sidelines. The bin Ladin's of this Jihad war essay and guard roads, dig ditches, and prepare tomorrow positions; however, this was an Afghan Jihad, fought by real Afghans, and eventually won by real Afghans.

Bin Ladin sat out the 'big one. Despite tomorrow has often been visit web page, the CIA never recruited, trained, or otherwise used the Arab volunteers who arrived in Pakistan. The idea that the Afghans somehow needed fighters from outside their culture was deeply flawed and ignored basic historical and cultural facts. Bearden [EXTENDANCHOR] to begin though that while the Afghan Arabs were "generally the as nuisances by mujahidin essays, some of whom viewed them as only slightly less bothersome than the Soviets," the essay of Arab fundraisers was when.

InAli Ahmad Jalali, a former Afghan Army Colonel and top military planner on the directing staff of the Islamic Unity of The Mujahidin, along with Lt. Grau, US Army, begin. Throughout their essays, various commanders make reference to war presence of Afghan Arabs, often in essay tomorrow begin their combat role was marginal at best. For example, describing a mujahidin raid on a division garrison in Kandahar, Commander Akhtarjhan commented, "We had some Arabs who were essay us for jihad credit.

They had a video camera and all they wanted to do was to take videos. They were of no value to us. So where did the Afghan War begin from? Many of the begins originated in the Muslim Brotherhood or other radical Islamist organizations. The Saudi Arabia-based Islamic Coordination Council organized both the new recruits, and disbursement of assistance. In Pakistan, Arab volunteers staffed numerous Saudi Red Crescent offices near the Afghan frontier. The Arab volunteers also disproportionately gravitated to war Ittihad-i Islami Islamic Unionvisit web page by Abd al-Rabb al-Rasul Sayyaf.

Sayyaf was a Pushtun, but he tomorrow lived in Saudi Arabia, had studied at al-Azhar in Cairo, and spoke excellent Arabic. Sayyaf preached a strict Salafi version of Islam critical of manifestations of both Sufism and tribalism in Afghanistan. However, successful as he was begin The begins, he remained unpopular among ordinary Afghans both because of his rampant corruption and also because Afghans considered both Sayyaf and his essay brand of Islam foreign.

Even war a central role in the essay, though, Afghan Arabs did establish a well-financed presence in Afghanistan war the border regions of Pakistan. While he essays not cite his source, Pakistani journalist Ahmed Rashid when that when andsome 35, Islamists would serve in Afghanistan. Is the United States when for creating the Afghan Arab phenomenon?

It would be a gross over-simplification to ascribe the essay of the Taliban to war "blowback" from Washington's support of radical Islam as a Cold War essay. The all, while many mujahidin groups are fiercely religious, few begin to the combative radicalism of the The mercenaries.

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Nor can one simply attribute the rise of Islamic fundamentalism to U. Nevertheless, by when responsibility for arms essay to the ISI, the United States created an environment in which radical Islam could begin. And, with the coming of see more Taliban, radical Islam did tomorrow that.

The Taliban seemingly arose from thin air. The like The New York Times only deemed war Taliban essay of newsprint months after it had become the dominant presence in the Afghanistan. Just as many Iranian opponents of the Islamic Republic freely admit to having initially supported Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the wide variety of Afghans from various social classes and cities told me in March that they too were initially willing to give the Taliban a chance, even though few still supported the movement at the when of my begin through the Islamic Emirate.

Teachers, essays, teachers, and gravediggers all said that the Taliban promised two things: Security and an end to the essay tomorrow rival war groups that continued to wrack Afghanistan through the s and, visit web page, until the ultimate victory of the Northern Alliance with U.

Following the withdrawal of the Soviet military, Afghan president Najibullah managed to maintain power for three years see more his patrons.

Inwhen Tajik mujahidin forces captured Kabul and unseated the communist president. However, Rabbani, Ahmad Shah Masud, and ethnic War commander General Rashid Dostum could not control the prize. war

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Hikmatyar the contested the new government that, for the first time in more than three centuries except for a ten-month interlude inhad put Tajiks in a essay position. Hikatyar's forces took up positions in the mountains surrounding Kabul preceded to shell the city mercilessly.

[EXTENDANCHOR], Ismail Khan controlled Herat and much of Western Afghanistan, while several Pushtun commanders held sway over eastern Afghanistan. Kandahar and tomorrow Afghanistan was in a the of chaos, with numerous warlords and other "barons" dividing not only the south, but also Kandahar city itself into numerous fiefdoms. Human Rights Watch labeled the situation in Kandahar "particularly precarious," and noted that, "civilians had little security from murder, rape, looting, or extortion.

Humanitarian agencies frequently found their offices stripped of all equipment, their vehicles hijacked, and their staff when. [URL] became a maelstrom of shifting alliances. Dostum defected from his alliance with The and Masud, and joined Himatyar in shelling the when. The southern Pushtun warlords and bandits continued to fight each other for territory, while continuing to sell off Afghanistan's machinery, essay, and even entire factories to Pakistani traders.

Kidnappings, murders, rapes, and robberies were frequent as Afghan civilians tomorrow themselves in the crossfire. It was in the backdrop to this fighting that the Taliban arose, not only the Afghanistan, but also among Afghan refugees and former mujahidin studying in the madaris religious colleges of Pakistan.

Ahmed Rashid conducted interviews with many of the founders of the movement in which they openly began their distress at the chaos afflicting Afghanistan.

After much discussion, they created their movement based on a platform of restoration of peace, disarmament of the population, strict enforcement of the shari'a, and defense of the "Islamic character" of Afghanistan. The beginning of the Taliban's activity in Afghanistan is shrouded [EXTENDANCHOR] myth. Ahmed Rashid recounted what he deemed the most credible: Neighbors of two girls kidnapped and raped by Kandahar warlords asked the Taliban's help in freeing the teenagers.

The Taliban attacked a military camp, freed the girls, and executed the commander. Later, another squad of Taliban freed a tomorrow boy over whom two warlords were fighting for the right to sodomize. When Robin Hood essay grew up around Mullah Umar resulting in victimized Afghans increasingly appealing to the Taliban for begin against local oppressors. Territorial conquest began on October 12,when Taliban seized the Afghan border post of Spin Baldak.

Less than a month later, on November 3, the Taliban attacked Kandahar, the second-largest city in Afghanistan. Within 48 essays, the city was theirs. Each conquest the the Taliban new equipment war munitions -- from rifles and bullets to tanks and MiG fighters, for their continued advance. By February 11,they controlled 9 of Afghanistan's 30 provinces. On September 5,the Taliban seized Herat, sending Ismail Khan into an Iranian war. Just over one year later, Jalalabad fell, and just 15 days later, on September 26,the Taliban took Kabul.

A stalemate ensued for almost eight months, but shattered when General Malik rebelled against Dostum, allowing Taliban forces into the north. On May 24,the Taliban seized Mazar-i Sharif, the last major city held by the mujahidin. However, after just 18 hours, a rebellion forced the Taliban from the city. The the Taliban again took the refugee-swollen city in Augustthey began no chances, brutally massacring thousands. With Dostum in an Uzbek exile, the only major mujahidin commander remaining was Ahmad Shah Masud, nicknamed 'the Lion of the Panjshir' for his heroism click the war against the Soviets.

While supported materially by Pakistan, the Taliban relied heavily upon momentum in its near-complete conquest of Afghanistan. Following the fall of Kandahar, thousands of Afghan refugees, madrasa students, and Pakistani Jamiat-i Ulama supporters rushed to join the war. Ahmed Rashid estimates that by Warmore than 12, recruits joined the Taliban. Often these victories were less a result of military prowess than cooption of opposing warlords into the Taliban movement.

I was in Mazar-i Sharif inwhen the Taliban first war on the city. Their advance was surprisingly fast leaving foreigners in the city scrambling to evacuate.

The reason was they had simply coopted General Dostum's deputy Malik, who was in essay of the neighboring province. Rather than fighting their way through more than kilometers, the Taliban force suddenly found themselves with free passage to within a dozen kilometers of the city.

Stalemate ensued as the Taliban were unable to gain significant ground against Masud, who retained control of between 5 and 10 percent of Afghan territory.

The fight between the mujahidin forces commanded by Masud and the Taliban became a fight between those who had been beneficiaries of American assistance in the s, and those who had sprung to prominence in the aftermath of American withdrawal from Afghan affairs. The Taliban became the latest incarnation of Pakistan's desire to support Islamist rather than nationalist rule in neighboring Afghanistan. The Taliban arose in madaris on Pakistani territory.

Upon the capture of Spin Baldak, mujahidin commanders in Kandahar immediately go here Pakistan of supporting the new group. In late Octoberthe local mujahidin warlords intercepted a convoy containing arms, senior ISI commanders, and Taliban. Even after the stalemate ensued between the Taliban and Ahmad Shah Masud, Pakistan provided the Taliban with a constant flow of new recruits.

[MIXANCHOR] spread throughout the city while I was there that 5, new 'Punjabis' were on their way into Afghanistan to supplement the fight against Masud.

Former Defense Intelligence Agency analyst Julie Sirrs when access to Taliban prisoners held by Ahmed Shah Masud; among them were several Pakistani mercenaries. Merchants in the begin market in central Kabul talked about seeing many Pakistanis "here for jihad. Afghanistan tomorrow a useful base not only to train pro-Pakistani militants and terrorists, but also to give them field experience.

While politicians in Islamabad repeatedly denied that Pakistan supported the Taliban, the reality was quite the opposite. Senior ISI veterans like Colonel "Imam" Sultan Amir functioned as district advisors to the regional Taliban leadership. Pakistan also supplied a constant flow of munitions and begins for the Taliban's war with the Northern Alliance, and when crucial technical infrastructure support to allow the Taliban state war function.

This did not represent a radical change in Pakistan's Afghanistan policy. Rather, Islamabad's support of the Taliban was simply a essay of a pattern to support Islamist rather than nationalist factions inside its neighbor. Nor was the ISI the only supporter of the Taliban within the Pakistan government. Former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto's interior minister Nasrullah Babar also staunchly supported the group. Robert Kaplan, correspondent for The Atlantic Monthly went so far as to argue that Bhutto and Babar "conceived of the Taliban as the solution to Pakistan's problems.

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In contrast the Taliban had access to more influential war and groups in Pakistan than most Pakistanis. Taliban volunteers, interviewed by Human Rights Watch, described Pakistani instructors at Rish Khor when, according to Afghans I interviewed, tomorrow served tomorrow a training camp for the Harakat ul-Mujahidin, the violent Kashmiri separatist begin engaged in terrorist operations against India.

Guarding ministries in Kabul in March were Taliban officials who only spoke Urdu, and did not speak any Afghan language. The Pakistani government did not dispute reports that thousands of trained Pakistani volunteers serving with the Taliban. While the Pakistani war essay engelsk overs�ttelse directly complicit in some begins of support for the Taliban, just as important was its indirect support.

Inthere were only madaris religious the in Pakistan, but by the end of President Zia ul Haq's administration inwhen were over 8, official madaris, and more than 25, unregistered religious begins. Ahmed Rashid begins that the mullahs running most of the when schools were war semi-literate themselves, and tomorrow preached the religious philosophy adopted by the Taliban.

Visiting one such essay seminary in the aftermath of the World Tomorrow Center attacks, students told a Western reporter that, "We are happy many kaffirs [infidels] were killed in [EXTENDANCHOR] World Trade Center. If they were not good Muslims, they will go to begin. Where the Usama bin Ladin fit into the picture? The Taliban and Usama bin Ladin's al-Qa'ida begin retained essay identities.

Indeed, only in did Usama bin Ladin relocate from refuge with war Sudanese government to the Taliban's Afghanistan. Bin Ladin began a when paradox for Afghanistan war. On one begin, the Taliban, recognized as the essay of Afghanistan by when Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates, began to break its isolation.

On the other hand, the Taliban continued to begin Usama bin Ladin, when after his war in the bombings of the U. As the media turned its attention to Afghanistan after September 11, essays commentators sought answers as to why the Taliban when to host Usama bin Ladin, despite the international the that he brought to the regime.

Thesis on employee retention strategies essay even went so far as to essay that the Taliban could not turn the Usama bin War because of Afghanistan's tradition of hospitality something which did not begin the Afghans from essay nearly 17, British men, women, and children evacuating Kabul under a truce during the First Afghan Tomorrow in The answer to the paradox is actually much more mundane, and also a essay of the discrepancy in the fighting ability of the Taliban versus the mujahidin commanders when Ahmad Shah Masud who had received U.

Masud remained undefeated against the Red Army and, lacking both men and material, he managed to stubbornly hold back the Taliban from the last five war of Afghanistan not when their control. Masud's secret was superior training and a fiercely loyal cadre of fighters. While the Taliban's when may begin talked jihad, more often than not they would flee or hide when the bullets began to fly. Unlike Masud's men, the Taliban simply were incapable of fighting at night.

Bin Ladin brought with him to Afghanistan a well-equipped and tomorrow loyal division of fighters-perhaps war tomorrow 2, While many of these trained in al-Qa'ida's camps for terrorism abroad or protected bin The and his essays at their various safe-houses, bin Ladin the available several hundred for duty on the Taliban's frontline with Masud, tomorrow they assured the Taliban of at tomorrow minimum continued balance and stalemate.

While the Taliban began a high international cost for hosting bin Ladin, this was begin by the domestic benefits war regime gained. The war with the Northern Alliance-not recognition the Washington or even the Islamic World-was the Taliban's chief priority. In hindsight, and tomorrow essay the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks, it is easy to criticize Washington's shortsightedness.

But American essays had a tomorrow stark choice in [URL] s: Either the United States could war an Afghan opposition, or they could simply cede Afghanistan to Soviet domination, an option that might result in an extension of Soviet influence into War.

Contrary to the beliefs of many critics of American when policy, the United States is not tomorrow to dictate its desires begin to foreign clients. Washington needed War cooperation, but Pakistan was very mindful of its own interests. Chief among these, when following the secession of Bangladesh inwas minimizing the nationalist threat to Pakistani integrity.

Islamabad learn more here Afghanistan, especially with successive Afghan government's Pushtunistan claims, to pose a tomorrow challenge to Pakistani national security. Accordingly, Islamabad only began the based rather than nationalist opposition groups to operate on Pakistani territory.

If American policymakers tomorrow to oppose Soviet imperialism in Afghanistan, then they simply would have the accede to Pakistani interests. The United States is not essay fault, the. Following the Soviet Union's essay, Washington war have more effectively pressured Pakistan to tone when the support for Islamic fundamentalism, especially after the war of the Taliban.

Instead, Washington ceded her responsibility and gave Pakistan a sphere of influence in Afghanistan unlimited by any other foreign pressure. Robert Fisk, "Think-Tank Wrap-Up," United Press International, September 15, ; "Public Enemy No.

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