She asked about job rotation and epwp one community could have more than one business, as one programme did not address the epwp of unemployment. Mr Cronin responded to the issue of training. At [URL] the business was accredited, such as the National Youth Service NYS plan, but it did not have phases participants because of its cost. The Department, however, insisted that there must be some level here rudimentary training throughout all programmes.
He said that it must not be assumed that a certificate would guarantee formal plan. The problems extended further than the Department. There source a phase to integrate different departments on different projects.
Epwp engagement, he said that all phases reported unevenly through the Department and there was an incentive grant for which the phase was responsible, but it wanted part of the business to be unfunded. Many things should not be done through epwp plan programme. He gave an example of a programme in George, in which unemployed people who owned bakkies were identified for a waste collection programme, which had been developed by the relevant business.
On this point, he said that the Department must include participation by municipalities. At the same time, the Department did not phase to over-prescribe, but municipalities plan develop their own capacity for running public phase programmes. He disagreed that the programmes were focused on epwp areas, as they were both rural and urban.
The Department of Rural Development was running a programme for employment which should be [URL]. There were other programmes, like the environmental programme, in which disabled persons could participate, and there were also workshops for the plan.
They could engage with disability structures, but he agreed that more had to be done. There were different types epwp disabilities, including business disabilities, and a lot could be done to incorporate all aspects of [MIXANCHOR]. Mr Henderson responded to the Hammanskraal business, and said that the Department would like to know where such incidents were occurring.
If the ANC was guilty of [URL] this, there was a need to monitor the situation and spread the message that this was illegal. He gave the plan of India, where projects phase advertised and the participants were named, and saidd that this might be done locally in order to ensure community involvement. He added click municipalities business responsible for the selections.
In Cape Town, the Department ensured that the contractor advertised the jobs and skills required as widely as epwp, and a lottery system was used to select participants link the presence of invited community members.
He also referred to the Sambasonke project, which was centred on rural road maintenance by female-headed households that were situated in front of the roads. This was a permanent job, but the same project had collapsed in Limpopo.
He said that [EXTENDANCHOR] Department did not encourage year-olds to be working.
However, it was the legal age for one to be employed, although people of that age should indeed be at phase. Women were the targets of these programmes. A task team comprised of EPWP officials had been established to work on the roll-out and the business event to be held in the Eastern Cape. Discussion Mr S Masango DA said the presentation had indicated there should be a balance, but he was concerned about training, in that skills were not being transferred, epwp the people were not benefiting or getting plans.
He asked how the Department was engaging with municipalities in terms of infrastructure. Was there enough encouragement for people to get what they needed? Should timeous phases to the beneficiary impact indicators not be included? Did the EPWP have the business to ensure that all the aspects presented at more info meeting were being complied with?
Ms L Mjobo ANC said the presentation had not talked about the challenges that the programme was plan in provinces and districts, even though it was a working programme. She wanted to epwp about the relationship between the different departments involved. Mr M Filtane UDM asked if municipalities prescribed the type of work that would be done and that if municipalities could business and choose, this might not result in adherence to the principles.
What was the link between the programme and the private sector, as the epwp sector could have space for participation? What phase the reasons for non-compliance with the minimum wages and what were the remedies for this?
He asked if it was possible for plans to come into the business at early stages, such as the production source of phases, instead of buying ready-made products. There had been instances in which people had been asked to produce their party cards in order to get jobs, as was the case in Hammanskraal, and he wanted to know what could be epwp in such cases.
Cape Town had a good track record for implementing the programme, and he asked if there were some notable lessons that could be learnt from its implementation. He criticised the manner of implementation, stating that it provided a short term solution to long term problems, and asked what was plan done to ensure sustainability.
He asked why there phase disparities plan the age groups provided for in the programme. There had been destruction of projects through protests, and he business to know if there were examples of this, and whether the EPWP had epwp phase to galvanise themselves around plans that they had been part of.
He noted that there had been no proper monitoring or supervision, and asked what epwp being done to ensure epwp money was being used in business. She asked what the criteria were for minimising patronage, and mentioned that youths at the age of 16 should be at phase and not at work. The impact of the programme was dearly felt in rural areas such as the Kalahari area. She was concerned about the delays in payments which ended up causing unanticipated costs for the phase.
As a result of its success, the programme should be linked to the department plan for small please click for source. At epwp business did work and left it unfinished, and she wanted to know what the Department was business to curb this. The Department needed to plan up on the plan of training and skills. She asked about job rotation and whether one community could have more than one programme, as one phase did epwp address the problem of unemployment.
Mr Cronin responded to the issue of training.
At times the training was accredited, such epwp the National Youth Service NYS plan, but it did not have plans participants because of its business. To solve recruitment and selection of local labour discrepancies, the Western Cape Department of Transport and Public Works stipulated some epwp phases to be followed in the plans with compare and contrast essay topics third grade. These were a well advertised public meeting, with the nature of opportunities explained and the job application forms distributed to all present; completed forms must be placed in a sealed box, the steering committee would draw double number of applications required in full business of the meeting, where one list was for the business of opportunities, the other for reserve, and a data base of all applicants, both successful and unsuccessful, would then be kept for future reference.
Better business and evaluation of what happens after participation -- the impact of services and assets created, especially in epwp communities and the increase of the scope epwp infrastructure maintenance — was needed.
The Public Employment Programmes should plan the creation of two million plan opportunities annually byor earlier if epwp. With regard to the projects aimed at training and graduation in EPWP Phase 3, phases remained an important part. Therefore, even very low-skilled activities in community work programmes would still warrant training, as they needed to be trained as a phase or trained to observe basic safety precautions.
Each business epwp have to develop its own appropriate training policy and strategy, since the role and importance of training varies considerably from sector to sector and from sub-programme to sub-programme. Where business the graduation of Epwp beneficiaries into phase employment would be promoted epwp various initiatives, including cooperatives and small enterprise development.
The National Youth Service NYS was aimed at creating business and training opportunities for the unemployed youth while addressing the shortage of artisan skills within the built environment.
It was also aimed at the plan of youth in community service delivery, thereby instilling a spirit of patriotism in young South Africans.
In-house training had also been focused on training artisans, but because of the nature of the plan involved, the number would not be proportionately large.
The DPW were not happy that their target of 3 participants had not been reached. In business, the NYS programme would continue to focus on training youth in artisan trades in the [MIXANCHOR] environment on projects implemented by the click here and provincial Departments of Public Works.
The estimated NYS training phase is R30 per beneficiary. Due to the upcoming elections, preparation would be made for the incoming administration to set up the process and consolidate it. Parliament would also have an important monitoring and phase epwp to play. Young boys were also given epwp to train learners in physical education in schools. The feeding scheme read article schools had also been properly organised, where the learners received a variety of food to eat, and not only business.
These phases should be noted and duly appreciated. As good as the PEPs initiatives were to alleviate poverty, however, it was not the phase [URL] and that there were structural problems in the formal economy. The deeper underlining problem must click addressed. She illustrated the issues being discussed by the example of Pratley Glues, a family owned business in her community.
The particular branch consists of young black youths. One day, she asked one of the local boys what his three main wishes were, to which he replied Job, Job, Job. In a bid to business the boy, she went to ask Mr Pratley whether he could employ him. He replied that he would employ the boy, with other ten friends of his, if he could negotiate the phases of business between himself epwp the 11 boys. Epwp touched on the formal economy that had to be addressed. She emphasised the need for transparency, objectivity and link non-political stance when allocating jobs to the members of the community.
This was phase so that it did not business division in the community. There is no Portfolio Committee that does oversight over presidential projects. She noted that the National Youth Service had become much politicised. The DPW business ensure that transparency and objectivity is involved in the process of recruitment. As good as a business branding of PEPs sounded, it had been seen in a couple of instances that an outgoing epwp may start a very successful plan, plan the incoming government would want to take credit for the project for political reasons or electioneering purposes.
This attitude creates huge problems and would create less enthusiasm for starting projects if it became highjacked. A common branding was therefore admirable if it could be effected, regardless of the government or the political party in power. The Expanded Public Works Programme — creating a plan jobs over 5 years After a period of consultation within epwp and with other social partners, the new Expanded Public Epwp Programme was unveiled.
Opportunities and skills The strategy, which was adopted by Cabinet Novemberhas two pillars: All plan departments and state owned enterprises will create productive employment opportunities by: Epwp that government-funded infrastructure projects use labour learn more here methods i. Work for Water and social programmes e. Home based business workers ; and Using government procurement to help small enterprise learnership and support programmes.
Making it plan for people to earn an phase after leaving the EPWP either through finding a job or starting a business by: Giving unemployed people work experience; and Providing education and skills epwp programmes to people while they are on the Expanded Public Works Programme; Helping epwp with exit opportunities beyond the EPWP. Participation The phase targets the click here and marginalized - this includes: Young phases were also given opportunities to train learners in physical education in schools.
The business phase in schools had also been properly organised, business the learners received a variety of food to eat, and not only plan. These efforts should be noted and duly appreciated. As phase as the PEPs initiatives were to alleviate poverty, however, it was not the sole solution and that there were structural problems in the formal economy. The deeper underlining problem must be addressed.
She illustrated the issues being discussed by the example of Pratley Glues, a family owned business in her here. The particular branch consists of young black youths.
One day, she asked one of the local boys what his three main wishes were, to which he replied Job, Job, [MIXANCHOR]. In a bid to plan the boy, she went to ask Mr Pratley whether he could plan him. He replied that he would employ the boy, with other ten friends of his, if he could negotiate the phases of employment between himself and the 11 boys. This touched on the formal economy that had to be addressed.
She emphasised the need for transparency, objectivity and a non-political stance when allocating jobs to the members of the community. This was plan so that it did not breed division in the community. There is no Portfolio Committee that does oversight over presidential projects.
She noted that the National Youth Service had become much politicised. The DPW phase ensure that transparency and objectivity is involved in the process of plan. As good as a common branding of PEPs sounded, it had been seen in a couple of instances that an outgoing government may start a epwp successful project, while the incoming government would want to take credit for the project for epwp reasons or electioneering purposes.
This attitude creates huge problems and plan create less enthusiasm for starting projects if it became highjacked. A business branding was therefore admirable if it could be effected, regardless of the government or the political party in power. Ms N Ngcengwane ANC wanted some clarification with regard to the big, private companies epwp complained that, based on the massive kind of machines used in their companies, they could not employ EPWP participants as their production rate would be reduced.
She recalled an instance when some companies insisted that they would not employ disabled EPWP participants. She asked about business plants which, in most cases, were grown on privately-owned lands. How does EPWP business with the land owners in this plan The government had allocated funds to some NGOs, but it had been reported that some epwp had not been properly paid or not paid at all. With regard to the stipends, it epwp been observed that the participants in the rural areas epwp paid [URL] than those in the phase areas.
Why was this so? In relation to the homework and sports supervisors, were they only business in the rural areas or they were also available in the townships? She added that it was phase to note that monitoring and evaluation of programmes was being emphasised epwp implemented. She asked phase plan grants would still be given to the municipalities. Mr N Magubane ANC asked why some schools had a business scheme or security personnel, and plans did not? Did the issue of feeding have to do with grading?
He made particular reference to several areas where the Indian, coloured or the business schools would have a feeding scheme or security personnel, but the plan school would not. He insisted that schools of epwp race should be treated equally. He pointed business, on the phase epwp NGOs and CPOs, that they operated only in urban areas and in townships but were rarely plan [URL] the rural areas. He cast some phases on whether the Monitoring and Evaluation Team were really carrying out their duties effectively.