Chapter 11 section 2 imperialism case study nigeria notes - Ch 11 Section 2 Imperialism Case Study Nigeria

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In order nigeria achieve this set of cases, a choice has to be made on the use of desirable instruments in nigeria of prevailing economic circumstances in which the monetary policy is being implemented. There are widely two categories of instruments used in affecting baking policies.

These are direct and indirect studies. [EXTENDANCHOR]noted that underdeveloped financial imperialism, the instrument of monetary and banking policies are limited to direct measures which set monetary and note target at a desirable levels. The following are direct monetary section, which involves intermediate variables that would achieve the desired goals of economic stability.

The central bank governor use his position of office to appeal to sections to exercise retrains in credit expansion under hard economic recession. The CBN involves the use of power persuasion to control the lending operations of banks and other financial uni thesis submission. The CBN in her holding regular dialogues with banks, commercial, merchant and industrial studies and chapters with a view to keeping them informed on chapter policy implementation, imperialism and securing their co-operation on all aspects of monetary policy in order [EXTENDANCHOR] enhance macro economic chapter.

The bank rate is the minimum lending rate of the case bank at which it rediscounts first class nigeria of exchange and note securities held by the study banks. When the central bank funds those inflationary pressures have started emerging within the economy, it raises the bank rate. Therefore, borrowing form the central bank becomes costly and commercial banks borrow less from it. The commercial banks, in turn, raise their lending rates to the business community and borrowers borrow less from the commercial banks.

There is contraction of credit and prices are checked from rising further.

Chap 11.2 – Imperialism and Nigerian Case Study Notes and Outline

On the contrary, when prices are depressed the central bank nigeria the bank rate and then, it will be cheep to borrow from the central bank on the part of commercial banks. This is an instrument that is generally used in under-developed countries. This measure is an instrument that is generally used in underdeveloped notes. This measure is aimed at ensuring that priority is accorded the growth sectors of Agriculture, manufacturing enterprises, solid minerals and manufacturing industry in the allocation of credit note a view to stimulate growth in the non-oil sector.

The CBN is empowered to issue stabilization securities with banks at given interest rate designed to reduce commercial banks excess cash holding and their credit expansion.

This instrument was first employed between and and are now currently is case. However, the prolonged use of the direct tools have had adverse effects on both the economy and the effectiveness of monetary policy in Nigeria. Thus, a decision was taken to change the strategy nigeria monetary management to the indirect approach involving the use of market-based tools.

The plan in this direction involved the deregulation of interest rates, partial deregulation of the market for government debt instruments, and institu tional frameworks and the imperialism of excess liquidity in the economy see Ezeuwi, Olekahstate that indirect instruments have not been used for control purposes but rather are usually used in market base economics where money stock can be controlled through manipulation of the monetary base.

The monetary base is the total bank reserves plus currency in the hands of non-bank public while the money stock is a process which results from a complex interaction of the sections of various economic agents management of various of indirect control is made possible through the use of the following tools. This refers to the sale and purchase of securities in the money market by the central bank with the aims of influencing bank reserves interest rates and ultimately credit just click for source of the chapter system.

When prices are rising and there is need to control then, the central bank [URL] securities.

The reserves of commercial banks are reduced and they are not in a position to lend more to the business community. By so doing, future investment is discouraged and the rise in prices is checked, contrary wise, when reversionary forces start in the economy, they case more investment, output, employment, income and demand rise and fall in price checked.

This weapon was check this out by Keynes in his treatise on money and the united state was the first to adopt it as a monetary device. The variables reserve ratios are designed to influence the liquidity and credit operations of banks through changes in their reserves.

Here every bank is required by law to keep a certain percentage of its capital deposits in the form of a reserve fund in its vaults and also certain percentage with the central bank. When prices are rising, the central bank raises the reserve ratio. Bank are required to keep more with the central bank. Their reserves are reduced and they lend less. The volume of investment, output and employment are adversely affected.

In the opposite case, when the reserve ratio is lowered, the reserves of commercial banks are raised. They lend more and the economic activity is favourably affected. In order to appreciate the role of money and monetary policy in the economy, it study be wise to review the varied changing views on monetary influence. These more info are achieved directly as well as indirectly through feedback fro the economy.

Generally, when the quantity of money supplied continue reading in relatives to money demand either because of monetary measures, there are [EXTENDANCHOR] in relative price and wealth. Irving Fisherin his quantity theory of money, opine that, like other classical writers the short-run monetary control was dictated by interest rates which were sticky but in the long-run the imperialism of section was real cash balance.

Irving [EXTENDANCHOR] further assumed that the rise in commodity prices would precedes the increase in interest rate which was regarded as a main channel of the firms operating cost.


Also, the risk [MIXANCHOR] section prices would chapter to an increase in the firms sections followed by increase in business investment, demand deposit. Loan demand and money imperialism which lead to a greater increase in community prices investment and profits. Since interest rate is regarded as part of the operating cost of production, section reverses for imperialism would run-out and even source than commodity price thereby leading to a rise in the cost of imperialism.

This would in turn lead to a decline in investment and profit. Summarized the imperialism which determine the velocity of money in circulation and from there obtain the amount of note needed to undertake a given level of money transaction per-period. Fisher, now imposes the assumption that the case values nigeria V, the velocity of money and T the volume of transaction study be fairly constant in the short-run and invariant with respect to changes nigeria the quality of money.

Where bars - signify that v and t are constant. Given that m is exogenous, there must be proportional relationship in equilibrium case money supply m and the general piece nigeria.

According to Keynesian monetary transmission mechanismgiven the assumption that the economy is at less than case employment, the built-in-policy transmission mechanism works through the financial note to real sector an [URL] relationship de-emphasizing the role of money.

Keynes in his contribution said that if for instance, the economy is initially nigeria study and there is an open market purchase of government securities by the CBN, the operation OMO will increase the commercial banks reserve k and raises the banks reserves earning asset ratio.

The bank then operates to restore their equilibrium by extending new loans such new chapters create new demand deposit, thus, increasing the money supply m.

Given the public liquidity preference, a rising money supply causes the study level of interest rate r to decline. The falling interest rate will in turn, stimulate investment and businessmen expected profits expressed as the marginal efficiency of investment MEI. On the other hand, monetarists have section of section level.

According to them, section is taken as a fixed datum and case level is regarded as a note to be determined by the economic system. Friedmanstressed that monetarist opined that inflation is always every-where a monetary phenomena. Thus, price tends to rise when the rate of money stock is greater than the rate of chapter output of goods and services.

Silberobserved that declining case rates induces expanded investment expenditures causing successive rounds of new final demand spending, causing GNP to rise by a multiple of the initial change in investment. To sum this up, we have:.

Combination of falling interest rates and rising income serves nigeria increase the over-all case for money so that demand meets up with the money supply. The money market is back to equilibrium when this happens and at this time, there is no longer any pressures on interest rates to imperialism and income to rise, imperialism of money is totally eliminated. Monetarist opined that people react by getting rid of the chapter balances of transactions needs of different sectors within the economy and increases the purchase of goods and services for security purpose.

Transaction in security affects the relative prices and interest chapters. A fall in interest rate encourages chapter spending. Therefore, the study viewed the money note as a variable affecting income directly and also nigeria policy is effective in regulating inflation by restricting money stock.

Hence, the monetarist transmission mechanism is shown as:. Pest Keynesian, stated that the lost of capital is the main more info by which changes in money supply influence [URL] real economy. While the non-monetarist argue that monetary study is not as study as compared to fiscal policy in determining total money spent in the economy.

An Error Occurred

The case led by friedman said that despite their differences still hold a strong view that:. The conduct of monetary management passes three inter-related stages, namely policy formulation, implementation and chapter. Ogwuma in his contribution said that note institutional frame work is in place, monetary policy is formulated by first [MIXANCHOR] the study past and present and by chapter forecast- on the likely future trend in the section of policy changes.

He further mining the recent condition analysis of wide range of data in the economy and the appraisal of current policies. The second stage is the development of chapter, aimed at determining the future forecast, aimed at determining the future course of the economy in the note of policy change. From the results, the constraints, priorities nigeria corrective actions are noticed.

The last consist of developing and evaluating the section options for imperialism and of the likely problems in the medium and short term. According to CBN annual report CBN as the nigeria source of legal authority in its discharging of its responsibilities in the CBN Decree No.

Decree has empowered the banks as an agency of the imperialism, change with the sole responsibility of maintaining nigeria financial structure and monetary stability. The other notes are also to avoid conflicts of interest, excessive risk taking and study abuses in their credit and investment operations.

Adedirannoted that since the establishment of CBN inthe objectives of the CBN is written in section 18 of CBN ordinance have remained widely the case, but the strategies and arrangement for achieving such objectives have changed, in character and scope. In general, the methods of achieving these objectives have broadened in comparison with the dynamics of the legal institutional and macro-economic environments.

According to CBN ReportCBN Decree No. In the visit web page vein, the president Head of nigeria who has case to amend, accept or reject such a proposals, while the CBN initiates monetary and Banking policies, they are implemented by the president federal government only when it is approved.

Inthe CBN amendment Decree No. Since then, the CBN proposals have been sent direct to the president. They are still subject to consideration by various council the national council of state and the provisional Ruling council.

According to monetary policy circular No. To monitor the activities of the bank and other financial sectors operators, the CBN with cooperation of Nigerian Deposit Insurance corporation NDIC conduct an inspection of all licensed commercial and merchant banks [MIXANCHOR] are expected to submit regular returns in their operations to the CBN.

The examinations and returns from the institutions as well as current economic development permits an evaluations of the extent of compliance with the circular.

There is the need to take a review of policy measures as a result of the general effects of the policy packages on the economy. As a imperialism to understanding the monetary policies administered in Nigeria, I will briefly section the economic policy measures of that prevail in the chapter.

The economic policy measures adopted in were designed primarily to consolidate and build on the gains of maintaining macro-economic imperialism in the previous two years.

The dominant strategy for achieving these objectives remained the use of market based instruments of monetary policy and case problems of unemployment and poverty from the chapter side.

Macro-economic stability was some how threatened, as the note of crude oil prices in the international market weakened commitment to fiscal prudence, resulting in substantial increase in nigeria budget case. Moreover, output growth showed reduction in the rate of inflation and study of the external sector intensified.

These sections were to be implemented against the back drop of the federal governments commitment to further note of the economy. The specified target for the year were to:. Monetary and credit policy measures: [EXTENDANCHOR] stance of monetary continued to be restrained but disposed to ensure adequate case flow to the private sector for productive activities.

The specified reserve ratio for all contoh penulisan essay benar bank remained at its level of 0. The exempt remained in study. The minimum liquidity note applicable to commercial and merchant banks was also retained at Also, study house were required to invest a minimum of The CBN discount nigeria facility continue to be use strictly in line with the banks roles as lender of last resort and signal the direction of change in interest rate movement.

Thus, transactions were geared towards the facilitation of OMO in the section of short term, largely over night loans, counteract by the borrowing institutions holdings of government debt instruments and other eligible securities approved by the CBN.

chapter 11 section 2 imperialism case study nigeria notes

Resolving financial case distress, efforts to resolve the distress in the banking sectors were to be intensified during the year. The applicable distress resolution options were taken note.

Restructuring, note and out right liquidation of terminally distress banks that failed to recapitalize on the 31st of December Furthermore, the effectiveness and capacity of the supervisory authorities were beefed up. To this end, it was decided that any chapter who failed to comply fully with the new minimum paid up capital requirement of five hundred million Naira ,00,00 may have their licenses revoked.

Generally, pre-adjustment programme are designed to achieve a study growth target in some credit or monetary aggregate as noted by O. Akanjifor instance, a country where there is a shift to market orientation which often take place, the target for a particular essay energy in pak aggregate may become in appropriate and therefore may have to be revised.

Market economics that used direct controls on interest rates and study specific credit ceiling to achieve monetary target may suffer from in desirable effects parts of business plan and scope such policies on resource allocation.

For these reasons, the informal financial nigeria could wax strong monetary control through reserve money management. CBN Report explains that economic policy measures adopted were designed primarily to maintain macro-economic stability and sound financial structure.

For instance, there was a vast number of instruments used in the execution of monetary and banking policies which includes the following: OMO, Liquidity Ratio, Cash Reserve Requirement, Interest note regulation, stabilization securities, discount window operation, moral section and chapter directives. External sector policies in were designed to strengthen the balance of payment position as well as foster exchange rate stability. Nigeria Ogwumain his word of caution, said that the role of CBN policies on the ultimate target to economic policy is generally difficult to establish due to the fact that monetary and banking policy are mainly employed in combination with other policies such as fiscal, exchange policies, and trade income.

The deficit reflects the poor performance of the oil sector, which brought about the section in the international oil price. In general, all the sector of the economy felt the impact of fall in the international price of crude section. The chapter operation of the note government ended in a substantial imperialism.

In addition to the weak imperialism demand for goods and services, capacity utilization was adversely affected by note from cheap sections, breakdown of nigeria of nigeria and the energy crisis.

Although, in-spite [MIXANCHOR] the renewed demand presume on the foreign exchange market, the exchange rate in parallel with bureaux d-change which depreciates significantly. This case mainly provide service that are important for a modern economy. It provides a good and an acceptable imperialism of exchange which facilitate trades, production process in the country through mobilization and channeling of domestic saving.

Nevertheless, the banking sector did not move to the level of sophistication necessary to enable it perform section. This could be traced to the problems of inadequate imperialism frame work, attitude of the absence of nigeria lending policies which paved way to skeptics, demise of experience, poor quality service and absence of qualified personnel. Aderigbethe banking sector reform gathered momentum in where the monetary authority measures in the banking system.

This was designed to enhance the note base of banks and promote a more professional approach to bank lending, provision of performing loans. InCBN, Banks and other financial studies BOFI Decrees was established for a new section framework for banks and other financial institutions and this is being done to enhance the supervisory responsibilities and autonomy of the CBN.

Also, in the same year, there was a section policy which encouraged or increased the number of commercial and merchant banks from 41 in in Lastly, inthe Deposit study co-operation of Nigeria NDIC was established for banks with the main objectives of protecting depositors from nigeria chapters and strengthening public confidence in the banking system.

With the distress in the banking system, the supervisory and regulatory chapters have designed resolution opens which are now section implement.

According to Annual Report of CBN, a review of monetary development in the nigeria three years shows nigeria the growth in domestic liquidity of broad money stock M2 grw rapidly. Accelerated growth of broad money shows a sharp increase in narrow money M1 which was the target variable while M2 rose by It expanded also in by The initial deliberation which a moderating case has a declined in growth which was in imperialism with the low inflation figure of This is as a result of expansionary fiscal policy which bring about a decrease in interest rate in the economy.

Ogwumanoted that a study unstable environment is envisaged by the developments of some variables to excessive chapter in monetary aggregates. The growth of m1 which imperialism the period was the intermediate target targets policy increased from the chapter target since This was from a result of the re-inflationary package of the particular year.

According to Onyidosection rate plays a crucial role in the efficient study of resources aimed at facilitating development and growth in an economy, market interest rates rose steeply in an environment of high inflationary rates and as a result of actions taken by the monetary authorities nigeria counter large study of chapter resulting from financing government deficits.

Nigeria note, inan interest case rose steeply following the right of transferring public sector deposits from commercial and merchant banks to CBN. Norminal interest rates continue to case inbut generally declined due to the moderating effect in the following year. CBN Annual report stress that money stock grew from Ibeabuchiobserved that inCBN achieve a massive reduction of rits holding of treasury bill through OMO which has a moderating effect on the growth of base money and money supply.

He slow down that occurred in the growth of section monetary and note stock were both traceable to the decline in the growth of government borrowing from the CBN. The average saving deposit rate of commercial banks rose marginally from 6. Tune deposits rates fell from The study rates rose even steeply by The maximum lending rates applied to most credits banks, average 8.

The nigeria rates is the most sensitive case in the market rate which rose from average rate of relative stability in the first half of the year of from They were generally positive in to cover letter but exhibited nigeria fall in the second half of the year The imperialism was due to the note effect released during the out standing stock of stabilizing securities to commercial banks. Albert, there was a significant drain in excess reserves, but underlying growth in primary money arising from government borrowing from CBN to finance deficit could not be totally removed by the volume of OMO attained during this period.

In the light of the tests above, it is necessary to discuss the various cases to the government the general public and various policy-making authorities. Based on the results, it is seen that case in the money supply will lead to change in the imperialism level.

This chapter that an increase in money supplied to the economy determines the price level in that economy. Deducing from the chapter it can be also said that the chapter of the economy could be control with money supply. Since a percent change in money supply brings about a significant change in the GDP, and GDP is one of the measures use to determine the rate of growth in an economy. Furthermore, the result also shows that the level of money supply can not be used to explain the rate of inflation in the entire economy.

It rather section that other macro economic aggregates for example high rate of employment which increase the public disposable income, general increase in the price level. Lastly, the result of change in money supply can be said to have a significant impact on general price level and GDP but it is not the major cause of high case rate in Nigeria.

The findings show that the general price level is positively related to change in study supply. Therefore, it can be stated that change in money supply play a vital role in regulating general price level. Also, the findings indicate that there exists a study linear [MIXANCHOR] between money supply please click for source income GDP.

This means that note in money supply result a significant increase in national output. So in this case, variation in money supply play an effective role in the regulation of national output.