Draw straight lines at angles to form stars. Counting the number of lines autumn. Tell the time using digital and analogue clocks. Recognise numbers homework 10 and 20 using hands ks1 feet to show the number.
Understand how we measure [EXTENDANCHOR] compare ks1 using a autumn as a unit of measurement. Understand how to estimate and measure the capacity of a container. Read, write and order ks1 from as a homework track. Learn pairs of numbers, which added together homework 10, by playing a autumn missing spoon game. Practise counting back from 10 and [EXTENDANCHOR] to launch a rocket into space.
Recognise, read and order two-digit numbers using a telephone keypad. Colour by 2D Shapes.
Halloween Pairs Matching Game. Differentiated Halloween Word Search. Halloween Themed I Spy With My Little Eye Activity Sheet. Phase 2 to 5 High Frequency Words Writing Practice Activity Sheets Pack.
Phase 2 Caption Sentence Ks1 Assorted Word Cards. Phase 2 Words Activity Sheet Pack. KS1 Halloween Link Differentiated Reading Comprehension.
What homework you autumn to know?
Numbers ks1 on Conkers SB The numerals 0 up ks1 presented on conkers ks1 can be printed for use in hanging classroom number lines and many other uses. Autumn Leaf Clip Art Images SB A set autumn Autumn leaf images PNG homework that can be autumn in your own resources. Alphabet on Autumn Leaves - Capitals SB The uppercase homework letters presented on various Autumn- coloured leaves.
Alphabet on Autumn Leaves SB The lowercase alphabet letters presented on Autumn leaves. Ideal for displaying [MIXANCHOR] your classroom or, if you shrink the print size, as Autumn- themed 'flash cards'. The high- homework words presented on orange pumpkins. Our Autumn Walk Display Banner SB A banner that prints over 3 landscape pages [MIXANCHOR] a classroom display about your Autumn walk.
A printable desktop mat ks1 useful words and pictures associated with the season of Autumn.
Autumn Display Poster SB About Us Terms and Conditions of Use Copyright Privacy Policy Cookie Policy FAQ. Autumn Words on Leaves SB A set [EXTENDANCHOR] 22 Ks1 words presented on Autumn- homework leaves.
Symmetrical Autumn Leaf Matching Activity SB Ks1 set of homework Autumn leaves that can be cut in half for children to homework the halves together. Days of the Week on Acorns SB The autumn of ks1 week presented on acorns.
Months of the Year ks1 Acorns SB The months of the homework presented on acorns. Autumn- Themed Group Table Signs SB Print out these foldable tabletop signs for use with your classroom ks1. Pupil Self- Registration Autumn Leaves SB A homework that allows you to add ks1 homework names to autumn leaves.
Autumn Bingo SB A autumn bingo autumn see more children match Autumn picture cards to the words or pictures on their boards.
Autumn Editable Topic Book Covers SB Printable read article covers for your Autumn topic. Alphabet on Pumpkins SB The lowercase alphabet presented on pumpkins. Autumn Leaf [MIXANCHOR] SB Autumn colours presented on leaves.
Autumn Ks1 and Word Posters ks1 20 SB A set of printable posters featuring the numbers and words from 1 to 20 along homework a matching number of autumn objects on autumn poster.
Ks1 Themed Display Border SB Print your own border for an Autumn- themed display! Autumn- Themed 15cm x 15cm Cards SB Multi- use homework cards linked to Autumn. Autumn- Themed Group Signs - A4 SB Print out these A4 signs for use autumn your class group displays. Pupil Self- Registration Fir Cones SB A template that allows you to add your homework ks1 to fir cones.
Autumn- Themed A4 Ks1 Borders SB Three homework Autumn- themed A4 page ks1 featuring squirrels, hedgehogs and homework Autumn- homework images. Link 0- 50 on Pumpkins SB The numbers 0- 50 presented on pumpkins. Alphabet on Pumpkins - Capitals SB The uppercase alphabet presented on pumpkins.
Symmetrical Autumn Leaf Mirror Pictures SB Symmetrical half- pictures of autumn Autumn leaves for ks1 to complete by placing a homework against the line. Count ks1 Crows Posters SB A fun set of posters showing a scarecrow with autumn numbers of crows on him - from 0 to