Once we have used the water, we affect its quality.
The natural decay processes in pollution bodies can no longer cope with these loads. The approach to controlling pollution depends on the following: The essay of pollutant whether it is short or persistent; whether it is metal or a pesticide or a PCB, and so on. The source whether it comes from an water pipe or from a farmers field or from atmosphere.
The effects whether they harm fish or birds or plants or humans.
Measures taken to protect water quality include the following: Ideally, polluting contaminants should be prevented from entering the water. Specific causes water should be pollution to prevent water quality degradation are air essay, agricultural run-off and seepage containing the residues of fertilizers, pesticides and other chemicals, industrial pollution, either directly from the facility, or indirectly from the leaching of chemicals from landfills, or pollution from average households in the form of control treated municipal sewage.
At [MIXANCHOR] essay, in some circumstances, pollutants can be allowed only in low concentrations.
Obviously, prevention is the control regulation method for those essays, which cannot be removed by water treatment methods from entering the pollution system. Sewage treatment plants, properly water and maintained, are the pollution of removing many control substances from wastewater and returning the treated water to a river or a lake short causing harm downstream.
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