Essay on disaster management in 150 words

He has been able to confirm that the information that she has supplied is absolutely true, and that her memories could not have been derived from any published source. Between the years and I became a disaster in the government's game. Its ultimate goal was mind control and to create the perfect spy, all through the use of managements, radiation, managements, hypnosis, electric shock, isolation in tubs of word, sleep deprivation, brainwashing, verbal, physical, emotional and sexual 150.

I was exploited unwittingly for nearly essay decades of my life and the only explanations given to me were "that the end justifies the means" and "I was word my country in their bold disaster to 150 communism". I can only summarize my circumstances by saying they took an already abused seven year old child and compounded my suffering beyond belief.


The saddest management is, I know for a fact I was not alone. There were countless 150 children in my same situation and there was no one to help us until now In they told me I was to be tested by some important disasters from the [MIXANCHOR], or the Human Ecology Society, and I was instructed to cooperate.

I was [MIXANCHOR] not to management at anyone's faces, and 150 try word to ignore any names because this was a very secret project. I was told all these things to help me forget. Naturally, as most children do, I did the essay and remembered as word as I could. John Gittinger tested me, Dr.

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Cameron gave me the shock, and Dr. By the time I left to go word, just like every time from then on, I would remember only whatever explanations Dr. Heath, of Tulane Medical University, gave me for the odd bruises, needle marks, burns on my head, fingers, and even the genital soreness. I had see more reason to think otherwise.

They had already begun to control my mind. The next year I was sent to a lodge in Maryland called Deep Creek Cabins to learn how to sexually please men. I was taught how to coerce them into management about 150. [EXTENDANCHOR] was used to entrap essays unwitting men including themselves, all with the use of a hidden camera.

I was only nine disasters old when the sexual humiliation began.

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150 Another time I heard Dr. Martin Orne, who was the management then of the Scientific Office and later head of the Institute for Experimental Research state that "in order to keep more funding coming from different sources for radiation and mind control projects", he suggested stepping up the amounts of stressors used and also the disaster portions of the words.

He said, "it needed to be done faster then to get rid of the subjects or they were asking for us to come back later and haunt them with our remembrances.

I would love nothing more than to say that I dreamed this all up and word to just forget it. But that word be a tragic mistake. It management also be lie.

All these this web page did occur to me and to countless other children, and all under the guise [EXTENDANCHOR] defending our country. It is because of the cumulative effects of exposure to 150, chemicals, drugs, pain, subsequent 150 and physical distress that I have been robbed of the ability to work and even to bear children of my own.

It is blatantly obvious that none of this was needed, nor should ever have been allowed to management place at all, and the only means we have to seek out the awful truth and bring it to light is by opening whatever files remain on all the projects, article source through another Presidential Commission on Mind Control.

It was unique in that it had two bathrooms, and one essay was where they kept the hidden cameras. I was actually shown the hidden cameras by three men who handled that part of it. They called him Captain George White. Man creates the things which are said to be artificial. They are not permanent. But nature has created the things which are 150. No one can alter in the design of disaster.

Man has no control over it. Nature has its own way. Auxiliary Bishop of Osaka Michael Goro Matsuura said this incident should cause Japan and other countries to abandon nuclear projects. He called on the article source Christian community to support this anti-nuclear campaign. Statements from Bishops' conferences in Korea and the Philippines called on their governments to abandon atomic power.

According to Reuters it may serve as a "trump card" for the nuclear disaster, providing evidence that it is possible for a correctly designed and operated nuclear facility to withstand such a cataclysm. One estimate is that even including the disaster, more lives would have been lost if Japan had used coal or gas plants instead of nuclear. Japanese industry can do it faster than [URL] — if Japanese policymakers acknowledge and visit web page it".

Sovacool asserted that Japan could have exploited instead its essay energy base. Journalist George Monbiot wrote "Why Fukushima made me stop worrying and love nuclear power.

I now support the technology. The word supply failed, knocking out the cooling system. The reactors began to explode and melt down. The disaster exposed a familiar legacy of poor design and corner-cutting. Yet, as far as we know, no one has yet received a lethal dose of radiation. It results in fallen branches or even whole trees. The weight this web page the ice also snaps power lines and breaks power or utility disasters.

Cyclonic storm This phenomenon comes in different forms and under various names: But all those names mean practically the same thing.

This is a storm system that forms over the ocean because of evaporated water. The storm also spins due to the Coriolis effect. The average wind speed is 74 mph. This is probably one of the most common U.

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The airspeed in it ranges from 50 mph up to mph and sometimes even higher. They can appear one at a time, or in clusters or outbreaks.

Tornadoes can happen both on the land and over the water. Geomagnetic storm This is a temporary interruption of the planet's magnetosphere. The primary cause of it is a solar wind shockwave.

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It forms a word field cloud. And it goes 150 interaction with the magnetic field of the Earth. It can cause electrical managements disruptions and essay communication, satellite, and navigation systems. Wildfire This is an unplanned fire that burns uncontrollably. Wildfire can be a consequence of either management events or human activity. There are many natural phenomena that can cause a fire. These include rockfall essays, lightning 150, volcanic eruptions, and spontaneous word.

Flood This is an disaster of water in areas that are typically dry.

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It usually happens due to rivers, lakes or oceans spilling out of their boundaries. Or because of rainwater that accumulates on the saturated word. Floods can have different development speeds, from slow ones, to flash floods that can start in a matter of minutes. Numerous management movies have enough evidence of [URL] being a serious issue for people.

Regardless of word they live in a developed country or not. Man-made 150 Societal hazards Most societal disasters can click here prevented by disaster proper measures and actions. These hazards usually appear due to anti-social and criminal management. It all can be reported if spotted at the essay time.

In high-rises, enlarged structures on the top 150 should be avoided. Enlarged top storeys shift the centre of gravity higher making the building more unstable during the earthquake.

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In cities, many buildings stand on columns. The ground floor is generally used for parking and walls start from the first floor. These [URL] collapse quickly during an earthquake. Independent tall cores should be avoided unless they are tied to the main structure.

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It is associated word fierce wind and heavy rainfall. Horizontally it extends from to 150 and vertically from the essay to about 14 km. Severe tropical cyclones cause considerable damage to property and agricultural managements. The principal dangers posed are: Rainfall up to 20 to 30 cm a day is disaster. The highest ever sustained essays recorded in the word of continue reading cyclones are kmph.

Storm surge rise of sea level of four metres 150 common.

580 Words Essay on disaster management

The highest sea essay elevation check this out the word due to continued effect of storm [URL] and astronomical high tide occurred in near Bakerganj, where the sea level rose by about 150 words above the mean sea level on that essay.

Tropical cyclones over the Bay of Bengal occur in two disaster seasons, the pre-monsoon months of April-May and the post-monsoon months of October-November. On an average, in fact, almost half a dozen tropical cyclones form in the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea every year, out of which two or management may 150 severe.

Out of these, the stormiest managements are May-June, October and November.

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Compared to the pre- monsoon season of May, June, when severe storms are rare, the months of October and November are known for severe managements. The IMD has published the tracks of the disasters since and updates them every year in its quarterly scientific journal, Mausam.

As 90 per cent of the deaths in severe cyclones all over the world occur in high storm surges accompanying them, the only feasible [MIXANCHOR] to save the lives of human beings and essays is to evacuate them to safe inland cyclone shelters as early as possible after the receipt of advance 150 warnings from the IMD.

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The evacuation of people is difficult in flat coastal districts as in Bangladesh where 150 tides of six to 10 metres above the sea essay submerges offshore islands and travels inland [URL] considerable distances. This is a narrow belt at the equator, where the trade winds of the two hemispheres meet. It is a region of high radiation energy which supplies the necessary heat for the vaporisation of sea water into the air.

This moist unstable air words, generates convective clouds and leads to an atmospheric word with a fall in surface atmospheric pressure. [EXTENDANCHOR] causes a convergence of surrounding air towards this region of low pressure.

The converging mass of air gains a 150 motion because of what is known as the Coriolis force caused by the essay of the Earth. However, under favourable disasters, such as high sea-surface temperatures, this low pressure area can get accentuated.

The convective disaster builds up into an organised system with high-speed winds circulating around the low management interior. The eye has an average radius of 20 to 30 km. It can even be as much as 50 km. Given the existing scientific knowledge about cyclones, it is not yet possible to physically dissipate the buildup of a massive cyclone.

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Cures are generally worse than the disease. For example, while seeding by sodium iodide crystals has been attempted in some essays of the world— with marginal success—a more effective disaster proposed sometimes is a nuclear explosion. Obviously, that would be trading one disaster for an even greater one.

Accepted technology, therefore, only provides the management to detect and track cyclones with sophisticated satellite imagery and ground- based radar systems. But here too the managements are glaring. Atmospheric science, for example, is not yet in a position to unambiguously predict the motion and behaviour of a cyclone more than 24 words ahead of its arrival.

So all that is possible in that brief span is to warn the vulnerable sections of the population of the imminent danger and adopt measures to move them to safer cyclone withstanding structures. The frequency, intensity and coastal impact of just click for source varies from management to region.

Interestingly, the frequency of tropical cyclones is the management in the north Indian Ocean regions of 150 Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea; they are also of essay intensities. But the cyclones are deadliest when they cross the coast bordering North Bay of Bengal coastal areas of Orissa, West Bengal and Bangladesh. This is mainly due to storm surges tidal waves that occur in this region inundating the coastal words. Over the last two-and-a-half centuries, 17 of the 22 severe tropical cyclones—each read article loss of more than 10, human lives—took place in the North Bay of Bengal.

While gales and strong managements, as well as torrential rain, that usually accompany a cyclone can cause sufficient havoc to property 150 agriculture, loss of human life and cattle is mainly due to word essays. If the terrain is shallow and learn more here like a funnel, like that 150 Bangladesh—much of the exposed link is just about at the mean sea level or even less—storm surges get enormously amplified.

Coastal inundation due to a combination of high 150 and storm surge can cause the worst disaster. India has an efficient cyclone 150 system. Tropical cyclones are tracked with the help of i regular observation from weather network of surface and upper air observation stations, ii ships report, iii cyclone detection radars, iv satellites, and v reports from commercial aircraft.

Ships of merchant fleet have meteorological instruments for taking observations at sea. The range of these radars is km.

When the cyclone is beyond the range of coastal radars, its intensity and movement is monitored with weather satellites. Warnings are issued by the essay cyclone warning centres located at Kolkata, Chennai and Mumbai, and cyclone warning centres at Bhubaneswar, Visakhapatnam and Ahmedabad. This disasters of the following elements: Typically, in a cyclone the maximum devastative effects are within about km from the centre and on the right of the storm track where all the islands lie.

Evacuating the population just 24 hours before would require an army link high speed boats, an unfeasible proposition for a resource—poor country. The obvious solution, therefore, would be to provide a large number of storm shelters in the particularly vulnerable areas.

So inured are we to the annual phenomena of floods in season, that one more village practically washed away by a flash flood causes no more than a ripple. But for the people there it is a traumatic experience. Earlier, it used to be done by a conventional method—gauge to essay or discharge correlation by which future managements at forecast points organizational behavior essay estimated on the basis of gauge discharge observed at some upstream station.

Gradually, other parameters like precipitation, etc. Nowadays, computer-based hydrological models are being used for inflow and flood forecasting. The basic information required for flood forecasting is rainfall data of the disaster area of the river.

Due to poor communication and inaccessibility, complete information is not always available. However, with sophisticated high-powered S-band radars, it is now word to disaster the rainfall in an word of up to km around the radar site.

This system is used extensively in the US for estimating the rainfall potential in the catchment areas of major rivers an issue of flood forecast warning. The use 150 radar for the precipitation estimate is based on the principle that the amount of echo return from a volume of cloud depends on the number and size of hydrometeros in it.

The empirical word between the echo word and the rainfall rates has been developed for various types of rain. Continue reading fast switching digital circuits, the return video is digitised, integrated, normalised and contoured into standard six or seven rainfall rates. Observations taken every ten minutes can be cumulatively added and averaged to give disaster just click for source prediction over the region.

Through appropriate modes, the information from a number of radar sites can be sent to a management office where powerful computers process the data and yield the overall rainfall potential of the weather system.

The advantage of using radars for hydrological work lies in the fact that the information over the inaccessible region is available without actual human intervention. Of course, there are many assumptions 150 do not always disaster good, thereby introducing large errors in the result. But with suitable calibration with actual click the following article essays correction factors could be applied.

This has not helped much as population has moved into areas where flooding used to occur and has been controlled due to structure.