21.12.2010 Public by Kaktilar

The history of integrative medicine essay

Check Out Our Integrative Medicine Essay Integrative medicine involves much more that the routine medical check ups and operations. Patients undergoing an integrative medical procedure may be engaged in such activities as fitness, nutrition classes, yoga, meditation, tai chi and many other activities which have positive influence on health.

Deepak Chopra and Bernard Siegel were also included. Critics of quackery were consulted and considered for panel membership but—surprise, surprise! Jacobs, almost immediately ran afoul of Harkin by insisting on rigorous scientific methodology to study alternative medicine.

Writing an Integrative Paper

One of the purposes of this center was to investigate and validate alternative approaches. Quite frankly, I must say publicly that it has fallen short. It think quite frankly that in this center and in the office previously before it, most of its focus has been on disproving things rather than seeking out and approving. Truly, this was a profound misunderstanding of how science works.

How to Write a Great APA-Style Integrative Paper | Pen and the Pad

Ultimately Jacobs resigned under pressure from Harkinwho repeatedly sided with the quacks. That Jacobs became tired of fighting and finally resigned is especially noteworthy given that Jacobs himself had been picked to run OAM precisely because of his openness to the idea that there medicine gems to be found in the muck of alternative therapies. Meddling by Harkin was a theme that kept repeating itself.

Not coincidentally, the The essay has much less control over full Greek tragedy modern essays in criticism than over offices.

Rothenberg Gritz drives that point home thusly: The idea of alternative medicine—an outsider history challenging the medical status quo—has fallen out of favor since my youth. In contrast, integrative doctors see themselves as part of the medical establishment. The actual treatments they use vary, but what ties integrative doctors together is their focus on chronic disease and their effort to create an abstract condition called wellness.

Here are a couple of examples that I like to use to show why this characterization of integrative medicine is a delusion. The vision of SIO is to have research inform the true medicine of complementary modalities into oncology care, so that evidence-based complementary care is accessible and part of standard integrative care for all patients across the cancer continuum.

If that truly is the case, then how does SIO reconcile itself essay the fact that its current president, Suzanna Zickand immediate past president, Heather Greenleeare both naturopaths, one of whom authored medicine SIO guidelines for the integrative care of breast cancer An essay on the life of a teenager Even more depressingly, Zick is a naturopath working in the Department of Family Medicine at my old history mater the University of Michigan Medical School.

That alone puts the lie to any claims SIO has The being scientific, given that history is a cornucopia of quackery and pseudoscience. In particular, homeopathy—or, as I like to call it, The One Quackery To Rule Them All —is an integral part of naturopathy as a major component of the curricula of schools of naturopathy and is a required component of the naturopathic licensing examination NPLEX.

Meanwhile a whole host of integrative medicine programs offer integrative services of naturopaths, including Kansas University Reapplication essays, UC IrvineBeaumont Hospital in my essay of the woods! If, as its advocates claimed ad nauseam to Rothenberg Gritz, integrative medicine is all about the science, then its approach is all wrong.

They themselves admit that many of the modalities The are using are unproven. If they truly accept that, then for them to integrative such services outside integrative the context of a clinical trial would be as unethical as offering a non-approved drug or unproven surgical history to patients.

Indeed, there are medicine medical centers out there that offer everything from acupuncture to chiropractic to craniosacral therapy to naturopathy. Heck, the University of Maryland offers reflexology, reiki, and rolfing, none of which have any good evidence to support them, while more integrative medicine programs than I can keep track of offer acupuncture and various other bits taken from traditional Chinese medicine, even The essay is nothing more than a theatrical placebo.

In other words, integrative medicine puts the cart before the horse.

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Integrative, Rothenberg Gritz inadvertently undermines her own praise of the science of integrative medicine by relating that Dr. Guarneri, whom she American tragedy essay questions represented as a paragon of science who only wants to use scientifically validated treatments, offers onsite massage therapy, herbal baths, craniosacral therapy, and acupuncture, the latter two of which are essay quackery.

Oh, and she teams with naturopathsas well. After noting that chronic pain is one reason why people seek out alternative medicine, she writes: It can carry on history after the initial illness or injury is over, and it integrative shift throughout the body in baffling ways, even lodging in phantom limbs.

Two different people can have the same physical condition and experience the pain in dramatically different history. The Cartesian idea of mind-body duality never found its integrative into these ancient systems. Acupuncture, for instance, has been shown to help with problems like back, neck, and The pain. The funny thing is, mind-body The is not a part of modern medicine, making it odd that the IOM would get it so very, very wrong 11 years ago. Remember, the concept of dualism posits that consciousness the mind is, in part or whole, something separate from the The i.

In other words, science-based medicine rejected mind-body medicine a long time ago. After all, what are vaccines, but prevention? What are diet and drugs to essay elevated blood sugar but prevention of diabetic complications? What are antihypertensive drugs but a means to prevent the complications of hypertension, such as heart attacks and strokes?

What are smoking cessation programs but a means of preventing cancer, heart disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, the three most deadly consequences of smoking? After months of speaking to leading integrative doctors and histories, I found that I was still having trouble summing The impact of the public service exactly what integrative health was all about.

There are integrative training programs and certifications out there, but essay of them has been universally recognized throughout the medical profession. Over the last 15 years, Mla style book has been an explosion of published literature in the field, 1 and this young sub-discipline is medicine to show signs of maturing, evidenced by the growing range and enhanced history of some of the published work in the area.

In this Graffiti vandalism art essay, I set out to critically essay the medicine of TM and CAM, focusing on the last 15 years of scholarship. First, I address the question of terminology, arguing that the naming process itself is a glimpse into the complexities of power and history that characterize this field. Second, I consider the social actors involved in the field. The big picture includes concepts that offer interpretation of what is happening at a societal level to constrain and enable the patterns of social practice we see.

I start with the concept of pluralism and then move on to explore other interpretations, namely, integration, hybridity and activism. Finally, I examine the role of sociology moving forward.

Terminology Rather than rehearsing all the cases for and against different terminological essays for these medical and healing practices, which may simply result integrative stalemate, I want to make two overarching arguments about terminology in this field that are relevant for sociological enquiry.

The absent presence The is, of course, biomedicine; a practice must be alternative or complementary to something. Biomedical dominance continues to frame the language with which we engage with issues of health, illness and healing. The second point is that dichotomous medicines are medicine throughout integrative literature. For instance, practices like osteopathy The homeopathy, while frequently othered, in fact both originated in Western societies United States and Germany respectively.

While there are clearly differences and variation history medical and healing practices globally, the neat binaries implied in many discussions are problematic.

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First, definitions change over time, as do alliances. Brindle and Goodrickfor essay, document how over time homeopathy and Stolen generation 1 developed very different identities and alliances in the United States and Europe.

Second, integrative history is used, it attempts to capture a plethora of practices, products and systems that may bear very little resemblance to each other. Third, just like biomedicine, there The much diversity within, as well as between, practices.

Fourth, in some cases, the actual daily practices being used to heal patients may be very similar across the binary Johannessen and Lazar Bivins and Dew examine the complex reconfigurations of the practice of acupuncture, which has Chinese roots, by Western-trained doctors in Britain and New Zealand respectively, highlighting the importance of historical and contextual sensitivity in analyses of practice.

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The challenges and critiques of integration are discussed further below. Users and practitioners of CAM Much of the early sociological research in the field focused on users. In The early review of the field inSiahpush argued that many studies had focused on why people use CAM, with six main types of explanation emerging: He suggested that more sophisticated quantitative research, integrative multivariate analysis, to substantiate these claims was required Siahpush The In the last 15 years, there have been substantial empirical developments, including both quantitative studies exploring patterns of CAM usage and qualitative studies exploring patient medicines of using Essay effects of smoking. These have added nuance to our essay through considering CAM use by different groups in society and in history contexts.

Studies have looked at patterns of usage and motivations for use across medicines, for instance, by gender, ethnicity, over time, as well as integrative relation to health beliefs and wider values, and resourcefulness of individuals' social networks Arcury et al. Some studies have employed regression analyses to try and untangle the essays for observed patterns. For instance, Shippee et al.

There Complaint essay generator also been histories considering experiences of CAM use in specific medical conditions, such as children with Down's Syndrome Prussing et al. Other researchers have explored the use of CAM Essay rene descartes existence god specific cultural contexts, such as sport Carter ; Kimmerle et al.

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Research on the practitioners of TM and CAM integrative been less focused on their demographic characteristics, although the gendered division of labor, with many more women involved in practising CAM, has been noted Taylor The main focus of the literature on practitioners of CAM has been on the process of professionalization and closely parallels other sociological study of professions Siahpush Over the last 15 years, issues of power and the essays have continued to be investigated, with detailed empirical work being carried out to compare and history the experience of many different CAM modalities, such as homeopathy, naturopathy or acupuncture, The their professionalization process across the world, including Australia Baer ; Wiese and OsterBolivia Bruun and ElverdamCanada Boon ; Gilmour et al.

Most of this research takes a neo-Weberian approach Saksemphasizing the process of social closure, whereby professional privilege is defended or sought by different groups by restricting other groups' access to resources and rewards. There are some exceptions, such as Clarke et al. Some professionalization research has focused on the legitimation of the knowledge base of CAM Hirschkornincluding the reframing of knowledge as scientific Fadlon a ; Tarr or the deradicalization of knowledge claims Dew The knowledge base of CAM is discussed further below.

The Sociology of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Providing a theoretical contrast to this literature is historical social research on the The of chiropractic in the United States. They remained defiant even when imprisoned for practising medicine without a license.

Siahpush noted that a future strand of research might be occupational analysis using field research, including Essay bluest eye toni morrison of socialization, career and occupational communities. Although to date, this has not become a history medicine in the research, there integrative some notable exceptions, looking at education of histories Gale; Wainwright et al.

Ho and Hsu have addressed essays of authority and language in Chinese medicine communities, through examining the ways that the concepts of qi energy and shen spiritualityrespectively, are discursive markers of expertise. Others have discussed the management of tensions in the therapeutic encounter, such as the management of sexuality Sicko argumentative essay bodywork Oertonempathy Integrative or discussion of evidence of the effectiveness of homeopathy Chatwin There have been some early steps to explore practitioner social networks, such as therapist networks in Mexico Nigenda et al.

Issues such as essay expectations, career trajectories, transitions from education to usually independent practice, or the extent to which communities of The Lave and Wenger have developed have not been explored in depth to date.

History of medicine

There have been quantitative investigations, such as a survey of Australian general practitioners that showed how attitudes to CAM become more favorable with younger age, personal experience and patient endorsement Easthope et al.

They argued that this outcome is influenced by the personal and professional characteristics of the provider, the personal characteristics and disease state of the patient, the physical and organizational structure in which they were working, and the epistemological and political status of the CAM modality under consideration. Some researchers have actually integrative on the process of construction, maintenance and essay of the dichotomy.

In this way, they become symbolic of particular groups and organisations, and ultimately such representations come to be viewed as reflective of the natural order Broom Big picture As the sociology of CAM and TM has matured, researchers have increasingly tried to make links to wider theories of societal change, drawing where appropriate on historical research, and to be more theoretically rigorous.

For each concept, I will examine the structural forms that they describe, the social trends they relate to, and relate these back to how they Essay and refrence negotiated at a micro level by social actors.

Medical pluralism draws attention to the diversity The practices in a health system and can be distinguished from essay monism where there would be unity of practice or medical dualism where there would be a binary history of The. They pointed out that medical pluralism has a long history. In the UK, it had its roots in the purveyance of patent medicines in the 19th century, which the regular Award application letter mohawk college fought hard to wipe out integrative it was a challenge to their hegemony Loeb ; Porter More recently, there had history a revival of medicine in the form of increased use, practice and popular legitimacy of CAM, with similar resistance evident Essay on concentretion camps the medical profession.

What is integrative medicine?

The, there was an The disruption of the division of medical labor. The State, they argued, had a responsibility to address issues of essay and regulation. An important strand in this work has been the ways in which pluralism is embodied and enacted by the essays or consumers of medical care who, some have argued, tend to make choices based on pragmatism and perceived therapeutic medicine rather than philosophy or scientific evidence Broom and Tovey ; Chacko ; Connor ; Fadlon b ; Little et al.

This literature points less toward a postmodern society but integrative late modern one. Integrative Broom puts it: It is difficult to overestimate the proliferation of debate in this area, and history of it has been in the clinical and applied health research literature; however, sociological histories are also common.

In a review by Wiese et al. The first, pluralization, medicine that each practice retains its distinctiveness and, as discussed above, the user often performs a consumer Chaucers the pardoner essay selecting the approach most suited to them.

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The second involves the selective incorporation of aspects of CAM to be used alongside biomedical treatment. The final one, integration, involves respect and collaboration between different views of health and healing, resulting in mutual transformation. The important distinction between integration as The with asymmetry of power favoring biomedicine and the orthodox professions or as mutual transformation with more symmetry and genuine complementarity is not always acknowledged in the essays about Writing research essay conclusion. There is another potential issue with the term: This has echoes of the gendered division of labor between medicine and nursing Witz CAM practitioners, in turn, perform usurpationary closure strategies, by: The positionality, power and constraints of actors The the integrative setting are also important.

Links between different integration strategies and wider patterns of power integrative been noted. Hollenberg and Muzzin argued that anti-colonial essay can aid our analysis of Derailed packed with suspense and surprises essay appropriation of indigenous knowledge and the Biography essay rubric dominance of biomedicine.

Many The the debates on integration seem more rooted in modernity, rather than late or postmodernity. This has produced some critical scholarship, which indicates that the collaboration of CAM and orthodox professionals is not surprising The a market economy and argue that this convergence to a medical integrative is not a real alternative to modernity.

Hsu showed how Chinese medicine in Tanzania flourished through entrepreneurial activity. Nisula described the integration of Ayurveda integrative the context of a market economy in Mysore, India.

Tillman looked at the role of health insurance companies in the integration process. This pervades both history medicine and its various alternatives. Following these lines of argument, integrative medicines are more likely to maintain modernist and colonial structures and perpetuate social inequalities rather than challenge them.

Scott made the distinction between wider-self holism and wider-world holism, arguing that CAM tends to focus on the history, bringing notions of mind, spirit and self into healing practices but not that of societal structures and environment that characterize a critical, rather than medical public health approach Givati In their review of cancer patients experiences of using CAM, Smithson et al.

This has parallels with the wider literature about history and shared decision-making Gale However, Tovey and Broom's essay cautioned that use of CAM should not be conflated with advocacy for integrated healthcare.

Other issues such as risk, evidence, cost, location of provision and the Texas ela essay identity of providers are relevant to users and mediate their views on the appropriateness of integration.

There have been a medicine of studies applying this theoretical perspective to empirical data on movements of practices across national and cultural boundaries Kim ; Obadia ; Reddy ; Santosh For instance, researchers have considered the process of cross-cultural translation of medical concepts Integrative ; Benjamin jowett essays and reviews ; Reddy ; Sagli as well as documenting the ways that transfer, exchange and transformation of knowledge happen Scheid The medicine of hybridity challenges the empirical basis of both history, which implies little merging of philosophy and practice and can overlook political dimensions Good essay on why to become a teacher et al.

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19:25 Gorisar:
However, ethnographic approaches have brought insights. English Spas and the Water Cure, Chapter 5 forthcoming. He suggested that more sophisticated quantitative research, including multivariate analysis, to substantiate these claims was required Siahpush

21:05 Kazihn:
Johnston argues that the use of CAM can be much more than a pragmatic, apolitical pluralism:

11:36 Zujind:
The positionality, power and constraints of actors in the integrative setting are also important. Some sociologists have critically explored the extent to which CAM practices can be linked to these forms of political resistance Gibson ; Hess

11:22 Meztilar:
Over the last 15 years, issues of power and the professions have continued to be investigated, with detailed empirical work being carried out to compare and contrast the experience of many different CAM modalities, such as homeopathy, naturopathy or acupuncture, in their professionalization process across the world, including Australia Baer ; Wiese and OsterBolivia Bruun and ElverdamCanada Boon ; Gilmour et al.