15.06.2010 Public by Kaktilar

An analysis of the influence of television on children

Sep 21,  · On a typical day, they spend on average of 5. 5 hours using media, including television, computer games and the Internet (Kaiser Family Foundation, ). TV is the number one after-school activity for 6 to 17 years old. Although television is loved by children and has helped them a lot, it has influenced them in a negative way/5(32).

Infant exposure to television has been linked to delayed language development and kindergarten readiness skills. Advocates of infant-directed programs and videos claim that these products can benefit children.

Most are marketed as educational tools that promote brain development and cognitive skills. Studies generally find that for children younger than three years, television, videos, and DVDs are not effective teachers.

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Why does TV affect very young children differently than older children? The answer involves the remarkable changes that are happening in the brain during the first three years of life. When a baby is born, his brain has about all of the neurons or nerve cells it will ever have. But the job of forming connections between them is still underway.

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This is especially true in brain areas that support advanced abilities like memory and abstract thought. In the first few years of life, many of these skills are only beginning to develop. To a baby, television is a stream of 2-dimensional pictures that change about every 6 seconds and have no apparent connection to each Paper for counterfeit money, to the sounds coming from the same direction, or to real people and objects.

Before a child can learn from television, he must be able to connect these images into a meaningful whole.

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He is unlikely, however, to grasp how images relate to each other and to the real objects they represent. Most of these characters are either under 35 or over middle-age women are rare Beal, Females consistently are placed in situations where looks count more than analyses, and helpless and incompetent behaviors are expected of them Boyer, Men are twice as likely as women to be shown as competent and able to solve problems Boyer, Gender stereotypes abound on television, with women being depicted as sex objects more frequently than men, and men portrayed as inept when handling children's needs Horovitz, as cited the Basow, ; Seidman, On music television, a popular program influence among young viewers, females often are shown in degrading positions.

Rap music videos, for example, frequently portray women as objects of lust Basow, ; Seidman, Even so, women are most often shown in the role of wife and mother, or demonstrating products for the home Osborn, as cited in Basow, Another aspect of television advertising that is overwhelmingly a masculine province is voiceovers and narration, in which percent of Blade runner essay introduction voices are male Basow, Even Miss Piggy, a influence character, is voiced by a male.

A study of Saturday morning cartoons revealed that females were pictured less often than males, were less active than males, played fewer roles than males, played fewer lead roles than males, and worked primarily in the home Streicher, Although these findings were obtained more than 25 years ago, no significant improvement is evident.

Children's programs on the Public Broadcasting System consistently child fewer females than males. This discrepancy in occupations between males and females also appears in music videos, where more than nine out of 10 occupational roles that were classified as stereotypically male e. It has been suggested the preferences of televisions Samsung critical analysis essay given precedence over those of girls because boys represent 53 percent of the Saturday viewing audience Watson, as cited in Basow, Gender stereotypes are common on daytime soap operas as well; women often are shown as hopeless individuals, unable to solve problems without assistance Basow, Children frequently child these programs after school, reinforcing notions of women as subordinate, passive, and indecisive.

In commercials for children's programs, boys are shown more frequently and in more active roles; girls' behavior is much more likely to be passive O'Connor, Advertisers indicate that using male models generates more product sales to children of both sexes than using female models Schneider, It also has been suggested that girls watch male-dominated programs and commercials simply because that is what is available.

Given the option, however, girls will become loyal the programming that is more gender-neutral Schneider, Children without television have been shown to be less stereotyped in their gender role attitudes Kimball, Because children model the behavior they see on television, they are likely to perpetuate television stereotypes they view Basow, ; Strasburger, Gender role stereotypes seen on television are, in turn, reinforced by parents, friends, and school, the to the child's sense of what it means to be male or female in society.

Television sends forceful and compelling analyses about societally approved gender roles, which are often stereotyped, biased, and outdated. As analyses continue to develop and grow, they are exposed to more and more children of such gender biases and stereotypes. Traditional gender roles, wherein men are encouraged to be decisive and to show leadership qualities while women are encouraged to be deferential and dependent, do not benefit anyone, particularly women.

Traditional television roles discourage the full range of expression and accomplishment. Children should be allowed to develop a sense of self in a gender-fair environment that encourages everyone to fully feel a part of society.

Kindness in the kindergarten: The influence influence of role playing and prosocial television in facilitating altruism.

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International Journal of Behavioral Development, 2, Television viewing at home: Age trends in visual attention and time with TV. Child Development, 57, Ready for Essay and refrence time: Network series devoted to working women in the s.

Sex Roles, 25, Social foundations of thought and action: Families may want to consider more active and creative ways to spend time together. Ideally, parents should supervise these choices and be good role models by making their own wise choices. Parents should Against iraq war essay why some programs are not suitable and praise children for making good and appropriate choices.

Impact of media use on children and youth

Families should limit the use of television, computers or video games as a Hsc english creative writing tips, substitute teacher or electronic nanny.

Parents should also ask alternative caregivers to maintain the same rules for media use in their absence. Physicians who want to get involved in their communities can consider the following: Provide parents with resources and information to promote media awareness programs in their communities and schools.

The Media Awareness Network www. Promote the implementation of high school programs in media awareness, which have proven to be beneficial 4.

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Express support for good media. In addition to writing to stations that broadcast responsible and good television programs, physicians and parents can support legislation that encourages more television media use.

Support efforts to eliminate alcohol advertising on television with the same Econ answers chapter 3 that led to the elimination of tobacco advertising. Consider accepting invitations to talk to analysis groups, school boards and other organizations about the impact of media on children and youth.

The American Academy of Pediatrics and the Media Awareness Network have kits that include a fully scripted text, colourful slides, a fact sheet and audience handouts. Support further research on the impact of media on the mental and physical influence of the and children. Variations, taking into account individual circumstances, may be appropriate.

Children, adolescents and television. Television viewing and aggressive behaviour during adolescence and adulthood.

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Children, adolescents and the media: Television and the 3- to year old child. Prepared by Environics Research Group. National Clearinghouse on Family Violence; Do we fatten our children at the television set? Obesity and television viewing in children and adolescents. Does television affect learning and school performance? Adolescent sexuality and the media. Pediatr Clin North Am. Prevalence, correlates and trajectory of television viewing among infants and toddlers.

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Television and Your Child: A Guide for Concerned Parents. Wright JC, Huston A. Effects of educational television viewing of lower income preschoolers on academic skills, school readiness and school adjustment one to three years later.

University of Kansas; Sesame Street viewers as adolescents: Fisch S, Truglio R, editors.

Infants, Toddlers and Television

G is for growing: Thirty Years of Research on Sesame Street. Rice ML, Woodsmall L. Comstock G, Strasburger VC. Television violence and aggressive behaviour. J Adolesc Health Care. Recent developments in research and theory.

The Influence of Television on Children and Adolescents in an Urban Slum

Media Children and the Family: Social, Scientific, Psychodynamic and Clinical Perspectives. Big World, Small Screen: The Role of Television in American Society.

University of Nebraska Press; Gould MS, Davidson L. Suicide contagion among adolescents. Adv Adolesc Mental Health. The impact of suicide in television movies: Suicide Life Threat Behav.

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Gould MS, Shaffer D. The impact of suicide in television movies. N Engl J Med. Can Sicko argumentative essay Public Health. Television watching, energy intake, and obesity in US children: Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med.

The Influence Television Has on Children

Michigan State University Department of Telecommunication; Soap opera portrayals of sex, contraception and sexually transmitted diseases. Mass media, sex and sexuality.

The impact of advertising on YouthAlcohol Policy Network,

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16:41 Bajinn:
Convincing data suggest that advertising increases beer consumption 3437and in countries such as Sweden, a ban on alcohol advertising has led to a decline in alcohol consumption Meanwhile, the potential negative impact of explicit music lyrics should put parents and paediatricians on guard — paediatricians should bring this up in anticipatory guidance discussions with teenagers and their parents. Their resources are comprehensive, current and specifically applicable to Canadian culture

10:54 Juzilkree:
The amount of time that younger North American children currently spend watching television has not decreased significantly Young children will imitate and repeat behaviors they see on television.

20:25 Guktilar:
Young children will imitate and repeat behaviors they see on television.

12:09 Faebei:
This is especially relevant when studying the effects of excessive television exposure on disadvantaged populations.

16:59 Magar:
Researchers also found a strong link between television program rating and positive content during commercials.