04.08.2010 Public by Kaktilar

A biography of flannery oconnor a united states writer

Short Biography Mary Flannery O'Connor (March 25, – August 3, ) was an American writer and essayist. An important voice in American literature, she wrote two novels and 32 short stories, as well as a number of reviews and commentaries.

Flannery O'Connor Biography, Life, Interesting Facts

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14:35 Jujora:
O'Connor gave many lectures on faith and literature, traveling quite far despite her frail health. O'Connor used such characters' inability to come to terms with disability, race, poverty, and fundamentalism, other than in sentimental illusions, as an example of the failure of the secular world in the twentieth century.

12:48 Maramar:
In this period, satirical elements dominate.