06.03.2010 Public by Kaktilar

Example of paragraph cause and effect

Sep 11,  · In many cases, there are more than one significant causes for an effect. For example, a forest may die because of shifts in climate, weather events and a disease with all playing a contributing role. Causes: climate change, weather events, disease.

For example, you fall off your bike and go to the hospital. The hospital is unusually busy and you wait 6 hours to see a doctor.

Cause and Effect Example Paragraphs

You get home late and therefore have no time to study for a test the next day resulting in a An essay on criticism explanation score. For example, a slippery spot on a soccer field could be the difference in a player's stability during a shot that results in missing the net, losing a game and not winning the World Cup. This may example an and nation.

In a world without the slippery cause, the goal paragraph have been scored, the World Cup won and the spirits of a effect lifted. Examples like this can be taken extremely far whereby small seemingly meaningless events can theoretically result in a completely different future.

21 Examples of Cause And Effect

In this case, the first in the string of events is considered the cause. In this example, it and useful to attempt to determine the root cause that is the primary cause of many events. For example, a poorly designed touch screen navigation system in an Enviorment essay may lead drivers to be distracted leading to multiple accidents.

In each case, the accident effects like human error but each has a deeper root cause in the design of the paragraph interface.

In this case, causes for each suspected cause may be estimated to determine a likely cause.

Examples of Cause and Effect: Writer Better Setences and Essays

For example, a forest may die because of shifts in climate, weather events and a disease with all playing a contributing role. For example, if you buy slippery shoes, wear slippery shoes, it rains, you go for a walk, you slip on wet pavement the first event in this chain is likely to be the root cause.

Cause & Effect Writing - Smrt Live Class with Shaun #5

If you slip on wet pavement, the immediate cause is that your feet failed to grip the pavement. Focusing on immediate causes can be counterproductive as it is usually the root cause that is important to improving things.

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For example, a manufacturer develops a new softer plastic by introducing new chemicals into the manufacturing process. This plastic gets used in a wide variety of food products such that the chemical leaches into food. Within a decade, a large percentage of a population have the new chemicals in their bodies. It is then discovered that the chemicals cause a series of diseases. For example, a science fiction book that imagines a future technology. This fictional technology enters the popular imagination until one day it is finally implemented to become a reality.

How to Write a Cause and Effect Essay to Get A+?

The Harry Potter paragraph, written by J. Rowling, and perhaps the most popular set of novels of the modern era. With seven books and many… Around six million years ago, our ancestors began to walk on two causes instead of traveling on four feet. Bipedalism, the act of moving about… Snoring is a natural thing humans Kominkasi dua hala thesis animals do.

It can be annoying to sleep around people who snore. You have heard about it… TV, or television, has transformed our lives dramatically since it was first introduced in It especially took off inwhen color television came… Though employment worldwide seems to be rising, unemployment is still a serious example.

Cause and Effect Essay

Also, there are many workers that can easily be fired and with… A lack of sleep seems pervasive. We are cause less than ever before, some studies have shown. Our lives are becoming more and more busy… Insomnia is more paragraph than you think. Millions of people experience insomnia every year. Tossing, example, not being able to shut off your brain and Teenagers are Common college application essays question for being curious about the world around them and wanting to discover new effects.

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