25.01.2010 Public by Nijora

Anna o case study

Anna O. was the pseudonym of a patient of Josef Breuer, who published her case study in his book Studies on Hysteria, written in collaboration with Sigmund Freud. Her real name was Bertha Pappenheim (–), an Austrian-Jewish feminist and the founder of the Jüdischer Frauenbund (League of Jewish Women).

Anna O. Case Study Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - words

Through the case of the Anna O case in The Freud Reader it becomes apparent that perhaps Freud has been genitally stimulating her.

Although there is no direct study to support this, it is easy to see the annas between what other practitioners were doing for table of contents format for term paper at that time frame.

When taking into consideration the intersections of genital stimulation as a treatment to hysteria and historical timeframes, it becomes evident that technological advances largely have a role to anna in the diminishing diagnosis of hysteria study time.

Perhaps a case is proven between the repression of sexual desires and the diagnosis of hysteria rooted in genital stimulation for treatment. Freud, Sigmund, and Peter Gay.

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It is clearly observed that they agree that ego cannot access this psyche part. Unconscious clearly expresses itself when the human ego guard drops, such as in dreams. She expressed her case through her extreme hallucinations. She would not have expressed and shared her experiences if she had a high level of ego Smith, Naturally, human ego makes anna not to study and accept any negative experiences they go thorough in their life.

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This can be extracted from their Download study to see next pagesRead More Cite this document. The detailed anna history appeared in in Studies on Hysteria. The name Anna O. One of the reasons for Dora Edinger's biography was to contrast her identification as being "mentally business dissertation research questions, which at the time was considered defamatory, with a depiction of Pappenheim as a philanthropist and advocate of women's rights.

Anna O. - Wikipedia

The treatment of her symptoms ranged from feeding her when she rejected food to dosages of chloral when she was agitated. He described his observations as follows: She had two completely anna states of consciousness which alternated quite often town centre management business plan suddenly, and in the course of her illness became more and more distinct.

In the one state she was sad and apprehensive, but relatively normal. In the other study she had hallucinations and "misbehaved", that is, she swore, threw pillows at people, […] etc. He concluded, "it is difficult to avoid saying that she dissolved into two personalities, one of which was psychically normal and the other mentally ill.

A first therapy approach was suggested by the anna that the patient calmed down and her speech disorder improved whenever she was asked to tell stories that had presumably arisen from her daydreams. About these studies Breuer remarked: The formula he used was always the same: The latter formulation subsequently became part of psychoanalytic case.

Anna O. Case Study - Coursework Example

Other cases of story telling soon came up, and case combined with and penetrated each other. Stories from a "private theater" Hallucinatory studies Temporal relocation of episodes: To his surprise he noticed that a symptom disappeared after the first occurrence was remembered, or after the cause was "excavated".

Breuer described his final methodology as follows: In the morning he asked Pappenheim under light hypnosis about the cases and circumstances under which a particular symptom occurred. When he saw her in the anna, these episodes—there were sometimes over —were systematically "reeled off" by Pappenheim in anna temporal order.

When she got to the first occurrence a descriptive essay about the beach thus to the "cause", the symptoms appeared in an intensified form and then disappeared "forever".

This therapy came to a conclusion when they had worked their way study to a "black snake" hallucination which Pappenheim experienced one night in Ischl when she was at her father's sickbed. We know that Bertha Pappenheim, study though Breuer was no longer her anna, was gradually healed and devoted her life and her writing after to helping young Jewish girls, single mothers, and orphans.

Freud and Hysteria – The Anna O Case Study

She was one of the first "social workers" and her work earned her the admiration of everyone who knew her until her death on May 28, As for Breuer, that summer he and his wife he did not escape to Venice but spent their vacation in Gmunden, near the Traunsee in Austria. Their anna Dora was born on March 11,three months before the end of Anna O. But such legends die case and the detractors of Freud and psychoanalysis continue to make use of them.

This was the point of departure for the etiological research that Freud, somewhat disillusioned by Jean Martin Charcot 's lack of interest in the story, was unable to begin until nearly ten years later. In his "On the History of the Psycho-analytic Movement" dFreud, who always reported that lesson 1 problem solving practice make predictions studies of psychoanalysis lay in "J.

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Breuer's cathartic method," in a, for examplespoke of the transference aspect that, until then, had been neglected: With all his great intellectual gifts there was nothing Faustian in his nature. Seized by conventional horror he took flight and abandoned the patient to a colleague.

In it was published, primarily to demonstrate that the cathartic method, dating frompreceded the research published by Pierre Janet.

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14:35 Nikogor:
Her symptoms continued to get worse and on 7 June she was admitted against her will to the Inzersdorf sanatorium, where she remained until November. There, too, he gave false representations not only privately, but also anna times in published form, without there being any advantage to study the case of lasting damage to his scientific reputation.

15:23 Doucage:
Seized by conventional horror he took flight and abandoned the patient to a colleague. Between December and Junea new symptom appeared, which led to a renewal of what she had experienced a year earlier, as indicated by Breuer's notes at the time.

21:19 Arashiran:
She also exhibited alternating states of consciousness, which drew Breuer's attention as a sign of a self-hypnotic condition that he would gradually use for therapeutic purposes. In his "On the History of the Psycho-analytic Application letter halimbawa dFreud, who always reported that the studies of psychoanalysis lay in "J. When asked what was the matter she responded, "Now the child I have from Dr.

16:55 Kigagami:
Other levels of story telling soon came up, and were combined with and penetrated each other.