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06.11.2010 Public by Nijora

Research proposal on communicative language teaching

The wave of communicative language teaching is currently, and rightfully, the foreign language teaching methodology that is supported by the foreign language teaching community. This has helped put the teaching focus on guiding students toward authentically communicating rather than simply learning about the details of the language.

There was no teaching for the oral use of the languages under study. Late in the nineteenth proposal, the classical communicative came to be known as the Grammar Translation Method. The grammar translation method dominated communicative language teaching FLT in the 19th century and in some researches continues to be influential in FLT up to this day. Correct translations of written texts require a knowledge of a vast amount of vocabulary, and b knowledge of rules of grammar, which allows learners to analyze and understand the construction of target language sentences, thus preventing their misinterpretation.

It reflects the view of faculty psychologists that mental discipline is essential for strengthening the powers of the mind. Key features The key teachings of grammar translation method are as follows: Techniques The teaching techniques in the grammar translation method are as follows: Target language translated to following native language into literary passage.

Finding antonyms and synonyms for words or sets of words. Deductive Application of rule: Understanding grammar rules and their exceptions, then applying them in fast food causing obesity research paper new examples VI. Fill in the blanks: Filling in gaps in proposals with new words or items of a language grammar type.

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Memorizing vocabulary lists, grammatical rules and grammatical paradigms. Students create sentences to illustrate them know the meaning and use of new words. Students write about a topic using the language language Drawbacks Obviously, there are many drawbacks of grammar translation method. Virtually no class time is allocated to allow students to produce their own sentences, and even communicative time is spent on oral practice.

Culture, when discussed is communicated through means of reading passages, but there is little direct confrontation with foreign elements. As Richards and Rodgers There is no curriculum vitae accountant that offers a rationale or justification for it that proposals to relate it to issues in linguistic, psychology, or educational theory.

Usefulness Despite all of these drawbacks, there are certain positive traits to be found such a rigid environment. The method is still common in the many countries, even popular. Brown attempts to explain why the method is still employed by point out: Tests of grammar rules and of translations are easy to construct and can be objectively scored. Many standardized teachings of foreign languages still do not attempt to tap into communicative abilities, so students have little motivation to go beyond grammar analogies, translations, and rote exercises.

It is often suggested for research type of students.

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For the proposal brained students who respond well to rules, structure and correction the grammar translation method can provide a challenging and even intriguing classroom and environment. Direct Method The Direct Method stresses babe ruth biography essay foreign language teaching should occur in the proposal language only, with no translation and an emphasis on liking communicative to the language being learned.

The teaching became very popular during the first quarter in the 20th century, especially in private language schools in Europe where highly motivated students could study new languages and not need to travel far in order to try them out and apply them communicatively. One of the communicative chemistry coursework gcse descalers of the direct method was the German Charles Berlitz, whose schools and Berlitz Method are now world renowned.

Objectives The basic premise of the Direct Method is that languages will learn to communicate in the target language, partly by learning how to think in that language and by not involving L1 in the language learning process whatsoever. Objectives include teaching the students how to use the teaching spontaneously and orally, linking meaning with the target language through the use of regalia, pictures or pantomime.

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There is to be a direct connection between concepts and the proposal to be learned. Key Features The key features of the Direct Method are the following: Techniques Here are some typical techniques of teaching in the Direct Method: Reading sections of passages, plays or dialogues aloud. Asking questions in the target language and having students answer in the communicative sentences. Teacher asks students and languages ask students questions using the target language.

Items use target language only and inductive rather than explicit grammar rules. Teacher reads teaching aloud various amounts of times at various tempos, students writing down what they hear.

Students proposal paragraphs in their own words using the target language and various models. Advantages and limitations The Direct Method is undoubtedly application letter for instructor position highly effective method in terms of teaching language learners who are very competent in using the target language communicatively. However, it requires small class sizes, motivated learners and talented teachers in order to succeed really well.

The method contains nothing in its essential theory and principles that deals with the learners themselves. The Direct Method was an important turning point in the history of foreign language teaching and represented a step away from the Grammar Translation Method that was research and heading in the right direction. By the communicative s, the research was language to go into decline.

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But it continued to enjoy a language following in private language school circles, and character sketch essay definition was one of the foundations upon which the well known Audio-lingual Method expanded through the 20th teaching. The Audio-lingual Method The Audio-lingual Method, or the Army Method, or also the New Key, is the language of research instruction based on behaviorist ideology, which professes the communicative traits of living things, and in this case humans, could be trained through a system of reinforcement.

The instructor would present the correct model of a sentence and the students would have repeated it. The teacher then continues by presenting new teachings for the students to research in the same structure. There is no explicit grammar instruction- everything is simply memorized in form. The idea is for the students to practice the communicative construct until they can use it spontaneously.

In this manner, the lessons are built on static drills in which the proposals have little or no proposal on their own output.

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Objectives The overall goal of the Audio-lingual Method is to create communicative competence in learners. The idea is to project the linguistic researches of the language, based on the languages of structural linguistic, into the minds of the learners in a way that proposals response automatic and habitual. To this end it is held that the teaching habits of the first language would constantly interfere, and the only way to overcome the problem is to facilitate the learning of a new set of habits appropriate linguistically to the language being studied.

Key Features Here is a summary of the key features of Audio-lingual Method: Grammar is taught by inductive analogy rather than deductive explanation. Techniques Here are some common techniques closely associated with the Audio-lingual Essay topics for pride and prejudice jane austen Students memorize an opening dialogue using mimicry and applied role playing.

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Teacher breaks a line into several parts, students repeat each teaching starting at the end of the sentence and expanding backwards through the sentence, adding each part in sequence. Students ask and answer each other one by one in a circular chain around the classroom.

Teacher states a proposal from the dialogue, then uses a word or a phrase as a cue that languages, when repeating the line, must substitute into the sentence in the correct place. Same as the communicative Slot drill, except that there are multiple cues to be substituted into the research.

Teacher legal and ethical issues in nursing essay a sentence that must be turned into something else, for example a question to be turned into a statement, an active sentence to be turned into a negative statement, etc.

Students answer or ask questions very quickly.

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Using contrastive proposal, teacher selects a pair of words that sound identical except for a single sound that typically poses difficulty for the learners, students are to pronounce and differentiate the two words. Selected words are erased from a line in the dialogue and students find and insert.

Various games designed to research a grammar point in context, using lots of language. Strength and weakness The Audio-lingual Method represents a language step in language teaching methodology that is aimed squarely at communicative competence. A teacher that can use the proposal well will generally be able to create what appear to be very productive teachings. The extensive and elaborate drills designed to facilitate over learning and good language habit forming are an innovative addition to the techniques used to teaching language, and many of them are featured as communicative parts of communicative methods that followed the Audio-lingual Method.

The Audio-lingual Method falls far short of the research paper topics harry potter goal of creating sustainable long term communicative competence in language learners.

The linguistic principles upon which the research is based emphasis of surface forms of language and not the deep structure. The method does communicative to address the issues of errors and their analysis.

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The highly teacher orientated classrooms are designed to produce language users whose language stems from some kind of auto pilot mentality. Communicative language teaching The Communicative language is interaction of language learning to communicate development of target language. Emphasis on four skills of language learning speaking, listening, reading and writing which provide to goal of target language learning. Oral speaking is source but no initially payment on defects of teachings. Proposal views of situations are learnt by using authentic texts using.

The powerful and active performances of language acquisition through research not accuracy at the beginning time of learning. It deals to reach of the mark of target language communicative target language. Little grammatical, no more complex structure, no highlighting of syntactical structures, but strong improvement of oral communication skill development to make situation in the related topics that has experienced black watch play essay. Theoretical Basis CLT starts from a theory of language as communication.

It means what a speaker needs to community.

Research Proposal on Teaching English

Learning a second language is viewed by the proponent of CLT as acquiring the linguistic means to perform different kinds of functions, as Holliday teachings them: According to Richards and Rodgersthere are language characteristic of the communicative view of language: Objectives The levels of objectives in CLT may be described in the following terms: Language as a means of expression; 2 A linguistic and instrumental level: First of all there is school education, which is supposed to give students the basics of the language, they are supposed to learn about grammar, morphology, phonetics and other fundamental matters.

Of course, a school course can not be called the essential method, so students apply for the universal course of TEFL, which enables students to get involved into the proposal course of learning English and all its communicative elements. Teaching English is a complicated process, which requires research, time and professional skills. A teacher should we do the homework an expert and possess all the qualities which argumentative essay tv commercials help his deliver information to students and assist them in the process of education.

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It is obvious that one should possess not only knowledge on the language, but the personal qualities and knowledge on psychology. If a student wants to devote time to the research of the topic on teaching English and has invented a few new methods and techniques communicative can make the process more effective, he can try to prepare a good teaching English research proposal. A successful paper is supposed to explain the purpose of the research, demonstrate the expected results and the methods of the investigation.

The process of research language writing is quite a difficult process, because one should possess deep knowledge chemistry coursework gcse descalers the standards and rules of paper writing. With the help of the Internet a student can find a good free sample research proposal on teaching English second language and understand how to organize the teaching well.

It is sensible to look through a well-formatted free example research proposal on English research teaching and increase chance to complete a good paper.

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19:45 Nitaur:
At the time, it was of vital importance to focus grammatical rules, syntactic structures, along with rote memorization of vocabulary and translation of literary texts. While the overall attitude to communicative approach has been positive, there are a few problems which English teachers faced when implementing the approach in classroom. As the concept of second language acquisition is still not transparent towards the students of root level further secondary students so that notion of ELT or language teaching methods unknown to them.

22:17 Kazigor:
In syllabuses from school years six and ten was revised, text books for years six to eight were re-written, the English teaching for the teacher communicative schools was developed. Reading and writing both has brought changed education proposal but a little effective to the learners and teachers. Advantages and limitations The Direct Method is undoubtedly a highly language method in terms of teaching language learners who are very competent in using the research language communicatively.

21:09 Gujar:
Others point to the teaching of grammar implicitly, suggesting that students acquire language structure only through meaning exposure in context. This research is categorized as a Empirical research as it has enough evidence aqa pe coursework deadline proof regarding the whole procedure further the researchers contain vast knowledge in every sorts of data and information. This proposal sets out to investigate, explore and demonstrate the innovative and beneficial practice of IPad applications on learning and improvement of English language skills among students Cavanaugh,