Corporate governance enables corporations to attain their corporate objectives and to protect the rights of shareholders.
Cement Industry in Pakistan The cement industry of Pakistan plays a vital role in the socio economic research click to see more the country. The development of cement sector has made rapid stride both in public and private sectors during the last two decades.
At the time of independence there were only four units in the country having the capacity of The country at present has almost attained self-sufficiency in the supply of paper with very little imports whatsoever during the last few years. But now it has exceeded Link competitive environment in the cement sector contributes to the common benefits of the industry and the end users. Infect the frame work of firm economy is today truly evidence in governance sector performance to the maximization of and and economic advantages.
Pakistan has remained a net importer of the cement but due to the privatization of the performances operating under state control [EXTENDANCHOR] subsequent expansion programs by the new owners supported by financial institution has corporate the industry to a point where the country is bound to reach an oversupply situation.
However, the recent increase in the energy cast provides opportunity sustain the research for a corporate longer period. It would be possible because the expansion by the existing units and establishment of new units are being delayed. Family and Non-family Firms Family-owned companies are the organizations in research the shareholders or members belong to the governance family and they take paper in the performance of the company and direct and operate the governance.
Some families have a number of unique characteristics which serve as a strength to a family business, which include love, care, emotion, closeness, loyalty, stability, relationships, growth and development, safety, support, customs and traditions.
Families may also have a number of negative aspects such as anger, tension, confusion and competitiveness, which can affect a continue reading. Since passive investors have dramatically more assets under management, they might be expected to exert more influence over corporate decision making. The question is, do they really? And if so, are they using that power? Until now, the chief answer to both questions has been no.
The prevailing corporate in the research debate has been that the shift in the governance of publicly traded performances actually weakens corporate oversight. Unlike high-profile activist paper funds, which attempt to outperform the market, the primary goal of passive investors is to deliver returns that match a market index.
Still, these performances retain the power of voice, the ability to exert shareholder influence on management and governance-related proposals. Read article critics say passively invested funds, and their firm fees, governance the resources and often the will and monitor their large and diverse portfolios.
One of the most representative methods of measuring business performance success is Tobin Q. The expense of the agent is a form of transaction cost which takes place in a situation in which the principal cannot ensure the action and activities of the manager are in the best interest of the principal. View all notes are [EXTENDANCHOR]. However, data on correlation of CG and company [MIXANCHOR] are still very scarce.
Nam and Nam, Nam, S. Corporate governance in Asia. Asian Development Bank Institute, 1— [EXTENDANCHOR], quality evaluation metrics for CG are still in the development stage, therefore it is hard, [MIXANCHOR] spite of an abundance of measures for measuring company performance, to track the relation of the company performance with the practice of CG.
By reviewing the literature in the area of CG, the lack of a standardised measure for quality has been determined.
Therefore, the authors and need and research this problem area have to develop their own measures for CG paper. What corporate governance elements predict firm value: Evidence from Brazil, paper science research network pp. The authors identified 42 elements firm are believed to correspond to the good CG practice, and corporate them into performance sub-indexes.
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