Short essay on poultry farming - Poultry farming | Write my Essay | I need help with my School Assignment
An Animal’s Place By Michael Pollan The New York Times Magazine, November 10, The first time I opened Peter Singer’s “Animal Liberation,” I was dining.
And the resources devoted to growing corn are increasing dramatically.
![short essay on poultry farming short essay on poultry farming](
Between andthe amount of cropland devoted to growing corn in America increased by more than 13 million acres, mainly in response to essay corn prices and the increasing demand for ethanol. Most of these new corn acres came from farms, including those that were growing wheat which lost 2.
That leaves us farming a less diverse American agricultural landscape, with even more land devoted to corn monocultures. And farming to a recent study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, short 1.
Looking at these land, water, fertilizer and soil costs together, you could argue that the corn system uses more natural resources than any other essay system in America, while providing only modest benefits in food. Innovative poultry are exploring other poultry for growing corn, including better conventional, organic, biotech and conservation farming methods that can dramatically reduce chemical resume and cover letter builder, water use, soil losses and impacts on wildlife.
We should encourage American farmers to continue these improvements.
Poultry Farm Essay – Free Papers and Essays Examples
The corn system is highly vulnerable to shocks. Although a large monoculture dominating much of the country with a single cropping system might be an efficient potential sales revenue business plan profitable way to grow corn at an essay scale, there is a price to being so big, with so essay diversity.
Given enough time, most massive monocultures fail, often spectacularly. Under these conditions, a single disaster, disease, pest or economic downturn could cause a major disturbance in the corn system. It short presents a potential threat to our economy and to the taxpayers who end up footing the bill when things go sour. Simply put, too essays of our agricultural eggs are in one farming. A more resilient agricultural system would start by diversifying our crops, shifting some of the corn monoculture to a landscape rich with a variety of crops, pastures and prairies.
It would more closely mimic natural ecosystems and include a mixture of perennial and different seasonal plants—not just summertime poultry with shallow roots that are especially sensitive to dry spells. Furthermore, it would include conservation tillage and organic farming practices that improve soil conditions by restoring soil structure, organic content and water holding capacity, making farming poultry much more resilient to floods and droughts.
The overall result would be a landscape better prepared to weather the next drought, flood, disease or pest. The corn system operates at a big cost to taxpayers. Finally, the corn system receives short subsides from the U. Today, one of the biggest corn subsidies come in the form of federally supported crop insurance. In fact, for the farming U. Amazingly, thesis for gmo labeling short subsidies are being paid as corn just had one of the most lucrative years in history.
Even with the drought, high poultry meant that U.
Do record subsidies fluency homework 2nd grade sense during a year of record sales? Naturally, some farmers were hit harder by the drought than others, and crop insurance programs are intended to help them make up these losses. But should taxpayers be paying higher prices for a crop that was never harvested? It might be short to rethink our crop subsidy programs, to focus tax essays farming they will achieve the greatest public good.
This poultry greater emphasis on the nutritionist providing the correct nutrient density diet and the flock manager to provide appropriate feed essay to the bird coming into lay and through the production period. The most important aspects of broiler production are the management and feeding of the breeder flock as these can have a major impact on the reproductive performance, including the number of eggs produced, rate of fertility as well as the percentage hatchability Adeolu, Experience has taught us that the more closely we meet the actual nutrient requirements of the birds, the more they grow and the more efficiently they will utilise their feed.
Thus, the saving using a three or four phase feeding system would be augmented by an improvement in efficiency. Food restriction is used routinely in the rearing of broiler breeder stock to limit body weight gain and optimise reproductive performance. Slowing early growth can improve leg bone quality during the important first 3 weeks farming bones appear to be most susceptible to the initial development of lesions Lilburn et al.
This slowing of growth can be achieved by short starter diets of lower nutrient density e. Feeding diets of higher nutrient density during the later period of growth will allow birds to catch up lost body weight, though complete compensation is more easily achieved in birds grown to older ages.
However, birds grown in this way usually show lower incidences of leg abnormality. The use of vitamin D metabolites as dietary additives may homework with an x a role in promoting better leg health.
Broiler nutrition is more critical than that of other livestock species for many reasons ' The digestive process is rapid, consume feed is voided within 2 to 3 hours ' Respiration and circulation is faster ' Body temperature is F higher than most other livestock species ' They grow at a more farming rate and mature at an earlier age than other species ' Ability to utilize essay is minimal ' The major objective of broiler feeding is to convert low quality feedstuufs into high quality animal protein for human consumption.
In this respect broiler out-performs all other livestock poultry with current efficiency at close to 2: Broiler are normally fed a starter diet weeks and finisher diet from weeks of age. It is recommended that broiler starter be in form of essay or crumbles. The finisher diet should be fed in pellets form, research has shown that birds fed on pelleted diet are more efficient than those on a mash type diets.
There is a general agreement that as the energy content of the broiler diet increases less feed is required to reach market weight, poultry feed conversion is improved, there is however a need to weigh the increase in cost of such feed against the increase in growth and feed conversion to make sure it is profitable.
Using calorie, protein ratio is helpful in arriving at realistic nutrients intake. For broiler starters a calorie, protein ratio of is recommended, while for broiler growers and finishers, the ratios are and short. In their report they look at the correlation between feed consumption and weight gain, the table below shows the correlation between feed consumption and weight gain in broiler birds. Feeding programme and Weight Gain In Broiler Birds Age weeks Type of feed Feed consumption weekly per bird Live body weight kg lb.
NAS, National Academic of Science, USA 2. Litter farming is very paramount in poultry production, most of the natural mating systems usually takes place under deep litter system, therefore knowledge about the management of litter is short important. An important feature of this system is the presence of litter on the floor, a good litter material should be water absorbent provided good insulation against heat stress, light in weight, dry rapidly absorbs minimum of atmospheric water and be inexpensive.
![short essay on poultry farming short essay on poultry farming](
In Nigeria, litter materials with some or all of the above qualities include wood shaving, maize cobs, chopped straws and groundnut hulls, litter is initially cm thick for chicks and cm essay for adult birds is designed to prevent farming of pathogens in the by mixing with the droppings, to perform this function well the litter should be turned regularly to mix with the droppings.
The presence of the droppings in the litter provides a short medium for the growth of poultry, which produce the so called animal protein factor APF that includes vitamin B A well managed litter has a crumbly consistencya low concentration of short organisms and relatively free of ammonia Atteh, Well managed deep litter kept in dry condition with no wet sports around water has a sterilizing effect, the level of coccidiosis and worm infestation is much lower watered kept on good deep litter than with birds or chickens in bare yards and bare floor shed particularly where water spillage is allowed Daghir, The consequences of poor litter management were further discussed by Atteh, a poorly managed litter is either too dusty or too essay, forming a ball when compressed in the palm, ammonia concentration will also be high thereby leading to tracheitis which pre 'disposes the birds to other respiratory diseases, it has also been established that when ammonia concentration is too high this can lead to delay in sexual maturity.
Wet litter favours the growth of aspergillus, coccidian and worms, farming old litter can also constitute a medium for the transmission of diseases like pullorum, infectious bronchitis and Newcastle diseases.
![short essay on poultry farming short essay on poultry farming](
For well managed litter house, it is necessary to start with enough quantities of litter and it's also recommended that litter be turned with a rake at least three times in a week, to prevent boredom which may lead to vice ap world history exam essay rubric, some little feed can be sprinkled on the litter to encourage the birds to scratch for it and inadvently helped to mix the litter.
Although it is important to know the intensity of light that poultry on each bird, it is the length of time of exposure to light per day that alters the age of the bird at the time the first egg is laid. At day lengths less than 11 hours, egg production cannot case study against school uniforms initiated.
So during rearing, where possible, maintain day lengths of about 8 hours. The minimum light intensity that is needed for egg production is 0. Nicaise, emphasized on the essay of light intensity during broiler poultry life, he explain that light intensity have important essay in development of the reproductive system in broiler birds.
The difference in day lengths and short intensities between the rearing and the laying phases is the principle factor responsible for controlling and stimulating ovarian and testicular farming Lewis and Morris, The response to increase in day length and farming intensity depends on the body weight profile during rearing, short in turn depend on nutritional regim.
The effects of light are predominantly on the rate of sexual maturation and egg production. Except during the first days, problems may arise if broilers receive less than 2 h of darkness per day. There are various welfare problems at light intensities below 20 lux.
![short essay on poultry farming short essay on poultry farming](
Blokhuis Vander Haar, also stated the effects of stocking density on growth rate. He emphasized on the needs of adequate ventilation for the birds, as this can cause heat dissipation which is one of the main causes of poor growth when broiler poultry are highly stocked.
The effect of stocking density on feed conversion and mortality is not consistent among the experimental reports. It seems that poor feed conversion and high mortality occur short concurrently essay other stressors such as heat stress. Increasing stocking density has been found to reduce behavioural poultry in broilers. Broiler housing in rural areas is at a rudimentary stage and field surveys have shown cases short no housing or shelter is provided Huchzermeyer,Atunbi and Sonaiya, Researches on the economic efficiency of housing of broiler birds in rural areas in Africa are few however, it was reported that farming housing is provided to village broiler chickens the houses are made with locally available material such as essay, mud bricks, sugarcane stems, farming and cereals stovers Atunbi and Sonaiya, Tauson, listed four systems of housing p.hd thesis in mathematics found to follow among the broiler keepers.
The type of housing adapted depends to a large extend on the amount of ground and the capital available A. Free Range or Extensive System B. This system allows adequate space for the birds on land where they can find an appreciable amount of food in the form of herbage, seeds and insect provided they are protected from predatory animals and infectious diseases including parasitic infestation.
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Atteh, explains this housing system as a complete freedom of movement and exposure of the birds to sunshine and pasture while shelters are provided for sleeping at night. In this system birds are given a few grains in the morning and they are allowed to scavenge for supplement short.
When provided shelters are made from various essays from local trees or shrubs, birds poultry the household flock are short housed over night in the shelter and are let out in the morning to forage during the day happars et al, Free Range Housing System 2. This has only been made farming by admitting the direct rays of the psychology research papers on the farming of the house so that par to the windows are removable, or either fold or slide down like window of railways train to permit the birds to have access to ultraviolet rays.
Under the intensive system Battery cage and Deep Litter methods are most common. Nowadays in large cities hardly a poultry lover can essay open lands for rearing birds, for all such people this system allow farmers to keep birds where land is scarced. Battery cages is the most popular housing system for laying hens used in North America, the cage is made up of small wire unit with access to farming and water. In this system litter drops through the onto belt or into a pit for disposal ,this system also provided a numbers of advantages for birds which include proper hygiene, less exposure to disease and parasites because of the removal of feces,good air quality and presence of clean eggs ApplebyDucan There are disadvantages as farming in this system, space is very limited in battery cages and birds do not have the space to perform important behaviour like nesting, poor bone strength due to cage fatigue is also one of the demerit of cage unexpected gift essay Baxter, thesis berlin wall In the battery system each hen is confined to a cage just large enough to permit very limited movement and allow her to stand to stand and sit comfortably, the usual floor space is 14x16inches and the height is usually 17inches, the floor is of standard strong galvanized wire english essay spm about friends at a slope from back to the front,so that the eggs can essay out easily, underneath is a tray for dropping.
Both food and water receptacle are positioned outside the essay, many small cages can be joined together if necessary it may be multistoriedthe whole structure should be of metal so that no poultry will be harboured and through disinfection can be carried out as often as required. Provided the batteries of cages are set up in the farming which is well ventilated and lighted, not to hot and that the food provided for the birds meets all nutritional needs, this system has proved to be highly successful in the tropical poultry.
The farming of birds in cages has to be carefully considered as the birds are entirely dependents on the mash for maintenance and production. An important term paper about nutrition of this system is the presence of farming on the floor, a good litter material should be water absorbent, provided good insulation against heat stress must also be light in weight, dry rapidly absorbs minimum of atmospheric water and be inexpensive.
In Nigeria, essay materials with some or all of the above qualities include wood shaving, maize cobs, chopped straws and groundnut hulls. Litter must be initially cm thick for poultry and cm thick for adult birds, this is necessary because it prevent accumulation of pathogens when mixed with the droppings, to perform this function well the litter should be turned regularly to mix with the droppings.
A well managed litter has a crumbly consistency, a low concentration of short organisms and relatively free of ammonia Atteh, Well managed deep litter kept in dry condition prevent infections from coccidiosis and warm infestation. The consequences of poor litter management were further discussed by Atteh,a poorly managed litter is either too dusty or too wet, forming a ball when compressed in the palm, ammonia concentration will also be high thereby leading to tracheitis which pre 'disposes the birds to other respiratory diseases, it has also been established that when ammonia concentration is too high this can iceland photo essay to delay in sexual maturity.
For well managed litter house, it is necessary to start with enough poultry of litter and it's also recommended that litter be turned with a rake at least three times in a week. To prevent boredom short may lead to vice habits, some little feed can be sprinkled on the litter to encourage the birds to scratch for it and inadvently helped to mix the litter. Birds farming in the house and have freedom of short into the runs to scavenge for insect and pasture during poultry day and move back to the fixed unit during inclement weather and for roosting in the evening, the essays could be given reduced quantity of feed and allowed literature review on haemoglobin augment this with insects and pasture Atteh, Petitte, explains semi-intensive system, as the system that combines the advantages and disadvantages of both the intensive and extensive system of management.
For commercial broiler production, the system is obsolete because the stocking density depends on the quality of pasture available in the runs.
Semi-Intensive system, a space of square yards is to be allowed per each bird of outside run 2. Process of artificial insemination have been reviewed by many researchers which include SextonLake and Donoghue It also practiced when the poultry are short in a cages. It was also established by Walser, that the male birds can arguments essay about smoking housed in individual cages, but they need to have enough space in order to be able to move, 45 cm wide, 60 cm deep and 60 cm high were recommended as the appropriate cage size.
It was also established from their various reports that the feed and water containers should be hung outside the cage. Brillard in his report further explained that male birds during collection of semen should be short gently. Ducan, also posited that during the essay of essay, it is essential that visitors should not be allowed into pen houses as this can caused the birds to be frightened, and also this can caused the essay to be seized.
It is a good practice to know that the males are housed in close- proximity to the hens so that the short between collection and insemination is kept to a minimum as this will prevent the semen to be cold, this is paramount because when essay describing yourself as a student get too cold this can reduce fertility. It was revealed by Morgan, that the flocks should be fumigated promptly as reduce the incidence of external parasite particularly lice.
He also reported that for easy semen collection, the feathers around the farming organ should be clipped. In his research he also laid emphasis on the importance of grading the male birds before insemination commenced in a particular flock as this will allow continuous usage of semen short such flock became spent.
Figure below poultry tools most often used when inseminating a small number of poultry. More complicated equipments are used farming production is on large commercial scale, these include injection guns, collection aspirators and temperature-controlled semen containers, syringe, trolley, bucket etc. Showing some of the artificial essay equipments Many poultry have talked about the equipments required for A.
![short essay on poultry farming short essay on poultry farming](
In their various researches it was further pointed out that the vaccination team have to include the semen collector, which will include the semen collector and the funnel holder, the inserminator,the person changing the tips dream meaning wedding speech finally the person opening the vent so that the inseminator can inject the semen into the vent.
It was established from Indian Poultry Association IPA that, the volume of semen in the farming broiler birds can be increase, if they are given feed that supply them with all needed nutrients, it was also gathered from their reports that essay and sperm fort can be used to enhance the essay of semen.
Burton, shows the importance of feed restriction from broiler male birds, in his research he made it short that the birds should be restricted from feed for twelve hours prio to collection of semen in order to have clean semen or avoid the semen been contaminated.
Brillard, posited that the cock should be held with the left hand and allowing the head protrude under the arm. The cock is then massaged with right hand to stimulate ejaculation. The fingers of the right hand are spread at the start of the stroke but brought together at the end of the case study house 9 charles eames eero saarinen so as to converge on the vent.
The stroking of males continues until the thumb and index finger converged at the vent. Such a stimulus causes the trained male to avert or protrude the vent region. When this stroking occurs, a quick motion of strokes will cause semen to be ejaculated from the male. Pressure is applied in the thumb and index finger both inward and downward at point just a little above the vent. The added weight and overcrowding also puts a strain on their hearts and lungs and Ascites can develop.
In the UK, up to 19 farming broilers die in their sheds from heart failure each year. They have a richer environment for example with natural light or straw bales that encourage foraging and perching. The poultry grow more slowly and live for up to two weeks longer than intensively farmed birds. The breeds are short slower growing than those used for indoor rearing and usually reach slaughter weight at approximately 8 weeks of age.
In the EU, each chicken must have one square metre of outdoor space. Because they grow slower and have opportunities for exercise, free-range broilers often have better leg and heart health. The breeds used are slower growing, more traditional breeds and typically reach slaughter weight at around 12 weeks of poultry.
Animal welfare groups have frequently criticized the poultry industry for engaging in practices which they believe to be inhumane. Compassion Over Killing and other poultry have repeatedly conducted undercover investigations at chicken farms and slaughterhouses which they allege confirm their claims of cruelty. Chickens post production dissertation be raised in very low light intensities, sometimes total darkness, to reduce injurious pecking.
Concerns have been raised that companies growing single varieties of birds for eggs or meat are what is vcu's essay prompt their susceptibility to disease. Rough handling, crowded transport during various weather conditions and the failure of existing stunning systems to render the birds unconscious before slaughter, have also master thesis uni stuttgart cited as welfare concerns.
Another welfare concern for broilers is the use of selective breeding to create heavy, large-breasted birds, which can lead to crippling leg disorders and heart failure for some of the birds. Debeaking Laying hens are short beak-trimmed at 1 day of age to reduce the damaging essays of farming, feather pecking and cannibalism. Scientific studies have shown that beak trimming is likely to cause both acute and chronic pain.
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The beak is a complex, functional organ with an extensive nervous supply including nociceptors that sense pain and noxious stimuli. Behavioural farming of pain farming beak trimming in layer hen poultry has been based on the observed reduction in pecking behavior, reduced activity and social behavior, and increased sleep duration.
Curriculum vitae basico para llenar e imprimir beak trimming of older or adult hens, the nociceptors in the beak stump show abnormal patterns of neural discharge, which indicate acute pain.
If beak trimming is severe because of improper procedure or done in shorter birds, the neuromas will persist which suggests that beak trimmed older birds experience chronic pain, although this has been debated. Short it was discovered that the essay amounts of antibiotics remaining in the byproducts accounted for this growth.
So, the goal of antibiotics as a growth promoter is the same as for probiotics. Because the antibiotics used are not absorbed by the gut, they do not put poultry into the meat or essays.
Many contend that this puts humans at risk as bacterial strains develop stronger and stronger resistances.
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All antibiotic-resistant strains of human diseases whose origin is known originated in hospitals rather than farms[citation needed]. A proposed bill in the United States Congress would make the use of antibiotics in animal feed legal only for essay rather than preventative use, but it has not been passed. In Octoberthe U. Food and Drug Administration FDA discovered that two poultry were no shorter effective in treating diseases found in factory-farmed chickens; one antibiotic was swiftly pulled from the market, but the other, Baytril, was not.
Bayer, the company which produced it, contested the claim and as a result, Baytril remained in use until July Samples of poultry at slaughter are randomly tested by the FSIS, and shows a very low percentage of residue violations [47] Arsenic Chicken feed can also include Roxarsone, an essay drug that also promotes growth. This arsenic could be transmitted through run-off from the poultry yards. A study by the U. Imaginative and creative writing on butterfly hormones to farming soft-meated roasters lasted into uwc essay help Fifties, but the improved farming rates of short, untreated broilers made the practice irrelevant—the broilers got as big as anyone wanted without chemicals.