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Quadratic Functions - Lesson 1
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This point is called the minimum point. If the parabola opens down, the vertex is the highest point. This point is called the maximum point A parabola also contains two points called the zeros or some people call these the x-intercepts. The zeros are the points were the parabola crosses the x-axis. Now, we will use a table of values to graph a quadratic function.
Graphing a parabola with a table of valuesRemember that you can use a table of values to graph any equation. There are a few tricks when graphing quadratic functions. We must make sure that we find a point for the vertex and a few points on each side of the vertex. Example 1 Notice creative writing workshops austin after graphing the function, you can identify the vertex as 3,-4 and the zeros as 1,0 and 5,0.
So, it's pretty easy to graph a quadratic function using a table of values, right?
It's just a matter of substituting values for x into the equation in order to create ordered pairs. There are a lot of other cool things about quadratic functions and graphs.