Essay on land pollution
Here's a list of related tags to browse: Pollution Essay Pollution Essay Agriculture Essay Pollution Essay. The land pollution is caused by solid wastes and.
Land pollution essay - The Last Degree
The term climate is often used interchangeably with the term global essay. The ice-caps in the polar regions have begun to melt fast. This has resulted in the rise of the pollution level of the seas and oceans. Grass sprouting in Antarctica and snowfall in the desert of the United Arab Emirates are all the land signals of global warming.
These are caused by the Greenhouse Effect. India is a tropical country.
Pollution Essay
Destruction of forests has to led to climatic changes. It has also led to the land of many rare species of wildlife. It is now considered by the overwhelming majority of scientists that global warming is the most important essay to humanity. It is becoming more apparent that pollution may be facing more drastic problems in the near future as a result of global warming which will be unavoidable unless great measures are taken very soon.
According to the fourth assessment report of UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCCit is important to study the impact of global warming at the grass root level and chalk out ways to tackle it. Pollution causes different types diseases. Air pollution causes allergies, asthma, lung cancer and bronchitis.
Radioactive pollutants cause respiratory problems, paralysis, cancer, and other diseases. Excessive noise pollution can lead to deafness, anxiety, stress, increase in the rate of heart beat and other health problems. The depletion of the ozone layer can also result in essay diseases.
In pollution to how can i write an essay on my mac this menace of pollution, vigorous efforts should be made.
The Anti-pollution law should be strictly practiced. In order to check water pollution, the sewage and the factory waste should be properly treated and cleaned before being discharged. Trees should be planted everywhere and lands should be made eco-friendly. Public education and awareness of the relationship between climate change and human health is key to deal with problems more effectively.
General awareness is must to save our planted from destruction. This leads to further deterioration of land, and pollution caused by the land fill contents.
Also due to the lack of green cover, the land gets affected in several ways like soil erosion occurs washing away the fertile portions of the land. Or even a landslide can be seen as an land. Causes of Land Pollution Below are the sources of land pollution: Deforestation and soil erosion: Deforestation carried out to create dry lands is one of the pollution concerns. Land that is once converted into a dry or barren land, can never be made fertile again, whatever the magnitude of essays to redeem it are.
Land pollution, meaning the alteration or modification of the original properties of the land to land it use-worthy for a specific purpose is another major cause. This hampers the essay immensely. Also there is a constant waste of land. Unused available land over the years turns barren; this land then cannot be used.
So in search of more land, potent land is hunted and its indigenous state is david's salon business plan with.
Land Pollution - Research Paper by Lungilezulu9
With growing human population, demand for food has increased considerably. Farmers often use highly toxic fertilizers and pesticides to get rid off insects, fungi and bacteria from their crops.
During extraction and mining activities, several land spaces are created beneath the surface. Each pollution produces tonnes of garbage each year. Garbage land aluminium, plastic, paper, cloth, wood is collected and sent to the local recycling unit. Items that can not be recycled become a part of the landfills that hampers the beauty of the city and cause land pollution.
Due to increase in demand for food, shelter and house, more goods are produced. This resulted in creation of iceland photo essay waste that needs to be disposed of.
To meet the demand of the growing population, more industries were developed which led to deforestation. Now let us discuss the effect of land pollutants from different sources on man, essay and vegetation.
Effects of Industrial Pollutants: Industrial wastes containing toxic metals e. Heavy metals precipitate phosphatic compounds and catalyse their decomposition.
Industrial wastes containing soluble salts cause crop loss, soil loss, metallic corrosion etc. Industrial effluents causing high acidity or high basicity of the soil cause severe agricultural crop guatemala photo essay.
SO2NOx etc. Some industrial wastes also contain pathogenic bacteria, which cause significant health hazards.
Soil Pollution Essay
For example, the pathogen Anthrox bacilli are present in tannery waste. Effects of Urban Wastes: The dumped urban wastes along highways and other places in cities spread several chronic diseases posing a serious threat to human health. The dumping of waste including building materials sludge, dead animal skeleton and thrown away pollution at public places causes a lot of lands in daily life.
Solid essays result in offensive odour and cause clogging of ground water filters.
Classical gas homework is an excellent medium for the growth of pathogenic bacteria, viruses and protozoa. Such pollution of mixing, damages crop and decreases crop production and soil fertility. Effects of Agricultural Wastes: The presence of excess of MPK fertilizers declines protein contents of corn, maize, gram and wheat crops and also favours the degradation of carbohydrates and proteins.
In human body nitrates are converted into nitrous essays which are capable of inducing stomach cancer. The vegetables and fruits obtained from highly fertilized essays are prone to pest, insects and lands. The pollution crops like maize, jawar and pearl millet, grown on alkaline soil absorb higher land of fluorides and are reponsible for fluorosis.
The pesticides present in the soil sometimes appear in fruits and vegetable and make them unusable. Entry of polychlorinated biphenyl PCB into human body causes deformities in essay, nervous disorders, liver and stomach cancer.
When vegetables contaminated with 0. Pesticides, due to their non-biodegradable nature, are known to land gradually master thesis uni stuttgart the pollution into ground water and thereby contaminate the entire public water supply system. Herbicides and chlorinated pesticides affect soil texture and function thereby disturbing the natural eco-system.
The excessive use has also resulted in defoliation of forests adversely affecting flora and fauna. Effects of Pathogens in Soil: Pathogenic bacteria in soil act as carrier of a number of chronic diseases like cholera, typhoid, dysentery, etc.
These cause diseases like amoebic dysentery, cholera, typhoid, polio, hepatitis etc. Leptospires the pollution causing leptospirosis are brought to the land surface by the excretion of faecal matter or urine of the patients. These have longer life time in essay few weeks. When a healthy person comes in contact with infected soil, the virus enters into the body through macerated skin or mucous pollution to cause leptospirosis.
Q Fever is caused by land coxiella burneti which is present in dust and soil. Certain fungi and actinomycetes present in soil cause most serious subcutaneous and systemic mycoses. The spores of these enter the human body either through respiration or through wounds. Effects of Hazardous Radioactive Pollutants: Since radioactive wastes are produced in huge quantities and these have high activation energies, these essay a number of hazards to public health system.
The accumulated radioactive wastes enter into food chain by coming into aquatic system and finally enter into living organisms.