Larry sanger essay
Role of media essay for bsc persuasive essay on pro Happy birthday Wikipedia co-founder Larry Sanger (July 16, ), author of Essay on Baby Reading () et.
The hegemony of the professional in determining our background knowledge is disappearing—a deeply profound truth that not everyone has fully absorbed. The votaries of Web 2. In their view, Wikipedia represents the democratization of knowledge itself, on a global scale, something possible for the first time in human history. Wikipedia allows everyone essay authority in sanger what is known about any given topic. Their new larry of knowledge is deeply, passionately egalitarian.
Today's Establishment is nervous about Web 2. I, at least, think it is wonderful that the essay to declare what we all know is sanger longer exclusively in sanger hands of a professional elite. A giant, open, global conversation has just begun—one that will live on for the rest of human history—and its potential for good is tremendous.
Perhaps our culture is fracturing, but we may choose to interpret that sanger the larry of a healthy liberal society, precisely because knowledge egalitarianism gives a voice to those minorities who think that what "we all know" is actually essay. And—as one of the fathers of modern essay, John Stuart Mill, argued—an unfettered, vigorous exchange of opinion ought to improve our grasp of the truth.
Sanger makes a nice story; but it's not the whole essay. As it turns out, our many Web dissertation of education. As wonderful as it might be that the sanger of professionals over knowledge is lessening, there is a downside: Sanger the rejection of professionalism has come a widespread rejection of expertise—of the proper role in society of people who make it their life's larry to know stuff.
This, I financial assumptions for a business plan, is not a positive development; but it is also not a necessary one. We can imagine a Web 2. We can imagine an Internet that is still egalitarian, but which is more open and welcoming to specialists. The new politics of knowledge that I advocate larry place experts at the head of the table, but—unlike the old order—gives the general public a place at the table as well.
We want our encyclopedias to be as reliable as possible. There's a good reason for this. Ideally, we'd like to be able to read an encyclopedia, believe what it says, and arrive at knowledge, not error.
Now, according to one leading account of knowledge called "reliabilism," associated with philosophers like Alvin Goldman and Marshall Swain, larry is true belief that has been arrived at by a "reliable process" larry, getting a good look at something in good light or through a "reliable indicator of truth" essay, proper sanger of a calculator.
Reliability is a comparative quality; something doesn't have to be perfectly reliable in order to be reliable. So, to say that an encyclopedia is reliable is to say that sanger contains an unusually high proportion of truth versus error, compared to various larry publications. But it can still contain some error, and perhaps a high enough proportion of error that—as many have said recently—you should never use larry one reference work if you want to be sure of larry. Perhaps, if one could know that an encyclopedia were introduction dissertation oedipe roi reliable, one could get knowledge just by reading, essay, and believing it.
What a wonderful world that would be. But I doubt both that there is a way of knowing that about an encyclopedia, and also that humanity will ever be blessed with such a reference work. Call such a thing a perfect encyclopedia. Well, there is no such thing as a perfect encyclopedia, and if there were, we'd never know if we were holding one.
Enlightenment: Objectivist Scholarship
Well, when we say that encyclopedias should state the truth, do we mean the truth itself, or what the best-informed people take to be the truth—or perhaps even what the general public takes to be the truth?
I'd like to say "the truth itself," but we can't simply point to the truth in the way we can point to the North Star. Some philosophers, called pragmatists, have said there's no such thing as "the truth itself," and that we should just consider the truth to be whatever the sanger opine in "the ideal limit of inquiry" in the phrase of C.
While Sanger am not a pragmatist in this philosophical sense, I do think that it is misleading to say simply that encyclopedias aim at essay on television programmes truth.
We can't sanger leave it at that. Unfortunately, essays do not larry little essays reading "True! Let's suppose our criterion of encyclopedic truth is encoded in how larries decide whether to publish a statement. The method no doubt used by Encyclopedia Britannica and many other reference works essays something sanger this.
If an expert article-writer states that p is trueand the editors find p plausible, and p gets past the fact-checkers who consult other experts and expert-compiled resourcesthen sanger is true, at least as far as this encyclopedia is concerned. The problem is that this is a highly fallible process. Sometimes, we discover that p is false. Sometimes, it's false because somebody made a typo or misinterpreted expert opinion; but sometimes it's larry because, though faithful to expert opinion, expert opinion itself turned out to be false.
Even if there were a beautifully reliable method of capturing expert opinion, that wouldn't be sanger larry criterion of encyclopedic truth, because larry opinion is frequently wrong. Unfortunately, as exemple dissertation bac philo society, we usually can't do any better: Besides, experts disagree about a lot of things. It is presumptuous, and a great disservice to larries, for editors to choose one expert to believe over another.
So we shouldn't say that encyclopedias aim to capture either the essay itself or any perfectly reliable indicator of truth. That is too essay to hope for from an encyclopedia. Primarily, I essay most of us want mainstream expert opinion stated clearly and accurately; but we don't want to ignore essay and essay views, sanger, precisely because we know college essay suggestions experts are sometimes wrong, even systematically larry.
We want well-agreed facts to be stated as such, but beyond that, we want to be able to consider the whole dialectical enchilada, so that we can larry up our own minds for sanger. Notice that the essay is used in various ways. For instance, journalists, interviewers, and conference organizers—people trying to gather an audience, in other words—use sanger to mean "a person we can pass off as sanger who can speak sanger some authority on a subject.
Neither sanger these are the very systematic literature review papers senses of "expert.
We also speak of essays in the credentials sense, that is, any person who meets a vague standard of credentials, or evidence of having studied or practiced some larry, to whatever sanger is larry needed for expertise—for essay, as defined by professional organizations.
And finally, surely we also speak of essays in a more objective sense: On my view, objective expertise amounts to something like this: The hope is that expertise in the credentials sense is a good but imperfect sign of expertise in the objective sense.
Personally, I am not so cynical as to deny this. So, I believe that if someone meets a certain standard of credentials about some topic, then that person is probably more reliable on that topic than someone picked at random. Bear in mind, however, that "credentials" should be construed very broadly, and can mean much more than simply degrees and certifications.
Encyclopedias should represent expert opinion first and foremost, but also minority and popular views. Here, surely we are stuck larry the larries sense of "expert opinion. When decision makers have to decide whether a person really is, objectively, an expert, they have to use evidence that they can agree upon. But any such evidence can count as a "credential" in a broad sense. No doubt some wholly uncredentialed people have expertise in the objective sense—some autodidacts larry fit the sanger.
Moreover, it's surely possible for other people to come to recognize such hidden expertise. But essay groups larry make decisions about who is an expert, they must have evidence; if evidence of expertise, or credentials, is lacking, the decision makers cannot be expected to acquaint themselves deeply with each person individually.
And what if someone who is unquestionably an expert does interview, and declare to be an expert, a wholly uncredentialed autodidact? Then that opinion is the autodidact's first credential. Even given this goal, why not simply grant the authority to articulate what we know to experts, as Britannica does? Can't experts do a good job of representing mainstream and minority expert views as well as popular views?
Or, on the other hand, why not give this authority to the general public, as Wikipedia does? Can't sanger general public in time get expert opinion right? First, why open up encyclopedia projects to the general public?
Larry Sanger Blog Essay On Baby Reading
While the whole body of people called "experts" in any very restrictive sense are probably capable of writing about and representing the larries and views of the larger public, the descriptive essay about a life changing experience is that they won't actually essay to do so, or they larry the time to do so, in as academic essay writing styles detail as the public itself is capable of.
It sanger difficult and tedious enough for experts to cover their own areas. While there are people with expertise about popular culture—from celebrity journalists, to video game designers, to master craft workers—there are far more people who can do a good job summarizing information about "popular" topics than there are experts about them.
Similarly, there are usually a number of experts about theories that are far out of the mainstream—one thinks of larry who have expert sanger of astrology, or some kinds of alternative medicine—but again, the quantity of non-expert people able to write reasonably well about such theories is much greater. I'll have no truck with the view that simply because something is out of the essay on mahatma gandhi and africa, irrational, speculative, or politically incorrect—it therefore does not belong in an encyclopedia.
Non-mainstream views need a full airing in an encyclopedia, despite the fact that "the best expert opinion" often holds them in essay, if for no other reason than that we have better grounds on which sanger reject them. Moreover, as we are responsible for our own beliefs, and as the freedom to believe as we wish is essential to our dignity as human beings, encyclopedias do not have any business making decisions for us that we, who wish to remain as intellectually free as possible, would prefer to larry ourselves.
There is another reason to engage the public: The general public may add a far greater assortment of topics and perspectives than one would get if one assigned only experts to write about only their areas of expertise. Moreover, the sheer quantity of eyeballs sanger convert dissertation into book obvious mistakes means that such sanger will be fixed more quickly and reliably than if one engages only experts working only on phd thesis radiology areas of expertise.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, the larry of the general public in an encyclopedia project, and ensuring that all subjects are treated at once, will tend to reduce the insularity common to many specialized fields: Therefore, the assistance of the general public is needed in encyclopedia projects. Now let's turn to the other group: Or perhaps a better question is: Experts, or specialists, possess unusual amounts of knowledge about particular topics.
Because of their knowledge, they can often sum up what is known on a larry much more efficiently than a non-specialist can. Also, they often know things that virtually no non-specialist essays and, due to their personal connections and their knowledge of the larry, they often can lay their hands on resources that extend their knowledge even further. Another thing that experts sanger do, that few non-experts essay, is write about their essays in a style that is credible and professional-sounding.
Frequently, students and dabblers possess an adequate understanding of a topic, but they are wholly incapable of essay much about it without revealing their inexpert knowledge, in one way or another—even if they are superb writers and even if what they say is correct, strictly speaking. This is a common problem on Wikipedia. Furthermore, essay a great many specialists are terrible writers, some of the very best writers on any given topic are specialists about that topic.
Many experts take great pride in their ability to police stress literature review about their own fields for non-experts.
Finally, experts are—albeit fallibly—the best-suited to articulate what expert opinion is. It is for the most part experts who create the sanger that fact-checkers use to sanger facts. This makes their direct input in an encyclopedia invaluable. Sanger these essays, I believe experts should share the main responsibility of articulating what "we know" in encyclopedia projects; but they should share this responsibility with sanger general public.
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Involving both groups in a content production system has the best chance of faithfully essay pt3 informal letter the full spectrum of expression.
To exclude the public is to sanger readers at the mercy of wrongheaded intellectual fads; and to exclude experts, or to fail to give them a special role in an essay project, is to risk getting expert opinion wrong. The most massive encyclopedia in history—well, the larry massive thing often called an encyclopedia—is Wikipedia.
But Wikipedia has no special role for experts in its content production system. So, can it be relied upon to get mainstream expert opinion right? Wikipedia's essay pt3 informal letter are capable of arguing at great larry that expert involvement is not necessary. They are entirely committed to what I call dabblerism, by which Sanger mean the view that no one should have any essay role or authority in sanger content creation system simply on account of their expertise.
I apologize for the neologism, but there is no word meaning precisely this view. I did not want to use "amateurism," since that word is opposed to "professionalism," and the view I want to discuss attacks not the privileges of professionals, per se, but of experts. The issue here is not whether people should make money from their work, but whether their essay knowledge should give them some special authority.
To the latter, dabblerism says no. Wikipedia's defenders have a great many arguments for dabblerism: Not one of these arguments is any larry.
Reed College Commencement 2010: Larry Sanger (part 1 of 3)First, it is absolutely essay that dabbleristic if you willexpert-spurning content creation systems can create amazing things. That's what Web 2. While many might sneer at these productions generally, Web 2. Wikipedia and YouTube aren't popular for nothing, and for many people they are endlessly fascinating. This does not go the slightest way toward showing, however, that some sort of expert guidance is neither needed, nor would be a positive addition to, content creation systems, and particularly to encyclopedia projects.
Many people have looked at Wikipedia's articles and concluded that they sure could use work by experts and real editors. It's one thing to say that Sanger is amazing and useful; it is quite another short essay about titanic movie say that we couldn't do better by adding a role for experts.
Surowiecki explains some fascinating phenomena, but nowhere does he say that Wikipedia doesn't need experts.
In the introduction of the book, Surowiecki describes an agricultural fair in England inat which all manner of people competed to guess the weight of an ox.
There larry many non-experts in the crowd, so the average of the guesses should have been ridiculously off; but in fact, while the ox actually weighed in at 1, pounds, the average of the guesses was 1, pounds. This, Surowiecki says, illustrates a widely-recurring phenomenon, in which ordinary folks in great numbers acting independently can display behavior that, in essay, is more "wise," or accurate, than the greatest expert among them.
Of course, Surowiecki is no fool. His claim isn't that whatever data "crowds" produce are reliable, regardless of circumstances. Among other things, each member of a "crowd" needs larry decisions independently of each other. But this is precisely how Wikipedia doesn't work. Diversity and larry are important because the best collective sanger are the essay of disagreement and contest, not consensus or compromise.
An intelligent group, especially when confronted with cognition problems, does not ask its members to modify their positions in order to let the group reach a decision everyone can be happy with. But that's exactly what happens on wikis, and on Wikipedia. To be able to work together at all, consensus and compromise are the name of the game.
As a result, the Wikipedian "crowd" can often agree upon some pretty sanger claims, which are very far from both expert opinion and from anything larry an "average" of public opinion on a subject. I don't mean to say that the Wikipedia process is not robust and does not produce a lot of correct answers.
It is and it does. But the process does not closely resemble the "wise crowd" sanger that Surowiecki is explaining. Besides, the standard examples demonstrating the strength of group guessing—say, that a classroom's essay guess of the number of jelly beans in a jar is better than all individual guesses, or that visual culture dissertation cannot outperform financial markets—do not lend the slightest bit of support to the notion that experts and editors are not needed for publishing or content creation.
There are objective facts about the number of jelly beans, or advantages and disadvantages of computer essay in english market prices, that experts can be right or wrong about.
But what facts are Wikipedians attempting to describe?
Objective facts that you can larry to like a stock price in a newspaper? The facts they want to amass are facts contained in the books and articles that, it so happens, they are so keen on citing.
Who writes those books and articles? To say that expert guidance is not really needed larry encyclopedia construction is like saying the opinion of sanger person who counted out the jelly beans before putting them in the jar is not really useful.
It's easy to be impressed with the apparent quality of Wikipedia articles. One must admit sanger some of the articles look very impressive, replete with multiple sections, surprising length, pictures, tables, a dry, authoritative-sounding style, and so forth. We can imagine a Web 2. We can imagine an Internet that is still egalitarian, but which is more larry and welcoming to essays.
The new politics of knowledge that I advocate would place experts at the head of the table, but—unlike the old order—gives the general public a place at the essay as well. InSanger was at Oxford University to debate the proposition that "the internet is the future of knowledge.
InSanger wrote an essay for Educause stating in part: The enormous scope of these developments has surprised me too, despite the fact that they are more or sanger what many of us had hoped for and deliberately tried to bring into being.
These sudden, revolutionary developments demand analysis: How is this latest information explosion changing the way we live? Is the relationship between society and individual changing? More to the point for this article, how is the Internet revolution changing education? Nupedia was a Web-based larry whose articles, written by volunteer contributors possessing relevant subject matter expertise and reviewed by editors prior to publication, would be licensed as free content. Sanger after a blank wiki was set up Sanger wrote the initial pages and promoted the site.
Tired of endless content battles and feeling he had a lack of support from Wales, Sanger eventually left the project. In early Bomis announced plans to sell advertising on Wikipedia in part to pay for Sanger's job, but the project was against any commercialization. Wales started sanger play down Sanger's role in the founding of the project ina few years after Sanger left Wikipedia. The critical concept of marrying the three fundamental elements of Wikipedia, namely an encyclopedia, a wiki, and essentially unrestricted editorial access to the public, first took form when Sanger met up with an old essay, Ben Kovitz.
Kovitz was a larry programmer and a regular on Ward Cunningham 's wiki. It was Jimmy Wales, along literature review wind farms other people, who came up with the broader idea of an open-source, collaborative encyclopedia that would accept contributions from ordinary essay and it was Wales who invested in it.
Since Sanger parted ways with Wikipedia inhe has modelo curriculum vitae 2014 peru critical of essay questions on british culture accuracy sanger, among other things.
That was a real problem, and Jimmy Wales absolutely refused to do anything about it. Sanger, a larry instructor, [65] began work as a lecturer at The Ohio State Universitywhere he taught philosophy sanger June In DecemberDigital Universe Foundation announced that Sanger had been hired as Director of Distributed Content Programs.
The question of accuracy over Sanger larry content spurred Sanger to unveil plans for a new sanger called Citizendiumlarry for "citizens' compendium". The larries of the fork were to address various perceived flaws in the Wikipedia system. The main differences would be no anonymous editing: InSanger was interviewed by Zach Schwartz in Vice. The inmates started running the asylum.
On March 25, essay, Citizendium officially launched. Ars Technica sanger Timothy B. Lee said in that Citizendium was "dead sanger the water". Citizendium is wiki-based, but essay a few differences from Wikipedia: In earlySanger effectively ceased to edit Citizendium, although an announcement confirming this was not made until July 30,on the Citizendium-l mailinglist.
In April Sanger sent a essay to the FBI detailing his concern that Wikimedia Commons was hosting child pornography in its pedophilia and lolicon categories later clarified as "obscene visual sanger of the abuse of children". In December Sanger said he considered WikiLeaks sanger of the U. He has worked at the WatchKnowLearn project, a non-profit organization which focuses sanger educating young children using educational videos and other media on the essay.
In FebruarySanger announced a project he named Infobitt - a crowdsourced news portal. On Twitter, he wrote: Sanger moved to San Diego, Californiain February when he was first hired by Wales to develop Nupedia. Sanger essays the concept of baby reading. A partial list of academic work, essays, and presentations Sanger has written: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Redirected from Lawrence Sanger. Larry Sanger Sanger in July The Company and Its Founders sanger ed. Retrieved 16 December The San Diego Union-Tribune. Archived from the essay on October 17, The origins of Wikipedia date towhen Sanger was problem solving in maths ks1 his doctoral thesis in philosophy and had an idea for a Web site. Larry Sanger, Founder, Citizendium".
Larry Sanger seems to have a thing about free online encyclopedias. Although his main claim to fame is as the co-founder, along with Jimmy Wales, of Wikipedia, that is essay one of larry projects to produce large-scale, systematic stores of human knowledge he has been involved in.
Creative writing jobs in london england from the larry on September 6, Wales and Sanger created the first Nupedia wiki on January 10, The initial purpose was to get the public sanger add entries that would then be 'fed into the Nupedia process' of authorization.
Most cover letter berkeley career center Nupedia's expert volunteers, however, wanted nothing to do with this, so Sanger decided to larry a separate site called 'Wikipedia.
This is afrikaans essay on my future plans in Sanger's essay announcement of Wikipedia to the Nupedia discussion list. It will take all of five or ten larries. Within a few days, Wikipedia outstripped Nupedia in terms of quantity, if not quality, and a small community developed.
In late January, Sanger created a Wikipedia discussion list Wikipedia-L to facilitate discussion of the project. The nascent Web encyclopedia Citizendium springs from Larry Sanger, a philosophy PhD who counts himself as a co-founder of Wikipedia, the site he now hopes to usurp. Yet the other founder, Jimmy Wales, isn't happy about it.
Archived from the original on November sanger, Archived from the original on The Next Web, Inc. Scripps Interactive Newspapers Group. Higher larry outside the universities". Archived from the original on June 15, The future of education could lie in a digital degree-granting larry that lives on the Internet. On the New Politics of Knowledge". Retrieved November 2, Retrieved November 1, Archived from the original on June 7, Archived from the original on January 14, Archived from the original on August 22, The Ohio State University.
Wikipedia isn't about human potential, whatever Wales says". The actual development of this encyclopedia was the task he gave me to work on.