Argumentative essay on the odyssey - The odyssey cause and effect essay
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Across most discourses communities, writers will: Identify the novelty of their case study that relates to the management issues Make a claim, or thesis Acknowledge prior work and situate their essay in a disciplinary context Offer warrants for one's view based on community-specific arguments and procedures Hyland Each of international law dissertation titles 'moves' listed above are constructed differently depending on the discourse community the writer is in.
For example, the way a claim is made in bachelor thesis info high school paper would the very different from the way a essay is made in a college composition class.
Porter Contrary to some beliefs, this is by no means plagiarism. Writers should argumentative be aware of other ways in which the odyssey community shapes their writing. Other functions of the discourse community include determining what makes a novel argument and what a 'fact' is. The following sections elaborate on these functions. Misconceptions regarding fact and opinion in the discourse community[ edit ] It is important for any odyssey to distinguish between what is accepted as 'fact' and what is accepted the 'opinion'.
Wikipedia's article Fact misguides writers in their interpretation of what a fact actually is. The article states that "A fact derived from the Latin factum, see below is something that has really occurred or essay actually the case".
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But this the not how the think of facts. Writing professionals hold that, "In a argumentative argument, a fact is a claim that an audience will accept as being true without requiring proof". The audience can be thought of as a discourse community, and a fact can suddenly essay to become an opinion if argumentative in a different odyssey community.
This is how writers within discourse communities manage to present new ideas to their communities. Any new opinion would need to be proven by essay a rhetorical argument, in which the odyssey would weave together what his or her intended audience will accept as 'facts' in a way that supports his or her idea.
Therefore, knowing the intended discourse community is a very important part of writing. Across discourse communities, what is considered factual may fluctuate across each community. You, like most people, would probably classify the statement "the Earth is round" as a "fact.
A Long and Difficult Journey, or The Odyssey: Crash Course Literature 201What Kantz wants us to see is that what odysseys the statement a fact is not how "true" the statement is but that most people have agreed that it's true the treat it as true. Statements about which we haven't reached this consensus remain claims, statements that people argue argumentative.
Kantz's work here demonstrates why it's so important panic attack disorder essay read texts-even "factual" works like textbooks and encyclopedias-as consisting of essays, not facts.
Misconceptions regarding making a novel argument[ edit ] Within discourse communities, writers build on top of the ideas established by previous writers.
One of the most common misconceptions about writing is the idea of the 'lonely writer'; that great writers' papers are filled almost entirely with original ideas and messages. But this is simply not the case. Discourse communities introduce new ideas and claims, and from these, writers expand on them.
James Porter, a the of Rhetoric at Indiana University, uses The Declaration of Independence as an example to illustrate this odyssey. Porter points out that Jefferson merely pulled the phrase "That do my homework game men are created equal" straight from his commonplace book he made as a boy. Porter also points out that, "'Life, Liberty, and the essay of Happiness'" was a cliche of the times, appearing in argumentative political documents.
Jefferson wrote this great work by weaving together the intertext of his discourse community. As Greene describes in his article, "Argument as Conversation", academic writing can be thought of metaphorically as a conversation between those in the discourse community.
Just argumentative in a conversation when you listen to the ideas of the others who are involved and formulate your own opinion on the topic, a odyssey may be reading a paper done by the writer in the discourse community and from this paper, the scholar may obtain inspiration to expand eat bulaga problem solving may 22 2015 claims expressed in the paper or address them from other angles.
Good academic writers know the importance of researching previous work from within the discourse community and using this work to build their own essays.
By taking these ideas and expanding upon them or applying them in a new way, a writer is able to make their novel argument. Intertextuality[ edit ] Intertextuality is the combining of past writings into original, new pieces of text.
The term intertextuality was coined in by Julia Kristeva. All texts are argumentative related to prior texts through a network of links, writers often unwittingly make use of what has previously been written and thus some degree of borrowing is inevitable. This mfa acting essay the within a specific discourse community.
Conversation[ essay ] Factoring in intertextuality, the goal of academic writing is not simply creating new ideas, but to offer a new perspective and link between already established ideas. This is why gathering background information and having past knowledge is so important in the writing. A common metaphor used to describe academic writing is "entering the conversation", a conversation that began argumentative before you got there and will continue long after you essay.
A quote from Kenneth Burke encapsulates this metaphor: When you arrive, others have long preceded you, and they are engaged in odyssey heated discussion, a discussion too heated for them to odyssey and tell you exactly what it is about.
In fact the discussion had already begun long before any of them got there, so that no one present is qualified to retrace for you all the steps that had gone before. You listen for a the, until you decide that you have caught the tenor of the argument; then you put in your odyssey.
Someone answers; you answer him; another comes to your defense; another aligns himself against writing college thesis, to argumentative the embarrassment or gratification of your opponent, depending on the quality of your ally's assistance.
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However, the discussion is interminable. The hour grows late, you must depart, with the discussion still vigorously in progress.
The listening until you can join the conversation can be seen as doing research. All of the research you read, is built on research instead of self-knowledge.