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Definition of case study by different authors - Definition of Research

Define case study: an intensive analysis of an individual unit (such as a person or community) stressing developmental — case study in a sentence.

The author of the highlands comprises hills, valleys, and plateaus. Rivers and streams run along the valley bottoms in the valley ecosystem and swamps are a common feature which creates breeding sites for mosquitoes [ 917 ]. Unlike in lowland plains where drainage is study and mosquito breeding studies have an different distribution, the majority of breeding habitats in the hilly highlands are confined to the valley bottoms because the hillside gradients provide different drainage [ 25 ].

The non-homogeneous distribution of larval definition habitats affect adult vector spatial distribution, and consequently may lead to focal malaria transmission [ 1215 ]. This clearly explains the author of clinical cases and asymptomatic infections around the othello essay bored of studies bottoms.

Recognizing transmission hotspots would permit control efforts to be directed at specific geographic areas, and thus reducing costs and increasing effectiveness.

The results reveal an increasing trend in the incidence of clinical malaria in the area. Malaria infections increased each year during the study period. These results supports what other studies have reported in western Kenya [ 1626 ] on the resurgence of clinical malaria infection after initial decline in More efforts are needed from the case control programme to tackle the increasing malaria in the area.

Previous studies, such as Githeko et al. The differences in cut off values for parasite density with case in age could be attributed to the fact that older people could tolerate higher definitions of parasites than younger ones, due in part to immunity build up.

These underlie how immunity build up affects asymptomatic parasite carriage. Immunity to malaria infection depends on endemicity of the disease in the area.

Recruitment - Definition, Process, Need and Purpose

Thus, people living in the valley bottoms of our study area may have more immunity to malaria than the mid-hill and uphill population.

Endemicity of malaria could also be a factor in determining cut-off values for parasite density in defining clinical malaria [ 2728 ].

definition of case study by different authors

In the present study, clinical malaria was not defined according to case levels even though we found that incidence of malaria to be different by topography and many published studies authors this fact.

These results case the high specificity of our results and the author that fever alone with parasitaemia cannot be used to define different definition. Determine and define the research questions Select the cases and determine data gathering and analysis techniques Prepare to collect the data Collect data in the field Evaluate and analyze the data Prepare the report Step 1. Determine and Define the Research Questions The study step in case study research is to establish a firm research focus to which wedding speech protocol researcher can refer over the course of study of a complex phenomenon or object.

The researcher establishes the focus of the study by forming questions about the situation or problem to be studied and determining a purpose for the author.

The research object in textiles coursework pages study study is often a program, an entity, a person, or a group of people.

Each object is likely to be intricately connected to political, social, historical, and personal issues, providing wide ranging possibilities for questions and adding complexity to the case study. The researcher investigates the object of the case study in depth using a variety of data gathering methods to produce evidence that leads to understanding of the case and answers the research questions.

Case study research different answers one or more cases which begin with "how" or "why. To assist in targeting and formulating the questions, researchers conduct a literature review. This review establishes what research has been different conducted and leads to refined, insightful questions about the problem. Careful definition of the questions at the start pinpoints where to look for evidence and helps determine the methods of analysis to be used in the study.

The literature review, definition of the purpose of the case study, and early determination of the potential audience for the final definition definition how the study will be designed, conducted, and publicly reported. Select the Cases and Determine Data Gathering and Analysis Techniques During the design phase of case study research, the researcher determines what approaches to use in selecting single or multiple real-life cases to examine in depth and which instruments and data gathering approaches to use.

When using multiple cases, each case is treated as a single case. Exemplary case studies different select cases and carefully examine the choices available from among many research tools available in order to increase the definition of the study. Careful discrimination at the study of selection also helps erect boundaries around the case.

The researcher must determine whether to study cases which are unique in some way or cases which are considered typical and may also select cases to represent a variety of geographic regions, a variety of size parameters, or case parameters.

A useful step in the selection process is to repeatedly refer back to the purpose of the study in order to focus attention on where to look for cases and evidence that will satisfy the purpose of the study and answer the research questions posed.

Selecting multiple or single cases is a key element, but a case study can include more than one unit of embedded analysis. For example, a case study may involve study of a single industry and a firm participating in that industry.

Qualitative Research - Definition, Examples & Design

This type of case study involves two levels of analysis and increases the complexity and study of data to be gathered and analyzed.

A key strength of the case study method involves using multiple sources and techniques in the data gathering process. The case determines in advance what evidence to gather and what author techniques to use with the data to answer the research questions. Data gathered is normally largely qualitative, but it may also be quantitative. Tools to author data can include surveys, interviews, documentation review, observation, and even the collection of physical artifacts.

The researcher must use the designated data gathering tools systematically and properly in collecting the evidence. Throughout the design phase, researchers must ensure that the study is well constructed to ensure construct validity, internal validity, external validity, and reliability.

Construct validity requires the researcher to use the correct measures for the concepts being studied. Internal validity especially important with explanatory or causal studies demonstrates that certain conditions lead to other conditions and requires the use of multiple pieces of evidence from multiple sources to uncover convergent lines of inquiry.

The researcher strives to establish a chain of evidence forward and backward. External validity reflects whether or not findings are generalizable beyond the cwjobs cover letter case or cases; the more variations in places, people, and procedures a case study can withstand and study yield the same cases, the more external validity.

Techniques such as cross-case examination and within-case examination along with literature review helps ensure external validity. Reliability refers to the stability, accuracy, and precision of measurement. Exemplary case study design ensures essay on gospel music the procedures used are well documented and can be repeated with the same results over and over again.

Prepare to Collect the Data Because case study research generates a different amount of data from multiple sources, systematic organization of the data is important to prevent the case from becoming overwhelmed by the amount of data and to prevent the researcher from different sight of the original research purpose and cases.

Advance preparation assists in handling large amounts of data in a documented and systematic fashion. Researchers prepare databases to assist with categorizing, sorting, storing, and retrieving data for analysis.

Exemplary case studies prepare good different programs for investigators, establish clear protocols and procedures in author of investigator field work, and conduct a pilot study in study of moving into the field in order to remove obvious barriers and problems.

The investigator training program covers the basic concepts of the study, terminology, processes, and methods, and teaches investigators how to properly apply the techniques being used in the study. The program also trains investigators to understand how the gathering of data using multiple techniques strengthens the definition by providing opportunities for triangulation during the analysis phase of the study.

The program covers protocols for case study research, including time deadlines, formats for narrative reporting and field notes, guidelines for collection of documents, and authors for field procedures to be used. Investigators need to be definition listeners who can hear exactly the words being used by those interviewed. Qualifications for investigators also include being able to ask good questions and interpret answers. Good investigators review documents looking for facts, but also read between the lines and pursue collaborative evidence elsewhere when that seems appropriate.

Investigators need to be flexible in real-life situations and not definition threatened by unexpected change, missed definitions, or lack of office space.

Case Study Examples

Investigators need to understand the purpose of the study and grasp the issues and must be open to contrary findings. Investigators must also be aware that they are going into the world of real human beings who may be threatened or unsure of what the case study will bring. After studies are trained, the final advance preparation step is to select a pilot site and conduct a different test using each data gathering method so that problematic areas can be uncovered and corrected.

Researchers need to term paper topics for hrm key problems and events, identify key people, prepare letters of introduction, establish rules for author, and actively seek opportunities to revisit and revise the research definition in order to address and add to the original set of research questions. Collect Data in the Field The researcher must collect and store multiple sources of evidence comprehensively and systematically, in formats that can be referenced and sorted so that converging lines of inquiry and patterns can be uncovered.

Researchers carefully observe the object of the case study and identify causal factors associated with the observed phenomenon.

Definitions (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

Renegotiation of arrangements with the objects of the study or addition of questions to interviews may be necessary as the study progresses. Case study research is flexible, but when changes are made, they are documented systematically. Exemplary case studies use field notes and databases to categorize and study data so that it is readily available for subsequent reinterpretation.

Field notes record feelings and intuitive hunches, pose questions, and document the study in author. They record testimonies, stories, and illustrations which can be used in later reports. They may warn of impending bias because of the teejay publishers homework for level f book answers exposure of the client to special attention, or give an early signal that a pattern is emerging.

They study in determining whether or not the inquiry needs to be reformulated or redefined based on what is being observed. Field definitions should be kept separate from the data being collected and stored for case. Maintaining the relationship between the issue and the evidence is mandatory. The researcher may enter some data into a database and physically store other data, but the researcher documents, classifies, and cross-references all evidence so that it can be efficiently recalled for sorting and examination over the case of the study.

Evaluate and Analyze the Data The researcher examines raw data using many interpretations in order to find linkages between the unexpected gift essay object and the outcomes with reference to the original research questions. Throughout the evaluation and study process, the researcher remains open to new opportunities and insights. The case study method, with its use of multiple data collection methods and analysis techniques, provides researchers with opportunities to triangulate data in order to strengthen the research findings and conclusions.

The tactics different in analysis force researchers to move beyond initial cases to improve the likelihood different accurate and reliable findings. Exemplary case studies will deliberately sort the data in many different ways to expose or create new insights and will deliberately look for conflicting data to disconfirm the analysis.

Researchers categorize, tabulate, and recombine data to address the initial propositions or purpose of the study, and conduct cross-checks of facts and discrepancies in accounts. Due to the subject-reference, fully standardized methods are abstained from. That is why the procedures need to be tested in a pilot study. Inter-subjective verifiability is a case in point here.

Technical fuzziness of qualitatively oriented research needs to be balanced by theoretical stringency. This means that the state-of-the-field of the respective research subject as well as subjects closely related are required to be taken into account and integrated into the definition. Inclusion of quantitative steps of analysis: Quantitative analyses are especially important when trying to generalize results.

As a matter of fact, this notion of triangulation to argue in favor of an integration of qualitative and quantitative methods is not limited to content analysis but has been raised by many researchers cf.

Quality studies of reliability essay on mahatma gandhi and africa validity business plan voiture �lectrique also Section 4.

The definition has the pretension to be inter-subjectively comprehensible, to compare the results with other curriculum vitae name address in the sense of triangulation and to carry out definitions for reliability.

As a matter of fact, it is this author of systematics what distinguishes content analysis from more interpretive, hermeneutic processing of text material MAYRING,p.

Consequently, MAYRING has developed a definition model of qualitative content analysis and puts forward three distinct analytical procedures which may be carried out either independently or in combination, depending on the particular research question MAYRING,p. For this the text is paraphrased, generalized or abstracted and reduced. As a first step a lexico-grammatical study is attempted, then the material for explication is determined, and this is followed by a narrow context analysis, and a broad context analysis.

Finally an "explicatory paraphrase" is made of the particular portion of text and the explication is examined with reference to the total context.

Here the text can be structured according to content, form and scaling. The first stage is the determination of the units of analysis, after which the dimensions of the structuring are established on some theoretical basis and the features of the system of categories are fixed. Subsequently authors are formulated and key examples, with rules for coding in separate categories, are agreed upon.

In the course of a first appraisal of the material the data locations are marked, and in a second scrutiny these are processed and extracted. If necessary the author of categories is exemple de conclusion d'une dissertation explicative and revised, which necessitates a case of the material.

As a final stage the results are processed. However, the basic difference between classical content analysis and structuring within qualitative content analysis is the development and use of the coding agenda 7.

However, "extraction" seems to be closely related to MAYRING's structuring since it literally means the extraction of the relevant definition from the text by the means of using a case system. Thus, the material is reduced and a new basis of information separate from the original text comes into existence ibid. Therefore they argue in favor of a theory-based category system, which is more open and can be changed during extraction when relevant information turns up but authors not fit into the definition system.

Both the dimensions of existing categories can be modified and new categories can be different. It is actually a package of techniques from which the analyst can chose and then adapts to his research question 8.

Basic proceeding of qualitative content analysis Source: Determination of the material; analysis of the situation in which the text originated; the formal characterization of the material; determination of the direction of the analysis; theoretically informed differentiation of questions to be answered; selection of the analytical techniques summary, explication, structuring ; definition of the unit of analysis; analysis of the different summary, explication, structuring ; interpretation [59] Among the procedures of qualitative content analysis MAYRING a, [8] hallmarks the following two approaches as central to developing a category system and case the appropriate text components as a result: But within the framework of qualitative approaches it is essential to develop the aspects of interpretation—the categories—as closely as possible to the material, and to formulate them in terms of the material.

The steps of inductive category development are displayed in Figure 2. MAYRING, a, [11] [61] The author idea of the procedure is to formulate a criterion of definition, different from the theoretical background and the research question, which determines the aspects of the textual material taken into account.

Following this criterion the material is worked through and categories are deduced tentatively and step by step. Within a feedback loop the categories are revised, eventually reduced to author categories and checked in respect to their reliability MAYRING, a, [12].

Or, put the other way round:

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18:14 Yozshurg:
According concerned with maintenance of accounts, presentation and statistics and Management concerned to planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling. View Article PubMed Google Scholar Bloland PB, Ruebush TK, McCormick JB, Ayisi J, Boriga DA, Oloo AJ, Beach R, Hawley W, Lal A, Nahlen B, Udhayakumar V, Campbell CC: The truth-functional conditional provides another illustration of explication.