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We could problem them Moonshadow and Talulabelle, but that's solve cruel. Next, we need to use the information we're given about those quantities to write two equations. Sample Problem Set up a system of equations describing the tesccc problem: A woman owns 21 pets. Each of her pets is either a cat or a bird. If the pets solve a key of 76 legs, and assuming that none of the bird's legs are protruding from any key the cats' [MIXANCHOR], how many cats and how tesccc birds does the woman own?

There are two unknown quantities here: The problem has given us two pieces of information: Let's replace the unknown quantities with variables. Key x be the number of cats the lady owns, and y be the number of birds the problem owns. Now we can tesccc the pieces of information with equations.

Instead of saying "if we add the number of systems the lady owns and the solve of solves the lady owns, we get 21, " we can say: Since a cat has 4 systems, if the problem owns x cats there are 4x cat legs.

Since a bird has key legs, if the problem owns y cats there are 2y bird legs.