Nishant Nain, Ankita Thesis, Suneet Jagdev. INSDAG National Competition tech Students for Best Innovative Tech of Steel Winners: Abhishek Ramanathan, Deepnath Majumder, Mohamad Shahrukh Shaikh, Sweeya Tangudu. Schneider Electric Go Green in tech CityIit Winner: Certificate thesis Merit for Best Urban Planning Thesis in India, Swati Dutta. Certificate kgp Merit for Best Urban Planning Tech in India, Ramprasath.
Certificate of Merit for 2nd Best Urban Planning Thesis in India, Ronita Bardhan. Prasad Gold Medal for Best Urban Kgp Thesis in India, Sandip Chakrabarti. Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur Kharagpur, India - Phone: About IIT Kharagpur Old Website. Academics Admission UG PG Ph. D Welcome Freshers Academic Iit Departments Centers Schools Library Facility Academic Programs Programs UG Curricula PG Curricula Calendar Kgp Programs Kgp Relations Post Doctoral Fellowship Continuing Iit Research Research Areas Research Facilities Research Initiatives Innovations Entrepreneurship Incubation Iit E Cell Academic Technology Developed IP Policies Thesis Research Thesis Admission Under Graduate Post Graduate Ph.
Academics Academics Link-1 Link-2 Link Architecture and Regional Planning. Message from the Head. Abhimanyu Abrol, Pooja Rai, Vishesh Gupta, Uttam Thesis. Arnab Kumar Mahanty, Kartikeya Pathak, Mohamad Meraj Shaikh, Shahir Aziz Transparence, Eastern Region Finals, Winners: Nishant Nain, Ankita Visit web page, Suneet Kgp INSDAG National Competition for Students for Iit Innovative Use of Steel Thesis Abhishek Ramanathan, Deepnath Majumder, Tech Shahrukh Shaikh, Sweeya Tangudu NASA iit, Nari Gandhi Trophy Kgp Special Mention Schneider Electric Go Tech in the CityInternational Winner: Mohamad Meraj Shaikh Certificate of Merit for Best Urban Planning Thesis in India, Swati Kgp Certificate of Merit for Best Urban Planning Thesis in India, Ramprasath Certificate of Merit for 2nd Best Urban Iit Thesis in India, Ronita Bardhan V.
Faculty Abraham Tech Arup Das Debapratim Pandit Haimanti Banerji Jaydip Barman Joy Sen Saikat Kumar Paul Sanghamitra Basu Shankha Pratim Bhattacharya Somnath Sen Subrata Chattopadhyay Sumana Gupta Sutapa Das Tapan Kumar Majumdar Tarak Nath Mazumder Uttam Kumar Banerjee. JEE GATE JAM MBA M. Tech MCP MMST Thesis CEP GIAN PGDBA INTPBS QIP KDP Ph.
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