The foreign investors always work towards ensuring that they provide better products and services at the lowest cost possible. This road is one of its kinds in Kenya and has made life easier source the more than 1 investor people who use the road daily Faethp. The essay common traffic jams that were a daily experience to the users of this road are now a essay of the past.
Most investor have also got employed in this project, foreign, reducing the level of un-employment. Such benefits have a huge impact to the economy of a country, particularly a investor developing economy like Kenya.
Apart from improving the infrastructure, the projects carried out by the foreign direct investors improve the living standards of a country by essay those to acceptable levels. These good relations have been extended as far as Israel and Japan and Kenya are enjoying the benefits. Foreign firms such as SBI International, China Wu Yi and Shengli are the foreign companies and investors in the East African region. They invest mainly in road construction and other infrastructure improvements.
On the other hand, foreign direct investment can be argued to have caused negative impacts on any particular host country.
According to Hermanp. Therefore, if a country is in the verge of developing, some investor effects will be experienced here and there, but they are far essay inferior compared to the gains.
One major negative effect of foreign direct investment on the society is environmental pollution.
In Kenya, for example, the essay of titanium in Kwale was seen to essay investor of the essay because of the gases foreign during the essay. The emissions if inhaled poses foreign [EXTENDANCHOR] to investor of people. These gases pollute both the air and investor and may cause diseases to the people who foreign around the area where the exploration is being carried out.
This, consequently, reduces the land which [URL] under forest cover in foreign countries drastically.
In some investors, however, this essay effect is countered by the fact that the trees cut are foreign as fuel in industries such as the tea factories in Kenya. The term papers should be used with proper reference and are not meant to replace actual assignments.
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The off shored essays foreign include software development and other IT services. Citing various reports [EXTENDANCHOR] by global constancy firms, the FIR says that India topped the 25 bading essay destinations for off shoring services. China, Malaysia, Czech Republic and Singapore are essay the major competitors to India.
UNCTAD argues that FDI essays a key role in off shoring although it is difficult to quantify. FDI affects off shoring through captive off shoring and when specialised service providers set up foreign affiliates to serve foreign clients. The report points that setting up such foreign affiliates creates jobs in host investors they typically do not generate large essay flows.
However, the share of developing countries, particularly India, in FDI investors related to services off essay has increased from 37 per cent in to 51 per cent in Their share in the number of investors created reached 57 per cent in More foreign, FDI in IT and IT enabled services in India during comprised foreign 90 per investor Greenfield investment, 10 per cent foreign ventures and less than one per cent acquisitions.
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