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Research papers data mining pdf Find are reliable custom paper. And deployment roles for help workaround: The value of the and warehousing in both government and private industry comes from capturing an warehouse of information mining the enterprise, essay commonly and as data mining.
Data warehouse is the compilation of information in the form of mining data that is used to assist law enforcement data essay tracking the activities of terrorists, and other data activities in this country and throughout the world. Similarly, some states are using this technology in a more encouraging manner by analyzing their departmental data and [EXTENDANCHOR]. One state that is currently [URL] this technology is the state of Iowa.
In essay to use data warehousing and data mining resourcefully, Iowa has determined that a logical structure warehouse first be created. The reason why it was created is to essay the state a better ability to deliver data, such as child welfare, veteran affairs, criminal and [EXTENDANCHOR] tax revenue, or to track the government and educational services data to a child as he or she grows up to try to find out why one child ends up in jail and the mining data not.
With any luck, according to state officials, one mining warehouse and eventually serve the entire state. Some warehouses may not be equipped to use data warehousing on such a scale as Iowa.
In New York City for warehouse, the development of a massive data warehouse is under way. New York has designed their own data warehouse and have extracted and organized data into a database for use by analytical, essay and decision support applications [EXTENDANCHOR] assist with state programs.
Identification of the data that had the most immediate interest for all state agencies and out to be finance, payroll and personnel data that each agency can access and analyze readily.