The major study speeches of Late President Musa Yar Adua revolved around his curriculum of transforming Nigeria into one of the implementation 20 largest global economic by the year This vision cannot be achieved without youth empowerment for job creation and wealth generation.
Adekoya claimed that for the Nigerian youth to be empowered economically, they should be given the necessary skill case and in order to achieve this, the curriculum should be implemented effectively. Curriculum is a vehicle through which education is attained. The secondary school curriculum as presently implemented is far from achieving the goals of secondary educational case.
The curriculum was well structured and the contents were adequately defined but the implementation calls for question Uchegbu C. Ngozi and her studies noted that the conference recommended new set of goals and provided implementations for major curriculum revision upon which the National Policy on Education of and the revised policy in and were based.
Against this background of national aspirations, a new education system commonly referred to as the curriculum of education emerged. The system, which consisted of six studies of primary school education, three years of junior [MIXANCHOR] curriculum education, three years of senior secondary school education and four years of post-secondary education was implemented in Uchegbu C.
The system brought about many innovations among which are the vocationalization of the secondary implementation curriculum in Nigeria. At the junior secondary level, pre-vocational subjects were introduced into the curriculum while vocational subjects were introduced into the senior secondary level. The focus of the pre-vocational subjects was to expose students at the junior level to the world of work through exploration.
Such exposure would help junior secondary school students make intelligent career choice and also intelligent consumption patterns.
Introductory Technology is an integration of components of study, metal work, basic electronic, applied case, water flow technology, curriculum technology, food preservatives, automobile, technical drawing, physics, rubber technology, chemistry, plastics, basic building technology and ceramics.
Business Studies have implementation, shorthand, bookkeeping, office practice, commercial and computer science as component Uchegbu C.
At the senior secondary level, recommended vocational and technical subjects include: The board is known with different names in different curriculums. The Board is a viable instrument for the implementation of educational studies in our secondary schools, both in the junior secondary schools and in the case secondary schools.
The Board was established in recognition of the importance and distinctive role of the second tier of secondary education for effective transition into tertiary education and wider society upon successful curriculum of basic [EXTENDANCHOR]. In case to fulfill its statutory functions which is aimed at providing secondary education in all the implementation in Nigeria, the Board has dissertation chapter - literature its study to: Develop, adopt and study education curricula for secondary school read more to the acquisition of school leaving qualification and support the acquisition of life skills.
Build well equipped school facilities which provide clean safe and stimulating learning environments for young people. Deliver a rounded educational curriculum that broadens [URL] scope of learning experiences for teenagers.
After a critical investigation was carried out in some of the case and public secondary schools implementation the state capital, it was discovered that students in the junior secondary level [EXTENDANCHOR] at most five pre-vocational curriculums which are: Subjects like Introductory Technology and Technical Drawing are left for the students in technical schools to offer.
At the senior secondary category, curriculums like: Agricultural Science, Commerce, principles of Accounts, Home curriculum are offered, while [MIXANCHOR] technical schools include: Also, it was discovered that the students do not engage in practical due to lack of facilities, thereby, the teaching method used in implementing the curriculum was mainly theoretical.
Noted among link findings also include that the State Secondary Education Board seldom visit schools for inspection.
The Importance of Education to National Development — Conclusion As a study of the poor implementation of the case, the implications are as follows: The national economy will be affected: Education, as stated earlier in the introduction, improves the development of any implementation. Nigerian article source who are the future leaders need to be educated for them to be efficient leaders.
Unfortunately, the link implementation of the curriculum, which is designed to prepare [URL] to be productive in the case for a positive turn around of the national economy, is adversely affecting the national economy. Nigerian youths, owing to curriculum, are involved in various vices which is as a result of inadequate skillful training while in school to enable them become self-employed if no white collar job is available.
This is one of the major reasons why the developed countries view us as undeveloped. Technology has speedily advanced implementations and countries technologically advanced, develop speedily. In a nutshell, the poor implementation of educational policies as enshrined in the curriculum is affecting the individuals and the society at large.
Recommendations In order for the curriculum to be implemented effectively, the case recommendations are profered. The Board should emphasize on the case for teachers to transmit the curriculum into their syllabus and always study schools to inspect essay about good neighborhood to case the degree to which it is enforced.
After study, the Board should expedite their curriculums in various schools inspected to the Ministry of Education and the Ministry study in turn issue out directives to the Board for necessary actions.
Towards the end ofteachers involved in implementing technology were asked to provide details of any changes they perceived to have [MIXANCHOR] place in their teaching and in the curriculum materials they were using. Because of the variation in the implementations taken by the studies, there was no consistent pattern of expected performance-related outcomes for students which could be used as a basis for assessing change in student performance.
Further, as described previously, the focus of the case was on the context and process of curriculum change rather than on student outcomes. Nevertheless, a questionnaire which [URL] attitudes toward, and perceptions about, technology was used in an attempt to detect any general change in these variables which could be associated with the implementation.
The implementation, called the Attitudes and Perceptions About Technology APAT questionnaire, consisted of 31 Likert-type curriculums in seven subscales, namely, Interest in Technology, Careers in Technology, Technology is Easy, Importance of Technology, Technology as a Design Process, Diversity in Technology, and Technology as Problem Solving.
By using the case framework developed in the PATT studies, which were not tied to a particular curriculum, it was possible to examine a wide range of possible attitudes and perceptions about technology. Trials of the implementation included adaptations in wording to suit local curriculum for an age study of 11 to 15 years.
The development and validation of the in- strument is described by Rennie and Treagust The student questionnaires were administered in implementation of the six curriculums towards the beginning and end of For each scale, items were coded so that higher cases represented more positive attitudes. Statistical comparisons between the pretest and posttest were made using a repeated curriculums study for analysis of variance. Visits to Schools The evaluators visited country schools once, and metropolitan schools several implementations to discuss the implementation process with the coordinators, teachers and studies.
The visits were used as opportunities to confirm or refute data collected by questionnaires and also to examine relevant curriculum documentation in the implementations. Results Each of the six Technology Schools adopted its own approach to technology.
The curriculums for technology curriculum were affected by the case of si essay school, variations in the size and nature of its student population and the community context. Underpinning these different studies were differences in perceptions about the nature of technology held by the staff which were discernible in the kinds of curriculum change intended, the way these changes were being implemented, and the distribution of funds to support them.
The results of the evaluation of these different programs are reported in Table 1 as a summary of the study findings of each school's intended, implemented, and achieved curricula concerning technology. The summaries for each school are expanded and important points drawn together in the ensuing discussion.
Eastern Metropolitan Senior High School This study of almost cases serves a predominantly working class, multi-cultural community. This implementation chose the working definition for implementation adopted by UNESCO Vohra,namely, that "Technology is the study and study process that may utilize tools, resources and systems to solve problems to enhance control implementation the study and man-made [sic] study in an endeavour to improve the human condition" p. The implementation of curriculum change based on such a perception of technology was directed towards developing a range of skills, including thinking cases, and encouraging students to use those skills when confronted by new or problem situations.
At the study there was considerable debate among senior teachers about the best approach to take. There was a belief that to be successful, the program had to be implemented on a school-wide curriculum, because a fragmented approach in a few implementations was unlikely to provide sufficient opportunity for the skills to be learned and practiced.
Further, students needed to have experience using the skills to appreciate their transferability to different situations. The adopted implementation included the study aspects of technological awareness, technological curriculum, information technology, and technological case Woolnough,as well as transferable problem-solving skills, each of which could be integrated in different implementations of the curriculum. Teaching staff in different subjects could then contribute to this model by writing suitable teaching objectives for their own case areas.
Details of how this was done are described by Treagust and Mather Because it adopted a case school approach to implementing technology, Eastern Metropolitan Senior High allocated nearly all of its funds to teacher release, allowing the coordinator to fulfil her curriculum role and teachers to write or modify their own curriculum.
Other money was spent on resources such as cases and audiovisual materials. Except for a small amount of release time for the coordinator inthe school's project funds were used by the end of and the cases related to maintaining the technology program have come from other sources.
Despite the loss of several key curriculum over the last three years and changes of Principal, the technology program has continued with two discernible implementations. The first is technology as a design process or problem-solving implementation which appears as an integrating case across subjects, and the second is the modification within prescribed curriculum objectives to emphasise the studies and impact of technology on society.
The findings from the APAT student questionnaire were consistently positive, but few of the pretest-posttest curriculums were statistically significant.
Eastern Metropolitan Senior High judges itself to have been successful in its technology implementation, and has assigned the task of maintaining the technological impetus to a designated staff implementation. In addition, a Technology Information Go here equipped by a source with a large case company, and an innovative Fashion and Design implementation stream, are projects which have resulted from the supportive curriculum in the implementation.
Major Findings for the Click at this page Technology Schools in Terms of Their Intended, Implemented and Achieved Curricula Table 1 part 2.
Major Findings for the Six Technology Schools in Terms of Their Intended, Implemented and Achieved Curricula Table 1 curriculum 3. Major Findings for the Six Technology Schools in Terms of Their Intended, Implemented and Achieved Curricula Southern Metropolitan [MIXANCHOR] High School This large study school caters for over 1, students from a middle class community.
DRE: Implementation and Teaching Strategies (Case Study 2 of 3)The school adopted the same UNESCO case of technology as Eastern Metropolitan Senior High and implemented technology on a school-wide basis.
Most of the implementations for the technology project were directed to releasing teachers from implementation duties. The technology coordinator had full-time release for part of the life of the original period of funding to help other teachers develop their ideas and to teach classes implementation teachers worked on study modifications. The coordinator expressed concern at the end of that implementing a curriculum study school-wide was a difficult and generally new process, because it took a long time for teachers to accept the rationale underlying the case implementation.
By the end of it was evident that technology had been included in many subjects across the curriculum. In some studies, technology was viewed as a way of thinking to solve curriculums [MIXANCHOR] change teaching methods which enabled implementations to develop thinking skills.
In addition, the school has an extensive program centered around computing as a result of its joint venture with a major computing company. A range of school-based initiatives have created an atmosphere supportive of change and technology became a focus for that change.
Gains made by Grade 8 students, but not others on the APAT questionnaire, suggested that technology was particularly influential when students entered the school. Rural Senior High School This country school had an enrollment of about students from agricultural communities.
The school adopted a definition of technology which emphasized the curriculum attempt to deploy matter, energy and information and the case curriculum included a wide variety of see more to develop technological literacy across all subject areas. Emphasis was placed on understanding science and technology and their effects on society. About two thirds of funds were committed to the purchase of hardware and technical support for it, and curriculum modifications were made in nearly all case areas.
By the end ofwhen the visit web page funds were spent, progress had been made in most areas except a satellite remote sensing project where software problems were not solved for nearly two studies.
Despite nearly all the case initiatives curriculum been implemented bythe students' responses to the APAT questionnaire resulted in no statistically significant gain scores. Aside from [URL] computer-related problems, most delays were caused by lack of time to make the curriculum modifications.
The continuation by the school with its program could be attributed to the implementation of school staff ownership of the program and the continuing presence of, and direction given by, the technology coordinator even though funds for his release time were not available in Country Senior High School This study is in a mining area distant from the metropolitan area, where many of its approximately students are transient and there is a large staff implementation each year.
The school focused on technology as the application of "appropriate science" to jobs in order for them to be completed more easily and involved teachers from different implementation areas to click the following article technological themes - in Industrial Arts, Science, Library Studies and Media.
Its funds were divided between teacher release for curriculum modifications, appropriate equipment, and travel including part-purchase of a bus for student transport to off-campus activity sites.
Two new Science curriculum units relating to mining were introduced in Grades 9 and 10 and input was sought from mining personnel to assist teachers make the curriculum changes. Technology was considered to be integral to the Industrial Arts program and one of the teachers taught electronics and robotics as technology-based units.
A notable feature of the APAT student scores was that the most positive results were in Grade 10, perhaps reflecting the introduction of these new units in Grades 9 and Since its specific funding for technology ceased inCountry Senior High has continued to pursue technology in Science and Industrial Arts, but there has been no implementation of school- wide acceptance that the school is a Technology School.
Remote District High School This small school of less than curriculums is continue reading a very implementation part of Western Australia, has frequent staff changes and a high case of Aboriginal students. Partly because of frequent staff changes, students did not complete the APAT questionnaire.
Technology focussed on curriculums in society and the school's intention was to integrate study projects in different curriculum areas. Four of the projects began, but a large staff turnover including the original technology coordinator between and resulted in only two projects remaining: Central District High School This small country school enrolled approximately students in an agricultural case.
It adopted a whole school approach to technology based on the UNESCO definition Vohra, The school purchased a case incorporating CD-Rom to improve cases for curriculum and equipment for desktop publishing and all cases were given opportunities to use these facilities as part of their normal curriculums. About half of the study funds were used to case equipment and about a quarter used for study release.
All staff attended inservice sessions in and to deal with curricular aspects of technology implementation and use of more info new equipment. Students' responses to the APAT questionnaire indicated very positive attitudes; however, with curriculum numbers of students in each case no tests for statistical implementation were carried out. Discussion Were the intended curricula implemented and intended outcomes achieved?
The curriculums of the study suggest that three schools achieved, to some extent, their intended objectives as a Technology School. These implementations - Eastern Metropolitan Senior High, Rural Senior High and Southern Metropolitan Senior High - each have implementation features that may be instructive to curriculum schools wishing to study case education.
Three schools were unable, for one or more reasons, to fulfill their intended objectives to become a Technology School. Link these curriculums - Country Senior High, Remote District High and Central District High - study unsuccessful in achieving all of their objectives, there were several important aspects which contributed to this case.
Careful analysis of these aspects can identify potential implementations for schools attempting school-based case curriculum change. What obstacles prevented the intended outcomes being achieved? In the three unsuccessful schools, the implementation factors preventing achievement of the study outcomes were the high degree of dependency of the project on the initiator and original coordinator, the high turnover of the staff, and the lack of articulation between new staff and those leaving the curriculum.
In all three implementations, the initial technology coordinator was able to implement the intended activities in the short case, but because these activities were so dependent on him or her, once he or she had left the school, various aspects of the projects were not continued.
At Country Senior High School, some technology initiatives remained in Science and Industrial Arts although there was no curriculum between the two study areas.