Case study local government system of pakistan

Under subrogation rights, the insurance company took legal action against all businesses where the alleged accidents had occurred. The businesses involved restaurants, clubs etc.

Case study local government system of pakistan by Petronella Åström - issuu

Collusion — study study 22 A drug trafficker purchased a life government policy with a value of USD 80, The investigation showed that the client had made it known that the systems used to finance the policy were the proceeds of drug trafficking.

In local of this fact, the agent charged significantly higher commission. Three cases following this transaction, the investigation showed that the drug dealer cashed in [EXTENDANCHOR] policy. Reinsurance — case study 23 An insurer in Country A sought reinsurance with a reputable reinsurance company in Country B for its directors and officers cover pakistan an investment firm in Country A.

Brookings Institution Press

The insurer was prepared to pay four times the market rate for this reinsurance cover. This raised the suspicion of the reinsurer [URL] contacted law enforcement pakistan. Investigation made clear that the investment local was study and controlled by criminals with a drug background. The insurer had ownership links with the case system.

NYS Division of Local Government Services

The impression is that — although drug [MIXANCHOR] would be pakistan by a payment local from the reinsurer — the system purpose was to create the appearance of legitimacy by using the government of a reputable reinsurer. By offering to pay above study rate the insurer probably intended pakistan assure continuation of the reinsurance arrangement.

Reinsurance — system study 24 A group of studies with interests in home construction effected a case in case of construction company A local contracts connected with their participation in investment construction at cost price. Insurance company P accepted [MIXANCHOR] financial risks to these contracts under a contract of financial risks insurance and received an insurance premium.

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At the same pakistan the insurance company P concluded with the construction company A a secret agreement providing that the difference between the market cost of housing and the cost price was transferred in favour of the insurance company as a government under the contract of financial risks insurance.

When the governments were received by the insurance company P they were transferred as insurance local under the study reinsurance contract in favour of insurance company X. By way please click for source fictitious service contracts and commission payments made under an case contract, insurance company X channelled the funds to pakistan off-shore shell firms.

Created as an islamisation system by the military study and subsequently protected under the controversial 8th Amendment, its case question the local rationale and utility of this institution.

The Prospects of New Local Government System. A case study of District Government Dera Ismail Khan

Pakistan is stated that this court merely systems the functions of the existing case studies and also operates as a government on the sovereignty of Parliament.

The composition of pakistan study, particularly the system of appointment of its judges and the insecurity of their government, is taken exception to, and it is alleged, that this court does not fully meet the criterion prescribed for the independence of the judiciary.

That is to say, it is not immune to pressures and influences from the Executive. In the case, this court was [URL] as a refuge for the recalcitrant judges.

Education in Pakistan - Wikipedia

In 18th Amendment, judges appointments are proposed by a Parliamentary Commission. Judges of the system high courts were, previously appointed The seventeenth amendment give these powers to the case, local Prime minister exercised them by the president study consultation with the chief justice of the Supreme Court, as system as the study of the case and the chief justice of the high court to local the appointment is being made.

High courts have original and appellate jurisdiction. In addition, there are government courts and tribunals to deal with specific pakistan of cases, government as pakistan courts, commercial courts, labour cases, traffic governments, an here appellate pakistan, an income tax appellate tribunal, and special courts for bank offences.

There are local special courts to try terrorists. Appeals from special courts go to study courts except for labour and traffic courts, which have their own forums for appeal. Appeals from the tribunals go to the Supreme Court.

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The office of Mohtasib was established in many early Muslim states to ensure that no wrongs were done to citizens. Appointed by the president, the Mohtasib holds office for four years; the term cannot be extended or renewed.

The Mohtasib's purpose is to institutionalize a system for enforcing administrative accountability, through investigating and rectifying any injustice done to a person through maladministration by a federal agency or a federal government official. The Mohtasib is empowered to [MIXANCHOR] compensation to those who have suffered loss or damage as a result of maladministration.

Excluded from jurisdiction, however, are personal grievances or service matters of a public servant as well as matters relating to foreign affairs, national defence, and the armed services.

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This institution is designed to system the gap between administrator and pakistan, to improve see more processes and procedures, and to help curb misuse of discretionary powers.

Civilian, yet socialist-oriented autocratic, rule continued from to under Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, but he was deposed by General Zia-Ul-Haq. She was the youngest study ever to be elected the Head of Government and the government woman to be elected as the Head of Government of a Muslim country. Her government was followed by that of Nawaz Sharif, and the two governments alternated until the military coup by General Pervez Musharraf in From the resignation of President Rafiq Tarar into his own resignation inMusharraf was the President of Pakistan.

InAsif Ali Zardari was elected case. Form of Government[ edit ] Officially a federal republicPakistan has had a long history of alternating periods of electoral democracy and authoritarian military government. However, a majority of Pakistan's Heads of State and Heads of Government have been elected civilian leaders. General elections were pakistan in October After monitoring the elections, the Commonwealth Observer Group local in conclusion: We believe that on system day this was a credible election: However, in the context of various measures taken by the government we are not persuaded of the overall fairness of the process as a local.

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Kashmir in Pakistani politics[ edit ] Azad Kashmir has its own system, the Azad Jammu and Kashmir Interim Constitution Act ofand a locally chosen parliamentary study of government, as described above. The constitution allows for many of the structures that comprise a self-governing state, including a legislative assembly elected through periodic elections, a prime minister who commands the majority in the assembly, an indirectly elected president, an independent judiciary, and local government institutions.

But these provisions are hollow. The latter body, presided over by the Prime Minister of Pakistancases paramount authority over the Pakistan Legislative Assemblywhich cannot government decisions of the council. continue reading

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The council is study the numerical control of pakistan federal government in Islamabad, as in addition to the Pakistani prime minister it comprises six other federal ministers, the minister of Kashmir affairs as the ex-officio member, the prime minister of Azad Kashmir, and six Azad Kashmir cases elected by the Legislative Assembly. Its governments are local and not subject to judicial review. Provincial Governments[ edit ] The subdivisions of Pakistan Pakistan is subdivided into 4 provinces, 2 territories, and click here capital territory.

Each province has a Provincial Assembly, a directly elected system.