Bend it like beckham essay conclusion
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Essay on importance of education in modern life lessons urbanisation essay conclusion reviews. It expressed the dilemmas faced by the young Indians living in Britain.
These kids try in vain to reconcile their parents values and culture into their own. Jessminder on the other hand wants to play football professionally.
The film shows various shades of Indian culture.
The bhangra music throughout the film gives it a unique Indian flavour. Another interesting thing learnt through this movie was that women were expected to know traditional indian dishes before they were married.
They were judged by the perfection in their cooking of these dishes. Indian culture also does not permit displaying public shows of affection.
Her parents are horrified and forbid her from wearing shorts and playing football with the boys in the park. This showed how closeknit the families are and how orthodox some Indian families remain even after staying in Britain for so long.
Indian culture encourages big ostentatious weddings.