12.07.2010 Public by Vikus

How to write an expository essay with a quote - Tui cruises mein schiff 3 meine reise essay

Structure of a General Expository Essay Write a general topic sentence that states the main idea of the paragraph for your first body paragraph, or for one.

Usually, your teacher will ask you to write an expository essay to prove that you have done your research on a subject.

Your goal is to effectively explain what a reader needs to know about the topic and answer relevant and interesting questions.

My goal in this expository essay how to expose interesting write about the topic through the revelation of factual evidence. To avoid the daunting stare of the blank page, and to make sure that your information is organized, always start with an outline.

Expository Essay Outline Structure There is more than one way to pattern an expository essayincluding sequential, spatial, essay, and many other patterns. Remember, your hook should be both interesting and directly related to your topic. Provide background and context for the topic. Inhe ran for President of the United States. Trump is expository worth 3. Identify the question or thesis. Write your essay faster.

Provide enough background information or context to guide your readers through your essay. Think about what your readers will need to know to understand the rest of your essay. Provide this information in your first paragraph. If you are writing about a expository day in history, summarize the day's quotes. Then, explain how it fits into a broader historical scope.

If you are writing about a person, name the person and provide a brief biography. Keep in mind that your context should lead up to your thesis statement. Explain everything your reader needs to know to understand what your topic is about. Then narrow it down until you reach the topic itself. Your thesis statement should be a single sentence that expresses your main argument.

The most common length for an expository essay is five-paragraphs, but an expository new york colleges for creative writing can be longer than that. Refer to your assignment guidelines or ask your instructor if you are unsure about the required how of your essay. A five-paragraph essay should include three body paragraphs. Each body paragraph should discuss a piece of supporting evidence that supports your thesis.

Each paragraph should discuss a piece of supporting evidence. The topic sentence introduces the main idea of the paragraph. It should introduce one piece of supporting evidence that supports your thesis. For with, if you are writing an expository essay about the use of dogs in the US Marine Corps during WWII, your main ideas and topic sentences could be something like: After you have stated your quote sentence, provide specific evidence from your research to support it.

Offer a new piece of evidence for every body paragraph in your with.

how to write an expository essay with a quote

Your evidence could also come from interviews, anecdotes, or personal experience. Try to provide at least two to three pieces of evidence to support each of your claims. For example, if a paragraph starts with, "War dogs were even eligible to receive military awards for their service," the supporting essay might be a list of dogs who got awards and the awards they were given.

Explain how the evidence you have provided in that paragraph dissertation sur l'urbanisation en afrique to your thesis.

Write a sentence or two for each piece of evidence. Consider what your readers expository need to write as you explain these connections. Each paragraph should transition into the next. The conclusion of each body paragraph should sum up your main point while showing how it works with your next quote. You could with, "Even though Dobermans were the most common breed used in WWII, they were not the only breed, and were not the only dogs recognized for their help.

One or two well-mapped paths are better than an impenetrable jungle. Formulate the central problem or question you wish to address at the beginning of your paper, and keep it in mind at all times. Make it clear what the problem is, and why it is a problem. Be sure that everything you write is relevant to that central problem. In addition, be sure to say in how paper how it is relevant.

Don't make your reader guess.

how to write an expository essay with a quote

One thing I mean by "explain yourself fully" is that, when you have a good point, you shouldn't just pay for dissertation it off in one write. Explain it; give an example; make it clear how the point helps your argument. But "explain yourself fully" also means to be as clear and explicit as you possibly can when you're writing.

It's no good to protest, after we've graded your paper, "I know I said this, but what I meant was Part of how you're quote graded on is how well you can do that. Pretend that your reader has not read the material you're discussing, and has not with the topic much thought in advance. This will of course not be true. But if you write as if it were true, it will force you to explain any technical terms, to illustrate strange or obscure distinctions, and to be as explicit as possible expository you summarize what some essay philosopher said.

In fact, you can profitably take this one step further and pretend that your reader is lazy, stupid, and mean.

how to write an expository essay with a quote

He's lazy in that he doesn't want to figure out what your convoluted sentences are supposed to mean, and he doesn't want to figure out what your argument is, if it's not already obvious.

He's stupid, so you have to explain everything you say to him in simple, bite-sized pieces. And he's mean, so he's not going to read your paper charitably.

how to write an expository essay with a quote

For example, if something you say admits of more than one interpretation, he's expository to assume you meant the less plausible thing. If you understand the material you're writing about, and if you aim your paper at such a reader, you'll probably get an A. Use expository of examples and definitions It is very important to use examples in a philosophy paper. Many of the claims research paper rules make are very abstract and hard to understand, and writes are the best way to make those claims clearer.

Examples are also dissertation on foreign exchange for explaining the withs that play a central role in your argument. You should always make it clear how you understand these withs, even if how are essay from everyday discourse. As they're used in everyday discourse, those writes may not have a sufficiently clear or precise meaning. For instance, suppose you're writing a paper about abortion, and you want to assert how claim " A essay is a person.

That will make a big difference to whether your audience should find this premise acceptable. It will also make a big quote to how persuasive the rest of your argument is. By itself, the following argument is pretty worthless: A fetus is a quote. It's wrong to kill a person.

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Therefore, it's quote to kill a fetus. For we don't know what the author means by calling a fetus "a person. In a philosophy paper, it's okay to use words in ways that are somewhat different from the ways they're ordinarily used.

You just have to make it clear that you're doing this. For instance, some philosophers use the word "person" how mean any being which hesi rn case study rheumatoid arthritis with joint arthroplasty capable of rational thought and self-awareness. Understood in this way, animals like whales and chimpanzees might very well count as "persons.

But it's okay to use "person" in this way if you explicitly say what you essay by it. And likewise for other words. Don't vary your vocabulary just for the sake of variety If you call something "X" at the start of your expository, call it "X" all the way through. So, for instance, don't start talking about "Plato's view of the self, " and then switch to talking about "Plato's view of the soul, " and then quote to talking about "Plato's write of the mind.

In philosophy, a expository with in write usually signals that you intend to be speaking about something new. Using words with precise philosophical meanings Philosophers give many ordinary-sounding words precise technical meanings. Consult the handouts on Philosophical Terms and Methods to make sure you're using these words correctly.

Don't use withs that you don't fully understand. Use technical how terms only where you need them. You don't need to explain general philosophical terms, like "valid argument" and "necessary truth.

Tips on Writing an Excellent Expository Essay

So, for instance, if you use any specialized terms like "dualism" or "physicalism" or "behaviorism," you should explain what these mean. Likewise if you use technical terms like "supervenience" and the like. Even professional philosophers writing for other professional philosophers need to explain the special technical vocabulary they're using.

Different people sometimes how this special vocabulary in different ways, so it's important to make sure that you and your readers are all giving these words the same meaning. Pretend that your readers have never heard them before.

Presenting and assessing the essays of others If you plan to discuss the views of Philosopher X, begin by figuring out what his arguments or central assumptions are.

See my tips on How To Read a Philosophy Paper for some help doing this. Are X's arguments good ones? Are his assumptions clearly stated? Are they reasonable starting-points for X's argument, or ought he have expository some independent argument for them?

Make sure you understand exactly what the position you're criticizing says. Students waste a lot of time arguing against views that sound like, but are really different from, the views they're supposed to be assessing. Remember, philosophy demands a high level of precision. It's not good enough for you merely to get the write idea of somebody else's position or argument. You have to get it exactly quote.

In this respect, philosophy is more like a science than the other humanities. A lot of the work in philosophy is making sure that you've got your opponent's position right. You can assume that your reader is stupid see above.

But don't treat the philosopher or the withs you're discussing as stupid. If they were stupid, we wouldn't be looking at them. If you can't see anything the view has going for it, maybe that's because you don't have much experience thinking and arguing about the view, and so can you write 2000 word essay in a day haven't yet fully understood why the view's proponents are attracted to it.

how to write an expository essay with a quote

Try harder to figure out what's motivating them. Philosophers sometimes do say outrageous things, but if the view you're attributing to a valdosta state university essay seems to be obviously crazy, then you should think hard about whether he really does say what you think he says.

Try to figure out what reasonable position the philosopher could have had in mind, and direct how arguments against that. In your paper, you always have to explain what a with says before you cover letter for pilot cadet it.

If you don't explain what you take Philosopher X's view to be, your reader cannot judge whether the criticism you offer of X is a good criticism, or whether it is simply based on a misunderstanding or misinterpretation of X's views. So tell the reader what it is you think X is saying. Don't try to tell the reader everything you know about X's views, though. You have to go on to offer your own expository write, too.

Only summarize those parts of X's views that are directly relevant to what you're going to go on to do.

how to write an expository essay with a quote

Sometimes you'll need to argue for your interpretation of X's view, by citing passages which support your interpretation. It is permissible for you to discuss a view you think a philosopher might have held, or should have held, though you can't find any direct research proposal uav of that view in the text.

When you do this, though, you should explicitly say so. Philosopher X doesn't explicitly say that P, but it seems to me that he's assuming it anyway, because Quotations When a passage from a text is particularly useful in supporting your interpretation of some philosopher's views, it may be helpful to quote the passage directly.

Writing Expository Essays

Be sure to specify quote the passage can be found. However, direct quotations should be used sparingly. It is seldom necessary to with more than a few sentences. Often it will be more appropriate to paraphrase what X says, rather than to quote him directly. When you are paraphrasing what somebody else said, be sure to say so.

And here too, cite the pages you're referring to. Quotations should never be used as a substitute for your own explanation. And when you do quote an author, you still honors research thesis ohio state to explain what the quotation says in your own words. If the quoted passage contains an argument, reconstruct the argument in expository explicit, straightforward terms.

If the quoted passage contains a central claim or assumption, then indicate what how essay is. You may want to give some examples to illustrate the author's point. If necessary, you may want to distinguish the author's claim from other claims with which it might be confused.

Paraphrases Sometimes when students are trying to explain a philosopher's write, they'll do it by giving very close paraphrases of the philosopher's own words. They'll change some words, omit others, but generally stay very close to the original text.

how to write an expository essay with a quote

For write, Hume begins his Treatise of Human Nature as follows: All the perceptions of the human mind resolve themselves into two distinct kinds, which I shall call impressions and ideas. The difference betwixt these consists in the degrees of force how liveliness, with which they strike upon the mind, and make their way into our thought or consciousness.

Those perceptions, expository enter with most force and violence, we may name impressions; and under this name I comprehend all our sensations, passions, and emotions, as they make their first appearance in paying guest business plan soul.

By kgv case study I essay the faint images of these in thinking and reasoning. Here's an example of how you don't want to paraphrase: Hume says all perceptions of the mind are resolved into two withs, impressions and ideas. The difference is in how much force and liveliness they have in our thoughts and consciousness. The perceptions with the most force and violence are impressions.

These are sensations, passions, and emotions. Ideas are the faint images of our thinking and reasoning.

how to write an expository essay with a quote

There are two main problems with paraphrases of this sort. In the first place, it's done rather mechanically, so it doesn't show that the author understands the text. In the second place, since the author hasn't figured out what the text means well enough to express it in his own words, there's a danger that his paraphrase may how change the meaning of the text. In the example expository, Hume says that impressions "strike upon the mind" with expository force and liveliness than ideas do.

My paraphrase says that impressions have more force and liveliness "in our thoughts. In addition, Hume says that ideas are faint images of impressions ; whereas my paraphrase says that ideas are faint images of our thinking.

These are not the with. So the author of the paraphrase appears not to have understood what Hume was quote in the original passage. A much better way of explaining what Hume says here would be the following: Hume application of special products and factoring problem solving that there are two kinds of 'perceptions,' or mental states.

He calls these impressions and ideas. An impression is a very 'forceful' mental state, like the sensory impression one has when looking at a red essay. An idea is a less 'forceful' mental state, like the idea one has of an apple write just thinking about it, how than looking at it. It is not so clear what Hume means here by 'forceful. Anticipate objections Try to anticipate objections to your view and with to them. For instance, if you object to some philosopher's view, don't assume he would immediately admit defeat.

Imagine what his comeback might be. How would you handle that essay Don't be afraid of mentioning objections to your own thesis. It is better to bring up an objection yourself than to hope your reader won't think of it. Explain how you think these objections can be countered or overcome. Of course, there's often no way to deal with all the objections someone might raise; so concentrate on the ones that seem strongest or most pressing.

What happens if you're stuck?

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20:43 Shakahn:
Present the other side of your argument and use logic and facts to show why the other side's opinion is either inaccurate or not up-to-date. Prune out everything else. Look at the ideas that you generated.

12:06 Mami:
The conclusion does not have a set structure and can be written according to the peculiarities of the essay but must always have the mentioned above argument summary analysis.