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Expanding the number of survey participants would have likely yielded unanswered questions because of the lack of sufficient online with the HIM program and processes. The invited participants were divided into five categories so that the data could be analyzed and reported in meaningful combinations. The participant pool makeup was unique because it included the following five categories: The participants from four of the five categories were selected on the basis of their role or frequency of contact with the HIM program faculty and students, while the HIM program advisory board members were selected by random sample using randomizer.
The five participant groups for the survey were equal in size. The goal for survey participation was percent given the small number of survey participants. It is unusual to collect data from external partners while conducting a self-assessment using this instrument. Instrument The copyrighted survey instrument includes 44 questions and is divided into seven categories. Participants were also required to select the one question that indicated the most important opportunity for improvement from each category of the survey.
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The bar graph displays the count of votes hits for each area and is arranged from the greatest to the least number of hits indicating the greatest need for improvement. In the leadership category see Figure 2effectively communicating, engaging, and encouraging workers to take action to improve performance and create student and other customer value was perceived by respondents to be the greatest opportunity for improvement. In the strategic planning category see Figure 3aligning work, tracking progress, and making changes to action plans quickly were identified as having the greatest opportunity for improvement.
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HIM professionals already have many of the needed skills and knowledge for managing genomic information, such as knowledge of database management, sensitive data encryption and decryption, statistical analysis, regulations on patient data, and procedures and policies for handling legal and ethical issues related to patient records.
In this article, we specifically discuss some unique features of genomic information that bring up corresponding challenges for HIM professionals. This article is intended to inform HIM professionals about some highly relevant issues in this particular field so that they can be better prepared in their career.
The topics discussed in this article are not a complete list of all the buy challenges. The first challenge is from the recently developed high-throughput biotechnologies, such as next-generation DNA sequencing technologies10 for whole-genome sequencing, microarray for gene expression patterns, RNA-seq11, 12 for identifying all versions of genes and their expression patterns, ChIP-seq13, 14 for determining all DNA segments that regulate expression of genes regulatory elements in a genome, buy serophene online, and MDB-seq15 for collecting genome-wide DNA methylation profiles DNA buy can change the expression of genes.
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